Exemplo n.º 1
def get_gpu_message():
    Returns a string with information about the currently selected GPU.
    gpu = cuda.gpus.current
    # Convert bytestring to actual string
        gpu_name = gpu.name.decode()
    except AttributeError:
        gpu_name = gpu.name
    # Print the GPU that is being used
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.size > 1:
        rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
        node = MPI.Get_processor_name()
        message = "\nMPI rank %d selected a %s GPU with id %s on node %s" % (
            rank, gpu_name, gpu.id, node)
        message = "\nFBPIC selected a %s GPU with id %s" % (gpu_name, gpu.id)
        if mpi_installed:
            node = MPI.Get_processor_name()
            message += " on node %s" % node
    # Print the GPU UUID, if available
    uuid = get_uuid(gpu.id)
    if uuid is not None:
        message += "\n(GPU UUID: %s)" % uuid
    return (message)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_cpu_message():
    Returns a string with information about the node of each MPI rank
    # Print the node that is being used
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.size > 1:
        rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
        node = MPI.Get_processor_name()
        message = "\nMPI rank %d runs on node %s" % (rank, node)
        message = ""
    return (message)
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_gpu_message():
    Returns a string with information about the currently selected GPU.
    gpu = cuda.gpus.current
    # Convert bytestring to actual string
        gpu_name = gpu.name.decode()
    except AttributeError:
        gpu_name = gpu.name
    # Print the GPU that is being used
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.size > 1:
        rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
        node = MPI.Get_processor_name()
        message = "\nMPI rank %d selected a %s GPU with id %s on node %s" % (
            rank, gpu_name, gpu.id, node)
        message = "\nFBPIC selected a %s GPU with id %s" % (gpu_name, gpu.id)
    return (message)
Exemplo n.º 4
def print_simulation_setup(sim, verbose_level=1):
    Print information about the simulation.
    - Version of FBPIC
    - CPU or GPU computation
    - Number of parallel MPI domains
    - Number of threads in case of CPU multi-threading
    - (Additional detailed information)

    sim: an fbpic Simulation object
        Contains all the information of the simulation setup

    verbose_level: int, optional
        Level of detail of the simulation information
        0 - Print no information
        1 (Default) - Print basic information
        2 - Print detailed information
    if verbose_level > 0:
        # Print version of FBPIC
        message = '\nFBPIC (%s)\n' % __version__
        # Basic information
        if verbose_level == 1:
            # Print information about computational setup
            if sim.use_cuda:
                message += "\nRunning on GPU "
                message += "\nRunning on CPU "
            if sim.comm.size > 1:
                message += "with %d MPI processes " % sim.comm.size
            if sim.use_threading and not sim.use_cuda:
                message += "(%d threads per process) " % sim.cpu_threads
        # Detailed information
        elif verbose_level == 2:
            # Information on MPI
            if mpi_installed:
                message += '\nMPI available: Yes'
                message += '\nMPI processes used: %d' % sim.comm.size
                message += '\nMPI Library Information: \n%s' \
                message += '\nMPI available: No'
            # Information on Cuda
            if cuda_installed:
                message += '\nCUDA available: Yes'
                message += '\nCUDA available: No'
            # Information about the architecture and the node used
            if sim.use_cuda:
                message += '\nCompute architecture: GPU (CUDA)'
                if mpi_installed:
                    if gpudirect_enabled:
                        message += '\nCUDA GPUDirect (MPI) enabled: Yes'
                        message += '\nCUDA GPUDirect (MPI) enabled: No'
                node_message = get_gpu_message()
                message += '\nCompute architecture: CPU'
                if sim.use_threading:
                    message += '\nCPU multi-threading enabled: Yes'
                    message += '\nThreads: %s' % sim.cpu_threads
                    message += '\nCPU multi-threading enabled: No'
                if sim.fld.trans[0].fft.use_mkl:
                    message += '\nFFT library: MKL'
                    message += '\nFFT library: pyFFTW'
                node_message = get_cpu_message()
            # Gather the information about where each node runs
            if sim.comm.size > 1:
                node_messages = sim.comm.mpi_comm.gather(node_message)
                if sim.comm.rank == 0:
                    node_message = ''.join(node_messages)
            message += node_message

            message += '\n'
            # Information on the numerical algorithm
            if sim.fld.n_order == -1:
                message += '\nPSATD stencil order: infinite'
                message += '\nPSATD stencil order: %d' % sim.fld.n_order
            message += '\nParticle shape: %s' % sim.particle_shape
            message += '\nLongitudinal boundaries: %s' % sim.comm.boundaries[
            message += '\nTransverse boundaries: %s' % sim.comm.boundaries['r']
            message += '\nGuard region size: %d ' % sim.comm.n_guard + 'cells'
            message += '\nDamping region size: %d ' % sim.comm.nz_damp + 'cells'
            message += '\nInjection region size: %d ' % sim.comm.n_inject + 'cells'
            message += '\nParticle exchange period: every %d ' \
                %sim.comm.exchange_period + 'step'
            if sim.boost is not None:
                message += '\nBoosted frame: Yes'
                message += '\nBoosted frame gamma: %d' % sim.boost.gamma0
                if sim.use_galilean:
                    message += '\nGalilean frame: Yes'
                    message += '\nGalilean frame: No'
                message += '\nBoosted frame: False'
        message += '\n'

        # Only processor 0 prints the message:
        if sim.comm.rank == 0: