Exemplo n.º 1
def fpm_inf_cube_3x3(dm):
    print('Computing datacube of FPM influence functions... ')
    # Compute sampling of the pupil. Assume that it is square.
    dm.dx_dm = dm.dxi
    # Default to being centered on a pixel (FFT-style)
    if not hasattr(dm, 'centering'):
        dm.centering = 'pixel'
    # Compute coordinates of original influence function
    Ninf0 = dm.inf0.shape[0]
    x_inf0 = np.arange(-(Ninf0-1)/2, (Ninf0+1)/2) * dm.dx_inf0  # True for even- or odd-sized influence function maps as long as they are centered on the array.
    [Xinf0, Yinf0] = np.meshgrid(x_inf0, x_inf0)
    # Compute list of initial actuator center coordinates (in actuator widths).
    # Square grid
    [dm.Xact, dm.Yact] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, dm.Nact)-dm.xcent_dm, np.arange(0, dm.Nact)-dm.ycent_dm)  # in actuator widths
    x_vec = dm.Xact.flatten()
    y_vec = dm.Yact.flatten()
    dm.NactTotal = x_vec.size  # Total number of actuators in the 2-D array
    dm.infMaster = dm.inf0
    Nbox = dm.inf0.shape[0]
    dm.Nbox = Nbox
    print('FPM influence function size =\t%dx%d ' % (Nbox, Nbox))
    dm.xy_cent_act = np.vstack((x_vec, y_vec))  # in actuator widths
    # Pad the pupil to at least the size of the DM(s) surface(s) to allow all
    # actuators to be located outside the pupil.
    # (Same for both DMs)
    # Find actuator farthest from center:
    dm.r_cent_act = np.sqrt(dm.xy_cent_act[0, :]**2 + dm.xy_cent_act[1, :]**2)
    dm.rmax = np.max(np.abs(dm.r_cent_act))
    dm.absxymax = np.max(np.abs(dm.xy_cent_act))
    NpixPerActWidth = dm.dm_spacing / dm.dx_dm
    dm.NdmPad = ceil_even((dm.Nact+2)*NpixPerActWidth)  # prevent indexing outside the array
    # Compute coordinates (in meters) of the full DM array
    if dm.centering in 'pixel':
        dm.x_pupPad = np.arange(-dm.NdmPad/2, dm.NdmPad/2)*dm.dx_dm  # meters, coords for the full DM arrays. Origin is centered on a pixel
        dm.x_pupPad = np.arange(-(dm.NdmPad-1)/2, (dm.NdmPad+1)/2)*dm.dx_dm  # meters, coords for the full DM arrays. Origin is centered between pixels for an even-sized array

    dm.y_pupPad = dm.x_pupPad
    # DM: (use NboxPad-sized postage stamps,
    # Find the locations of the postage stamps arrays in the larger pupilPad array
    dm.xy_cent_act_inPix = dm.xy_cent_act*(dm.dm_spacing/dm.dx_dm)  # Convert units to pupil-file pixels
    if not dm.centering in 'pixel':
        raise ValueError('Not adapted for non-pixel centering.')
    dm.xy_cent_act_box = np.round(dm.xy_cent_act_inPix)  # Center locations of the postage stamps (in between pixels), in actuator widths
    dm.xy_cent_act_box_inM = dm.xy_cent_act_box*dm.dx_dm  # now in meters
    if Nbox % 2 == 0:
        dm.xy_box_lowerLeft = dm.xy_cent_act_box + (dm.NdmPad-Nbox)/2  # indices of pixel in lower left of the postage stamp within the whole pupilPad array
        dm.xy_box_lowerLeft = dm.xy_cent_act_box + (dm.NdmPad)/2 - np.floor(Nbox/2)  # indices of pixel in lower left of the postage stamp within the whole pupilPad array
    # Starting coordinates (in actuator widths) for updated influence function. This is
    # interpixel centered, so do not translate!
    dm.x_box0 = np.arange(-(Nbox-1)/2, (Nbox+1)/2) * dm.dx_dm
    [dm.Xbox0, dm.Ybox0] = np.meshgrid(dm.x_box0, dm.x_box0)  # meters, interpixel-centered coordinates for the master influence function
    # Limit the actuators used to those within 1 actuator width of the pupil
    r_cent_act_box_inM = np.sqrt(dm.xy_cent_act_box_inM[0, :]**2 + dm.xy_cent_act_box_inM[1, :]**2)
    # Compute and store all the influence functions:
    dm.inf_datacube = np.zeros((Nbox, Nbox, dm.NactTotal))  # initialize array of influence function "postage stamps"
    dm.act_ele = np.array([])  # Indices of nonzero-ed actuators
    for iact in range(dm.NactTotal):
       dm.act_ele = np.append(dm.act_ele, iact)  # Add actuator index to the keeper list
       dm.inf_datacube[:, :, iact] = dm.inf0
Exemplo n.º 2
def gen_fpm_poke_cube(dm, mp, dx_dm, **kwargs):
    Compute the datacube of each influence function.
    Influence functions are cropped down or padded up
    to the best size for angular spectrum propagation.

    dm : ModelParameters
        Structure containing parameter values for the DM
    mp: falco.config.ModelParameters
        Structure of model parameters
    dx_dm : float
        Pixel width [meters] at the DM plane

    Other Parameters
    NOCUBE : bool
       Switch that tells function not to compute the datacube of influence

        modifies structure "dm" by reference

    if type(mp) is not falco.config.ModelParameters:
        raise TypeError('Input "mp" must be of type ModelParameters')
    real_positive_scalar(dx_dm, 'dx_dm', TypeError)
    if "NOCUBE" in kwargs and kwargs["NOCUBE"]:
        flagGenCube = False
        flagGenCube = True

    # Define this flag if it doesn't exist in the older code for square actuator arrays only
    if not hasattr(dm, 'flag_hex_array'):
        dm.flag_hex_array = False

    # Set the order of operations
    XYZ = True
    if(hasattr(dm, 'flagZYX')):
            XYZ = False

    # Compute sampling of the pupil. Assume that it is square.
    dm.dx_dm = dx_dm
    dm.dx = dx_dm

    # Default to being centered on a pixel if not specified
    if not(hasattr(dm, 'centering')):
        dm.centering = 'pixel'
    # Compute coordinates of original influence function
    Ninf0 = dm.inf0.shape[0]  # Number of points across inf func at native res
    x_inf0 = np.linspace(-(Ninf0-1)/2., (Ninf0-1)/2., Ninf0)*dm.dx_inf0
    # True for even- or odd-sized influence function maps as long as they are
    # centered on the array.
    [Xinf0, Yinf0] = np.meshgrid(x_inf0, x_inf0)
    # Number of points across the DM surface at native inf func resolution
    Ndm0 = falco.util.ceil_even(Ninf0 + (dm.Nact - 1)*(dm.dm_spacing/dm.dx_inf0))
    # Number of points across the (un-rotated) DM surface at new, desired res.
    dm.NdmMin = falco.util.ceil_even(Ndm0*(dm.dx_inf0/dm.dx))+2.
    # Number of points across the array to fully contain the DM surface at new
    # desired resolution and z-rotation angle.
    dm.Ndm = int(ceil_even((abs(np.array([np.sqrt(2.)*np.cos(radians(45.-dm.zrot)),
    # Compute list of initial actuator center coordinates (in actutor widths).
    if(dm.flag_hex_array):  # Hexagonal, hex-packed grid
        raise ValueError('flag_hex_array option not implemented yet.')
#     Nrings = dm.Nrings;
#     x_vec = [];
#     y_vec = [];
#     % row number (rowNum) is 1 for the center row and 2 is above it, etc.
#     % Nacross is the total number of segments across that row
#     for rowNum = 1:Nrings
#         Nacross = 2*Nrings - rowNum  # Number of actuators across at that row (for hex tiling in a hex shape)
#         yval = sqrt(3)/2*(rowNum-1);
#         bx = Nrings - (rowNum+1)/2  # x offset from origin
#         xs = (0:Nacross-1).' - bx  # x values are 1 apart
#         ys = yval*ones(Nacross,1)  # same y-value for the entire row
#         if(rowNum==1)
#             x_vec = [x_vec;xs];
#             y_vec = [y_vec;ys]; 
#         else
#             x_vec = [x_vec;xs;xs];
#             y_vec = [y_vec;ys;-ys]  # rows +/-n have +/- y coordinates
#         end
#     end
    else:  # Square grid [actuator widths]
        [dm.Xact, dm.Yact] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(dm.Nact) - 
                                         dm.xc, np.arange(dm.Nact)-dm.yc)
#        # Use order='F' to compare the final datacube to Matlab's output.
#        #  Otherwise, use C ordering for Python FALCO.
#        x_vec = dm.Xact.reshape(dm.Nact*dm.Nact,order='F')
#        y_vec = dm.Yact.reshape(dm.Nact*dm.Nact,order='F')
        x_vec = dm.Xact.reshape(dm.Nact*dm.Nact)
        y_vec = dm.Yact.reshape(dm.Nact*dm.Nact)
    dm.NactTotal = x_vec.shape[0]  # Total number of actuators in the 2-D array
    dm.xy_cent_act = np.zeros((2, dm.NactTotal))  # Initialize

    # Compute the rotation matrix to apply to the influence function and 
    #  actuator center locations
    tlt = np.zeros(3)
    tlt[0] = radians(dm.xtilt)
    tlt[1] = radians(dm.ytilt)
    tlt[2] = radians(-dm.zrot)

    sa = sin(tlt[0])
    ca = cos(tlt[0])
    sb = sin(tlt[1])
    cb = cos(tlt[1])
    sg = sin(tlt[2])
    cg = cos(tlt[2])

    if XYZ:
        Mrot = np.array([[cb * cg, sa * sb * cg - ca * sg, ca * sb * cg + sa * sg, 0.0],
                 [cb * sg, sa * sb * sg + ca * cg, ca * sb * sg - sa * cg, 0.0],
                [-sb,      sa * cb,                ca * cb,                0.0],
                     [0.0,                    0.0,                    0.0, 1.0]])
        Mrot = np.array([               [cb * cg,               -cb * sg,       sb, 0.0],
                [ca * sg + sa * sb * cg, ca * cg - sa * sb * sg, -sa * cb, 0.0],
                [sa * sg - ca * sb * cg, sa * cg + ca * sb * sg,  ca * cb, 0.0],
                                   [0.0,                    0.0,      0.0, 1.0]])
    # Compute the actuator center coordinates in units of actuator spacings
    for iact in range(dm.NactTotal):
        xyzVals = np.array([x_vec[iact], y_vec[iact], 0., 1.])
        xyzValsRot = Mrot @ xyzVals
        dm.xy_cent_act[0, iact] = xyzValsRot[0].copy()
        dm.xy_cent_act[1, iact] = xyzValsRot[1].copy()

    N0 = dm.inf0.shape[0]
    Npad = falco.util.ceil_odd(np.sqrt(2.)*N0)
    inf0pad = np.zeros((Npad, Npad))
            int(np.ceil(Npad/2.)-np.floor(N0/2.)-1):int(np.ceil(Npad/2.)+np.floor(N0/2.))] = dm.inf0

    ydim = inf0pad.shape[0]
    xdim = inf0pad.shape[1]
    xd2 = np.fix(xdim / 2.) + 1
    yd2 = np.fix(ydim / 2.) + 1
    cx = np.arange(xdim) + 1. - xd2
    cy = np.arange(ydim) + 1. - yd2
    [Xs0, Ys0] = np.meshgrid(cx, cy)

    xsNewVec = np.zeros(xdim*xdim)
    ysNewVec = np.zeros(ydim*ydim)
    Xs0Vec = Xs0.reshape(xdim*xdim)
    Ys0Vec = Ys0.reshape(ydim*ydim)
    for ii in range(Xs0.size):
        xyzVals = np.array([Xs0Vec[ii], Ys0Vec[ii], 0., 1.])
        xyzValsRot = Mrot @ xyzVals
        xsNewVec[ii] = xyzValsRot[0]
        ysNewVec[ii] = xyzValsRot[1]
    # Calculate the interpolated DM grid at the new resolution
    # (set extrapolated values to 0.0)
    dm.infMaster = griddata((xsNewVec, ysNewVec), inf0pad.reshape(Npad*Npad),
                            (Xs0, Ys0), method='cubic', fill_value=0.)

    # Crop down the influence function until it has no zero padding left
    infSum = np.sum(dm.infMaster)
    infDiff = 0.
    counter = 0
    while(abs(infDiff) <= 1e-7):
        counter = counter + 2
        infDiff = infSum - np.sum(abs(dm.infMaster[int(counter/2):int(-counter/2),

    # Subtract an extra 2 to negate the extra step that overshoots.
    counter = counter - 2
    Ninf0pad = dm.infMaster.shape[0]-counter
    if counter == 0:
        infMaster2 = dm.infMaster.copy()
        # The cropped-down influence function
        infMaster2 = dm.infMaster[int(counter/2):int(-counter/2),
        dm.infMaster = infMaster2
    Npad = Ninf0pad

    # True for even- or odd-sized influence function maps as long as they are
    # centered on the array.
    x_inf0 = np.linspace(-(Npad-1)/2, (Npad-1)/2., Npad)*dm.dx_inf0
    [Xinf0, Yinf0] = np.meshgrid(x_inf0, x_inf0)

    # Translate and resample the master influence function to be at each 
    # actuator's location in the pixel grid 

    # Compute the size of the postage stamps.
    # Number of points across the influence function array at the DM plane's
    # resolution. Want as even
    Nbox = falco.util.ceil_even(Ninf0pad*dm.dx_inf0/dx_dm)
    dm.Nbox = Nbox
    # Also compute their padded sizes for the angular spectrum (AS) propagation
    # between P2 and DM1 or between DM1 and DM2
    # Minimum number of points across for accurate angular spectrum propagation
    Nmin = falco.util.ceil_even(np.max(mp.sbp_centers)*np.max(np.abs(np.array(
        [mp.d_P2_dm1, mp.d_dm1_dm2, (mp.d_P2_dm1+mp.d_dm1_dm2)])))/dx_dm**2)
    # Use a larger array if the max sampling criterion for angular spectrum
    # propagation is violated
    dm.NboxAS = np.max(np.array([Nbox, Nmin]))

    # Pad the pupil to at least the size of the DM(s) surface(s) to allow all
    # actuators to be located outside the pupil.
    # (Same for both DMs)

    # Find actuator farthest from center:
    dm.r_cent_act = np.sqrt(dm.xy_cent_act[0, :]**2 + dm.xy_cent_act[1, :]**2)
    dm.rmax = np.max(np.abs(dm.r_cent_act))
    NpixPerAct = dm.dm_spacing/dx_dm
        # padded 2 actuators past the last actuator center to avoid trying to
        # index outside the array
        dm.NdmPad = falco.util.ceil_even((2.*(dm.rmax+2))*NpixPerAct + 1)
        # DM surface array padded by the width of the padded influence function
        # to prevent indexing outside the array. 
        # The 1/2 term is because the farthest actuator center is still half an
        # actuator away from the nominal array edge. 
        dm.NdmPad = falco.util.ceil_even((dm.NboxAS + 2.0*(1 + (np.max(

    # Compute coordinates (in meters) of the full DM array
    if(dm.centering == 'pixel'):
        # meters, coords for the full DM arrays. Origin is centered on a pixel
        dm.x_pupPad = np.linspace(-dm.NdmPad/2., (dm.NdmPad/2. - 1),
        # meters, coords for the full DM arrays. Origin is interpixel centered
        dm.x_pupPad = np.linspace(-(dm.NdmPad-1)/2., (dm.NdmPad-1)/2.,

    dm.y_pupPad = dm.x_pupPad

    # Make NboxPad-sized postage stamps for each actuator's influence function
        if not dm.flag_hex_array:
            print("  Influence function padded from %d to %d points for A.S. propagation." % (Nbox,dm.NboxAS))

        print('Computing datacube of DM influence functions... ', end='')

        # Find the locations of the postage stamps arrays in the larger pupilPad array
        dm.xy_cent_act_inPix = dm.xy_cent_act*(dm.dm_spacing/dx_dm)  # Convert units to pupil-plane pixels
        dm.xy_cent_act_inPix = dm.xy_cent_act_inPix + 0.5  # For the half-pixel offset if pixel centered. 
        dm.xy_cent_act_box = np.round(dm.xy_cent_act_inPix)  # Center locations of the postage stamps (in between pixels), in actuator widths
        dm.xy_cent_act_box_inM = dm.xy_cent_act_box*dx_dm  # now in meters
        dm.xy_box_lowerLeft = dm.xy_cent_act_box + (dm.NdmPad-Nbox)/2 - 0  # index of pixel in lower left of the postage stamp within the whole pupilPad array. +0 for Python, +1 for Matlab

        # Starting coordinates (in actuator widths) for updated master influence function.
        # This is interpixel centered, so do not translate!
        dm.x_box0 = np.linspace(-(Nbox-1)/2., (Nbox-1)/2., Nbox)*dx_dm
        [dm.Xbox0, dm.Ybox0] = np.meshgrid(dm.x_box0, dm.x_box0)  # meters, interpixel-centered coordinates for the master influence function

        # (Allow for later) Limit the actuators used to those within 1 actuator width of the pupil
        r_cent_act_box_inM = np.sqrt(dm.xy_cent_act_box_inM[0, :]**2 + dm.xy_cent_act_box_inM[1, :]**2)
        # Compute and store all the influence functions:
        dm.inf_datacube = np.zeros((Nbox, Nbox, dm.NactTotal))  # initialize array of influence function "postage stamps"
        dm.act_ele = np.arange(dm.NactTotal)  # Initialize as including all actuators

        inf_datacube = np.zeros((dm.NactTotal, Nbox, Nbox))

        interp_spline = RectBivariateSpline(x_inf0, x_inf0, dm.infMaster)  # RectBivariateSpline is faster in 2-D than interp2d
        # Refer to https://scipython.com/book/chapter-8-scipy/examples/two-dimensional-interpolation-with-scipyinterpolaterectbivariatespline/

        for iact in range(dm.NactTotal):
           xbox = dm.x_box0 - (dm.xy_cent_act_inPix[0, iact]-dm.xy_cent_act_box[0, iact])*dx_dm # X = X0 -(x_true_center-x_box_center)
           ybox = dm.x_box0 - (dm.xy_cent_act_inPix[1, iact]-dm.xy_cent_act_box[1, iact])*dx_dm # Y = Y0 -(y_true_center-y_box_center)
           dm.inf_datacube[:, :, iact] = interp_spline(ybox, xbox)
           inf_datacube[iact, :, :] = interp_spline(ybox, xbox)


        dm.act_ele = np.arange(dm.NactTotal)
Exemplo n.º 3
def setup_fpm_cosine(mp):
    if mp.F3.full.res != mp.F3.compact.res:
        raise ValueError('Resolution at F3 must be same for cosine basis set.')
    # Centering of DM surfaces on array
    mp.dm8.centering = mp.centering
    mp.dm9.centering = mp.centering

    mp.dm9.compact = mp.dm9
    mp.dm9.dxi = (mp.fl*mp.lambda0/mp.P2.D)/mp.F3.full.res  # width of a pixel at the FPM in the full model (meters)
    mp.dm9.compact.dxi = (mp.fl*mp.lambda0/mp.P2.D)/mp.F3.compact.res  # width of a pixel at the FPM in the compact model (meters)

    drCos = 1/mp.dm9.actres  # Width and double-separation of the cosine rings [lambda0/D]
    Nrad = int(np.ceil(2*mp.dm9.actres*mp.F3.Rin))

    # Generate datacube of influence functions, which are rings with radial cosine profile
    # Compact model
    mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad = ceil_even(1+2*mp.F3.Rin*mp.F3.compact.res)
    NbeamCompact = mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad
    mp.dm9.NdmPad = NbeamCompact
    mp.dm9.compact.Nbox = mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad # the modes take up the full array.
    # Normalized coordinates: Compact model
    if mp.centering == 'pixel':
        xc = np.arange(-mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad/2, mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad/2)/mp.F3.compact.res
    elif mp.centering == 'interpixel':
        xc = np.arange(-(mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad-1)/2, (mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad+1)/2)/mp.F3.compact.res
    [Xc, Yc] = np.meshgrid(xc, xc)
    Rc, THETAc = cart2pol(Xc, Yc)
    # Hyper-gaussian rolloff at edge of occulter
    hg_expon = 44  # Found empirically
    apRad = mp.F3.Rin/(mp.F3.Rin+0.1)  # Found empirically
    OD = 1
    mask = Rc <= mp.F3.Rin
    windowFull = mask*np.exp(-(Rc/mp.F3.Rin/(apRad*OD))**hg_expon)
    drSep = drCos/2
    min_azimSize = mp.min_azimSize_dm9  # [microns]
    pow_arr = np.arange(2, 62, 2)*6

    numdivCos = 2
    countCos = 0
    start_rad = int(np.floor(mp.dm9.actres/2))+1
    for ri in range(start_rad, Nrad+1):
        for _iter in range(numdivCos+1):
            countCos += 1
    numdivSin = 3
    countSin = 0
    start_rad = int(np.floor(mp.dm9.actres/2))+1
    for ri in range(start_rad, Nrad+1):
        for _iter in range(numdivSin+1):
            countSin += 1
    mp.dm9.NactTotal = Nrad + countCos + countSin
    mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube = np.zeros((mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad,
                                    mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad, mp.dm9.NactTotal))
    # Compute the ring influence functions
    for ri in range(1, Nrad+1):
        modeTemp = windowFull * (1 + (-1)**((ri+1) % 2) *
        rMin = drSep*(ri - 1)
        rMax = drSep*(ri + 1)
        if ri == 1:  # Fill in the center
            modeTemp[Rc < drSep] = 1
            modeTemp[Rc < rMin] = 0
        modeTemp[Rc > rMax] = 0
        mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, ri-1] = modeTemp
    # for ri in range(1, Nrad+1):
    #     infFunc = mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, ri-1]
    #     plt.imshow(infFunc); plt.colorbar(); plt.pause(0.05)
    beamRad = NbeamCompact/2
    if mp.centering == 'pixel':
        x = np.arange(-beamRad, beamRad)
    elif mp.centering == 'interpixel':
        x = np.arange((NbeamCompact-1)/2, (NbeamCompact+1)/2)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, x)
    RHO, THETA = cart2pol(X, Y)
    THETA2 = THETA+np.pi/3*2
    THETA3 = THETA+np.pi/3*4
    THETA4 = THETA+np.pi/3
    THETA5 = THETA+np.pi/3*3
    THETA6 = np.fliplr(THETA)
    apRad = mp.F3.Rin/(mp.F3.Rin+0.1)  # Found empirically
    OD = 1
    mask = Rc <= mp.F3.Rin
    # Cosine basis
    numdiv = 2
    count = 0  # index counter
    for ri in np.arange(start_rad, Nrad+1):
        modeTemp = windowFull * (1 + (-1)**((ri+1) % 2) *
        rMin = drSep*(ri - 1)
        rMax = drSep*(ri + 1)
        if ri == 1:  # Fill in the center
            modeTemp[Rc < drSep] = 1
            modeTemp[Rc < rMin] = 0
        modeTemp[Rc > rMax] = 0
        for II in range(numdiv+1):
            # Choose power for number of lobes
            powmin = 2 * np.pi * rMin / min_azimSize * 18
            aux = pow_arr - powmin
            aux[aux < 0] = np.Inf
            ind_mi = np.argmin(aux)
            power = pow_arr[ind_mi]
            cosFull = np.cos(THETA*power) + 1
            numdiv = int(power/6)
            dth = 2*np.pi/power
            th_arr = np.linspace(np.pi/2, np.pi/2+np.pi/3, numdiv+1)
            th_rev_arr = np.linspace(np.pi/2+np.pi/3, np.pi/2, numdiv+1)
            th = th_arr[II]
            th_rev = th_rev_arr[II]
            ind = np.logical_and(THETA < (th+dth/2), THETA > (th-dth/2))
            ind_rev = np.logical_and(THETA4 < (th_rev+dth/2),
                                     THETA4 > (th_rev-dth/2))
            ind2 = np.logical_and(THETA2 < (th+dth/2),
                                  THETA2 > (th-dth/2))
            ind2_rev = np.logical_and(THETA5 < (th_rev+dth/2),
                                      THETA5 > (th_rev-dth/2))
            ind3 = np.logical_and(THETA3 < (th+dth/2), THETA3 > (th-dth/2))
            ind3_rev = np.logical_and(THETA6 < (th+dth/2-np.pi/2-np.pi/3/2),
                                      THETA6 > (th-dth/2-np.pi/2-np.pi/3/2))
            indTot = np.logical_or(ind, ind2)
            indTot = np.logical_or(indTot, ind3)
            indTot = np.logical_or(indTot, ind_rev)
            indTot = np.logical_or(indTot, ind2_rev)
            indTot = np.logical_or(indTot, ind3_rev)
            cosII = cosFull * indTot * modeTemp / 2
            mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, Nrad+count] = cosII
            count += 1

    # Sin basis
    numdiv = 3
    for ri in np.arange(start_rad, Nrad+1):
        modeTemp = windowFull * (1 + (-1)**((ri+1) % 2) *
        rMin = drSep*(ri - 1)
        rMax = drSep*(ri + 1)
        if ri == 1:  # Fill in the center
            modeTemp[Rc < drSep] = 1
            modeTemp[Rc < rMin] = 0
        modeTemp[Rc > rMax] = 0
        for II in range(numdiv+1):
            # Choose power for number of lobes
            powmin = 2*np.pi*rMin/min_azimSize*18
            aux = pow_arr - powmin
            aux[aux < 0] = np.Inf
            ind_mi = np.argmin(aux)
            power = pow_arr[ind_mi]
            # disp(['Number of lobes',num2str(pow)])
            cosFull = -np.cos(THETA*power)+1
            dth = 2*np.pi/power
            th_arr = np.linspace(np.pi/2, np.pi/2+np.pi/3+np.pi/6, numdiv+1)

            th = th_arr[II] + np.pi/12
            if th < np.pi:
                ind = np.logical_and(THETA < (th+dth/2), THETA > (th-dth/2))
                ind = np.fliplr(np.logical_and(THETA < (np.pi-th+dth/2),
                                               THETA > (np.pi-th-dth/2)))
            ind2 = np.logical_and(THETA2 < (th+dth/2),
                                  THETA2 > (th-dth/2))
            ind3 = np.logical_and(THETA3 < (th+dth/2),
                                  THETA3 > (th-dth/2))
            indTotsin = np.logical_or(ind, ind2)
            indTotsin = np.logical_or(indTotsin, ind3)
            cosII = cosFull * indTotsin * modeTemp / 2
            mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, Nrad+count] = cosII
            count += 1
    #         numdiv = int(power/6)
    #         dth = 2*np.pi/power
    #         th_arr = np.linspace(np.pi/2-np.pi/2/power, np.pi/2+np.pi/3-np.pi/2/power, numdiv+1)
    #         th_rev_arr = np.linspace(np.pi/2+np.pi/3+np.pi/2/power, np.pi/2+np.pi/2/power, numdiv+1)
    #         th = th_arr[II]
    #         th_rev = th_rev_arr[II]
    #         ind = np.logical_and((THETA)<(th+dth/2), (THETA)>(th-dth/2))
    #         ind_rev = np.logical_and((THETA4)<(th_rev+dth/2),
    #                                  (THETA4)>(th_rev-dth/2))
    #         ind2 = np.logical_and((THETA2)<(th+dth/2), (THETA2)>(th-dth/2))
    #         ind2_rev = np.logical_and((THETA5)<(th_rev+dth/2),
    #                                   (THETA5)>(th_rev-dth/2))
    #         ind3 = np.logical_and((THETA3)<(th+dth/2), (THETA3)>(th-dth/2))
    #         ind3_rev = np.logical_and((THETA6)<(th+dth/2-np.pi/2-np.pi/3/2),
    #                                   (THETA6)>(th-dth/2-np.pi/2-np.pi/3/2))
    #         indTot0 = np.logical_or(ind, ind2)
    #         indTot0 = np.logical_or(indTot0, ind3);
    #         indTot_rev = np.logical_or(ind_rev, ind2_rev)
    #         indTot_rev = np.logical_or(indTot_rev, ind3_rev)
    #     # %     cosII = zeros(N);
    #         sinII = sinFull*indTot0*modeTemp + sinFull_rev*indTot_rev*modeTemp
    # # %         figure(102);imagesc(sinII);axis image; set(gca,'YDir', 'normal')
    # # %         pause(0.1)
    #         mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, Nrad+count] = sinII
    #         count += 1
    mp.dm9.inf_datacube = mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube
    mp.dm9.NactTotal = mp.dm9.inf_datacube.shape[2]
    mp.dm9.VtoH = mp.dm9.VtoHavg*np.ones(mp.dm9.NactTotal)
    # for ri in range(mp.dm9.NactTotal):
    #     infFunc = mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, ri]
    #     plt.imshow(infFunc); plt.colorbar(); plt.pause(0.01)
    # infSum = np.sum(mp.dm9.inf_datacube[:, :, Nrad+countCos:-1], 2)  # sin
    # infSum = np.sum(mp.dm9.inf_datacube[:, :, Nrad:Nrad+countCos], 2)  # cos
    # infSum = np.sum(mp.dm9.inf_datacube[:, :, 0:Nrad], 2)  # rings
    # infSum = np.sum(mp.dm9.inf_datacube[:, :, :], 2)  # all
    # plt.figure(); plt.imshow(infSum); plt.colorbar(); plt.pause(1)
    # Lower-left pixel coordinates are all (1,1) since the Zernikes take up the full array.
    mp.dm9.xy_box_lowerLeft = np.zeros((2, mp.dm9.NactTotal))
    mp.dm9.compact.xy_box_lowerLeft = np.zeros((2, mp.dm9.NactTotal))
    mp.dm9.compact.Nbox = NbeamCompact
    mp.dm9.Nbox = NbeamCompact
    # Coordinates for the full FPM array [meters]
    if mp.centering == 'pixel':
        mp.dm9.compact.x_pupPad = np.arange(-mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad/2,
                                            (mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad/2)) * \
    elif mp.centering == 'interpixel':
        mp.dm9.compact.x_pupPad = np.arange(-(mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad-1)/2,
                                            (mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad+1)/2) * \
    mp.dm9.compact.y_pupPad = mp.dm9.compact.x_pupPad
    # Initial DM9 voltages
    if not hasattr(mp.dm9, 'V'):
        mp.dm9.V = np.zeros(mp.dm9.NactTotal)
        mp.dm9.V[0:Nrad] = mp.dm9.V0coef * np.ones(Nrad)
        mp.dm9.V = mp.DM9V0
    mp.dm9.Vmin = np.min(mp.t_diel_nm_vec)  # minimum thickness of FPM dielectric layer (nm)
    mp.dm9.Vmax = np.max(mp.t_diel_nm_vec)  # maximum thickness (from one actuator, not of the facesheet) of FPM dielectric layer (nm)

    mp.dm8.VtoHavg = 1e-9  # gain of DM8 (meters/Volt)
    mp.dm8.Vmin = np.min(mp.t_metal_nm_vec)  # minimum thickness of FPM metal layer (nm)
    mp.dm8.Vmax = np.max(mp.t_metal_nm_vec)  # maximum thickness (from one actuator, not of the facesheet) of FPM metal layer (nm)

    # DM8 Option 2: Set basis as a single nickel disk.
    mp.dm8.NactTotal = 1
    mp.dm8.act_ele = 1
    print('%d actuators in DM8.' % mp.dm8.NactTotal)
    mp.dm8.VtoH = mp.dm8.VtoHavg * np.ones(mp.dm8.NactTotal)  # Gains: volts to meters in surface height;
    mp.dm8.xy_box_lowerLeft = np.array([0, 0]).reshape((2, 1))
    mp.dm8.compact = mp.dm8
    if not hasattr(mp.dm8, 'V'):  # Initial DM8 voltages
        mp.dm8.V = mp.dm8.V0coef * np.ones(mp.dm8.NactTotal)
        mp.dm8.V = mp.DM8V0
    # Don't define extra actuators and time:
    if not mp.F3.Rin == mp.F3.RinA:
        raise ValueError('Change mp.F3.Rin and mp.F3.RinA to be equal to avoid wasting time.')
    # Copy over some common values from DM9:
    mp.dm8.dxi = mp.dm9.dxi  # Width of a pixel at the FPM in full model (meters)
    mp.dm8.NdmPad = mp.dm9.NdmPad
    mp.dm8.Nbox = mp.dm8.NdmPad
    mp.dm8.compact.dxi = mp.dm9.compact.dxi  # Width of a pixel at the FPM in compact model (meters)
    mp.dm8.compact.NdmPad = mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad
    mp.dm8.compact.Nbox = mp.dm8.compact.NdmPad

    # Make or read in DM8 disk for the full model
    FPMgenInputs = {}
    FPMgenInputs['pixresFPM'] = mp.F3.full.res  # pixels per lambda_c/D
    FPMgenInputs['rhoInner'] = mp.F3.Rin  # radius of inner FPM amplitude spot (in lambda_c/D)
    FPMgenInputs['rhoOuter'] = np.Inf  # radius of outer opaque FPM ring (in lambda_c/D)
    FPMgenInputs['FPMampFac'] = 0  # amplitude transmission of inner FPM spot
    FPMgenInputs['centering'] = mp.centering
    diskFull = np.round(pad_crop(1-falco.mask.gen_annular_FPM(FPMgenInputs),
    mp.dm8.inf_datacube = np.zeros((diskFull.shape[0], diskFull.shape[1], 1))
    mp.dm8.inf_datacube[:, :, 0] = diskFull
    # Make or read in DM8 disk for the compact model
    FPMgenInputs['pixresFPM'] = mp.F3.compact.res  # pixels per lambda_c/D
    diskCompact = np.round(pad_crop(1-falco.mask.gen_annular_FPM(FPMgenInputs),
    mp.dm8.compact.inf_datacube = np.zeros((diskCompact.shape[0],
                                            diskCompact.shape[1], 1))
    mp.dm8.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, 0] = diskCompact
Exemplo n.º 4
def setup_fpm(mp):

    mp.dm9.Nact = ceil_even(2*mp.F3.Rin*mp.dm9.actres)  # number of actuators across DM9 (if not in a hex grid)

    if mp.dm9.inf0name.lower() in '3x3':
        mp.dm9.inf0 = 1/4 * np.array([[1, 2, 1], [2, 4, 2], [1, 2, 1]])  # influence function
        mp.dm9.dx_inf0_act = 1/2  # number of inter-actuator widths per pixel 
        # FPM resolution (pixels per lambda0/D) in the compact and full models.
        mp.F3.compact.res = mp.dm9.actres / mp.dm9.dx_inf0_act
        mp.F3.full.res = mp.dm9.actres / mp.dm9.dx_inf0_act

    elif mp.dm9.inf0name.lower() in 'lanczos3':
        N = 91
        xs = np.arange(-(N-1)/2, (N+1)/2)/N*10*0.906  #(-(N-1)/2:(N-1)/2)/N *10*0.906

        a = 3
        Lx0 = a*np.sin(np.pi*xs)*np.sin(np.pi*xs/a)/(np.pi*xs)**2
        Lx0[xs == 0] = 1
        Lx = Lx0
        Lx[xs >= a] = 0
        Lx[xs <= -a] = 0
        Lxy = Lx.T @ Lx  # The 2-D Lanczos kernel
        Nhalf = np.ceil(N/2)
        Nrad = 30
        LxyCrop = Lxy[Nhalf-Nrad-1:Nhalf+Nrad, Nhalf-Nrad-1:Nhalf+Nrad]

        mp.dm9.inf0 = LxyCrop  # influence function
        mp.dm9.dx_inf0_act = 1/10  # number of inter-actuator widths per pixel 

    elif mp.dm9.inf0name.lower() in 'xinetics':
        mp.dm9.inf0 = 1*fits.getdata('influence_dm5v2.fits')
        mp.dm9.dx_inf0_act = 1/10  # number of inter-actuator widths per pixel 
    # DM8 and DM9 (Optimizable FPM) Setup

    # Centering of DM surfaces on array
    mp.dm8.centering = mp.centering
    mp.dm9.centering = mp.centering

    mp.dm9.compact = mp.dm9

    if hasattr(mp, 'flagDM9inf3x3'):
        mp.dm9.xcent_dm = mp.dm9.Nact/2 - 1/2
        mp.dm9.ycent_dm = mp.dm9.Nact/2 - 1/2
        if mp.centering in 'interpixel':
           raise ValueError('The 3x3 influence function for DM9 requires a pixel-centered coordinate system.')
        mp.dm9.xcent_dm = mp.dm9.Nact/2 - 1/2
        mp.dm9.ycent_dm = mp.dm9.Nact/2 - 1/2
    mp.dm9.dm_spacing = 1/mp.dm9.actres*(mp.fl*mp.lambda0/mp.P2.D)  # meters, pitch of DM actuators
    mp.dm9.compact = mp.dm9

    mp.dm9.compact.dm_spacing = mp.dm9.dm_spacing  # meters, pitch of DM actuators

    mp.dm9.dx_inf0 = (mp.dm9.dx_inf0_act)*mp.dm9.dm_spacing  # meters, sampling of the influence function 

    mp.dm9.compact.dx_inf0 = (mp.dm9.compact.dx_inf0_act)*mp.dm9.compact.dm_spacing  # meters, sampling of the influence function 

    mp.dm9.dxi = (mp.fl*mp.lambda0/mp.P2.D)/mp.F3.full.res  # width of a pixel at the FPM in the full model (meters)
    mp.dm9.compact.dxi = (mp.fl*mp.lambda0/mp.P2.D)/mp.F3.compact.res  # width of a pixel at the FPM in the compact model (meters)

    if mp.dm9.inf0.shape[0] == 3:
    # Zero out DM9 actuators too close to the outer edge (within mp.dm9.FPMbuffer lambda0/D of edge)
    r_cent_lam0D = mp.dm9.r_cent_act*mp.dm9.dm_spacing/(mp.dm9.dxi)/mp.F3.full.res

    mp.F3.RinA_inds = np.array([], dtype=int)
    mp.F3.RinAB_inds = np.array([], dtype=int)
    for ii in range(mp.dm9.NactTotal):
        # Zero out FPM actuators beyond the allowed radius (mp.F3.Rin)
        if r_cent_lam0D[ii] > mp.F3.Rin-mp.dm9.FPMbuffer:
           mp.dm9.inf_datacube[:, :, ii] = np.zeros_like(mp.dm9.inf_datacube[:, :, ii])
           mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, ii] = np.zeros_like(mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, ii])

        # Get the indices for the actuators within radius mp.F3.RinA
        if r_cent_lam0D[ii] <= mp.F3.RinA-mp.dm9.FPMbuffer:
            mp.F3.RinA_inds = np.append(mp.F3.RinA_inds, ii)
        else:  # Get the indices for the actuators between radii mp.F3.RinA and mp.F3.Rin
            mp.F3.RinAB_inds = np.append(mp.F3.RinAB_inds, ii)

    print('%d actuators in DM9.' % mp.dm9.NactTotal)

    mp.dm9.ABfac = 1  # Gain factor between inner and outer FPM regions
    mp.dm9.VtoHavg = 1e-9  # gain of DM9 (meters/Volt)
    mp.dm9.VtoH = mp.dm9.VtoHavg * np.ones(mp.dm9.NactTotal)  # Gains: volts to meters in surface height;
    mp.dm9.VtoH[mp.F3.RinAB_inds] = mp.dm9.ABfac * mp.dm9.VtoH[mp.F3.RinAB_inds]

    if not hasattr(mp.dm9, 'V'):  # Initial DM9 voltages
        mp.dm9.V = np.zeros(mp.dm9.NactTotal)
        mp.dm9.V[mp.F3.RinA_inds] = mp.dm9.V0coef
        mp.dm9.V = mp.DM9V0

    mp.dm9.Vmin = np.min(mp.t_diel_nm_vec)  # minimum thickness of FPM dielectric layer (nm)
    mp.dm9.Vmax = np.max(mp.t_diel_nm_vec)  # maximum thickness (from one actuator, not of the facesheet) of FPM dielectric layer (nm)

    mp.dm8.VtoHavg = 1e-9  # gain of DM8 (meters/Volt)
    mp.dm8.Vmin = np.min(mp.t_metal_nm_vec)  # minimum thickness of FPM metal layer (nm)
    mp.dm8.Vmax = np.max(mp.t_metal_nm_vec)  # maximum thickness (from one actuator, not of the facesheet) of FPM metal layer (nm)

    # DM8 Option 2: Set basis as a single nickel disk.
    mp.dm8.NactTotal = 1
    mp.dm8.act_ele = 1
    print('%d actuators in DM8.' % mp.dm8.NactTotal)
    mp.dm8.VtoH = mp.dm8.VtoHavg * np.ones(mp.dm8.NactTotal)  # Gains: volts to meters in surface height;
    mp.dm8.xy_box_lowerLeft = np.array([0, 0]).reshape((2, 1))
    mp.dm8.compact = mp.dm8
    if not hasattr(mp.dm8, 'V'):  # Initial DM8 voltages
        mp.dm8.V = mp.dm8.V0coef * np.ones(mp.dm8.NactTotal)
        mp.dm8.V = mp.DM8V0
    # Don't define extra actuators and time:
    if not mp.F3.Rin == mp.F3.RinA:
        raise ValueError('Change mp.F3.Rin and mp.F3.RinA to be equal to avoid wasting time.')
    # Copy over some common values from DM9:
    mp.dm8.dxi = mp.dm9.dxi  # Width of a pixel at the FPM in full model (meters)
    mp.dm8.NdmPad = mp.dm9.NdmPad
    mp.dm8.Nbox = mp.dm8.NdmPad
    mp.dm8.compact.dxi = mp.dm9.compact.dxi  # Width of a pixel at the FPM in compact model (meters)
    mp.dm8.compact.NdmPad = mp.dm9.compact.NdmPad
    mp.dm8.compact.Nbox = mp.dm8.compact.NdmPad

    # Make or read in DM8 disk for the full model
    FPMgenInputs = {}
    FPMgenInputs['pixresFPM'] = mp.F3.full.res  # pixels per lambda_c/D
    FPMgenInputs['rhoInner'] = mp.F3.Rin  # radius of inner FPM amplitude spot (in lambda_c/D)
    FPMgenInputs['rhoOuter'] = np.Inf  # radius of outer opaque FPM ring (in lambda_c/D)
    FPMgenInputs['FPMampFac'] = 0  # amplitude transmission of inner FPM spot
    FPMgenInputs['centering'] = mp.centering
    diskFull = np.round(pad_crop(1-falco.mask.gen_annular_FPM(FPMgenInputs),
    mp.dm8.inf_datacube = np.zeros((diskFull.shape[0], diskFull.shape[1], 1))
    mp.dm8.inf_datacube[:, :, 0] = diskFull
    # Make or read in DM8 disk for the compact model
    FPMgenInputs['pixresFPM'] = mp.F3.compact.res  # pixels per lambda_c/D
    diskCompact = np.round(pad_crop(1-falco.mask.gen_annular_FPM(FPMgenInputs),
    mp.dm8.compact.inf_datacube = np.zeros((diskCompact.shape[0],
                                            diskCompact.shape[1], 1))
    mp.dm8.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, 0] = diskCompact
    # Zero out parts of DM9 actuators that go outside the nickel disk.
    # Also apply the grayscale edge.
    DM8windowFull = diskFull
    DM8windowCompact = diskCompact
    for iact in range(mp.dm9.NactTotal):
        if np.sum(np.abs(mp.dm9.inf_datacube[:, :, iact])) >= 1e-8 and np.abs(mp.dm9.VtoH[iact]) >= 1e-13:
            y_box_ind = np.arange(mp.dm9.xy_box_lowerLeft[0, iact], mp.dm9.xy_box_lowerLeft[0, iact]+mp.dm9.Nbox, dtype=int)  # x-indices in pupil arrays for the box
            x_box_ind = np.arange(mp.dm9.xy_box_lowerLeft[1, iact], mp.dm9.xy_box_lowerLeft[1, iact]+mp.dm9.Nbox, dtype=int)  # y-indices in pupil arrays for the box
            mp.dm9.inf_datacube[:, :, iact] = DM8windowFull[np.ix_(x_box_ind, y_box_ind)] * mp.dm9.inf_datacube[:, :, iact]

            y_box_ind = np.arange(mp.dm9.compact.xy_box_lowerLeft[0, iact], mp.dm9.compact.xy_box_lowerLeft[0, iact]+mp.dm9.compact.Nbox, dtype=int)  # x-indices in pupil arrays for the box
            x_box_ind = np.arange(mp.dm9.compact.xy_box_lowerLeft[1, iact], mp.dm9.compact.xy_box_lowerLeft[1, iact]+mp.dm9.compact.Nbox, dtype=int)  # y-indices in pupil arrays for the box
            mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, iact] = DM8windowCompact[np.ix_(x_box_ind, y_box_ind)] * mp.dm9.compact.inf_datacube[:, :, iact]

Exemplo n.º 5
def mft_p2v2p(pupilPre, charge, beamRadius, inVal, outVal):
    Propagate from the pupil plane before a vortex FPM to pupil plane after it.
    Compute a radial Tukey window for propagating through a vortex coroangraph.

    pupilPre : array_like
        2-D E-field at pupil plane before the vortex focal plane mask
    charge : int, float
        Charge of the vortex mask
    beamRadius : float
        Beam radius at pupil plane. Units of pixels.
    inVal : float
        Ask Gary
    outVal : float
        Ask Gary
    pupilPost : array_like
        2-D E-field at pupil plane after the vortex focal plane mask

    check.twoD_array(pupilPre, 'pupilPre', TypeError)
    check.scalar_integer(charge, 'charge', TypeError)
    check.real_positive_scalar(beamRadius, 'beamRadius', TypeError)
    check.real_positive_scalar(inVal, 'inVal', TypeError)
    check.real_positive_scalar(outVal, 'outVal', TypeError)
    # showPlots2debug = False 

    D = 2.0*beamRadius
    lambdaOverD = 4. # samples per lambda/D
    NA = pupilPre.shape[1]
    NB = util.ceil_even(lambdaOverD*D)
    # [X,Y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-NB/2., NB/2., dtype=float),np.arange(-NB/2., NB/2., dtype=float))
    # [RHO,THETA] = util.cart2pol(Y,X)
    RHO = util.radial_grid(np.arange(-NB/2., NB/2., dtype=float))
    windowKnee = 1.-inVal/outVal
    windowMask1 = gen_tukey_for_vortex(2*outVal*lambdaOverD, RHO, windowKnee)
    windowMask2 = gen_tukey_for_vortex(NB, RHO, windowKnee)

    # DFT vectors 
    x = np.arange(-NA/2,NA/2,dtype=float)/D   #(-NA/2:NA/2-1)/D
    u1 = np.arange(-NB/2,NB/2,dtype=float)/lambdaOverD #(-NB/2:NB/2-1)/lambdaOverD
    u2 = np.arange(-NB/2,NB/2,dtype=float)*2*outVal/NB # (-NB/2:NB/2-1)*2*outVal/N
    FPM = falco_gen_vortex_mask(charge, NB)

    #if showPlots2debug; figure;imagesc(abs(pupilPre));axis image;colorbar; title('pupil'); end;

    ## Low-sampled DFT of entire region

    FP1 = 1/(1*D*lambdaOverD)*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*np.outer(u1,x)) @ pupilPre @ np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*np.outer(x,u1))
    #if showPlots2debug; figure;imagesc(log10(abs(FP1).^2));axis image;colorbar; title('Large scale DFT'); end;

    LP1 = 1/(1*D*lambdaOverD)*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*np.outer(x,u1)) @ (FP1*FPM*(1-windowMask1)) @ np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*np.outer(u1,x))
    #if showPlots2debug; figure;imagesc(abs(FP1.*(1-windowMask1)));axis image;colorbar; title('Large scale DFT (windowed)'); end;
    ## Fine sampled DFT of innter region
    FP2 = 2*outVal/(1*D*NB)*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*np.outer(u2,x)) @ pupilPre @ np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*np.outer(x,u2))
    #if showPlots2debug; figure;imagesc(log10(abs(FP2).^2));axis image;colorbar; title('Fine sampled DFT'); end;
    FPM = falco_gen_vortex_mask(charge, NB)
    LP2 = 2.0*outVal/(1*D*NB)*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*np.outer(x,u2)) @ (FP2*FPM*windowMask2) @ np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*np.outer(u2,x))       
    #if showPlots2debug; figure;imagesc(abs(FP2.*windowMask2));axis image;colorbar; title('Fine sampled DFT (windowed)'); end;
    pupilPost = LP1 + LP2;
    #if showPlots2debug; figure;imagesc(abs(pupilPost));axis image;colorbar; title('Lyot plane'); end;

    return pupilPost