Exemplo n.º 1
    def rHalo(self, masscut=5e12, masstag='m200b'):
        Given the positions and masses of a set of halos, calculate the distance
        to the nearest halo above the mass cut specified
        pos: array_like
            An array of positions in 3D
        mass: array_like
            The masses of the halos
        masscut: float
            The mass above which to find the nearest halo

        sii = self.halos[masstag].argsort()
        mass = self.halos[masstag][sii]
        pos = self.halos[['x', 'y', 'z']][sii]
        del sii
        lii = mass.searchsorted(masscut)
        self.rhalo = np.ndarray(len(pos), dtype=np.float64)
        with fast3tree(pos[lii:]) as tree:
            for i, p in enumerate(pos):
                self.rhalo[i] = tree.query_nearest_distance(p)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def rankSigma5(self, z, magnitude, sigma5, zwindow, magwindow):

        dsigma5 = np.max(sigma5) - np.min(sigma5)
        ranksigma5 = np.zeros(len(z))

        pos = np.zeros((len(z), 3))
        pos[:, 0] = z
        pos[:, 1] = magnitude
        pos[:, 2] = sigma5

        max_distances = np.array([zwindow, magwindow, dsigma5])
        neg_max_distances = -1.0 * max_distances

        tree_dsidx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(z)), size=len(z) // 10)
        tree_pos = pos[tree_dsidx]

        with fast3tree(tree_pos) as tree:

            for i, p in enumerate(pos):

                tpos = tree.query_box(p + neg_max_distances,
                                      p + max_distances,
                tpos = tpos[:, 2]
                ranksigma5[i] = tpos.searchsorted(pos[i, 2]) / (len(tpos) + 1)

        return ranksigma5
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_dist_and_attrs(hosts, gals, nn, attrs, box_size=250.0):
    Selects the nn-th nearest neighbor in real space from gals in hosts.

        hosts - list of objects to search for nearest neighbors
        gals - objects to find nearest neighbors of
        nn - specifies which nearest neighbor to find
        attrs - list of properties to grab from halos (i.e. ['mvir', 'c'])
        dnbr - distances to the nn-th neighbor
        res - array of shape (len(attrs), len(gals))
    pos_tags = ['x', 'y', 'z']
    N = len(gals[pos_tags[0]])
    pos = make_pos(hosts, pos_tags)

    dnbr = np.zeros(N)
    res = [np.zeros(N) for attr in attrs]
    with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
        for i in xrange(N):
            if i % 10000 == 0:
                print i, N
            center = [gals[tag][i] for tag in pos_tags]
            if box_size > 0:
                r, ind = get_nearest_nbr_periodic(center, tree, box_size,
                r, ind = get_nearest_nbr(center, tree)
            dnbr[i] = np.log10(r)
            for j, attr in enumerate(attrs):
                res[j][i] = hosts[attr][ind]
    return dnbr, res
def count_pairs_JKindex(points, rbins, box_size):
    pairs = [[] for r in rbins]
    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0, box_size)
        for pidx, p in enumerate(points):
            pJKidx = point2JKindex(p, box_size = box_size)
            for i, r in enumerate(rbins):
                idx, pos = tree.query_radius(p,r, periodic=True, output='both')
                pos = pos[idx < pidx]
                pairs[i].extend([pJKidx, j] for j in point2JKindex(pos, box_size = box_size))
    pairs = np.array([np.array(i) for i in pairs])
    return np.array(pairs)

#def count_pairs_JKindex_old(points, rbins, box_size):
#    pairs = np.zeros(len(rbins), dtype=int)
#    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
#        tree.set_boundaries(0, box_size)
#        pairs = []
#        for i, r in enumerate(rbins):
#            loc = []
#            for p in points:
#                pindex = point2JKindex(p)
#                #save the distinct pairs
#                ppairs = np.array([np.sort([pindex, point2JKindex(pfound)]) for pfound in tree.query_radius(p,r, periodic=True, output='pos') if np.sum(np.abs(pfound - p)) > 0.0]) 
#                if len(ppairs) :
#                    loc.append(ppairs)
#            #Since every pair is counted twice
#            if len(loc) > 0:
#                loc = np.sort(np.concatenate(loc), axis = 0)[::2]
#            else:
#                loc = np.array([])
#            pairs.append(loc)
#    return np.array(pairs)
def projected_correlation(points, rbins, zmax , box_size):
    points = np.asarray(points)
    s = points.shape
    if len(s) != 2 or s[1] != 3:
        raise ValueError('`points` must be a 2-d array with last dim=3')
    N = s[0]

    rbins = np.asarray(rbins)
    rbins_sq = rbins*rbins
    dcorner2 = np.array([rbins[-1], rbins[-1], zmax])
    dcorner1 = -dcorner2
    if np.any(dcorner2*2 > box_size):
        print "[Warning] box too small!"

    pairs_rand = float(N*N) / box_size**3 \
            * (rbins[1:]**2-rbins[:-1]**2)*np.pi*zmax*2.0

    dcorner1[2] = 0 #save some time
    pairs = np.zeros(len(rbins)-1, dtype=int)
    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
        for p in points:
            for pp in _yield_periodic_points(p,dcorner1,dcorner2,box_size):
                x -= pp[0]; x *= x
                y -= pp[1]; y *= y
                x += y; x.sort()
                pairs += np.ediff1d(np.searchsorted(x, rbins_sq))
    return pairs
Exemplo n.º 6
def calculate_red_density_score(gals, box_size, r_max=1, red_cut=-11, color='ssfr'):
    """Returns count of red neighbors within r_max of each galaxy.

    Future versions will have a weighting score for neighbor galaxies.
    This could be a inverse distance weighting or one that incorporates color.

        gals - catalog containing galaxy positions and colors
        box_size - periodicity of objects in pos
        r_max - radius around center whitn which to grab neighbors
        red_neighbors - array of red neighbor counts for each galaxy
    N = len(gals)
    pos = make_pos(gals)
    red_neighbors = np.zeros(N)

    with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0.0, box_size)
        for i in xrange(N):
            if i % 10000 == 0:
                print i, N
            indices = tree.query_radius(pos[i], r_max, periodic=box_size,
            neighbor_colors = gals[color][indices]
            red_neighbors[i] = len(np.where(neighbor_colors < red_cut)[0])
    return red_neighbors
def count_pairs(points, rbins, box_size):
    pairs = np.zeros(len(rbins), dtype=int)
    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0, box_size)
        for p in points:
            pairs += np.array([tree.query_radius(p, r, periodic=True, \
                    output='c') for r in rbins])
    return (pairs-points.shape[0])/2
Exemplo n.º 8
def calNN(data,boxsize):
    if rank ==0:
        print "calculate NN"
    min = boxsize/306/2.
    max = boxsize/2.-1.
    npoint = len(data)
    rho = npoint/boxsize**3
    count = np.zeros((N+1,),dtype=np.float64)
    xi = np.zeros((N+1,),dtype=np.float64)
    r = np.zeros(N+1)
    dx = (np.log10(max)-np.log10(min))/(N)

    start_n = rank*npoint/size
    stop_n = np.array([(rank+1)*npoint/size-1,npoint-1]).min()
    if(stop_n > start_n):
        with fast3tree.fast3tree(data) as tree:
            for j in range(start_n,stop_n+1):
                if rank == 0:
                    if j%((stop_n-start_n)/10) == 0:
                        print "process",j*100./(stop_n-start_n),"%"
                for i in range(N+1):
                    upper_r = 10.**(np.log10(min)+i*dx)
                    idx = tree.query_radius(data[j],upper_r, periodic=True,output='count') - 1
                    r[i] = upper_r
                    count[i] += idx
    # the 'totals' array will hold the sum of each 'data' array
    if comm.rank==0:
        print "Reducing data"
        # only processor 0 will actually get the data
        totals = np.zeros_like(count)
        totals = None

    # use MPI to get the totals 
        [count, MPI.DOUBLE],
        [totals, MPI.DOUBLE],
        op = MPI.SUM,
        root = 0

    if rank == 0:
        xi[0] = totals[0]/(4./3*np.pi*r[0]**3)/rho/npoint 
        for i in range(1,N+1):
            dV = (4./3*np.pi*r[i]**3-4./3*np.pi*r[i-1]**3)
            xi[i] = (totals[i]-totals[i-1])/rho/dV/npoint 
        print xi
    #xi = comm.bcast(xi, root=0)
    return (r,xi)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def reassign_colors_cam(self,

        centrals = h[(h['HOST_HALOID'] == -1) & (h['M200B'] > 10**mhalo)]
        cpos = np.zeros((len(centrals), 3))

        pos = np.zeros((len(g), 3))
        pos[:, 0] = g['PX']
        pos[:, 1] = g['PY']
        pos[:, 2] = g['PZ']

        cpos[:, 0] = centrals['PX']
        cpos[:, 1] = centrals['PY']
        cpos[:, 2] = centrals['PZ']

        rhalo = np.zeros(len(pos))

        with fast3tree(cpos) as tree:
            for i in range(len(pos)):
                d = tree.query_nearest_distance(pos[i, :])
                rhalo[i] = d

        mr = copy(g['MAG_R_EVOL'])
        mr[mr < -22] = -22
        mr[mr > -18] = -18
        gr = amag[:, 0] - amag[:, 1]

        idx = np.argsort(rhalo)
        rhalo_sorted = rhalo[idx]
        rank_rhalo = np.arange(len(rhalo)) / len(rhalo)
        corr_coeff = corr * (mr + 22)**(alpham)
        corr_coeff[corr_coeff > 1] = 1.
        noisy_rank_rhalo = abunmatch.noisy_percentile(rank_rhalo, corr_coeff)

        g = g[idx]
        gr = g['AMAG'][:, 0] - g['AMAG'][:, 1]

        idx_swap = abunmatch.conditional_abunmatch(g['MAG_R_EVOL'],
        temp_sedid = g['SEDID'][idx_swap]

        return temp_sedid
Exemplo n.º 10
def find_pairs(halos, host_flag, D):
    pairs = []
    points = halos[host_flag][list('xyz')].view(float).reshape(-1, 3)
    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
        for i, p in enumerate(points):
            idx = tree.query_radius(p, D, True, 'index')
            idx = idx[idx > i]
            pairs.extend(((i, j) if halos['mvir'][host_flag[i]] > halos['mvir'][host_flag[j]] else (j, i) for j in idx))
    return pairs
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_fast3tree():
    c = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
    r = 0.1
    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
        ind = tree.query_radius(c, r)

    ind_true = find_sphere(c, points, r)

    assert len(ind) == len(ind_true)
    assert (ind == ind_true).all()
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_fast3tree_periodic():
    c = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    r = 0.2
    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0, 1)
        ind = tree.query_radius(c, r, periodic=True)

    ind_true = find_sphere(c, points, r, box_size=1.0)

    assert len(ind) == len(ind_true)
    assert (ind == ind_true).all()
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_fast3tree_index():
    c = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
    r = 0.1
    index = np.random.randint(0, 100000, size=len(points))
    with fast3tree(points, index) as tree:
        ind = tree.query_radius(c, r)

    ind_true = index[find_sphere(c, points, r)]

    assert len(ind) == len(ind_true)
    assert (ind == ind_true).all()
Exemplo n.º 14
def radial_profile_counts(gals, hosts, box_size, r, rbins, rmax, col='ssfr'):
    """ Calculates the distribution of gals around hosts as a function of r
    num_halos = len(hosts)
    results = []
    pos = make_pos(gals)
    pos_tags = ['x', 'y', 'zr']
    with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0.0, box_size)
        #mass_select = hosts[hosts['mbin_idx'] == i]
        num_reds, num_blues = [],[]
        num_pred_reds, num_pred_blues = [], []
        diff_reds, diff_blues = [], []
        for j in xrange(len(hosts)):
            num_red, num_blue = np.zeros(len(r)), np.zeros(len(r))
            num_pred_red, num_pred_blue = np.zeros(len(r)), np.zeros(len(r))
            center = [hosts[tag][j] for tag in pos_tags]
            idxs, pos = tree.query_radius(center, rmax, periodic=box_size, output='both')
            rs = get_3d_distance(center, pos, box_size=box_size)
            msk = rs > 0
            rs = rs[msk]
            idxs = idxs[msk]
            for dist, sat_idx in zip(rs, idxs):
                rbin = np.digitize([dist], rbins) - 1 # -1 for the r vs rbin
                # indexing reflects return values from tree
                if gals['ssfr'][sat_idx] < -11:
                    num_red[rbin] += 1
                    num_blue[rbin] += 1
                if gals['pred'][sat_idx] < -11:
                    num_pred_red[rbin] += 1
                    num_pred_blue[rbin] += 1
            diff_reds.append(num_red - num_pred_red)
            diff_blues.append(num_blue - num_pred_blue)
    all_counts = map(np.array, [num_reds, num_blues, num_pred_reds, num_pred_blues])
    means = map(lambda x: np.mean(x, axis=0), all_counts)
    stds = map(lambda x: np.std(x, axis=0), [diff_reds, diff_blues])
    for counts in means:
    for errs in stds:
    return results
Exemplo n.º 15
def calculate_density_score(gals, box_size, r_max=1):
    Calculates the number of neighbors within r_max of each galaxy.
    N = len(gals)
    pos = make_pos(gals)
    neighbors = np.zeros(N)

    with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0.0, box_size)
        for i in xrange(N):
            if i % 10000 == 0:
                print i, N
            count = tree.query_radius(pos[i], r_max, periodic=box_size,
            neighbors[i] = count
    return neighbors
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_all_neighbors(pos, center, box_size):
    """Returns indices and positions of all neighbors within a half box_size of
    center in pos.

        pos - list of positions (array-like)
        center - list of 3 coordinates
        box_size - periodicity of objects in pos
        idxs - indices of of neighbors in pos
        loc - positions of neighbors in pos
    with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0.0, box_size)
        rmax = box_size/2 - 1e-6
        return tree.query_radius(center, rmax, periodic=box_size,
Exemplo n.º 17
    def computeSigma5(self, z, mag, pos_gals, dt=1.5):

        pos_bright_gals = pos_gals[mag < -19.8]

        max_distances = np.array([dt, dt, 1000])
        neg_max_distances = -1.0 * max_distances

        sigma5 = np.zeros(len(pos_gals))

        with fast3tree(pos_bright_gals) as tree:

            for i, p in enumerate(pos_gals):

                tpos = tree.query_box(p + neg_max_distances,
                                      p + max_distances,
                dtheta = np.abs(tpos - p)
                dtheta = 2 * np.arcsin(
                        np.sin(dtheta[:, 0] / 2)**2 +
                        np.cos(p[0] * np.cos(tpos[:, 0])) *
                        np.sin(dtheta[:, 1] / 2)**2))
                    sigma5[i] = dtheta[4]
                except IndexError as e:
                    sigma5[i] = -1

        z_a = copy(z)
        z_a[z_a < 1e-6] = 1e-6
            da = self.nbody.cosmo.angularDiameterDistance(z_a)
        except RuntimeError:
            print(self.nbody.domain.zmin, self.nbody.domain.zmax,
            raise RuntimeError

        sigma5 = sigma5 * self.nbody.cosmo.angularDiameterDistance(z_a)

        return sigma5
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_projected_dist_and_attrs(hosts, gals, nn, attrs, box_size=250.0):
    Selects the nn-th nearest neighbor in redshift space from gals in hosts.

        hosts - list of objects to search for nearest neighbors
        gals - objects to find nearest neighbors of
        nn - specifies which nearest neighbor to find
        attrs - list of properties to grab from halos (i.e. ['mvir', 'c'])
        dnbr - distances to the nn-th neighbor
        res - array of shape (len(attrs), len(gals))
    width_by_2 = 0.01
    pos_tags = ['x', 'y']
    host_pos = make_pos(hosts, pos_tags)
    gal_pos = make_pos(gals, pos_tags)
    N = len(gals[pos_tags[0]])
    gal_z = gals['zr']
    host_z = hosts['zr']
    dnbr = np.zeros(N)
    res = [np.zeros(N) for attr in attrs]

    for i in xrange(N):
        if i % 10000 == 0:
            print i, N
        sel = np.where(np.abs(gal_z[i] - host_z) < width_by_2)[0]
        center = gal_pos[i]
        with fast3tree(host_pos[sel]) as tree:
            if len(sel) <= nn:
                print "Insufficient number of neighbors in redshift bin"
                print "redshift: ", gal_z[i]
                assert False
            if box_size < 0:
                r, ind = get_nearest_nbr_periodic(center, tree, box_size,
                r, ind = get_nearest_nbr(center, tree)
            dnbr[i] = np.log10(r)
            for j, attr in enumerate(attrs):
                res[j][i] = hosts[attr][sel][ind]
    return dnbr, res
def remove_subhalos(halos, halos_nd, mcut = 1.e14):
    hosts = halos[halos['mvir']>mcut][['x','y','z']].view((float,3))
    rvir = halos[halos['mvir']>mcut][['rvir']].view((float,1))
    hostidx = halos[halos['mvir']>mcut][['id']].view((int,1))
    hostidx_nd = np.array([np.where(halos_nd['id'].view((int,1))==idx)[0] for idx in hostidx])
    #deal with the case that the host halos are not in the selected nd sample
    hostidx_nd = np.array([idx[0] for idx in hostidx_nd if len(idx)==1])
    points = halos_nd[list('xyz')].view((float,3))
    not_subhalo_bool = np.ones(len(points), dtype=int)
    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
        #tree.set_boundaries(0, box_size)
        #no periodic boundary condition
        for i, (p, rv, idx_nd) in enumerate(zip(hosts, rvir, hostidx_nd)):
            # rv is in unit Kpc, so divide by 1000 to get units in Mpc
            sublist = tree.query_radius(p, 2*rv/1000., periodic=False, output='index')
            for k in sublist:
                if k!= idx_nd: 
                    not_subhalo_bool[k] = 0
    return halos_nd[np.where(not_subhalo_bool)]
Exemplo n.º 20
def calc_mcf(mark, pos, rbins, box_size):
    mark : 1d ndarray, length N
    pos : 2d ndarray, shape (N, 3)
    rbins : 1d ndarray
    box_size : float
    pairs = []
    rmax = rbins[-1]
    with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0, box_size)
        for i, c in enumerate(pos):
            j = tree.query_radius(c, rmax, True)
            j = j[j>i]
            pairs.extend((i, _j) for _j in j)
    pairs = np.array(pairs)

    d = pos[pairs[:,0]] - pos[pairs[:,1]]
    d[d >  (0.5*box_size)] -= box_size
    d[d < (-0.5*box_size)] += box_size
    d *= d
    d = np.sqrt(d.sum(axis=-1))
    s = d.argsort()
    k = np.searchsorted(d, rbins, sorter=s)
    del d

    # make mark_rank to span -1 to +1
    mark_rank = rankdata(mark)
    mark_rank -= 1.0
    mark_rank *= (2.0/float(len(mark)-1))
    mark_rank -= 1.0

    mcf = []
    for i, j in zip(k[:-1], k[1:]):
        if j==i:
            ii, jj = pairs[s[i:j]].T

    return np.array(mcf)
Exemplo n.º 21
def compute_distances(px, py, pz, hpx, hpy, hpz, hmass, mcut):
    idx = (hmass > 10**mcut)
    cpos = np.zeros((np.sum(idx), 3))

    pos = np.zeros((len(px), 3))
    pos[:, 0] = px
    pos[:, 1] = py
    pos[:, 2] = pz

    cpos[:, 0] = hpx[idx]
    cpos[:, 1] = hpy[idx]
    cpos[:, 2] = hpz[idx]

    rhalo = np.zeros(len(pos))

    with fast3tree(cpos) as tree:
        for i in range(len(pos)):
            d = tree.query_nearest_distance(pos[i, :])
            rhalo[i] = d

    return rhalo
Exemplo n.º 22
def radial_conformity(centrals, neighbors, msmin, msmax, box_size, rbins,
        satellites=False, red_cut=-11, col='ssfr'):
    Calculates quenched fraction of satellites of quenched/star-forming
    centrals binned by radius.
    rmin, rmax = np.min(rbins), np.max(rbins)
    nrbins = len(rbins) - 1
    all_central_nbr_counts = [[] for _ in xrange(nrbins)]
    q_central_nbr_counts = [[] for _ in xrange(nrbins)]
    sf_central_nbr_counts = [[] for _ in xrange(nrbins)]

    n_pos = make_pos(neighbors)
    with fast3tree(n_pos) as tree:
        for c_pos, c_color, c_id in zip(centrals[list('xyz')], centrals[col],
            idx, pos = tree.query_radius(list(c_pos), rmax, periodic=box_size, output='both')
            distances = get_3d_distance(c_pos, pos, box_size)
            for ii, dist in zip(idx, distances):
                #print dist
                if satellites:
                    if neighbors[ii]['upid'] is not c_id:
                if dist < rmin or dist > rmax:
                rbin = np.digitize([dist], rbins, right=True)[0] - 1
                nbr_red = centrals[ii][col] < red_cut
                if c_color < red_cut:

    def quenched_neighbor_fraction(nbr_counts):
        return np.array([np.mean(count) for count in nbr_counts])

    return quenched_neighbor_fraction(q_central_nbr_counts), \
        quenched_neighbor_fraction(sf_central_nbr_counts), \
Exemplo n.º 23
def get_dist_and_attrs(dp, d, nn, attrs):
    dp - parent set of halos
    d - galaxy set
    nn - num neighbors
    attrs - list of attributes (i.e. ['mvir','vmax']
    pos = np.zeros((len(dp), 3))
    for i, tag in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
        pos[:, i] = dp[tag][:]

    dnbr = np.zeros(len(d))
    res = [np.zeros(len(d)) for attr in attrs]
    with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
        for i in xrange(len(d)):
            if i % 10000 == 0: print i, len(d)
            center = [d['x'].values[i], d['y'].values[i], d['z'].values[i]]
            r, ind = get_nearest_nbr_periodic(center, tree, box_size, num_neighbors=nn, exclude_self=True)
            dnbr[i] = np.log10(r)
            for j, attr in enumerate(attrs):
                res[j][i] = dp[attr].values[ind]
    return dnbr, res
Exemplo n.º 24
def correlation3d(points, rbins, box_size):
    Calculate the 3D correlation function xi(r) for a periodic box.

    points : array_like
        Must be a 2-d array whose last dimension is 3 (i.e. has 3 columns).
    rbins : array_like
        A 1-d array that has the edges of the rp bins. Must be sorted.
    box_size : float
        The side length of the periodic box.

    xi : ndarray
        A 1-d array that has wp. The length of this retured array would be
        len(rbins) - 1.
    points = np.asarray(points)
    s = points.shape
    if len(s) != 2 or s[1] != 3:
        raise ValueError('`points` must be a 2-d array with last dim=3')
    N = s[0]

    rbins = np.asarray(rbins)
    pairs_rand = float(N*N) / box_size**3 \
            * (rbins[1:]**3-rbins[:-1]**3)*(np.pi*4.0/3.0)
    pairs = np.zeros(len(rbins)-1, dtype=int)
    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0, box_size)
        for p in points:
            pairs += np.ediff1d([tree.query_radius(p, r, periodic=True, \
                    output='c') for r in rbins])

    return pairs.astype(float)/pairs_rand - 1.0
Exemplo n.º 25
def correlation3d(points, rbins, box_size):
    Calculate the 3D correlation function xi(r) for a periodic box.

    points : array_like
        Must be a 2-d array whose last dimension is 3 (i.e. has 3 columns).
    rbins : array_like
        A 1-d array that has the edges of the rp bins. Must be sorted.
    box_size : float
        The side length of the periodic box.

    xi : ndarray
        A 1-d array that has wp. The length of this retured array would be
        len(rbins) - 1.

    points = np.asarray(points)
    s = points.shape
    if len(s) != 2 or s[1] != 3:
        raise ValueError('`points` must be a 2-d array with last dim=3')
    N = s[0]

    rbins = np.asarray(rbins)
    pairs_rand = float(N*N) / box_size**3 \
            * (rbins[1:]**3-rbins[:-1]**3)*(np.pi*4.0/3.0)

    pairs = np.zeros(len(rbins) - 1, dtype=int)
    with fast3tree(points) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0, box_size)
        for p in points:
            pairs += np.ediff1d([tree.query_radius(p, r, periodic=True, \
                    output='c') for r in rbins])

    return pairs.astype(float) / pairs_rand - 1.0
Exemplo n.º 26
def calculate_clustering_score(gals, box_size, pos_tags=['x','y','zp'], rbins=[0,1,10]):
    Counts the number of pairs in different bins of cylindrical annuli
    N = len(gals)
    pos = make_pos(gals, pos_tags)
    neighbors = np.zeros((N, len(rbins) - 1))
    r_max = rbins[-1]

    with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
        if box_size > 0:
            tree.set_boundaries(0.0, box_size)
        for i in xrange(N):
            if i % 10000 == 0:
                print i, N
            idxs, loc = tree.query_radius(pos[i], r_max, periodic=box_size,
            distances = get_cylinder_distance(pos[i], loc, box_size)
            for j in xrange(len(rbins) - 1):
                binned_neighbors = len(np.where((distances > rbins[j]) &
                                                (distances < rbins[j+1]))[0])
                neighbors[i][j] = binned_neighbors
    return neighbors
Exemplo n.º 27
def isolated(pairs, halos, host_flag, D_iso, D_M33, box_size, vmax_cut=None, periodic=True):
    print 'before: ', len(pairs)
    larger_host = []
    larger_host_sub = []
    smaller_host = []
    smaller_host_sub = []

    with fast3tree(halos[list('xyz')].view(float).reshape(-1, 3)) as tree:
        for pair in pairs:
            pair_idx = host_flag[list(pair)]
            h1, h2 = halos[pair_idx] #h1 is the larger halo
            p1 = np.fromiter((h1[ax] for ax in 'xyz'), float)
            p2 = np.fromiter((h2[ax] for ax in 'xyz'), float)

            mid = find_periodic_midpoint(p1, p2, box_size, periodic)
            idx = tree.query_radius(mid, D_iso, periodic, 'index')

            biggest = halos['mvir'][idx].argmax()
            idx = np.delete(idx, biggest)
            biggest = halos['mvir'][idx].argmax() #biggest is now second-biggest

            # the second index has a smaller mass
            if h2['mvir'] == halos['mvir'][idx[biggest]]:
                continue #no need to search M33

            #find M33
            M33_ind, M33_mass = find_largest_sub(tree, p1, D_M33, halos, pair_idx, vmax_cut, periodic)
            LMC_ind, LMC_mass = find_largest_sub(tree, p2, D_M33, halos, pair_idx, vmax_cut, periodic)

    print 'after: ', len(larger_host)
    return larger_host, larger_host_sub, smaller_host, smaller_host_sub
Exemplo n.º 28
def projected_correlation(points, rbins, zmax, box_size, jackknife_nside=0):
    Calculate the projected correlation function wp(rp) and its covariance 
    matrix for a periodic box, with the plane-parallel approximation and 
    the Jackknife method.

    points : array_like
        Must be a 2-d array whose last dimension is 3 (i.e. has 3 columns)
        The last column will be used as the redshift distance.
    rbins : array_like
        A 1-d array that has the edges of the rp bins. Must be sorted.
    zmax : float
        The integral of \pi goes from -zmax to zmax (redshift distance).
    box_size : float
        The side length of the periodic box.
    jackknife_nside : int, optional (Default: 0)
        If <= 1 , it will not do Jackknife.

    wp : ndarray
        A 1-d array that has wp. The length of this retured array would be
        len(rbins) - 1.
    wp_cov : ndarray (returned if jackknife_nside > 1)
        The len(wp) by len(wp) covariance matrix of wp.
    points = np.asarray(points)
    s = points.shape
    if len(s) != 2 or s[1] != 3:
        raise ValueError('`points` must be a 2-d array with last dim=3')
    N = s[0]

    rbins = np.asarray(rbins)
    rbins_sq = rbins*rbins
    dcorner2 = np.array([rbins[-1], rbins[-1], zmax])
    dcorner1 = -dcorner2
    if np.any(dcorner2*2 > box_size):
        print "[Warning] box too small!"

    pairs_rand = float(N*N) / box_size**3 \
            * (rbins[1:]**2-rbins[:-1]**2)*np.pi*zmax*2.0
    jackknife_nside = int(jackknife_nside)

    if jackknife_nside <= 1: #no jackknife
        dcorner1[2] = 0 #save some time
        pairs = np.zeros(len(rbins)-1, dtype=int)
        with fast3tree(points) as tree:
            for p in points:
                for pp in _yield_periodic_points(p,dcorner1,dcorner2,box_size):
                    x -= pp[0]; x *= x
                    y -= pp[1]; y *= y
                    x += y; x.sort()
                    pairs += np.ediff1d(np.searchsorted(x, rbins_sq))
        return (pairs.astype(float)*2.0/pairs_rand - 1.0) * zmax*2.0

    else: #do jackknife
        jack_ids  = np.floor(np.remainder(points[:,0], box_size)\
                / box_size*jackknife_nside).astype(int)
        jack_ids += np.floor(np.remainder(points[:,1], box_size)\
                / box_size*jackknife_nside).astype(int) * jackknife_nside
        n_jack = jackknife_nside*jackknife_nside
        pairs = np.zeros((n_jack, len(rbins)-1), dtype=int)
        auto_pairs = np.zeros_like(pairs)
        with fast3tree(points) as tree:
            for p, jid in izip(points, jack_ids):
                for pp in _yield_periodic_points(p,dcorner1,dcorner2,box_size):
                    idx,pos = tree.query_box(pp+dcorner1,pp+dcorner2,output='b')
                    x, y = pos.T[:2]
                    x -= pp[0]; x *= x
                    y -= pp[1]; y *= y
                    x += y 
                    y = x[jack_ids[idx]==jid]
                    y.sort(); x.sort()
                    pairs[jid] += np.ediff1d(np.searchsorted(x, rbins_sq))
                    auto_pairs[jid] += np.ediff1d(np.searchsorted(y, rbins_sq))
        idx = pos = x = y = None
        pairs_sum = pairs.sum(axis=0)
        pairs = pairs_sum - pairs*2 + auto_pairs
        wp_jack = (pairs.astype(float) \
                / pairs_rand \
                / _jackknife_2d_random(rbins, box_size, jackknife_nside)\
                - 1.0) * zmax*2.0
        wp_full = (pairs_sum.astype(float)/pairs_rand - 1.0) * zmax*2.0
        wp = wp_full*n_jack - wp_jack.mean(axis=0)*(n_jack-1)
        wp_cov = np.cov(wp_jack, rowvar=0, bias=1)*(n_jack-1)
        return wp, wp_cov
Exemplo n.º 29
def plot_density_profile(d0, d_gals, test_gals, name):
    Binning by mass and radius, this function makes use of the
    count_neighbors_within_r helper to show radial profiles of parent galaxies.
    rmin, rmax, Nrp = 0.1, 5.0, 10
    rbins = np.logspace(np.log10(rpmin), np.log10(rpmax), Nrp+1)
    r = np.sqrt(rbins[1:]*rbins[:-1])

    dp = d0[d0['upid'] == -1]
    # Set up a tree with the galaxy set
    dp = dp.reset_index(drop=True)
    d_gals = d_gals.reset_index(drop=True)
    pos = np.zeros((len(d_gals), 3))
    for i, tag in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
        pos[:, i] = d_gals[tag][:]

    mvir = dp['mvir'].values
    mmin, mmax = np.min(mvir), np.max(mvir)
    nmbins = 3
    mbins = np.logspace(np.log10(mmin), np.log10(mmax), nmbins+1)
    num_halos, _ = np.histogram(mvir, mbins)
    dp['mbin_idx'] = np.digitize(mvir, mbins)

    with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
        tree.set_boundaries(0.0, box_size)
        for i in xrange(nmbins):
            mass_select = dp[dp['mbin_idx'] == i]
            num_blue_actual = np.zeros(len(rbins))
            num_blue_pred = np.zeros(len(rbins))
            num_red_actual = np.zeros(len(rbins))
            num_red_pred = np.zeros(len(rbins))

            # change the order of the loop after querying the radius
            for j, halo in mass_select.iterrows():
                center = halo['x'], halo['y'], halo['z']
                idxs, pos = tree.query_radius(center, rmax, periodic=box_size, output='both')
                dx = get_distance(center[0], pos[:, 0], box_size=box_size)
                dy = get_distance(center[1], pos[:, 1], box_size=box_size)
                dz = get_distance(center[2], pos[:, 2], box_size=box_size)
                r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
                msk = r2 > 0.0
                q = np.argsort(r2[msk])
                rs = np.sqrt(r2[msk][q])
                idxs = idxs[msk][q]
                for dist, sat_idx in zip(rs, idxs):
                    #print dist
                    #print rbins
                    rbin = np.digitize([dist], rbins)
                    # query for large radius and then do processing in here

                    if d_gals['ssfr'].values[sat_idx] < -11:
                        num_red_actual[rbin] += 1
                        num_blue_actual[rbin] += 1
                    test_gal = test_gals[test_gals['id'] == d_gals['id'].values[sat_idx]]
                    if len(test_gal):
                        if test_gal['pred'].values[0] < -11:
                            num_red_pred[rbin] += 1
                            num_blue_pred[rbin] += 1

            volumes = [4./3 * np.pi * r**3 for r in rbins]
            num_red_actual /= num_halos[i]
            num_blue_actual /= num_halos[i]
            num_red_pred /= num_halos[i]
            num_blue_pred /= num_halos[i]
            num_red_actual /= volumes
            num_blue_actual /= volumes
            num_red_pred /= volumes
            num_blue_pred /= volumes
            plt.loglog(rbins, num_red_actual, color=red_col, lw=4, label='input')
            plt.loglog(rbins, num_red_pred, color=red_col, label='pred', alpha=0.5)
            plt.loglog(rbins, num_blue_actual, color=blue_col, lw=4, label='input')
            plt.loglog(rbins, num_blue_pred, color=blue_col, label='pred', alpha=0.5)
            plt.ylabel('<centrals + satellites>')
            plt.title('Radial density {:.2f}'.format(mbins[i]) + ' < mvir < {:.2f}'.format(mbins[i+1]))

        # select the points inside the JK box
        xr, yr, zr = JKindex2JKbox(JKidx, box_size, n)
        xbool = (xr[0] - halos[:,0])*(xr[1] - halos[:,0]) < 0
        ybool = (yr[0] - halos[:,1])*(yr[1] - halos[:,1]) < 0
        zbool = (zr[0] - halos[:,2])*(zr[1] - halos[:,2]) < 0
        halos_JK = halos[np.all([xbool, ybool, zbool],axis=0)]

        #determine the neighboring 27 JK indices (including itself)
        center = np.mean([xr, yr, zr], axis=-1)
        xx, yy, zz = [grid.flatten() for grid in np.meshgrid([-1.,0,1.],[-1.,0,1.],[-1.,0,1.],indexing='ij')]
        dx, dy, dz = float(box_size)/n*np.identity(3)
        shifts = np.outer(xx, dx) + np.outer(yy, dy) + np.outer(zz,dz)
        neighbor_JKindex = point2JKindex(np.mod(center + shifts , box_size), box_size, n)
        # calculate the number of halo partners that are inside each of the 27 neighboring boxes
        # crosspairslist[r, 13] is the number of autopairs
        # start the autopairs with negative so that we don't count the halo pairing with itself
        crosspairslist = np.zeros((len(rbins), 27))
        crosspairslist[:,13] = -len(halos_JK)*np.ones_like(rbins)
        with fast3tree(halos) as tree:
            tree.set_boundaries(0, box_size)
            for p in halos_JK:
                for i, r in enumerate(rbins):
                    pos = tree.query_radius(p,r, periodic=True, output='pos')
                    JKpos = point2JKindex(pos, box_size, n)
                    for k, neighborJK in enumerate(neighbor_JKindex):
                        crosspairslist[i,k] += np.count_nonzero(JKpos == neighborJK)
        JKcrosspairs[JKidx] = crosspairslist
    fname = 'pairs_{}/boundaries/{}_nd{:.1f}_nsave{}'.format(proxy, case, nd_log, n)
    np.save(fname, JKcrosspairs)

Exemplo n.º 31
def calculate_r_hill(halo_set, massive_halos, rmax=5):
    calculate_r_hill iterates over all halos in the halo set. For each halo,
    calculate the rhill generated by the 10 more massive nearest neighbors in
    massive_halos, save the r_hill min and corresponding distance and mass of
    the determining neighbor halo.
    half_box_size = box_size/2
    massive_halos = massive_halos.reset_index(drop=True)
    halo_set = halo_set.reset_index(drop=True)
    r_hills = []
    halo_dists = []
    halo_masses = []

    r_hills = []

    # Iterate over the halos and compare 
    for i, halo in halo_set.iterrows():
        if i % 5000 == 0:
            print i
        m_sec = halo['mvir']
        center = [halo['x'], halo['y'], halo['z']]
        larger_halos = massive_halos[massive_halos['mvir'] > m_sec] #.values?

        pos = np.zeros((len(larger_halos), 3))
        for i, tag in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
            pos[:, i] = larger_halos[tag][:]
        num_tries = 0
        with fast3tree(pos) as tree:
            tree.set_boundaries(0.0, box_size)
            # First find the nearest neighbor to get a sense of the density
            rmax = tree.query_nearest_distance(center) + 5
            if rmax > half_box_size:
                rmax = half_box_size - 1e-6
            while True:
                if num_tries > 3:
                idxs, pos = tree.query_radius(center, rmax, periodic=box_size, output='both')
                # repeat with a larger radius if there are fewer than 10 neighbors
                if len(idxs) < 10:
                    rmax *= 3.0
                    num_tries += 1
        dx = get_distance(center[0], pos[:, 0], box_size=box_size)
        dy = get_distance(center[1], pos[:, 1], box_size=box_size)
        dz = get_distance(center[2], pos[:, 2], box_size=box_size)
        r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
        msk = r2 > 0.0
        rs = np.sqrt(r2[msk])
        idxs = idxs[msk]
        if len(rs) > 0:
            rhill_candidates = [r * (m_sec/(3 * massive_halos['mvir'][idx]))**(1./3) for r, idx in zip(rs, idxs)]
            rhill = min(rhill_candidates)
            idx_idx = np.argmin(rhill_candidates)
            halo_dist = rs[idx_idx]
            halo_mass = massive_halos['mvir'][idxs[idx_idx]]
            rhill = half_box_size
            halo_dist = np.nan
            halo_mass = np.nan

    return r_hills, halo_dists, halo_masses
Exemplo n.º 32
def main():
    for isnap in range(NSnaps):
        print "snap", isnap
        folder = outputfolder + "/snap_%03d/" % (isnap)
        ahf_halos = []
        rho = overdensities[0]
        desc_folder = outputfolder + "/snap_%03d/multidenshalos" % (isnap)
        outfile_prefix = folder + "/" + prefix_template + "_rho_%04d" % (
            long(rho + 0.5))
        z = get_z(outfile_prefix)
        halos = []
        pids = []
        print "read halo catalogue"
        for rho in overdensities:
            outfile_prefix = folder + "/" + prefix_template + "_rho_%04d" % (
                long(rho + 0.5))
            (halo, pid) = read_ahf_halos_snap(outfile_prefix, z)
        for i in range(len(overdensities) - 1):
            print "doing rho =", overdensities[i]
            lo_index = numpy.where(halos[i][:, 1] == 0)[0]
            lo_halos = halos[i][lo_index]
            hi_index = numpy.where(halos[i + 1][:, 1] == 0)[0]
            hi_halos = halos[i + 1][hi_index]
            lo_halos[:, 0:2] = -1
            hi_halos[:, 0:2] = -1
            for ih in range(len(lo_halos)):
                lo_halos[ih, 0] = ih
            for ih in range(len(hi_halos)):
                hi_halos[ih, 0] = ih
            os.system("mkdir -p " + folder + "/multilevels/")
            outfile = folder + "/multilevels/" + str(
                overdensities[i]) + "_to_" + str(overdensities[i + 1]) + ".txt"
            f = open(outfile, "w")
            if len(hi_halos) & len(lo_halos):
                pos = hi_halos[:, 5:8]
                with fast3tree.fast3tree(pos) as tree:
                    tree.set_boundaries(0.0, boxsize_kpc)
                    for ii in range(len(lo_halos)):
                        h = lo_halos[ii]
                        idx = tree.query_radius(h[5:8],
                        if len(idx) > 0:
                            string = "\t".join([str(id) for id in idx])
                            print >> f, "%d\t%s" % (ii, string)
                            hi_halos[idx, 1] = ii
                            print >> f, ii
                del (tree)
                # pos = lo_halos[:,5:8]
                # with fast3tree.fast3tree(pos) as tree:
                #     tree.set_boundaries(0.0,boxsize_kpc)
                #     tree.rebuild_boundaries()
                #     for ii in range(len(hi_halos)):
                #         h = hi_halos[ii]
                #         idx = tree.query_radius(h[5:8],h[11], periodic=True,output='index')
                #         if len(idx)>0:
                #             if(idx[0]>=len(lo_halos)):
                #                 print "something is wrong, idx = ",idx,len(lo_halos)
                #             lo_halos[idx[0],0] = ii
                # del(tree)
            outfile = folder + "/multilevels/" + prefix_template + str(
                overdensities[i + 1]) + "halo.txt"
            numpy.savetxt(outfile, hi_halos)
            outfile = folder + "/multilevels/" + prefix_template + str(
                overdensities[i + 1]) + "particle.txt"
            f = open(outfile, "w+")
            print >> f, len(hi_index)
            for ihalo in range(len(hi_index)):
                id_halo = hi_index[ihalo]
                print >> f, len(pids[i + 1][id_halo]), ihalo
                string = "\n".join(
                    [str(id) + "\t1" for id in pids[i + 1][id_halo]])
                print >> f, string
            if i == 0:
                outfile = folder + "/multilevels/" + prefix_template + str(
                    overdensities[i]) + "halo.txt"
                numpy.savetxt(outfile, lo_halos)
                outfile = folder + "/multilevels/" + prefix_template + str(
                    overdensities[i]) + "particle.txt"
                f = open(outfile, "w+")
                print >> f, len(lo_index)
                for ihalo in range(len(lo_index)):
                    id_halo = lo_index[ihalo]
                    print >> f, len(pids[i][id_halo]), ihalo
                    string = "\n".join(
                        [str(id) + "\t1" for id in pids[i][id_halo]])
                    print >> f, string
    for isnap in range(NSnaps - 1):
        folder_1 = outputfolder + "/snap_%03d/" % (isnap)
        folder_2 = outputfolder + "/snap_%03d/" % (isnap + 1)
        for i in range(len(overdensities)):
            infile = folder_1 + "/multilevels/" + prefix_template + str(
                overdensities[i]) + "particle.txt"
            outfile = folder_2 + "/multilevels/" + prefix_template + str(
                overdensities[i]) + "particle.txt"
            mtree_file_fw = folder_1 + "/multilevels/" + prefix_template + str(
                overdensities[i]) + "_fw"
            mtree_file_rw = folder_2 + "/multilevels/" + prefix_template + str(
                overdensities[i]) + "_rw"
            qsub_com = "qsub " + submission_script_single + " \"%s %d %s %s %s\"" % (
                mergertree_exec, 2, infile, outfile, mtree_file_fw)
            qsub_com = "qsub " + submission_script_single + " \"%s %d %s %s %s\"" % (
                mergertree_exec, 2, outfile, infile, mtree_file_rw)
Exemplo n.º 33
def projected_correlation(points, rbins, zmax, box_size, jackknife_nside=0):
    Calculate the projected correlation function wp(rp) and its covariance 
    matrix for a periodic box, with the plane-parallel approximation and 
    the Jackknife method.

    points : array_like
        Must be a 2-d array whose last dimension is 3 (i.e. has 3 columns)
        The last column will be used as the redshift distance.
    rbins : array_like
        A 1-d array that has the edges of the rp bins. Must be sorted.
    zmax : float
        The integral of \pi goes from -zmax to zmax (redshift distance).
    box_size : float
        The side length of the periodic box.
    jackknife_nside : int, optional (Default: 0)
        If <= 1 , it will not do Jackknife.

    wp : ndarray
        A 1-d array that has wp. The length of this retured array would be
        len(rbins) - 1.
    wp_cov : ndarray (returned if jackknife_nside > 1)
        The len(wp) by len(wp) covariance matrix of wp.
    points = np.asarray(points)
    s = points.shape
    if len(s) != 2 or s[1] != 3:
        raise ValueError('`points` must be a 2-d array with last dim=3')
    N = s[0]

    rbins = np.asarray(rbins)
    rbins_sq = rbins * rbins
    dcorner2 = np.array([rbins[-1], rbins[-1], zmax])
    dcorner1 = -dcorner2
    if np.any(dcorner2 * 2 > box_size):
        print "[Warning] box too small!"

    pairs_rand = float(N*N) / box_size**3 \
            * (rbins[1:]**2-rbins[:-1]**2)*np.pi*zmax*2.0
    jackknife_nside = int(jackknife_nside)

    if jackknife_nside <= 1:  #no jackknife
        dcorner1[2] = 0  #save some time
        pairs = np.zeros(len(rbins) - 1, dtype=int)
        with fast3tree(points) as tree:
            for p in points:
                for pp in _yield_periodic_points(p, dcorner1, dcorner2,
                    x, y = tree.query_box(pp + dcorner1,
                                          pp + dcorner2,
                    x -= pp[0]
                    x *= x
                    y -= pp[1]
                    y *= y
                    x += y
                    pairs += np.ediff1d(np.searchsorted(x, rbins_sq))
        return (pairs.astype(float) * 2.0 / pairs_rand - 1.0) * zmax * 2.0

    else:  #do jackknife
        jack_ids  = np.floor(np.remainder(points[:,0], box_size)\
                / box_size*jackknife_nside).astype(int)
        jack_ids += np.floor(np.remainder(points[:,1], box_size)\
                / box_size*jackknife_nside).astype(int) * jackknife_nside
        n_jack = jackknife_nside * jackknife_nside
        pairs = np.zeros((n_jack, len(rbins) - 1), dtype=int)
        auto_pairs = np.zeros_like(pairs)
        with fast3tree(points) as tree:
            for p, jid in izip(points, jack_ids):
                for pp in _yield_periodic_points(p, dcorner1, dcorner2,
                    idx, pos = tree.query_box(pp + dcorner1,
                                              pp + dcorner2,
                    x, y = pos.T[:2]
                    x -= pp[0]
                    x *= x
                    y -= pp[1]
                    y *= y
                    x += y
                    y = x[jack_ids[idx] == jid]
                    pairs[jid] += np.ediff1d(np.searchsorted(x, rbins_sq))
                    auto_pairs[jid] += np.ediff1d(np.searchsorted(y, rbins_sq))
        idx = pos = x = y = None
        pairs_sum = pairs.sum(axis=0)
        pairs = pairs_sum - pairs * 2 + auto_pairs
        wp_jack = (pairs.astype(float) \
                / pairs_rand \
                / _jackknife_2d_random(rbins, box_size, jackknife_nside)\
                - 1.0) * zmax*2.0
        wp_full = (pairs_sum.astype(float) / pairs_rand - 1.0) * zmax * 2.0
        wp = wp_full * n_jack - wp_jack.mean(axis=0) * (n_jack - 1)
        wp_cov = np.cov(wp_jack, rowvar=0, bias=1) * (n_jack - 1)
        return wp, wp_cov
Exemplo n.º 34
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from fast3tree import fast3tree

data = np.random.rand(10000, 3)
with fast3tree(data) as tree:
    idx = tree.query_radius([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 0.2)
    print("idx:", idx, flush=True)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def matchTrainingSet(self, mag, ranksigma5, redfraction, dm=0.1, ds=0.05):

        mag_train = self.trainingSet['ABSMAG'][:, 2]

        if self.match_magonly:
            ranksigma5_train = np.random.rand(len(self.trainingSet['PSIGMA5']))
            ranksigma5_train = self.trainingSet['PSIGMA5']

        isred_train = self.trainingSet['ISRED']

        pos = np.zeros((mag.size, 3))
        pos_train = np.zeros((mag_train.size, 3))

        n_gal = mag.size
        rand = np.random.rand(n_gal)

        pos[:, 0] = mag
        pos[:, 1] = ranksigma5
        pos[:, 2] = redfraction

        pos[pos[:, 0] < np.min(mag_train), 0] = np.min(mag_train)
        pos[pos[:, 0] > np.max(mag_train), 0] = np.max(mag_train)

        pos_train[:, 0] = mag_train
        pos_train[:, 1] = ranksigma5_train
        pos_train[:, 2] = isred_train

        # max distance in isred direction large enough to select all
        # make search distance in mag direction larger as we go fainter
        # as there are fewer galaxies in the training set there

        def max_distances(m):
            return np.array(
                [np.min([np.max([np.abs((22.5 + m)) * dm, 0.1]), 5]), ds, 1.1])

        def neg_max_distances(m):            return -1. * \
                [np.min([np.max([np.abs((22.5 + m)) * dm, 0.1]), 5]), ds, 1.1])

        sed_idx = np.zeros(n_gal, dtype=np.int)
        bad = np.zeros(n_gal, dtype=np.bool)

        with fast3tree(pos_train) as tree:

            for i, p in enumerate(pos):

                idx, tpos = tree.query_box(p + neg_max_distances(p[0]),
                                           p + max_distances(p[0]),
                rf = np.sum(tpos[:, 2]) / len(tpos)
                isred = rand[i] < (rf * redfraction[i])
                idx = idx[tpos[:, 2] == int(isred)]
                tpos = tpos[tpos[:, 2] == int(isred)]
                tpos -= p

                if self.match_magonly:
                    dt = np.abs(tpos[:, 0])
                    dt = np.abs(np.sum(tpos**2, axis=1))

                    sed_idx[i] = idx[np.argmin(dt)]
                except Exception as e:
                    bad[i] = True

            isbad = np.where(bad)[0]
            print('Number of bad SED assignments: {}'.format(len(isbad)))

            if self.match_magonly:

                def max_distances(m):
                    return np.array(
                        [np.max([(22.5 + m)**2 * dm, dm]), ds * 10, 1.1])

                def neg_max_distances(m):                    return -1. * \
np.array([np.max([(22.5 + m)**2 * dm, dm]), ds * 10, 1.1])

                def max_distances(m):
                    return np.array(
                        [np.max([10 * (22.5 + m)**2 * dm, dm]), ds, 1.1])

                def neg_max_distances(m):                    return -1. * \
np.array([np.max([10 * (22.5 + m)**2 * dm, dm]), ds, 1.1])

            for i, p in enumerate(pos[bad]):
                idx, tpos = tree.query_box(p + neg_max_distances(p[0]),
                                           p + max_distances(p[0]),

                rf = np.sum(tpos[:, 2]) / len(tpos)
                isred = rand[i] < (rf * redfraction[i])
                idx = idx[tpos[:, 2] == int(isred)]
                tpos = tpos[tpos[:, 2] == int(isred)]
                tpos -= p

                if self.match_magonly:
                    dt = np.abs(tpos[:, 0])
                    dt = np.abs(np.sum(tpos**2, axis=1))

                    sed_idx[isbad[i]] = idx[np.argmin(dt)]
                except Exception as e:
                    bad[i] = True

        return sed_idx, bad