async def test_slurp(self, *, agent, app): aref = agent(index=None, active_partitions=None) stream = agent._delegate_to_sinks = AsyncMock(name="_delegate_to_sinks") agent._reply = AsyncMock(name="_reply") def on_delegate(value): raise StopAsyncIteration() word = Word("word") word_req = ReqRepRequest(word, "reply_to", "correlation_id") message1 = Mock(name="message1", autospec=Message) message2 = Mock(name="message2", autospec=Message) event1 = Event(app, None, word_req, {}, message1) event2 = Event(app, "key", "bar", {}, message2) values = [ (event1, word), (event2, "bar"), ] class AIT: async def __aiter__(self): for event, value in values: stream.current_event = event yield value it = aiter(AIT()) await agent._slurp(aref, it) agent._reply.assert_called_once_with(None, word, word_req.reply_to, word_req.correlation_id) agent._delegate_to_sinks.coro.assert_has_calls([ call(word), call("bar"), ])
async def test_slurp(self, *, agent, app): aref = agent(index=None, active_partitions=None) stream = agent._delegate_to_sinks = AsyncMock(name='_delegate_to_sinks') agent._reply = AsyncMock(name='_reply') def on_delegate(value): raise StopAsyncIteration() word = Word('word') word_req = ReqRepRequest(word, 'reply_to', 'correlation_id') message1 = Mock(name='message1', autospec=Message) message2 = Mock(name='message2', autospec=Message) event1 = Event(app, None, word_req, message1) event2 = Event(app, 'key', 'bar', message2) values = [ (event1, word), (event2, 'bar'), ] class AIT: async def __aiter__(self): for event, value in values: stream.current_event = event yield value it = aiter(AIT()) await agent._slurp(aref, it) agent._reply.assert_called_once_with(None, word, word_req) agent._delegate_to_sinks.coro.assert_has_calls([ call(word), call('bar'), ])
def test_delitem__event(self, *, app, wset): e = Event(app, key='KK', value='VV', message=Mock(name='message', autospec=Message)) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): del (wset[e])
def test_setitem__event(self, *, app, wset): e = Event(app, key='KK', value='VV', headers={}, message=Mock(name='message', autospec=Message)) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): wset[e] = 'val'
def new_event(app, key=None, value=None, *, headers=None, **kwargs): return Event( app, key, value, headers, message(key=key, value=value, headers=headers, **kwargs), )
async def test_slurp__headers(self, *, agent, app): agent.use_reply_headers = True aref = agent(index=None, active_partitions=None) stream = agent._delegate_to_sinks = AsyncMock(name='_delegate_to_sinks') agent._reply = AsyncMock(name='_reply') def on_delegate(value): raise StopAsyncIteration() word = Word('word') message1 = Mock(name='message1', autospec=Message) headers1 = message1.headers = { 'Faust-Ag-ReplyTo': 'reply_to', 'Faust-Ag-CorrelationId': 'correlation_id', } message2 = Mock(name='message2', autospec=Message) headers2 = message2.headers = {} event1 = Event(app, None, word, headers1, message1) event2 = Event(app, 'key', 'bar', headers2, message2) values = [ (event1, word, True), (event1, word, False), (event2, 'bar', True), ] class AIT: async def __aiter__(self): for event, value, set_cur_event in values: if set_cur_event: stream.current_event = event else: stream.current_event = None yield value it = aiter(AIT()) await agent._slurp(aref, it) agent._reply.assert_called_once_with(None, word, 'reply_to', 'correlation_id') agent._delegate_to_sinks.coro.assert_has_calls([ call(word), call('bar'), ])
async def test_slurp__headers(self, *, agent, app): agent.use_reply_headers = True aref = agent(index=None, active_partitions=None) stream = agent._delegate_to_sinks = AsyncMock(name="_delegate_to_sinks") agent._reply = AsyncMock(name="_reply") def on_delegate(value): raise StopAsyncIteration() word = Word("word") message1 = Mock(name="message1", autospec=Message) headers1 = message1.headers = { "Faust-Ag-ReplyTo": "reply_to", "Faust-Ag-CorrelationId": "correlation_id", } message2 = Mock(name="message2", autospec=Message) headers2 = message2.headers = {} event1 = Event(app, None, word, headers1, message1) event2 = Event(app, "key", "bar", headers2, message2) values = [ (event1, word, True), (event1, word, False), (event2, "bar", True), ] class AIT: async def __aiter__(self): for event, value, set_cur_event in values: if set_cur_event: stream.current_event = event else: stream.current_event = None yield value it = aiter(AIT()) await agent._slurp(aref, it) agent._reply.assert_called_once_with(None, word, "reply_to", "correlation_id") agent._delegate_to_sinks.coro.assert_has_calls([ call(word), call("bar"), ])
def event(): message = Message(topic='test-topic', key='key', value='value', partition=3, offset=0, checksum=None,, timestamp_type=0) return Event(app='test-app', key='key', value='value', message=message)
def test_delitem__event(self, *, app, wset): e = Event( app, key="KK", value="VV", headers={}, message=Mock(name="message", autospec=Message), ) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): del wset[e]
def test_getitem__event(self, *, app, wset): e = Event(app, key='KK', value='VV', message=Mock(name='message', autospec=Message)) ret = wset[e] assert isinstance(ret, WindowSet) assert ret.key == wset.key assert ret.table is wset.table assert ret.wrapper is wset.wrapper assert ret.event is e
def test_getitem__event(self, *, app, wset): e = Event( app, key="KK", value="VV", headers={}, message=Mock(name="message", autospec=Message), ) ret = wset[e] assert isinstance(ret, WindowSet) assert ret.key == wset.key assert ret.table is wset.table assert ret.wrapper is wset.wrapper assert ret.event is e
def event(): message = Message( topic="test-topic", key="key", value="value", partition=3, offset=0, checksum=None,, timestamp_type=0, headers={}, ) return Event( app="test-app", key="key", value="value", headers={}, message=message, )