Exemplo n.º 1
						 swextraction = [water_limit['sw_unregulated']/365.0 for i in range(365)],
						 gwextraction = [water_limit['gw']/365.0 for i in range(365)])

		hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod = run_hydrology(*state)

		# get state so model can be stopped and started
		state = get_state(hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod, 365)

		# extract data from hydrological model output
		dates, flow, gwlevel, gwstorage, gwfitparams = get_outputs(hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod)

		# run LP farmer decision model
		# -------------------------------------------
		total_water_licence = water_licence['sw_unregulated']+water_licence['gw']
		farm_profit = maximum_profit(all_crops, farm_area, total_water_licence)

		all_years_gwstorage[y*365:(y+1)*365] = gwstorage
		all_years_gwlevel[y*365:(y+1)*365] = gwlevel
		all_years_flow[y*365:(y+1)*365] = flow
		all_years_profit[y*365:(y+1)*365] = farm_profit

		# subtract water used by farmer from flows
		# TODO
		# no longer necessary - extractions included in set_climate_data above
		# gwstorage = gwstorage - water_limit['gw']/365.0
		# interpolated_gwlevel = map(lambda x: x*gwfitparams[0] + gwfitparams[1], gwstorage)
		# flow = flow - water_limit['sw_unregulated']/365.0

		# run ecological model 
		# water_index = calculate_water_index(interpolated_gwlevel, flow, dates)
Exemplo n.º 2
def model(dates, rainfall, temperature, crops, WUE, farm_area, AWD):

    # write rainfall and temperature to csv files
    # -------------------------------------------
    # write to rainfall, temparture, extractions for given time range

    max_i = 3000
    extractions = [0 for i in dates]

    # run hydrological model
    # -------------------------------------------
    # hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod = run_hydrology() # RunIhacresGw.R takes about 17 seconds
    hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod = run_hydrology(
        422.7155 / 2,  # d/2
        [0, 0],  # must be of length NC

    gw_i = 3
    gwlevel = -np.array(
                                                   gw_i]  # 3rd col varies most
    flow = np.array(hydro_sim.rx2('Q')).squeeze()
    gwstorage = np.array(hydro_sim.rx2('G')).squeeze()[:, 0]
    dates = list(hydro_tdat.rx2('dates'))
    gwfitparams = -np.array(
        hydro_mod.rx2('param').rx2('gwFitParam').rx2('gw_shallow'))[gw_i, :]

    # interpolated_gwlevel = map(lambda x: x*gwfitparams[0] + gwfitparams[1], gwstorage)
    # assert np.alltrue(interpolated_gwlevel == gwlevel)

    print 'gwstorage', gwstorage
    print 'gwlevel', gwlevel
    print 'flow', flow
    # print 'dates',dates

    # TODO
    # use gwlevel and flow from above to adjust AWD then update extractions, rerun
    # run a year at a time!!

    # apply AWD to get water_licence
    # -------------------------------------------
    # Extraction limit 2,200 ML/yr \cite{Upper_and_Lower_Namoi_Groundwater_Sources}
    # Maules Creek Entitlement (ML/year) 1,413 \cite{Namoi_Unregulated_and_Alluvial}
    water_limit = {"sw_unregulated": 1413, "gw": 2200}

    water_licence = {}
    for licence_type in water_limit:
            licence_type] = water_limit[licence_type] * AWD[licence_type]

    # run LP farmer decision model
    # -------------------------------------------
    total_water_licence = water_licence['sw_unregulated'] + water_licence['gw']
    farm_profit = maximum_profit(crops, farm_area, total_water_licence)

    # subtract water used by farmer from flows
    # -------------------------------------------
    # TODO
    # run a year at a time
    gwstorage = gwstorage - water_limit['gw'] / 365.0
    interpolated_gwlevel = map(lambda x: x * gwfitparams[0] + gwfitparams[1],
    flow = flow - water_limit['sw_unregulated'] / 365.0

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # run ecological model
    # -------------------------------------------
    water_index = calculate_water_index(interpolated_gwlevel, flow, dates)

    return farm_profit, water_index
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_annual():
    all_crops = load_crops()

    # Water allocations for the Namoi Valley
    # Available Water Determination Order for Various NSW Groundwater Sources (No. 1) 2014
    # http://www.water.nsw.gov.au/Water-management/Water-availability/Water-allocations/Available-water-determinations
    # TODO
    # this should ideally be a function of gwlevel and flow?
    AWD = {"sw unregulated": 1, "gw": 1}

    # apply AWD to get water_licence
    # -------------------------------------------
    # Extraction limit 2,200 ML/yr \cite{Upper_and_Lower_Namoi_Groundwater_Sources}
    # Maules Creek Entitlement (ML/year) 1,413 \cite{Namoi_Unregulated_and_Alluvial}
    water_limit = {"sw unregulated": 1413, "gw": 2200}

    # TODO
    water_licence = {}
    for licence_type in water_limit:
            licence_type] = water_limit[licence_type] * AWD[licence_type]

    # Comparative Irrigation Costs 2012 - NSW DPI (Peter Smith)
    # TODO
    # does nothing
    WUE = {
        "flood irrigation": 0.65,
        "spray irrigation": 0.8,
        "drip irrigation": 0.85

    # \cite{powell2011representative}
    farm_area = {
        "flood irrigation": 782,
        "spray irrigation": 0,
        "drip irrigation": 0,
        "dryland": 180

    climate_dates, rainfall, PET = read_climate_projections(
        'climate/419051.csv', scenario=1)
    # TODO
    # get climate projections temp not PET
    temperature = PET * 5

    # burn in hydrological model
    # -------------------------------------------
    burn_in = 365 * 2
    # write rainfall and temperature, extractions to csv files
    extractions = [0 for i in climate_dates]
    set_climate_data(dates=climate_dates[:365 * 5],
                     rainfall=rainfall[:365 * 5],
                     PET=temperature[:365 * 5],
                     swextraction=extractions[:365 * 5],
                     gwextraction=extractions[:365 * 5])
    hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod = run_hydrology(
        422.7155 / 2,  # d/2
        [0, 0],  # must be of length NC

    state = get_state(hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod, burn_in)

    burn_flow = np.array(hydro_sim.rx2('Q')).squeeze()
    burn_gwstorage = np.array(hydro_sim.rx2('G')).squeeze()[:, 0]

    # run for each year
    # -------------------------------------------
    years = 3
    assert len(climate_dates) > burn_in + 365 * years

    all_years_flow = np.empty((365 * years))
    all_years_gwstorage = np.empty((365 * years))

    for y in range(years):
        extractions = [0 for i in climate_dates]
        # write rainfall and temperature, extractions to csv files
        start_date = burn_in + y * 365
        end_date = burn_in + (y + 1) * 365

        hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod = run_hydrology(
            state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3], state[4], "PET")
        # hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod = run_hydrology(*state)

        state = get_state(hydro_sim, hydro_tdat, hydro_mod, 365)

        # extract data from hydrological model output
        gw_i = 3
        gwlevel = -np.array(hydro_sim.rx2('Glevel').rx2(
            'gw_shallow'))[:, gw_i]  # 3rd col varies most
        flow = np.array(hydro_sim.rx2('Q')).squeeze()
        gwstorage = np.array(hydro_sim.rx2('G')).squeeze()[:, 0]
        dates = list(hydro_tdat.rx2('dates'))
        gwfitparams = -np.array(
                gw_i, :]

        interpolated_gwlevel = map(
            lambda x: x * gwfitparams[0] + gwfitparams[1], gwstorage)
        assert np.alltrue(interpolated_gwlevel == gwlevel)

        all_years_gwstorage[y * 365:(y + 1) * 365] = gwstorage
        all_years_flow[y * 365:(y + 1) * 365] = flow

        assert np.alltrue(dates == climate_dates[start_date:end_date])

        # run LP farmer decision model
        # -------------------------------------------
        total_water_licence = water_licence['sw unregulated'] + water_licence[
        farm_profit = maximum_profit(all_crops, farm_area, total_water_licence)

        # subtract water used by farmer from flows
        # -------------------------------------------
        # TODO
        # run a year at a time
        gwstorage = gwstorage - water_limit['gw'] / 365.0
        interpolated_gwlevel = map(
            lambda x: x * gwfitparams[0] + gwfitparams[1], gwstorage)
        flow = flow - water_limit['sw unregulated'] / 365.0

        # run ecological model
        # -------------------------------------------
        water_index = calculate_water_index(interpolated_gwlevel, flow, dates)

        # print "PROFIT", farm_profit
        # print "WATER", np.min(water_index), np.mean(water_index), np.max(water_index)

    assert np.allclose(burn_flow[burn_in:], all_years_flow)

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # plt.plot(all_years_flow, label='all years flow', ls='--')
    # plt.plot(burn_flow[burn_in:], label='burn flow')
    plt.plot(burn_flow[burn_in:] - all_years_flow)
    # plt.plot(all_years_gwstorage, label='all years gwstorage', ls='--')
    # plt.plot(burn_gwstorage[burn_in:], label='burn gwstorage')
    plt.plot(burn_gwstorage[burn_in:] - all_years_gwstorage)
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_integrated(years, WUE, water_limit, AWD, adoption, crop_price_choice,
                   climate_dates, rainfall, PET, climate_type,
                   eco_min_separation, eco_min_duration, eco_ctf, eco_weights,
                   plot, timing_col, duration_col, dry_col, gwlevel_col,
                   sw_uncertainty, gw_uncertainty, crop_trend, cj_options):

    # TODO add prices as parameter once we have min, max
    # crop prices, yields, costs all determined here
    crops = load_chosen_crops(
        WUE, crop_price_choice
    )  #load chosen crops.csv data, then manipulate water use (ML/ha) based on WUE scenarios (e.g. min flood wue is 50%)

    #adoption['flood'] = % area under flood irrigation (0~100). Used in optimisation, farm_area = max farm area (km^2) under flood and spray irrigation.
    farm_area = {
        "flood": 782. * 7. * adoption["flood"] /
        100.,  # hectares #/100 to convert adoption rate from 0~100 to 0~1.
        "spray": 782. * 7. * adoption["spray"] / 100.,
        "drip": 782. * 7. * adoption["drip"] / 100.,
        "dryland": 180. * 7. / 100.,

    #calculate daily extractions, same every day, same for all climates, depends on annual limits only.

    #years for the selected climate period, and the daily indices.
    year_indices, year_list = get_year_indices(climate_dates)

    #model can't run if the years parameter is longer than the # of years for selected climate period.
    assert years <= len(year_indices)
    #create number of very small values. n = in the climate period, find the # of dates in the first 12 (=years parameter) years. eg if the first year starts 31 dec, then it's practically 11 years+1 day data
    all_years_flow = np.empty((year_indices[years - 1]["end"]))
    all_years_gwstorage = np.empty((year_indices[years - 1]["end"]))
    all_years_gwlevel = np.empty((year_indices[years - 1]["end"]))
    all_years_profit = np.empty((year_indices[years - 1]["end"]))

    # hydrological timeseries model initial state
    state = (
        0,  #initial gw storage
        422.7155 / 2,  # d/2 #initial C
        [0, 0],  # must be of length NC # initial Nash
        0,  #initial Qq
        0)  #initial Qs

    # run LP farmer decision model

    previous_rainfall = mean_annual_rainfall
    annual_profit = []

    gw_alloc_avg_years = 5
    max_gw_over_alloc = AWD['gw'] * 0.3
    good_sw_condition = AWD['sw unregulated'] * 0.9
    past_gw_allocs = []

    for year in range(years):

        # adjust crop prices so they stay the same, trend up, or trend down
        for i in range(len(crops)):
            if crop_trend == "flat":
                crops[i]['price ($/unit)'] = crops[i]['price med ($/unit)']
            elif crop_trend == "down":
                crops[i]['price ($/unit)'] = crops[i][
                    'price med ($/unit)'] - 0.2 * crops[i][
                        'price med ($/unit)'] * (year + 1.0) / years
            elif crop_trend == "up":
                crops[i]['price ($/unit)'] = crops[i][
                    'price med ($/unit)'] + 0.2 * crops[i][
                        'price med ($/unit)'] * (year + 1.0) / years

        AWD_surface = AWD_policy(previous_rainfall, AWD['sw unregulated'])
        sw_deficit = max(0., AWD['sw unregulated'] -
                         AWD_surface) * water_limit['sw unregulated']

        if cj_options == "byrain":
            # Option 0: groundwater allocation linearly related to rainfall
            AWD_gw = AWD_policy(previous_rainfall, AWD['gw'])
        elif cj_options == "constant1":
            # Option 1: current option where gw_AWD is constantly = 100%
            AWD_gw = AWD['gw']
        elif cj_options == "forcefix":
            # ---- Option forcefix ----
            #: Allow over extraction of gw over x years by letting GW make up the difference
            # Fixed forcing at year n
            #If less than gw_alloc_avg_years, allow overextraction of gw and add to record
            if len(past_gw_allocs) < (gw_alloc_avg_years - 1):
                AWD_gw = AWD['gw'] + min(max_gw_over_alloc,
                                         sw_deficit / water_limit['gw'])
                #at year n, force fix
                AWD_gw = max(0, (len(past_gw_allocs) + 1) * AWD['gw'] -
                past_gw_allocs = []

        #End if
        elif cj_options == "oppfix":
            #---- Option oppfix ----
            #Opportunistic forcing based on surface allocation
            if AWD_surface >= good_sw_condition:
                AWD_gw = max(0, (len(past_gw_allocs) + 1) * AWD['gw'] -
                past_gw_allocs = []
                #Otherwise, allow overextraction of gw and add to record
                AWD_gw = AWD['gw'] + min(max_gw_over_alloc,
                                         sw_deficit / water_limit['gw'])
        #End if
        elif cj_options == "oppandforcefix":
            # ---- Option oppandforcefix ----
            # Fixed forcing when surface allocation allows it, otherwise opportunistic forcing
            if len(past_gw_allocs) < (gw_alloc_avg_years - 1):
                #Fix gw if surface water conditions is good
                if AWD_surface >= good_sw_condition:
                    AWD_gw = max(0, (len(past_gw_allocs) + 1) * AWD['gw'] -
                                 )  #Correct gw allocation to maintain average
                    # print "Good SW conditions"
                    # print past_gw_allocs
                    past_gw_allocs = []
                else:  #Overallocate
                    AWD_gw = AWD['gw'] + min(max_gw_over_alloc,
                                             sw_deficit / water_limit['gw'])
                    # print "Poor or normal SW conditions"
                    # print past_gw_allocs
                # print "Forced Fix"
                #It is year n, force fix gw
                AWD_gw = max(0, gw_alloc_avg_years - sum(past_gw_allocs))
                # print past_gw_allocs
                past_gw_allocs = []
            #End if

        # print "Year: ", year
        # print "Surface Alloc: ", AWD_surface
        # print "GW Alloc: ", AWD_gw, cj_options
        # print '-----'

        sw_extractions, gw_extractions = generate_extractions(
            climate_dates, AWD_surface * water_limit['sw unregulated'] / 365,
            AWD_gw * water_limit['gw'] / 365)

        farm_profit = maximum_profit(
            crops, farm_area, {
                'surface': AWD_surface * water_limit['sw unregulated'],
                'ground': AWD_gw * water_limit['gw']

        state, flow, gwlevel, gwstorage = run_hydrology_by_year(
            year, state, climate_dates, rainfall, PET, sw_extractions,
            gw_extractions, climate_type)

        indices = year_indices[year]
            indices["start"]:indices["end"]] = gwstorage  #no use
            indices["start"]:indices["end"]] = gwlevel * gw_uncertainty
        all_years_flow[indices["start"]:indices["end"]] = flow * sw_uncertainty
            "end"]] = farm_profit  #annual value repeated for each day

        # previous_rainfall = np.sum(rainfall[indices["start"]:indices["end"]])
        previous_rainfall = all_annual_rainfall[all_years.index(


    # dispose of burn in dates
    # start with the third year. ie burn in period different for the climate periods, which start at different date of a year.
    the_dates = climate_dates[year_indices[2]["start"]:year_indices[years -
    all_years_flow = all_years_flow[year_indices[2]["start"]:]
    all_years_gwlevel = all_years_gwlevel[year_indices[2]["start"]:]
    all_years_profit = all_years_profit[year_indices[2]["start"]:]
    rainfall = rainfall[year_indices[2]["start"]:year_indices[years -

    # run ecological model
    surface_index, gwlevel_index = calculate_water_index(

    #	sw_dates, sw, gw_dates, gw = read_NSW_data()
    #	np.savetxt("gw_obs.csv", gw, delimiter=",")
    #	with open("gw_obs.csv", "wb") as csvfile:
    #		writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    #		for i in range(len(gw_dates)):
    #			writer.writerow([gw_dates[i], gw[i]])

    # with open("modelled_flow.csv", "wb") as csvfile:
    # 	writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    # 	for i in range(len(climate_dates)):
    # 		print climate_dates[i], all_years_flow[i], all_years_gwlevel[i]
    # 		writer.writerow([climate_dates[i], all_years_flow[i], all_years_gwlevel[i]])

    if plot:
        plot_results(the_dates, rainfall, all_years_flow, all_years_gwlevel,
                     surface_index, gwlevel_index, all_years_profit)

    surface_index_sum, years = f_by_year(the_dates, surface_index, np.sum)
    gw_index_sum, years = f_by_year(the_dates, gwlevel_index, np.sum)
    gw_level_min, years = f_by_year(the_dates, all_years_gwlevel, np.std)

    #	print surface_index_sum

    #return: annual farm profit, annual average
    return annual_profit, np.mean(surface_index_sum), np.mean(
        gw_index_sum), np.mean(all_years_gwlevel), np.mean(gw_level_min)