Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, patent_id, company, inventor_id, lat, lng, city, state, country):
     self.patent_id = patent_id
     self.inventor_id = inventor_id
     self.lat = fast_real(lat)
     self.lng = fast_real(lng)
     self.company = company
     self.called_api = False
     self.failed_api = False
     if self.lat == '' or self.lng == '':
             response = requests.get("http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/" + city + ' ' + state + ' ' + country,
             data = response.json()
             self.called_api = True
             self.lat = data['resourceSets'][0]['resources'][0]['point']['coordinates'][0]
             self.lng = data['resourceSets'][0]['resources'][0]['point']['coordinates'][1]
             print('error when finding lat and lng')
             self.failed_api = True
             self.lat = 404
             self.lng = 404
     self.city = city
     self.state = state
     self.country = country
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_fast_real_with_coerce_given_dumb_class_responds_to_internal_ValueError(
    x = DumbFloatClass()
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(x, coerce=True) is x
    with raises(ValueError):
        fastnumbers.fast_real(x, coerce=True, raise_on_invalid=True)
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(x, coerce=True, default=5) == 5
def test_fast_real_given_float_string_returns_float(x):
    assume(not math.isnan(x))
    y = repr(x)
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(y, coerce=False) == x
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(y, raise_on_invalid=True, coerce=False) == x
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(y, None, True, coerce=False) == x
    assert isinstance(fastnumbers.fast_real(y, coerce=False), float)
Exemplo n.º 4
	def fixTimeAndAlt(data):
		'''Statyczna funkcja majaca na celu zamiane dlugosci wyrazonej w stopach na metry oraz ustawienie, aby czas liczony byl od 0s
		@param data - lista danych
		start_time = fast_real(data[0][0])
		for i in data:
			i[0] = fast_real(i[0]) - start_time
			i[0] = str(i[0]) 
			i[3] = fast_real(i[3])*0.3048
			i[3] = str(i[3])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def fixTimeAndAlt(data):
        '''Statyczna funkcja majaca na celu zamiane dlugosci wyrazonej w stopach na metry oraz ustawienie, aby czas liczony byl od 0s
		@param data - lista danych
        start_time = fast_real(data[0][0])

        for i in data:

            i[0] = fast_real(i[0]) - start_time
            i[0] = str(i[0])
            i[3] = fast_real(i[3]) * 0.3048
            i[3] = str(i[3])
Exemplo n.º 6
	def fixDistance(data):
		'''Funkcja statyczna obliczajaca przebyty dystans na podstawie szerokosci i wysokosci geografizcnej
		@param data - lista danych
		@return dist - lista zawierajaca przebyty dystans 
		start_Lo = fast_real(data[0][1])
		start_La = fast_real(data[0][2])
		dist = []

		for i in data:
		return dist
Exemplo n.º 7
	def prepareSpeed(data):
		'''Statyczna funkcja obliczajaca predkosc samolotu w danym czasie
		@param data - lista danch
		@result speed - lista zawierajaca predkosci
		dst = Fixer.fixDistance(data)
		speed = []
		s = fast_real(dst[0])
		for i in dst:
			dist = fast_real(i)-s
			s = i
		return speed
Exemplo n.º 8
    def prepareSpeed(data):
        '''Statyczna funkcja obliczajaca predkosc samolotu w danym czasie
		@param data - lista danch
		@result speed - lista zawierajaca predkosci
        dst = Fixer.fixDistance(data)
        speed = []
        s = fast_real(dst[0])
        for i in dst:
            dist = fast_real(i) - s
            speed.append(dist * 3.6)
            s = i
        return speed
def get_min(data_list):
    new = []
    for i in data_list:
        if i != -99:
    min = sorted(new)
    return round(min[0], 4)  # calculates min of a list of values
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_max(data_list):
    new = []
    for i in data_list:
        if i != -99:
    max = sorted(new)
    return round(max[len(new) - 1], 4)  # calculates max of a list of values
Exemplo n.º 11
    def create(self, token, sheet=None):
        if token.type == Token.OPERAND:
            #First lets check if token is a range and have has no sheet, in which case add sheet name to token value
            if token.subtype == Token.RANGE and '!' not in token.value and ':' in token.value:
                token.value = '{}!{}'.format(sheet, token.value)
                return RangeNode(token)

            elif token.subtype == Token.RANGE and '!' not in token.value and ':' not in token.value:
                token.value = '{}!{}'.format(sheet, token.value)
                return CellNode(token)

            # Then lets check if token is a number, in which case update assign float or int to token value
            elif token.subtype == Token.NUMBER:
                token.value = fast_real(token.value)
                return OperandNode(token)

            elif token.subtype == Token.LOGICAL:
                token.value = token.value == 'TRUE'
                return OperandNode(token)

            # Token must be subtype Text, Logical or Error - in which case do nothing
                return OperandNode(token)

        elif token.is_funcopen:
            return FunctionNode(token)

        elif token.is_operator:
            return OperatorNode(token)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def createHardcode(self,value):
     if isinstance(fast_real(value), str):
         tok = Token(value, Token.OPERAND, "TEXT")
         tok = Token(value, Token.OPERAND, "NUMBER")
     self.rpn.append(OperandNode(tok, self.model))
     self.needs_calc = False
Exemplo n.º 13
 def convert_to_bytes(self, value):
     value = fast_real(value)
     if not (isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float)):
         raise NoValidMessageException(
             str.format("Message is no int/float: {}", value))
     value = int(value * 10**self._decimal)
     return struct.pack('!h', value)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def transform(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, string_types):
         value = re.sub(',', '.', value)
         return fastnumbers.fast_real(value, np.nan, raise_on_invalid=False)
     except TypeError:
         return np.nan
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_min(data_list):
	new = []
	for i in data_list:
		if i != -99:
	min = sorted(new)
	return round(min[0], 4)	# calculates min of a list of values
Exemplo n.º 16
    def received_info(self, edge, prob):
        global G
        global Links_weight_Dictionary

        print '-----------------------------------'
        print 'The previous link weight list is'
        print '-----------------------------------'
        print Links_weight_Dictionary
        print '-----------------------------------'
        print "The failed link is  = {}".format(edge)
        print "The failed link probability is  = {}".format(prob)

        Link = ast.literal_eval(
            edge)  # To convert the link from Unicode into Tuple object
        F_Probability = fast_real(
            prob)  # To convert the link failure probability into float

            Link] = F_Probability  # To update the link failure probability

        print '-----------------------------------'
        print 'The updated link weight list is'
        print '-----------------------------------'
        print Links_weight_Dictionary
        print '-----------------------------------'
Exemplo n.º 17
 def convert_to_bytes(self, value):
     value = fast_real(value)
     if not isinstance(value, int) or value < 0:
         raise NoValidMessageException(
             str.format("Message is no int or is smaller than 0: {}",
     return struct.pack('!B', value)
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_max(data_list):
	new = []
	for i in data_list:
		if i != -99:
	max = sorted(new)
	return round(max[len(new)-1], 4) # calculates max of a list of values
Exemplo n.º 19
    def formula(self, excel_formula):
        If excel formula is set, this TRIGGERS creation of rpn formula and tree
        @param excel_formula: excel formula as a string
        @return: rpn formula
        self._formula = excel_formula
        logging.debug("Processing RPN for formula {} at cell {}".format(
            excel_formula, self))

        #First check if formula starts with correct operator
        if str(excel_formula).startswith(('=', '+')):
            self.rpn = self.make_rpn(excel_formula)

            # creates list of precedents (who do I depend on)

        # This means formula must be a hardcode
                "Formula does not start with = or +. Creating a hardcode cell")
            if isinstance(fast_real(self.address), str):
                tok = Token(self.address, Token.OPERAND, "TEXT")
                self.needs_calc = False
                tok = Token(self.address, Token.OPERAND, "NUMBER")

        logging.info("RPN is: {}".format(self.rpn))
Exemplo n.º 20
def load_old_rects(floor_id, img_name):
  building, num = parse_name(img_name)
  prev_file = "rects/{}/{}_rects_{}.txt".format(floor_id, building, num)
  prev_rects = []
  if isfile(prev_file):
    with open(prev_file, "r") as f:
      data = [l.strip() for l in f.read().split("\n") if len(l.strip()) > 0]
      for l in data:
        rect = l.split(" ")
        x, y, width, height = rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]
                            "x": fast_real(x),
                            "y": fast_real(y),
                            "width": fast_real(width),
                            "height": fast_real(height)
  return prev_rects
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_Resume_info(self):
     resume_price = self.app.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
         '.resume-item.resume-checkout .price-format span.value').text
     resume_name = self.app.driver.find_element_by_css_selector('h1').text
     resume_phone = {
         'name': resume_name,
         'cost': fastnumbers.fast_real(resume_price)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def fixDistance(data):
        '''Funkcja statyczna obliczajaca przebyty dystans na podstawie szerokosci i wysokosci geografizcnej
		@param data - lista danych
		@return dist - lista zawierajaca przebyty dystans 
        start_Lo = fast_real(data[0][1])
        start_La = fast_real(data[0][2])
        dist = []

        for i in data:
                        math.cos((math.pi * start_La) / 180.0) *
                        (fast_real(i[1]) - start_Lo), 2) +
                    math.pow((fast_real(i[2]) - start_La), 2)) * math.pi *
                (12756.274 / 360) * 1000)
        return dist
Exemplo n.º 23
def get_mean(data_list):
	sum = 0.0
	count = 0.0
	# get mean
	for i in data_list:
		if i != -99:
			sum += fast_real(i)
			count += 1
	mean = round(sum/count, 4)
	return mean	 # calculates mean of a list of values
Exemplo n.º 24
def get_mean(data_list):
    sum = 0.0
    count = 0.0

    # get mean
    for i in data_list:
        if i != -99:
            sum += fast_real(i)
            count += 1
    mean = round(sum / count, 4)
    return mean  # calculates mean of a list of values
Exemplo n.º 25
 def product_info(self, device):
     model = device.find_element_by_css_selector(".item-info p a")
     price = device.find_element_by_css_selector(
         '.item-price.stick-bottom span.value').text
     converted = fastnumbers.fast_real(price)
     phone = ({
         "name": model.text,
         "costa": converted,
         "link": model.get_attribute('href')
     return phone
Exemplo n.º 26
def count_numbers(string):
    ss = string.split(' ')
    ii = []
    for i in ss:
        if type(fast_real(i)) == float or i.isdigit():
            i = float(i)
Exemplo n.º 27
def get_numpy_val(input_name, input_val):
    """Convert input values to NumPy-compatible numerical values"""
    if input_val == "inf" or input_val == "+inf":
        return np.inf
    elif input_val == "-inf":
        return -np.inf
        num = fast_real(input_val)
        if isinstance(num, (int, long, float)):
            return num
            raise BadRequest(
                "Invalid value for \"{0}\" ({1}).  Expected: -inf, inf, or a numerical value.".format(input_name, input_val))
Exemplo n.º 28
def number_guess(numbers):
    number_guess tries to parse each potential value into a number.
    It returns the percentage (using 0.0 to 1.0) that were parsable.
        num_good_matches = 0.0
        for probable_number in numbers:
            result = fast_real(probable_number)
            if (type(result) is int) or (type(result) is float):
                num_good_matches = num_good_matches + 1
        return num_good_matches/len(numbers)
        return 0.0
Exemplo n.º 29
def get_std_lat_lon(data_list):
	sum = 0.0
	count = 0.0
	new = []
	# get mean
	for i in data_list:
		if i != -99:
			sum += fast_real(i)
			count += 1
	mean = sum/count
	a = []
	b = []
	c = 0.0
	for i in new:
		a.append(i - mean)
	for i in a:
	for i in b:
	std = math.sqrt(c/count)
	return round(std, 4)	# calculates stdev of a list of values
Exemplo n.º 30
def get_std_lat_lon(data_list):
    sum = 0.0
    count = 0.0
    new = []
    # get mean
    for i in data_list:
        if i != -99:
            sum += fast_real(i)
            count += 1
    mean = sum / count

    a = []
    b = []
    c = 0.0
    for i in new:
        a.append(i - mean)
    for i in a:
        b.append(i * i)
    for i in b:
        c += i
    std = math.sqrt(c / count)
    return round(std, 4)  # calculates stdev of a list of values
Exemplo n.º 31
def extractValue(value):
  if isinstance(value, str):
    if value.startswith("#"):
      # Convert constant
      convertedValue = fast_real(value[1:])
      if convertedValue == "false":
        return False
      elif convertedValue == "true":
        return True
      return convertedValue
    elif value.startswith("&"):
      return value
    newValue = getValueFromMemory(value)
    return newValue
Exemplo n.º 32
	def split(self, line):

		if fastnumbers is not None:
			return [fastnumbers.fast_real(s, nan=u'nan', inf=u'inf') \
				for s in line.split()]
		l = []
		for s in line.split():
					# Make sure we don't convert 'inf' and 'nan' strings to
					# float
					assert(not math.isinf(float(s)))
					assert(not math.isnan(float(s)))
		return l
Exemplo n.º 33
    def create(self):

        #Assigning to variable token for readability
        token = self.token

        if token.type == Token.OPERAND:
            #First lets check if token is a RangeNode
            if token.subtype == Token.RANGE and ':' in token.value:
                return RangeNode(token, self.model)

            # Then check if this is a CellNode
            elif token.subtype == Token.RANGE and ':' not in token.value:
                return CellNode(token, self.model)

            # Then lets check if token is a number, in which case update assign float or int to token value
            elif token.subtype == Token.NUMBER:
                token.value = fast_real(token.value)
                return OperandNode(token, self.model)

            elif token.subtype == Token.LOGICAL:
                token.value = token.value == 'TRUE'
                return OperandNode(token, self.model)

            elif token.subtype == Token.TEXT:
                token.value = token.value.replace('"', '')
                return OperandNode(token, self.model)

            # Token must be Error - in which case do nothing
                    "Formula has error {}. Please fix error before uploading again"
                return OperandNode(token, self.model)

        elif token.is_funcopen:
            return FunctionNode(token, self.model)

        elif token.is_operator:
            return OperatorNode(token, self.model)
Exemplo n.º 34
def convert_number_or_into_string(str_input, col):
    """Optimizes the Data Types. If VARCHAR type is defined in SQL for any value, it saves the similar value by adding quotation marks.
    However, if not, then by default it's a Number. In the later case, if the value is NULL, convert it to 0 else save the number."""

    if (col == "CRD-revision-side ID") or (col == "CRD") or \
            (col == "CRD revision") or (col == "Folder name") or (col == "Symmetric") or (col == "Side") or (
            col == "User") or (col == "Origin") or (col == "Tire size") or \
            (col == "CTC revision") or (col == "ERD-ARD") or (col == "Design manual") or (col == "Design code") or \
            (col == "Rim flange protector") or (col == "Apex 3 layup") or (col == "Ply layu") or (
            col == "Flipper layup") or \
            (col == "Stiffener inside layup") or (col == "First chipper layup") or (col == "Toeguard layup") or (
            col == "Sidewall layup") or \
            (col == "Overlay layup") or (col == "Tread layup") or (col == "Bead configuration") or (col == "Type") or (
            col == "Description") or \
            (col == "Construction") or (col == "Material model") or (col == "DEW version") or (
            col == "Rolling surface") or (col == "Cooldown") or \
            (col == "Unit system") or (col == "Rim contour") or (col == "Test-component ID") or (
            col == "Component") or (col == "Compound") or (
            col == "Sample ID") or \
            (col == "Cord code") or (col == "Cord serial") or (
            col == "Treatment code") or \
            (col == "Test-load-pressure ID") or (col == "TD") or (
            col == "FP") or (col == "SR") or (col == "RR") or \
            (col == "FM") or (col == "COSTGV") or (col == "COSBO") or (col == "Groove contact") or (col == "Sipe contact") \
            or (col == "Test-load-pressure-component I") or (col == "Test-load-pressure-component I") or (col == "Test ID")\
            or (col == "Test path"):
        return "'" + str_input + "'"

    if str_input == 'null' or str_input == 'None':
        return 0
    elif str_input.isdigit() or (str_input.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit()
                                 and str_input.count('.') < 2) or (
                                     str_input.replace('-', '', 1).replace(
                                         '.', '', 1).isdigit()):
        return fast_real(str_input)
        return "'" + str_input + "'"
def test_fast_real_returns_input_as_is_if_valid_and_key_is_given(x):
    fastnumbers.fast_real(x, key=len) == x
    fastnumbers.fast_real(str(x), key=len) == x
def test_fast_real_returns_raises_ValueError_if_raise_on_invalid_is_True_and_default_is_given(x):
    assume(not a_number(x))
    with raises(ValueError):
        fastnumbers.fast_real(x, default=90, raise_on_invalid=True)
        fastnumbers.fast_real(x, 90, True)
def test_fast_real_returns_transformed_input_if_invalid_and_key_is_given(x):
    assume(not a_number(x))
    fastnumbers.fast_real(x, key=len) == len(x)
def test_fast_real():
    # 1. float number
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(-367.3268) == -367.3268
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(-367.3268, raise_on_invalid=True) == -367.3268
    # 2. signed float string
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("+367.3268") == +367.3268
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("+367.3268", True) == +367.3268
    # 3. float string with exponents
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("-367.3268e207") == -367.3268e207
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("1.175494351e-3810000000") == 0.0
    # 4. float string with padded whitespace
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("   -367.04   ") == -367.04
    # 5. int number
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(499) == 499
    # 6. signed int string
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("-499") == -499
    # 7. int string with padded whitespace
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("   +3001   ") == 3001
    # 8. long number
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(35892482945872302493) == 35892482945872302493
    # 9. long string
    if python_version_tuple()[0] == "2":
        assert fastnumbers.fast_real("35892482945872302493L") == 35892482945872302493
        assert fastnumbers.fast_real("35892482945872302493l") == 35892482945872302493
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("35892482945872302493") == 35892482945872302493
    # 10. return type
    assert isinstance(fastnumbers.fast_real(4029), int)
    assert isinstance(fastnumbers.fast_real(4029.0, coerce=False), float)
    assert isinstance(fastnumbers.fast_real(4029), int)
    assert isinstance(fastnumbers.fast_real(4029.0), int)
    assert isinstance(fastnumbers.fast_real(4029.5), float)
    assert isinstance(fastnumbers.fast_real("4029"), int)
    assert isinstance(fastnumbers.fast_real("4029.0"), int)
    assert isinstance(fastnumbers.fast_real("4029.0", coerce=False), float)
    # 11. TypeError for invalid input
    with raises(TypeError):
    # 12. Invalid input string
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("not_a_number") == "not_a_number"
    with raises(ValueError):
        assert fastnumbers.fast_real("not_a_number", raise_on_invalid=True)
    # 13. Invalid input string with numbers
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("26.8 lb") == "26.8 lb"
    with raises(ValueError):
        assert fastnumbers.fast_real("26.8 lb", None, True)
    # 14. Infinity
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("inf") == float("inf")
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("-iNFinity") == float("-inf")
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("-iNFinity", inf=7608) == 7608
    # 15. NaN
    assert math.isnan(fastnumbers.fast_real("nan"))
    assert math.isnan(fastnumbers.fast_real("-NaN"))
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("-NaN", nan=0) == 0
    # 16. Sign/'e'/'.' only
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("+") == "+"
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("-") == "-"
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("e") == "e"
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(".") == "."
    # 17. Default on invalid... 'raise_on_invalid' supersedes
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("invalid", default=90) == 90
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("invalid", default=None) is None
    with raises(ValueError):
        assert fastnumbers.fast_real("invalid", 90, True)
    # 18. Unicode numbers
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(u"⑦") == 7
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(u"⁸") == 8
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(u"⅔") == 2.0 / 3.0
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(u"Ⅴ") == 5
    # 19. Key function
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real(76.8, key=len) == 76.8
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("76.8", key=len) == 76.8
    assert fastnumbers.fast_real("invalid", key=len) == 7
Exemplo n.º 39
import config
import os.path
from fastnumbers import fast_real
import csv
import numpy as np

# Return parameter types and names.
objectFeatures = {}

firstFilePath = config.inputPath + "HT01/HT01A004_ftrs.tab"
with open(firstFilePath, 'rb') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t')
    header = reader.next()
    firstValues = [fast_real(v) for v in reader.next()]

    types = [np.int32 if isinstance(v, int) else np.float32 if isinstance(v, float) else np.object for v in firstValues]

    for i, name in enumerate(header):
        objectFeatures[name] = types[i]

objectFeatures['plate'] = np.int32
objectFeatures['column'] = np.int32
objectFeatures['row'] = np.int32

del objectFeatures['class']
del objectFeatures['spot']

features = objectFeatures.keys()

def openTextFile(feature, mode):
    return open(config.outputPath + feature + ".txt", mode)
Exemplo n.º 40
 def __call__(self, form, field):
     """Convert input values to NumPy-compatible numerical values"""
     if not field.data == "inf" and not field.data == "+inf" and not field.data == "-inf":
         num = fast_real(field.data)
         if not isinstance(num, (int, long, float)):
             raise ValidationError("Invalid value \"{0}\".  Expected: -inf, inf, or a numerical value.".format(field.data))
Exemplo n.º 41
sheet_GPGGA = workbook1.sheet_by_index(0) # extracting info. from sheet GPGGA
GPGGA_lines = sheet_GPGGA.nrows -1
n_s_indicator = sheet_GPGGA.cell_value(1, 4)
if n_s_indicator == "N":
	n_s_indicator = "(North)"
elif n_s_indicator == "S":
	n_s_indicator = "(South)"
e_w_indicator = sheet_GPGGA.cell_value(1, 6)
if e_w_indicator == "E":
	e_w_indicator = "(East)"
elif e_w_indicator == "W":
	e_w_indicator = "(West)"
for i in range(1, sheet_GPGGA.nrows):
	fix_indicator.append(fast_real(sheet_GPGGA.cell_value(i, 7)))
	local = sheet_GPGGA.cell_value(i, 0).split("_")[1]
	local = fast_real(local.split("-")[0]+local.split("-")[1]+local.split("-")[2])
	local_time.append(local) #UTC+8 hours
	# latitude
	if sheet_GPGGA.cell_value(i, 3) == "":
		latitude.append(fast_real((sheet_GPGGA.cell_value(i, 3))))
	# longitude
	if sheet_GPGGA.cell_value(i, 5) == "":
		longitude.append(str(fast_real(sheet_GPGGA.cell_value(i, 5))))
	# no_of_satelites_used
	if sheet_GPGGA.cell_value(i, 8) == "":