Exemplo n.º 1
class TeachingCreditOverrideForm(forms.Form):
    teaching_credits = TeachingCreditField(
        help_text='May be a fraction eg. 2/3')
    reason = forms.CharField(required=False,
                                 'size': 70,
Exemplo n.º 2
    class EntryForm(BaseEntryForm):

        CATEGORIES = Choices(
            ('BUYOUT', 'Course Buyout'),
            ('RELEASE', 'Teaching Release'),
            ('OTHER', 'Other'),

        category = forms.ChoiceField(label='Type', choices=CATEGORIES)
        teaching_credits = TeachingCreditField()
        reason = forms.CharField(max_length=255, required=False)
        funded_by = forms.CharField(label='Funded By', max_length=255, required=False)
        approved_by = forms.CharField(label='Approved By', max_length=255, required=False)
Exemplo n.º 3
    class EntryForm(BaseEntryForm):

        POSITIONS = Choices(
            ('UGRAD_DIRECTOR', 'Undergrad Program Director'),
            ('GRAD_DIRECTOR', 'Graduate Program Director'),
            ('DDP_DIRECTOR', 'Dual-Degree Program Director'),
            ('ASSOC_DIRECTOR', 'Associate Director/Chair'),
            ('DIRECTOR', 'School Director/Chair'),
            ('ASSOC_DEAN', 'Associate Dean'),
            ('DEAN', 'Dean'),
            ('OTHER', 'Other Admin Position'),

        position = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, choices=POSITIONS)
        teaching_credit = TeachingCreditField(required=False, initial=None)
Exemplo n.º 4
    class EntryForm(BaseEntryForm):
        position = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, choices=[])
        add_salary = AddSalaryField(required=False)
        add_pay = AddPayField(required=False)
        teaching_credit = TeachingCreditField(required=False)

        def post_init(self):
            # set the allowed position choices from the config from allowed units
            choices = FellowshipEventHandler.get_fellowship_choices(self.units, only_active=True)
            self.fields['position'].choices = choices

        def clean(self):
            data = self.cleaned_data
            if 'unit' not in data:
                raise forms.ValidationError("Couldn't check unit for fellowship ownership.")

            choices = FellowshipEventHandler.get_fellowship_choices([data['unit']], only_active=True)

            found = [short for short,long in choices if short == data['position']]
            if not found:
                raise forms.ValidationError("That fellowship is not owned by the selected unit.")

            return data
Exemplo n.º 5
    class EntryForm(BaseEntryForm):

        credit = TeachingCreditField(label='Teaching Credit', initial=2)