Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_total_users_returns_number_of_users(self):
        expected_number_of_users = 3

        total_users = cached_users.get_total_users()

        assert total_users == expected_number_of_users, total_users
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_limits_query(self):
        """Test API GET limits works"""
        owner = UserFactory.create()
        projects = ProjectFactory.create_batch(30, owner=owner)
        for project in projects:
            task = TaskFactory.create(project=project)

        res = self.app.get('/api/project')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 20, len(data)

        res = self.app.get('/api/project?limit=10')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 10, len(data)

        # DEPRECATED
        res = self.app.get('/api/project?limit=10&offset=10')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 10, len(data)
        assert data[0].get('name') == projects[10].name, data[0]

        # Keyset pagination
        url = '/api/project?limit=10&last_id=%s' % projects[9].id
        res = self.app.get(url)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 10, len(data)
        assert data[0].get('name') == projects[10].name, data[0]

        res = self.app.get('/api/task')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 20, len(data)

        res = self.app.get('/api/taskrun')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 20, len(data)


        res = self.app.get('/api/user')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 20, len(data)

        res = self.app.get('/api/user?limit=10')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 10, len(data)

        # DEPRECATED
        res = self.app.get('/api/user?limit=10&offset=10')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 10, len(data)
        assert data[0].get('name') == 'user11', data

        res = self.app.get('/api/user?limit=10&last_id=10')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 10, len(data)
        assert data[0].get('name') == 'user11', data
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_filter_by_one_condition(self):
        """Test filter_by returns a list of users that meet the filtering

        UserFactory.create_batch(3, locale='es')
        should_be_missing = UserFactory.create(locale='fr')

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.filter_by(locale='es')

        assert len(retrieved_users) == 3, retrieved_users
        assert should_be_missing not in retrieved_users, retrieved_users
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_filter_by_multiple_conditions(self):
        """Test filter_by supports multiple-condition queries"""

        UserFactory.create_batch(2, locale='es', privacy_mode=True)
        user = UserFactory.create(locale='es', privacy_mode=False)

        retrieved_users = self.user_repo.filter_by(locale='es',

        assert len(retrieved_users) == 1, retrieved_users
        assert user in retrieved_users, retrieved_users
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_filter_by_limit_offset(self):
        """Test that filter_by supports limit and offset options"""

        all_users = self.user_repo.filter_by()

        first_two = self.user_repo.filter_by(limit=2)
        last_two = self.user_repo.filter_by(limit=2, offset=2)

        assert len(first_two) == 2, first_two
        assert len(last_two) == 2, last_two
        assert first_two == all_users[:2]
        assert last_two == all_users[2:]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_get_query_with_api_key_and_all(self):
        """ Test API GET query with an API-KEY requesting all results"""
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=users[0], info={'total': 150})
        task = TaskFactory.create(project=project, info={'url': 'my url'})
        taskrun = TaskRunFactory.create(task=task, user=users[0],
                                        info={'answer': 'annakarenina'})
        for endpoint in self.endpoints:
            url = '/api/' + endpoint + '?api_key=' + users[1].api_key + '&all=1'
            res = self.app.get(url)
            data = json.loads(res.data)

            if endpoint == 'project':
                assert len(data) == 1, data
                project = data[0]
                assert project['info']['total'] == 150, data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res

            if endpoint == 'task':
                assert len(data) == 1, data
                task = data[0]
                assert task['info']['url'] == 'my url', data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res

            if endpoint == 'taskrun':
                assert len(data) == 1, data
                taskrun = data[0]
                assert taskrun['info']['answer'] == 'annakarenina', data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res

            if endpoint == 'user':
                assert len(data) == 3, data
                user = data[0]
                assert user['name'] == 'user1', data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res
Exemplo n.º 7
 def setUpClass(self):
     Create user locations if does not exist already
     if not UserLocation.objects.all():            
         fnames, lnames = self.create_names_list()
         # Iterate 50 times to create batch profiles of about 10000 users
         for iteration in range(50):
             fname = (random.choice(fnames)).lower()
             lname = (random.choice(lnames)).lower()
             sname = fname[0] + lname
             users = UserFactory.create_batch(200, 
             for user in users:
                 # Create a batch of 200 userlocations corresponding 
                 # to each user 
                 new_lat,new_lng = self.calc_rand_loctn( 40.7033127,
                 UserLocationFactory.create( lat=new_lat, 
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_05_app_stats_index(self):
     '''Test PRIVACY project stats privacy is respected'''
     # As Anonymou user
     admin, user, owner = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
     task = TaskFactory.create(n_answers=3)
     TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, task=task)
     url = '/project/%s/stats' % task.project.short_name
     res = self.app.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
     dom = BeautifulSoup(res.data)
     err_msg = 'Project Stats page should not be shown to anonymous users'
     assert dom.find(id='enforce_privacy') is not None, res.data
     # As Authenticated user but NOT ADMIN
     res = self.app.get(url + '?api_key=%s' % user.api_key,
     dom = BeautifulSoup(res.data)
     err_msg = 'Project Stats page should not be shown to authenticated users'
     assert dom.find(id='enforce_privacy') is not None, err_msg
     # As Authenticated user but ADMIN
     res = self.app.get(url + '?api_key=%s' % admin.api_key,
     dom = BeautifulSoup(res.data)
     err_msg = 'Project Stats page should be shown to admin users'
     assert dom.find(id='enforce_privacy') is None, err_msg
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_delete_helpingmaterial(self, mock_delete):
        """Test API HelpingMaterialpost delete post (DEL)."""
        mock_delete.return_value = True
        admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        file_info = {'file_name': 'name.jpg', 'container': 'user_3'}
        helpingmaterial = HelpingMaterialFactory.create(project_id=project.id,
        helpingmaterial2 = HelpingMaterialFactory.create(project_id=project.id)

        # As anon
        url = '/api/helpingmaterial/%s' % helpingmaterial.id
        res = self.app.delete(url)
        assert res.status_code == 401, res.status_code

        # As user
        url = '/api/helpingmaterial/%s?api_key=%s' % (helpingmaterial.id, user.api_key)
        res = self.app.delete(url)
        assert res.status_code == 403, res.status_code

        # As owner
        url = '/api/helpingmaterial/%s?api_key=%s' % (helpingmaterial.id, owner.api_key)
        res = self.app.delete(url)
        assert res.status_code == 204, res.status_code

        # As admin
        url = '/api/helpingmaterial/%s?api_key=%s' % (helpingmaterial2.id, admin.api_key)
        res = self.app.delete(url)
        assert res.status_code == 204, res.status_code
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_get_users_page_only_returns_users_with_contributions(self):
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(2)

        users_with_contrib = cached_users.get_users_page(1)

        assert len(users_with_contrib) == 1, users_with_contrib
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_owner_user_cannot_read_project_auditlogs(self):
        """Test owner users cannot read auditlogs of a specific project"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)

        assert_raises(Forbidden, ensure_authorized_to, 'read', Auditlog, project_id=project.id)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_owner_user_cannot_read_project_webhooks(self):
        """Test owner users can read webhooks of a specific project"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)

        assert_not_raises(Exception, ensure_authorized_to, 'read', Webhook, project_id=project.id)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_announcement_post(self):
        """Test API Announcement creation."""
        admin, user = UserFactory.create_batch(2)

        payload = dict(title='hello', body='world')

        # As anon
        url = '/api/announcement'
        res = self.app.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload))
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 401, data
        assert data['status_code'] == 401, data

        # As a user
        url = '/api/announcement?api_key=%s' % user.api_key
        res = self.app.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload))
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 403, data
        assert data['status_code'] == 403, data

        # As admin
        url = '/api/announcement?api_key=%s' % admin.api_key
        res = self.app.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload))
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 200, data
        assert data['title'] == 'hello', data
        assert data['body'] == 'world', data
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_anon_week(self):
     """Test JOB leaderboard returns anon active week runs."""
     users = UserFactory.create_batch(20)
     for user in users:
     top_users = get_leaderboard()
     assert len(top_users) == 20, len(top_users)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_pro_user_cannot_read_project_auditlogs(self):
        """Test pro users cannot read auditlogs from a non-owned project"""

        users = UserFactory.create_batch(2, pro=True)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=users[0])

        assert self.mock_pro.id != project.owner_id
        assert_raises(Forbidden, ensure_authorized_to, 'read', Auditlog, project_id=project.id)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_admin_user_can_read_project_webhooks(self):
        """Test admin users can read webhooks from a project"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)

        assert self.mock_admin.id != project.owner_id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, ensure_authorized_to, 'read', Webhook, project_id=project.id)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_pro_user_can_read_project_auditlogs(self):
        """Test pro users cannot read auditlogs from an owned project"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2, pro=True)[1]
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)

        assert self.mock_pro.id == project.owner_id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, ensure_authorized_to, 'read', Auditlog, project_id=project.id)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_get_query_with_api_key_context(self):
        """ Test API GET query with an API-KEY requesting only APIKEY results."""
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(4)
        project_oc = ProjectFactory.create(owner=users[0], info={'total': 150})
        projects = ProjectFactory.create_batch(3, owner=users[1])
        task_oc = TaskFactory.create(project=project_oc, info={'url': 'my url'})
        taskrun_oc = TaskRunFactory.create(task=task_oc, user=users[0],
                                        info={'answer': 'annakarenina'})
        for p in projects:
            print p.owner_id
            task_tmp = TaskFactory.create(project=p)

        # For project owner with associated data
        for endpoint in self.endpoints:
            url = '/api/' + endpoint + '?api_key=' + users[0].api_key
            res = self.app.get(url)
            data = json.loads(res.data)

            if endpoint == 'project':
                assert len(data) == 1, data
                project = data[0]
                assert project['owner_id'] == users[0].id, project['owner_id']
                assert project['info']['total'] == 150, data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res

            if endpoint == 'task':
                assert len(data) == 1, data
                task = data[0]
                assert task['project_id'] == project_oc.id, task
                assert task['info']['url'] == 'my url', data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res

            if endpoint == 'taskrun':
                assert len(data) == 1, data
                taskrun = data[0]
                assert taskrun['project_id'] == project_oc.id, taskrun
                assert taskrun['info']['answer'] == 'annakarenina', data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res

        # For authenticated with non-associated data
        for endpoint in self.endpoints:
            url = '/api/' + endpoint + '?api_key=' + users[3].api_key

            res = self.app.get(url)
            data = json.loads(res.data)

            if endpoint == 'project':
                assert len(data) == 0, data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res

            if endpoint == 'task':
                assert len(data) == 0, data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res

            if endpoint == 'taskrun':
                assert len(data) == 0, data
                assert res.mimetype == 'application/json', res
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_admin_user_can_read_auditlog(self):
        """Test admin users can read an auditlog"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        log = AuditlogFactory.create(project_id=project.id)

        assert self.mock_admin.id != project.owner_id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, ensure_authorized_to, 'read', log)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_owner_read_blogposts_for_given_draft_project(self):
        """Test authenticated user can read blogposts of a given draft project if
        is the project owner"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner, published=False)

        assert self.mock_authenticated.id == project.owner.id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, ensure_authorized_to, 'read', Blogpost, project_id=project.id)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_owner_delete_blogpost(self):
        """Test authenticated user can delete a blogpost if is the post owner"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        project = ProjectFactory.create()
        blogpost = BlogpostFactory.create(project=project, owner=owner)

        assert self.mock_authenticated.id == blogpost.owner.id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, ensure_authorized_to, 'delete', blogpost)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_get_users_page_supports_pagination(self):
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        for user in users:

        paginated_users = cached_users.get_users_page(page=2, per_page=1)

        assert len(paginated_users) == 1, paginated_users
        assert paginated_users[0]['id'] == users[1].id
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_non_owner_authenticated_user_create_blogpost_for_given_project(self):
        """Test authenticated user cannot create blogposts for a given project
        if is not the project owner, even if is admin"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)

        assert self.mock_admin.id != project.owner.id
        assert_raises(Forbidden, ensure_authorized_to, 'create', Blogpost, project_id=project.id)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_non_owner_authenticated_user_create_blogpost_for_given_app(self):
        """Test authenticated user cannot create blogposts for a given project
        if is not the project owner, even if is admin"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        app = AppFactory.create(owner=owner)

        assert self.mock_admin.id != app.owner.id
        assert_raises(Forbidden, getattr(require, 'blogpost').create, app_id=app.id)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_owner_create_given_blogpost(self):
        """Test authenticated user can create a given blogpost if is project owner"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        app = AppFactory.create(owner=owner)
        blogpost = BlogpostFactory.build(app=app, owner=owner)

        assert self.mock_authenticated.id == app.owner_id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, getattr(require, 'blogpost').create, blogpost)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_owner_delete_blogpost(self):
        """Test authenticated user can delete a blogpost if is the post owner"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        app = AppFactory.create()
        blogpost = BlogpostFactory.create(app=app, owner=owner)

        assert self.mock_authenticated.id == blogpost.owner.id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, getattr(require, 'blogpost').delete, blogpost)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_owner_read_blogposts_for_given_hidden_app(self):
        """Test authenticated user can read blogposts of a given hidden project if
        is the project owner"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        app = AppFactory.create(owner=owner, hidden=1)

        assert self.mock_authenticated.id == app.owner.id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, getattr(require, 'blogpost').read, app_id=app.id)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_owner_create_blogpost_for_given_app(self):
        """Test authenticated user can create blogposts for a given project
        if is project owner"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        app = AppFactory.create(owner=owner)

        assert self.mock_authenticated.id == app.owner.id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, getattr(require, 'blogpost').create, app_id=app.id)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_owner_create_given_blogpost(self):
        """Test authenticated user can create a given blogpost if is project owner"""

        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        blogpost = BlogpostFactory.build(project=project, owner=owner)

        assert self.mock_authenticated.id == project.owner_id
        assert_not_raises(Exception, ensure_authorized_to, 'create', blogpost)
 def test_transfer_auth_not_owner_get(self):
     """Test transfer ownership page is forbidden for not owner."""
     admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
     project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
     url = '/project/%s/transferownership?api_key=%s' % (project.short_name,
     res = self.app_get_json(url, follow_redirects=True)
     data = json.loads(res.data)
     assert data['code'] == 403, data
    def test_transfer_auth_admin_post(self):
        """Test transfer ownership page post is ok for admin."""
        admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        url = '/project/%s/transferownership?api_key=%s' % (project.short_name,

        assert project.owner_id == owner.id
        payload = dict(email_addr=user.email_addr)
        res = self.app_post_json(url, data=payload, follow_redirects=True)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert data['next'] is not None, data

        err_msg = "The project owner id should be different"
        assert project.owner_id == user.id, err_msg
Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_announcement_put_file(self):
        """Test API Announcement file upload update."""
        admin, user = UserFactory.create_batch(2)
        announcement = AnnouncementFactory.create()

        img = (io.BytesIO(b'test'), 'test_file.jpg')

        payload = dict(file=img)

        # As anon
        url = '/api/announcement/%s' % announcement.id
        res = self.app.put(url,
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 401, data
        assert data['status_code'] == 401, data

        # As a user
        img = (io.BytesIO(b'test'), 'test_file.jpg')

        payload = dict(file=img)

        url = '/api/announcement/%s?api_key=%s' % (announcement.id,
        res = self.app.put(url,
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 403, data
        assert data['status_code'] == 403, data

        # As admin
        img = (io.BytesIO(b'test'), 'test_file.jpg')

        payload = dict(file=img)

        url = '/api/announcement/%s?api_key=%s' % (announcement.id,
        res = self.app.put(url,
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 200, data
        container = "user_%s" % admin.id
        assert data['info']['container'] == container, data
        assert data['info']['file_name'] == 'test_file.jpg', data
        assert 'test_file.jpg' in data['media_url'], data
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_proxy_s3_error(self, create_connection):
        admin, owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        url = '/fileproxy/encrypted/s3/test/%s/file.pdf' % project.id
        task = TaskFactory.create(project=project, info={'url': url})

        signature = signer.dumps({'task_id': task.id})
        req_url = '%s?api_key=%s&task-signature=%s' % (url, admin.api_key,

        key = self.get_key(create_connection)
        key.get_contents_as_string.side_effect = S3ResponseError(
            403, 'Forbidden')

        res = self.app.get(req_url, follow_redirects=True)
        assert res.status_code == 500, res.status_code
Exemplo n.º 34
    def test_get_top5_users_24_hours_returns_best_5_users_only(self):
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(5)
        i = 5
        for user in users:
            TaskRunFactory.create_batch(i, user=user)
            i -= 1

        worst_user = UserFactory.create()

        top5 = stats.get_top5_users_24_hours()
        top5_ids = [top['id'] for top in top5]

        assert len(top5) == 5
        assert worst_user.id not in top5_ids
        for i in range(len(top5)):
            assert users[i].id == top5_ids[i]
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_password_not_required_for_owner_to_see_project(self, mock_user):
        """Test when the owner wants to visit a password
        protected project is able to do it"""
        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        configure_mock_current_user_from(owner, mock_user)
        assert owner.admin is False
        app = AppFactory.create(owner=owner)
        assert app.owner.id == owner.id

        for endpoint in self.endpoints_requiring_password:
            res = self.app.get('/app/%s%s' % (app.short_name, endpoint),
            assert 'Enter the password to contribute' not in res.data, endpoint
    def test_transfer_auth_owner_post_wrong_email(self):
        """Test transfer ownership page post is ok for wrong email."""
        admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        url = '/project/%s/transferownership?api_key=%s' % (project.short_name,

        assert project.owner_id == owner.id
        payload = dict(email_addr="*****@*****.**")
        res = self.app_post_json(url, data=payload, follow_redirects=True)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert data['next'] is not None, data
        assert "project owner not found" in data['flash'], data
        err_msg = "The project owner id should be the same"
        assert project.owner_id == owner.id, err_msg
Exemplo n.º 37
    def test_project_contact_no_auth(self):
        """Test Project Contact No Auth."""
        admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner,
                                        name='My New Project')

        # Obtain a CSRF key.
        csrf = self.get_csrf('/account/signin')

        # Make a request to the api.
        url = '/project/' + project.short_name + '/contact?api_key=' + user.api_key
        res = self.app.get(url, headers={'X-CSRFToken': csrf})

        # Verify status code from response.
        assert res.status_code == 405
Exemplo n.º 38
    def test_query_user(self):
        """Test API query for user endpoint works"""
        expected_user, other = UserFactory.create_batch(2)
        restricted = UserFactory.create(restrict=True)
        # When querying with a valid existing field which is unique
        # It should return one correct result if exists
        res = self.app.get('/api/user?name=%s' % expected_user.name)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 1, data
        assert data[0]['name'] == expected_user.name, data
        # Trying to change restrict
        res = self.app.get('/api/user?restrict=true')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 2, data
        for d in data:
            assert d['name'] != restricted.name, d

        # And it should return no results if there are no matches
        res = self.app.get('/api/user?name=Godzilla')
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 0, data

        # When querying with a valid existing non-unique field
        res = self.app.get("/api/user?locale=en")
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        # It should return 3 results, as every registered user has locale=en by default
        assert len(data) == 2, data
        # And they should be the correct ones
        assert (data[0]['locale'] == data[1]['locale'] == 'en'
                and data[0] != data[1]), data

        # When querying with multiple valid fields
        res = self.app.get('/api/user?name=%s&locale=en' % expected_user.name)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        # It should find and return one correct result
        assert len(data) == 1, data
        assert data[0]['name'] == expected_user.name, data
        assert data[0]['locale'] == 'en', data

        # When querying with non-valid fields -- Errors
        res = self.app.get('/api/user?something_invalid=whatever')
        err = json.loads(res.data)
        err_msg = "AttributeError exception should be raised"
        assert res.status_code == 415, err_msg
        assert err['action'] == 'GET', err_msg
        assert err['status'] == 'failed', err_msg
        assert err['exception_cls'] == 'AttributeError', err_msg
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_update_announcement(self):
        """Test API Announcement update post (PUT)."""
        admin, user = UserFactory.create_batch(2)
        announcement = AnnouncementFactory.create()

        # As anon
        announcement.title = 'new'
        announcement.body = 'new body'
        url = '/api/announcement/%s' % announcement.id
        res = self.app.put(url, data=json.dumps(announcement.dictize()))
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 401, res.status_code

        # As user
        announcement.title = 'new'
        announcement.body = 'new body'
        url = '/api/announcement/%s?api_key=%s' % (announcement.id,
        data = announcement.dictize()
        del data['id']
        del data['created']
        del data['updated']
        del data['user_id']
        res = self.app.put(url, data=json.dumps(data))
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 403, (res.status_code, res.data)

        # TODO: as project owner too?

        # As admin
        announcement.title = 'new'
        announcement.body = 'new body'
        url = '/api/announcement/%s?api_key=%s' % (announcement.id,
        payload = announcement.dictize()
        del payload['user_id']
        del payload['created']
        del payload['updated']
        del payload['id']
        payload['published'] = True
        res = self.app.put(url, data=json.dumps(payload))
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 200, data
        assert data['title'] == 'new', data
        assert data['body'] == 'new body', data
        assert data['updated'] != data['created'], data
        assert data['published'] is True, data
    def test_password_not_required_for_owner(self, mock_user):
        """Test when the owner wants to contribute to a password
        protected project is able to do it"""
        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        configure_mock_current_user_from(owner, mock_user)
        assert owner.admin is False
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        assert project.owner.id == owner.id

        res = self.app.get('/project/%s/newtask' % project.short_name, follow_redirects=True)
        assert 'Enter the password to contribute' not in res.data

        res = self.app.get('/project/%s/task/1' % project.short_name, follow_redirects=True)
        assert 'Enter the password to contribute' not in res.data
Exemplo n.º 41
    def test_number_of_active_users(self):
        """Test number of active users in last 30 days"""
        date_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        date_60_days_old = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() -  datetime.timedelta(60)).isoformat()

        recent_users = 4
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(recent_users)
        i = recent_users
        for user in users:
            TaskRunFactory.create_batch(i, user=user, finish_time=date_now)
            i -= 1

        old_user = UserFactory.create()
        TaskRunFactory.create(user=old_user, finish_time=date_60_days_old)

        total_users = stats.number_of_active_users()
        assert total_users == recent_users, "Total active users in last 30 days should be {}".format(recent_users)
Exemplo n.º 42
    def test_get_existing_token_authenticated_user(self):
        """Test authenticated user retrieves a given existing token"""

        user = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        user.info = create_tokens_for(user)

        # If the token exists, it should be retrieved
        res = self.app.get('/api/token/twitter?api_key=' + user.api_key)
        data = json.loads(res.data)

        assert data.get('twitter_token') is not None, data
        assert data.get(
            'twitter_token')['oauth_token'] == 'token-for-%s' % user.name
        assert data.get('twitter_token'
                        )['oauth_token_secret'] == 'secret-for-%s' % user.name
        # And no other tokens should
        assert data.get('facebook_token') is None, data
Exemplo n.º 43
    def test_rank_and_score(self):
        """Test CACHE USERS rank_and_score returns the correct rank and score"""
        i = 0
        project = ProjectFactory.create()
        tasks = TaskFactory.create_batch(4, project=project)
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(4)
        for user in users:
            i += 1
            taskruns = TaskRunFactory.create_batch(i, user=user, task=tasks[i - 1])

        first_in_rank = cached_users.rank_and_score(users[3].id)
        last_in_rank = cached_users.rank_and_score(users[0].id)
        print first_in_rank
        assert first_in_rank['rank'] == 1, first_in_rank['rank']
        assert first_in_rank['score'] == 4, first_in_rank['score']
        assert last_in_rank['rank'] == 4, last_in_rank['rank']
        assert last_in_rank['score'] == 1, last_in_rank['score']
Exemplo n.º 44
    def test_project_contact_no_project(self):
        """Test Project Contact No Project."""
        admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)

        # Obtain a CSRF key.
        csrf = self.get_csrf('/account/signin')

        # Make a request to the api.
        url = '/project/invalid/contact?api_key=' + user.api_key
        data = dict(message=u'hello')
        res = self.app.post(url,
                            headers={'X-CSRFToken': csrf},

        # Verify status code from response.
        assert res.status_code == 404
Exemplo n.º 45
    def test_proxy_regular_user_has_lock(self, http_get):
        res = MagicMock()
        res.json.return_value = {'key': 'testkey'}
        http_get.return_value = res

        admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(
            owner=owner, info={'ext_config': {
                'encryption': {
                    'key_id': 123

        encryption_key = 'testkey'
        aes = AESWithGCM(encryption_key)
        content = json.dumps(dict(a=1, b="2"))
        encrypted_content = aes.encrypt(content)
        task = TaskFactory.create(
            info={'private_json__encrypted_payload': encrypted_content})

        signature = signer.dumps({'task_id': task.id})
        url = '/fileproxy/encrypted/taskpayload/%s/%s?api_key=%s&task-signature=%s' \
            % (project.id, task.id, user.api_key, signature)

        with patch('pybossa.view.fileproxy.has_lock') as has_lock:
            has_lock.return_value = True
            with patch.dict(self.flask_app.config, self.app_config):
                res = self.app.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
                assert res.status_code == 200, res.status_code
                assert res.data == content, res.data

        with patch('pybossa.view.fileproxy.has_lock') as has_lock:
            has_lock.return_value = False
            with patch.dict(self.flask_app.config, self.app_config):
                res = self.app.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
                assert res.status_code == 403, res.status_code

        # coowner can access the task
        with patch('pybossa.view.fileproxy.has_lock') as has_lock:
            has_lock.return_value = False
            with patch.dict(self.flask_app.config, self.app_config):
                res = self.app.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
                assert res.status_code == 200, res.status_code
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_query_taskrun(self):
        """Test API query for taskrun with params works"""
        admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        owner.subadmin = True
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        task_runs = TaskRunFactory.create_batch(10, project=project)
        user = UserFactory.create()

        # Test for real field
        res = self.app.get('/api/taskrun?project_id=1&all=1&api_key=' + owner.api_key)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        # Should return one result
        assert len(data) == 10, data
        # Correct result
        assert data[0]['project_id'] == 1, data

        # Valid field but wrong value
        res = self.app.get('/api/taskrun?project_id=99999999&api_key=' + owner.api_key)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert len(data) == 0, data

        # Multiple fields
        res = self.app.get('/api/taskrun?project_id=1&task_id=1&api_key=' + owner.api_key)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        # One result
        assert len(data) == 1, data
        # Correct result
        assert data[0]['project_id'] == 1, data
        assert data[0]['task_id'] == 1, data

        # Limits
        res = self.app.get('/api/taskrun?project_id=1&limit=5&api_key=' + owner.api_key)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        for item in data:
            assert item['project_id'] == 1, item
        assert len(data) == 5, data

        # Keyset pagination
        url = '/api/taskrun?project_id=1&limit=5&last_id=%s&all=1&api_key=%s' % (task_runs[4].id, owner.api_key)
        res = self.app.get(url)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        for item in data:
            assert item['project_id'] == 1, item
        assert len(data) == 5, data
        assert data[0]['id'] == task_runs[5].id, data[0]['id']
Exemplo n.º 47
    def test_anon_week(self):
        """Test JOB leaderboard returns anon active week runs."""
        db.session.execute('''delete from "user";''')
        from pybossa.core import user_repo
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(20)
        restricted = UserFactory.create(restrict=True)
        for user in users:
        top_users = get_leaderboard()
        assert len(top_users) == 20, len(top_users)
        for u in top_users:
            assert u['name'] != restricted.name, u

        results = db.session.execute('select * from users_rank')
        for r in results:
            assert r.restrict is False, r
Exemplo n.º 48
    def test_task_with_signature(self, auth):
        """Get a list of tasks using a list of project_ids."""
        auth.return_value = True
        admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        tasks = TaskFactory.create_batch(2, project=project)

        url = '/api/task/%s?api_key=%s'

        with patch.dict(self.flask_app.config, {'ENABLE_ENCRYPTION': True}):
            for u in [owner, admin]:
                res = self.app.get(url % (tasks[0].id, u.api_key),
                assert 'signature' in json.loads(res.data)

            res = self.app.get(url % (tasks[0].id, user.api_key),
            assert 'signature' not in json.loads(res.data)
Exemplo n.º 49
 def create_result(self, n_results=1, n_answers=1, owner=None,
     if owner:
         owner = owner
         admin, owner, user = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
     project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
     tasks = []
     for i in range(n_results):
     for i in range(n_answers):
         for task in tasks:
             TaskRunFactory.create(task=task, project=project)
     if filter_by:
         return result_repo.filter_by(project_id=1)
         return result_repo.get_by(project_id=1)
Exemplo n.º 50
    def test_announcement_post_file(self):
        """Test API Announcement file upload creation."""
        admin, user = UserFactory.create_batch(2)

        img = (io.BytesIO(b'test'), 'test_file.jpg')

        payload = dict(file=img, hello='1')

        # As anon
        url = '/api/announcement'
        res = self.app.post(url,
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 401, data
        assert data['status_code'] == 401, data

        # As admin
        img = (io.BytesIO(b'test'), 'test_file.jpg')

        payload = dict(file=img, title='title', body='body')

        url = '/api/announcement?api_key=%s' % admin.api_key
        res = self.app.post(url,
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 200, data
        container = "user_%s" % admin.id
        assert data['info']['container'] == container, data
        assert data['info']['file_name'] == 'test_file.jpg', data
        assert 'test_file.jpg' in data['media_url'], data

        # As normal user
        img = (io.BytesIO(b'test'), 'test_file.jpg')

        payload = dict(file=img)

        url = '/api/announcement?api_key=%s' % user.api_key
        res = self.app.post(url,
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        assert res.status_code == 403, data
Exemplo n.º 51
    def test_newtask(self, get_pwd_manager, auth):
        """Get a list of tasks using a list of project_ids."""
        auth.return_value = True
        pwd_manager = MagicMock()
        pwd_manager.password_needed.return_value = False
        get_pwd_manager.return_value = pwd_manager

        users = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=users[1])
        tasks = TaskFactory.create_batch(2, project=project)

        url = '/api/project/%s/newtask?api_key=%s'

        with patch.dict(self.flask_app.config, {'ENABLE_ENCRYPTION': True}):
            for u in users:
                res = self.app.get(url % (project.id, u.api_key),
                task = json.loads(res.data)
                assert 'signature' in task
Exemplo n.º 52
    def test_password_not_required_for_owner(self, mock_user):
        """Test when the owner wants to contribute to a password
        protected project is able to do it"""
        owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)[1]
        configure_mock_current_user_from(owner, mock_user)
        assert owner.admin is False
        app = AppFactory.create(owner=owner)
        assert app.owner.id == owner.id

        res = self.app.get('/app/%s/newtask' % app.short_name,
        assert 'Enter the password to contribute' not in res.data

        res = self.app.get('/app/%s/task/1' % app.short_name,
        assert 'Enter the password to contribute' not in res.data
Exemplo n.º 53
    def test_get_top5_users_24_hours_returns_best_5_users_only(self):
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(4)
        restricted = UserFactory.create(restrict=True)
        i = 5
        for user in users:
            TaskRunFactory.create_batch(i, user=user)
            i -= 1

        worst_user = UserFactory.create()

        top5 = stats.get_top5_users_24_hours()
        top5_ids = [top['id'] for top in top5]

        assert len(top5) == 4, len(top5)
        assert worst_user.id not in top5_ids
        for i in range(len(top5)):
            assert users[i].id == top5_ids[i]
            assert users[i].restrict is False
            assert users[i].id != restricted.id
Exemplo n.º 54
 def test_06_user_public_profile(self):
     '''Test PRIVACY user public profile privacy is respected'''
     admin, user, owner = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
     # As Anonymou user
     url = '/account/%s' % owner.name
     res = self.app.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
     err_msg = 'Public User Profile page should not be shown to anonymous users'
     assert 'This feature requires being logged in' in res.data, err_msg
     # As Authenticated user but NOT ADMIN
     res = self.app.get(url + '?api_key=%s' % user.api_key, follow_redirects=True)
     dom = BeautifulSoup(res.data)
     err_msg = 'Public User Profile page should not be shown to authenticated users'
     assert dom.find(id='enforce_privacy') is not None, err_msg
     # As Authenticated user but ADMIN
     res = self.app.get(url + '?api_key=%s' % admin.api_key, follow_redirects=True)
     dom = BeautifulSoup(res.data)
     err_msg = 'Public User Profile page should be shown to admin users'
     assert dom.find(id='enforce_privacy') is None, err_msg
Exemplo n.º 55
 def test_04_global_stats_index(self):
     '''Test PRIVACY global stats privacy is respected'''
     admin, user, owner = UserFactory.create_batch(3)
     # As Anonymou user
     url = '/stats'
     res = self.app.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
     assert 'This feature requires being logged in' in res.data
     # As Authenticated user but NOT ADMIN
     res = self.app.get(url + '?api_key=%s' % user.api_key, follow_redirects=True)
     dom = BeautifulSoup(res.data)
     err_msg = 'Stats page should not be shown to authenticated users'
     assert dom.find(id='enforce_privacy') is not None, err_msg
     # As Authenticated user but ADMIN
     res = self.app.get(url + '?api_key=%s' % admin.api_key, follow_redirects=True)
     dom = BeautifulSoup(res.data)
     err_msg = 'Stats page should be shown to admin users'
     assert dom.find(id='enforce_privacy') is None, err_msg
Exemplo n.º 56
    def create_user_base(self):
        Create User base if does not exist already
        if not User.objects.all():
            users = []
            fnames, lnames = self.create_names_list()

            # Iterate 50 times to create batch profiles of about 10000 users
            for iteration in range(50):
                fname = (random.choice(fnames)).lower()
                lname = (random.choice(lnames)).lower()
                sname = fname[0] + lname

                # Create a batch of 200 users passing the short_name
Exemplo n.º 57
    def test_proxy_admin(self, create_connection):
        admin, owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(owner=owner)
        url = '/fileproxy/encrypted/s3/test/%s/file.pdf' % project.id
        task = TaskFactory.create(project=project, info={'url': url})

        signature = signer.dumps({'task_id': task.id})
        req_url = '%s?api_key=%s&task-signature=%s' % (url, admin.api_key,

        encryption_key = 'testkey'
        aes = AESWithGCM(encryption_key)
        key = self.get_key(create_connection)
        key.get_contents_as_string.return_value = aes.encrypt('the content')

        with patch.dict(self.flask_app.config,
                        {'FILE_ENCRYPTION_KEY': encryption_key}):
            res = self.app.get(req_url, follow_redirects=True)
            assert res.status_code == 200, res.status_code
            assert res.data == 'the content', res.data
Exemplo n.º 58
 def test_app_post_invalid_short_name(self):
     """Test API project POST returns error if short_name is invalid (i.e. is
         a name used by the Flask app as a URL endpoint"""
     users = UserFactory.create_batch(2)
     name = u'XXXX Project'
     data = dict(name=name,
                 long_description=u'Long Description\n================')
     data = json.dumps(data)
     res = self.app.post('/api/app?api_key=' + users[1].api_key, data=data)
     error = json.loads(res.data)
     assert res.status_code == 415, res.status_code
     assert error['status'] == 'failed', error
     assert error['action'] == 'POST', error
     assert error['target'] == 'app', error
     assert error['exception_cls'] == 'ValueError', error
     message = "Project short_name is not valid, as it's used by the system."
     assert error['exception_msg'] == message, error
Exemplo n.º 59
    def test_proxy_key_err(self, http_get, hdfs_get):
        res = MagicMock()
        res.json.return_value = {'error': 'an error occurred'}
        http_get.return_value = res

        admin, owner = UserFactory.create_batch(2)
        project = ProjectFactory.create(
            owner=owner, info={'ext_config': {
                'encryption': {
                    'key_id': 123
        url = '/fileproxy/hdfs/test/%s/file.pdf' % project.id
        task = TaskFactory.create(project=project, info={'url': url})

        signature = signer.dumps({'task_id': task.id})
        req_url = '%s?api_key=%s&task-signature=%s' % (url, admin.api_key,

        with patch.dict(self.flask_app.config, self.app_config):
            res = self.app.get(req_url, follow_redirects=True)
            assert res.status_code == 500, res.status_code
Exemplo n.º 60
    def test_delete_for_project_user(self):
        users = UserFactory.create_batch(2)
        projects = ProjectFactory.create_batch(2)
        types = [StatType.confusion_matrix, StatType.accuracy]
        for p in projects:
            for u in users:
                for t in types:
                    stat = PerformanceStatsFactory.create_batch(
                        2, project_id=p.id, user_id=u.id, stat_type=t)

        assert len(self.repo.filter_by()) == 16
        _type = types[0]
        user = users[0]
        project = projects[0]
        stats = self.repo.filter_by()
        assert len(stats) == 14
        assert all(stat.user_id != user.id or stat.project_id != project.id
                   or stat.stat_type != _type for stat in stats)