Exemplo n.º 1
    def calc_fpca(self, no=3):
        This function calculates horizontal functional principal component analysis on aligned data

        :param no: number of components to extract (default = 3)
        :type no: int

        :rtype: fdahpca object of numpy ndarray
        :return q_pca: srsf principal directions
        :return f_pca: functional principal directions
        :return latent: latent values
        :return coef: coefficients
        :return U: eigenvectors

        # Calculate Shooting Vectors
        gam = self.warp_data.gam
        mu, gam_mu, psi, vec = uf.SqrtMean(gam)
        tau = np.arange(1, 6)
        TT = self.warp_data.time.shape[0]

        # TFPCA
        K = np.cov(vec)

        U, s, V = svd(K)
        vm = vec.mean(axis=1)

        gam_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(tau.shape[0], mu.shape[0], no), dtype=float)
        psi_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(tau.shape[0], mu.shape[0], no), dtype=float)
        for j in range(0, no):
            for k in tau:
                v = (k - 3) * np.sqrt(s[j]) * U[:, j]
                vn = norm(v) / np.sqrt(TT)
                if vn < 0.0001:
                    psi_pca[k-1, :, j] = mu
                    psi_pca[k-1, :, j] = np.cos(vn) * mu + np.sin(vn) * v / vn

                tmp = cumtrapz(psi_pca[k-1, :, j] * psi_pca[k-1, :, j], np.linspace(0,1,TT), initial=0)
                gam_pca[k-1, :, j] = (tmp - tmp[0]) / (tmp[-1] - tmp[0])

        N2 = gam.shape[1]
        c = np.zeros((N2,no))
        for k in range(0,no):
            for i in range(0,N2):
                c[i,k] = np.sum(dot(vec[:,i]-vm,U[:,k]))

        self.gam_pca = gam_pca
        self.psi_pca = psi_pca
        self.U = U
        self.coef = c
        self.latent = s
        self.gam_mu = gam_mu
        self.psi_mu = mu
        self.vec = vec
        self.no = no

Exemplo n.º 2
def horizfPCA(gam, time, no, showplot=True):
    This function calculates horizontal functional principal component analysis on aligned data

    :param gam: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N warping functions
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param no: number of components to extract (default = 1)
    :param showplot: Shows plots of results using matplotlib (default = T)
    :type showplot: bool
    :type no: int

    :rtype: tuple of numpy ndarray
    :return q_pca: srsf principal directions
    :return f_pca: functional principal directions
    :return latent: latent values
    :return coef: coefficients
    :return U: eigenvectors

    # Calculate Shooting Vectors
    mu, gam_mu, psi, vec = uf.SqrtMean(gam)
    tau = np.arange(1, 6)
    TT = time.shape[0]

    # TFPCA
    K = np.cov(vec)

    U, s, V = svd(K)
    vm = vec.mean(axis=1)

    gam_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(tau.shape[0], mu.shape[0] + 1, no), dtype=float)
    psi_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(tau.shape[0], mu.shape[0], no), dtype=float)
    for j in range(0, no):
        for k in tau:
            v = (k - 3) * np.sqrt(s[j]) * U[:, j]
            vn = norm(v) / np.sqrt(TT)
            if vn < 0.0001:
                psi_pca[k-1, :, j] = mu
                psi_pca[k-1, :, j] = np.cos(vn) * mu + np.sin(vn) * v / vn

            tmp = np.zeros(TT)
            tmp[1:TT] = np.cumsum(psi_pca[k-1, :, j] * psi_pca[k-1, :, j])
            gam_pca[k-1, :, j] = (tmp - tmp[0]) / (tmp[-1] - tmp[0])

    hfpca_results = collections.namedtuple('hfpca', ['gam_pca', 'psi_pca', 'latent', 'U', 'gam_mu'])
    hfpca = hfpca_results(gam_pca, psi_pca, s, U, gam_mu)

    if showplot:
        CBcdict = {
            'Bl': (0, 0, 0),
            'Or': (.9, .6, 0),
            'SB': (.35, .7, .9),
            'bG': (0, .6, .5),
            'Ye': (.95, .9, .25),
            'Bu': (0, .45, .7),
            'Ve': (.8, .4, 0),
            'rP': (.8, .6, .7),
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, no)
        for k in range(0, no):
            axt = ax[k]
            axt.set_color_cycle(CBcdict[c] for c in sorted(CBcdict.keys()))
            tmp = gam_pca[:, :, k]
            axt.plot(np.linspace(0, 1, TT), tmp.transpose())
            axt.set_title('PD %d' % (k + 1))


        cumm_coef = 100 * np.cumsum(s) / sum(s)
        idx = np.arange(0, TT-1) + 1
        plot.f_plot(idx, cumm_coef, "Coefficient Cumulative Percentage")

    return hfpca
Exemplo n.º 3
    def calc_fpca(self,
                  stds=np.arange(-1., 2.),
        This function calculates joint functional principal component analysis
        on aligned data

        :param no: number of components to extract (default = 3)
        :param id: point to use for f(0) (default = midpoint)
        :param stds: number of standard deviations along gedoesic to compute (default = -1,0,1)
        :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F)
        :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all))
        :type no: int
        :type id: int
        :type parallel: bool
        :type cores: int

        :rtype: fdajpca object of numpy ndarray
        :return q_pca: srsf principal directions
        :return f_pca: functional principal directions
        :return latent: latent values
        :return coef: coefficients
        :return U: eigenvectors

        fn = self.warp_data.fn
        time = self.warp_data.time
        qn = self.warp_data.qn
        q0 = self.warp_data.q0
        gam = self.warp_data.gam

        M = time.shape[0]
        if id is None:
            mididx = int(np.round(M / 2))
            mididx = id

        Nstd = stds.shape[0]

        # set up for fPCA in q-space
        mq_new = qn.mean(axis=1)
        m_new = np.sign(fn[mididx, :]) * np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[mididx, :]))
        mqn = np.append(mq_new, m_new.mean())
        qn2 = np.vstack((qn, m_new))

        # calculate vector space of warping functions
        mu_psi, gam_mu, psi, vec = uf.SqrtMean(gam, parallel, cores)

        # joint fPCA
        C = fminbound(find_C, 0, 1e4,
                      (qn2, vec, q0, no, mu_psi, parallel, cores))
        qhat, gamhat, a, U, s, mu_g, g, cov = jointfPCAd(
            qn2, vec, C, no, mu_psi, parallel, cores)

        # geodesic paths
        q_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(M, Nstd, no), dtype=float)
        f_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(M, Nstd, no), dtype=float)

        for k in range(0, no):
            for l in range(0, Nstd):
                qhat = mqn + np.dot(U[0:(M + 1), k], stds[l] * np.sqrt(s[k]))
                vechat = np.dot(U[(M + 1):, k], (stds[l] * np.sqrt(s[k])) / C)
                psihat = geo.exp_map(mu_psi, vechat)
                gamhat = cumtrapz(psihat * psihat,
                                  np.linspace(0, 1, M),
                gamhat = (gamhat - gamhat.min()) / (gamhat.max() -
                if (sum(vechat) == 0):
                    gamhat = np.linspace(0, 1, M)

                fhat = uf.cumtrapzmid(time, qhat[0:M] * np.fabs(qhat[0:M]),
                                      np.sign(qhat[M]) * (qhat[M] * qhat[M]),
                f_pca[:, l, k] = uf.warp_f_gamma(np.linspace(0, 1, M), fhat,
                q_pca[:, l, k] = uf.warp_q_gamma(np.linspace(0, 1, M),
                                                 qhat[0:M], gamhat)

        self.q_pca = q_pca
        self.f_pca = f_pca
        self.latent = s[0:no]
        self.coef = a
        self.U = U[:, 0:no]
        self.mu_psi = mu_psi
        self.mu_g = mu_g
        self.id = mididx
        self.C = C
        self.time = time
        self.g = g
        self.cov = cov
        self.no = no
        self.stds = stds
