Exemplo n.º 1
 def build_lattice(self):
     if self.context is not None:
         self.lattice = ConceptLattice(self.context)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def build_lattice(self):
     if self.context is not None:
         self.lattice = ConceptLattice(self.context)
Exemplo n.º 3
class FCAClustering:
        Clustering using Formal Concept Analysis and probability index. 
    def __init__(self, rawsnippets):
        self.snippets = []
        self.attrs = []
        self.attrib = {}
        self.objs = []
        self.context = None
        self.lattice = None
        self.concept_system = None

        self.rawsnippets = rawsnippets
        count = 0
        for snippet in rawsnippets:
            for word in self.snippets[-1]:
                if word not in self.attrib.values():
                    self.attrib[count] = word
                    count += 1

    def build_context(self):
        context = [[False for i in range(max(self.attrib.keys()) + 1)]
                   for j in range(len(self.snippets))]

        for i, snippet in enumerate(self.snippets):
            for j, word in self.attrib.items():
                if word in snippet:
                    context[i][j] = True

        self.objs = [str(i) for i in range(0, len(self.snippets))]
        self.context = Context(context, self.objs, self.attrs)

    def build_lattice(self):
        if self.context is not None:
            self.lattice = ConceptLattice(self.context)

    def find_probabilities(self, n_clusters=MAX_NUM_OF_CLUSTERS):
        self.concept_system = self.lattice.filter_concepts(
            compute_probability, "abs",
            len(self.snippets) + n_clusters)

    def find_clusters(self, n_clusters=MAX_NUM_OF_CLUSTERS):
        Findning clusters
        if len(self.snippets) < n_clusters:
                "Sorry, but number of snippets should be >= number of clusters"
            return {}
        return self.get_clusters()

    def get_clusters(self):
        result = {}
        cs = self.concept_system
        if cs == None:
            return {}
        count = 1
        for concept in cs._concepts:
            if len(concept.extent) > 1:
                result[count] = [int(elem) for elem in concept.extent]
                count += 1
        return result

    def get_common_phrases(self, num=2):
        def restemming(word, num_snippets):
            for num_snippet in num_snippets:
                tokenized_snippet = tokenize_and_stem(
                    self.rawsnippets[num_snippet], stem=0)
                for sn in tokenized_snippet:
                    if sn.find(word) != -1:
                        return sn
            return ''

        phrases = {}
        cs = self.concept_system
        if cs == None:
            return {}
        count = 1
        for concept in cs._concepts:
            if len(concept.extent) > 1:
                extent = [int(x) for x in list(concept.extent)]
                intent = list(concept.intent)
                for i in range(len(intent)):
                    if count not in phrases:
                        phrases[count] = []
                    restem = restemming(intent[i], extent)
                    if restem != '':
                        if len(phrases[count]) < num:
                count += 1
        return phrases

    def print_common_phrases(self, num=2):

        result = self.get_common_phrases(num=num)
        for cluster, phrases in result.items():
            print("cluster #%i tags: " % cluster, end=' ')

    def print_clusters(self):
        result = self.get_clusters()
        for cluster, snippets in result.items():
            print("cluster #%i contains documents: " % cluster, end=' ')
Exemplo n.º 4
class FCAClustering:
        Clustering using Formal Concept Analysis and probability index. 

    def __init__(self, rawsnippets):
        self.snippets = []
        self.attrs = []
        self.attrib = {}
        self.objs = []
        self.context = None
        self.lattice = None
        self.concept_system = None

        self.rawsnippets = rawsnippets
        count = 0
        for snippet in rawsnippets:
            for word in self.snippets[-1]:
                if word not in self.attrib.values():
                    self.attrib[count] = word
                    count += 1

    def build_context(self):
        context = [[False for i in range(max(self.attrib.keys()) + 1)] for j in range(len(self.snippets))]

        for i, snippet in enumerate(self.snippets):
            for j, word in self.attrib.items():
                if word in snippet:
                    context[i][j] = True

        self.objs = [str(i) for i in range(0, len(self.snippets))]
        self.context = Context(context, self.objs, self.attrs)

    def build_lattice(self):
        if self.context is not None:
            self.lattice = ConceptLattice(self.context)

    def find_probabilities(self, n_clusters=MAX_NUM_OF_CLUSTERS):
        self.concept_system = self.lattice.filter_concepts(compute_probability, "abs", len(self.snippets) + n_clusters)

    def find_clusters(self, n_clusters=MAX_NUM_OF_CLUSTERS):
        Findning clusters
        if len(self.snippets) < n_clusters:
            print("Sorry, but number of snippets should be >= number of clusters")
            return {}
        return self.get_clusters()

    def get_clusters(self):
        result = {}
        cs = self.concept_system
        if cs == None:
            return {}
        count = 1
        for concept in cs._concepts:
            if len(concept.extent) > 1:
                result[count] = [int(elem) for elem in concept.extent]
                count += 1
        return result

    def get_common_phrases(self, num=2):
        def restemming(word, num_snippets):
            for num_snippet in num_snippets:
                tokenized_snippet = tokenize_and_stem(self.rawsnippets[num_snippet], stem=0)
                for sn in tokenized_snippet:
                    if sn.find(word) != -1:
                        return sn
            return ""

        phrases = {}
        cs = self.concept_system
        if cs == None:
            return {}
        count = 1
        for concept in cs._concepts:
            if len(concept.extent) > 1:
                extent = [int(x) for x in list(concept.extent)]
                intent = list(concept.intent)
                for i in range(len(intent)):
                    if count not in phrases:
                        phrases[count] = []
                    restem = restemming(intent[i], extent)
                    if restem != "":
                        if len(phrases[count]) < num:
                count += 1
        return phrases

    def print_common_phrases(self, num=2):

        result = self.get_common_phrases(num=num)
        for cluster, phrases in result.items():
            print("cluster #%i tags: " % cluster, end=" ")

    def print_clusters(self):
        result = self.get_clusters()
        for cluster, snippets in result.items():
            print("cluster #%i contains documents: " % cluster, end=" ")