Exemplo n.º 1
def start_poller(proc_id, carbon_queue, job_queue):
    proc_title = setproctitle.getproctitle()
    setproctitle.setproctitle("%s - poller#%s" % (proc_title, proc_id))
    logger.debug("start start_poller()")

    while True:
        lauch_time, job = job_queue.get()
        launch_timedelta = lauch_time - int(time())
        if launch_timedelta > 0:
            logger.debug("sleep %s", launch_timedelta)
            logger.warning("lateness %s's", launch_timedelta)
        poll_start = int(time())

        config = job.config
        hosts = job.hosts

        # get indexes in first poll
        index_oids = config['indexes'].keys()
        if index_oids:
            index_oids_group = [(oid,) for oid in list(index_oids)]
            snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hosts, index_oids_group, COMMUNITY)
            index_table = defaultdict_rec()
            for snmp_res in snmp_data:
                host, base_oid, index_part, value = snmp_res
                index_name = config['indexes'][base_oid]
                index_table[host][index_name][index_part] = normalize_ifname(value)
            target_oid_indexes = {}
            target_oid_metric_pfx = {}
            for target_oid in config['target_oids']:
                if 'index_name' in target_oid:
                    target_oid_indexes[target_oid['oid']] = target_oid['index_name']
                    target_oid_metric_pfx[target_oid['oid']] = target_oid['metric_prefix']

        # get other in second poll
        oids_group = [(oid['oid'],) for oid in config['target_oids']]
        snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hosts, oids_group, COMMUNITY)
        request_time = int(time())
        for snmp_res in snmp_data:
            host, base_oid, index_part, value = snmp_res
            if index_table[host][target_oid_indexes[base_oid]][index_part]:
                oid_index_name = index_table[host][target_oid_indexes[base_oid]][index_part]
                oid_index_name = '%s' % index_part
            metric_pfx = target_oid_metric_pfx[base_oid]
            short_hostname = normalize_hostname(host)
            if "{index}" in metric_pfx:
                metric = ("%s.%s" % (short_hostname, metric_pfx.format(index=oid_index_name)))
                metric = ("%s.%s.%s" % (short_hostname, metric_pfx, oid_index_name))
            # print (metric, value, request_time)
            msg = "%s %s %s\n" % (metric, value, request_time)
        logger.debug("polling executed in %s's", int(time()) - poll_start)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: snmp.py Projeto: nix8/dhmon
  def walk(self, oid, vlan=None):
    ret = {}
    nextoid = oid
    offset = 0

    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
      from fastsnmp import snmp_poller
      snmp_data =[x for x in snmp_poller.poller((self.ip,), ([oid[1:]],), self.community) ]
      for data in snmp_data:
          snmp_host, snmp_oid, snmp_idx, snmp_value, snmp_type = data
          ret[ ".%s.%s" %(snmp_oid, snmp_idx) ] = ResultTuple(snmp_value, snmp_type)
      return ret

    sess, netsnmp = self._snmp_session(vlan)
    # Abort the walk when it exits the OID tree we are interested in
    while nextoid.startswith(oid):
      if offset == 0:
         var_list = netsnmp.VarList(netsnmp.Varbind(nextoid))
         var_list = netsnmp.VarList(netsnmp.Varbind(nextoid, offset))
      sess.getbulk(nonrepeaters=0, maxrepetitions=self._max_size, varlist=var_list)

      # WORKAROUND FOR NEXUS BUG (2014-11-24)
      # Indy told blueCmd that Nexus silently drops the SNMP response
      # if the packet is fragmented. Try with large size first, but drop down
      # to smaller one.
      if sess.ErrorStr == 'Timeout':
        if self._max_size == 1:
          raise TimeoutError(
              'Timeout getting %s from %s' % (nextoid, self.host))
        self._max_size = int(self._max_size / 16)
      if sess.ErrorStr != '':
        raise SnmpError('SNMP error while walking host %s: %s' % (
          self.host, sess.ErrorStr))

      for result in var_list:
        currentoid = '%s.%s' % (result.tag, int(result.iid))
        # We don't want to save extra oids that the bulk walk might have
        # contained.
        if not currentoid.startswith(oid):
        ret[currentoid] = ResultTuple(result.val, result.type)
      # Continue bulk walk
      offset = int(var_list[-1].iid)
      if offset == 0:
      nextoid = var_list[-1].tag
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: snmp.py Projeto: nix8/dhmon
  def walk_fastsnmp(self, oids, vlan=None):
    ret = {}

    from fastsnmp import snmp_poller
    new_oids = {}
    for oid in oids:
      m_oid = oid.rstrip('1234567890')
      if new_oids.get( m_oid, None ) == None:
         new_oids[m_oid] = ({})
      new_oids[m_oid][oid] = 0

    for oid_base in new_oids:
      t_oids = ([]) 
      for oid in new_oids[oid_base]:
      snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller((self.ip,), tuple([t_oids]), self.community)
      for data in snmp_data:
        snmp_host, snmp_oid, snmp_idx, snmp_value, snmp_type = data
        ret[ ".%s.%s" %(snmp_oid, snmp_idx) ] = ResultTuple(snmp_value, snmp_type)

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: snmp.py Projeto: nix8/dhmon
  def get(self, oid):

    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
      from fastsnmp import snmp_poller
      snmp_data =[x for x in snmp_poller.poller((self.ip,), ([oid[1:]],), self.community) ]
      if len(snmp_data) == 0:
         return { oid: ResultTuple("", "OCTETSTR") }
      return { oid: ResultTuple(snmp_data[0][3], snmp_data[0][4]) }

    sess, netsnmp = self._snmp_session(timeout=5000000, retries=2)

    var = netsnmp.Varbind(oid)
    var_list = netsnmp.VarList(var)
    if sess.ErrorStr != '':
      if sess.ErrorStr == 'Timeout':
        raise TimeoutError('Timeout getting %s from %s' % (oid, self.host))
      raise SnmpError('SNMP error while talking to host %s: %s' % (
        self.host, sess.ErrorStr))

    return {var.tag: ResultTuple(var.val, var.type)}
Exemplo n.º 5
import sys

host = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])  # default port is 1161 and cannot be be changed
oid_batch_size = int(sys.argv[3])

import time

oids = []
for i in range(1, oid_batch_size + 1):

start = time.time()

from fastsnmp import snmp_poller

hosts = (host, )

community = "public"
snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hosts, [list(oids)], community, msg_type='Get')

snmp_data = list(snmp_data)
end = time.time()

for d in snmp_data:
    print("host=%s oid=%s value=%s" % (d[0], d[1], d[3]))

print("fastsnmp duration: {:.2f} ms".format((end - start) * 1000))
Exemplo n.º 6
def start_poller(proc_id, carbon_queue, job_queue):
    proc_title = setproctitle.getproctitle()
    setproctitle.setproctitle("%s - poller#%s" % (proc_title, proc_id))
    logger.debug("start start_poller()")

    while True:
        lauch_time, job = job_queue.get()
        launch_timedelta = lauch_time - int(time())
        if launch_timedelta > 0:
            logger.debug("sleep %s", launch_timedelta)
            logger.warning("lateness %s's", launch_timedelta)
        poll_start = int(time())

        config = job.config
        hosts = job.hosts

        # get indexes in first poll
        index_oids = config['indexes'].keys()
        if index_oids:
            index_oids_group = [(oid, ) for oid in list(index_oids)]
            snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hosts, index_oids_group, COMMUNITY)
            index_table = defaultdict_rec()
            for snmp_res in snmp_data:
                host, base_oid, index_part, value = snmp_res
                index_name = config['indexes'][base_oid]
                index_table[host][index_name][index_part] = normalize_ifname(
            target_oid_indexes = {}
            target_oid_metric_pfx = {}
            for target_oid in config['target_oids']:
                if 'index_name' in target_oid:
                        target_oid['oid']] = target_oid['index_name']
                        target_oid['oid']] = target_oid['metric_prefix']

        # get other in second poll
        oids_group = [(oid['oid'], ) for oid in config['target_oids']]
        snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hosts, oids_group, COMMUNITY)
        request_time = int(time())
        for snmp_res in snmp_data:
            host, base_oid, index_part, value = snmp_res
            if index_table[host][target_oid_indexes[base_oid]][index_part]:
                oid_index_name = index_table[host][
                oid_index_name = '%s' % index_part
            metric_pfx = target_oid_metric_pfx[base_oid]
            short_hostname = normalize_hostname(host)
            if "{index}" in metric_pfx:
                metric = (
                    "%s.%s" %
                    (short_hostname, metric_pfx.format(index=oid_index_name)))
                metric = ("%s.%s.%s" %
                          (short_hostname, metric_pfx, oid_index_name))
            # print (metric, value, request_time)
            msg = "%s %s %s\n" % (metric, value, request_time)
        logger.debug("polling executed in %s's", int(time()) - poll_start)