Exemplo n.º 1
    def icd9_unique(self, current_age=0, gender=None, n=2):
        class icd9_iterator():
            def __init__(self):
                self.i = 0
                self.j = 0
                self.n1 = 1000
                self.n2 = 200

            def __iter__(self):
                return self

            def __next__(self):
                if self.i < self.n1:
                    if self.j < self.n2:
                        res = str(self.i).zfill(3) + '.' + str(self.j)
                        self.j += 1
                        return res
                        self.j = 0
                        self.i += 1
                        if self.i == self.n1:
                            raise StopIteration()

                        return str(self.i).zfill(3) + '.' + str(self.j)
                    raise StopIteration()

        return stats.reservoir_sampling(icd9_iterator(), n)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def random_int_unique(cls, min=0, max=9999, n=2):
        Generate n unique random integers uniformly distributed
        in the specified range.

        if (max - min + 1) < n:
            raise Exception('Not possible to generate {0} unique numbers in the range from {1} to {2}'.format(
                            n, min, max))

        if n < 2:
            return cls.random_int(min=min, max=max, variance=variance, mean=mean)

        return stats.reservoir_sampling(iter(range(min, max)), n)