Exemplo n.º 1
def pls_svd(time, qf, qg, no, alpha=0.0):
    This function computes the partial least squares using SVD

    :param time: vector describing time samples
    :param qf: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param qg: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param no: number of components
    :param alpha: amount of smoothing (Default = 0.0 i.e., none)

    :rtype: numpy ndarray
    :return wqf: f weight function
    :return wqg: g weight function
    :return alpha: smoothing value
    :return values: singular values

    binsize = np.diff(time)
    binsize = binsize.mean()

    Kfg = np.cov(qf, qg)
    Kfg = Kfg[0:qf.shape[0], qf.shape[0]:Kfg.shape[0]]
    nx = Kfg.shape[0]
    D4x = diffop(nx, binsize)
    values, Lmat, Mmat = geigen(Kfg,
                                np.eye(nx) + alpha * D4x,
                                np.eye(nx) + alpha * D4x)
    wf = Lmat[:, 0:no]
    wg = Mmat[:, 0:no]

    for ii in range(0, no):
           ii] = wf[:, ii] / np.sqrt(innerprod_q(time, wf[:, ii], wf[:, ii]))
           ii] = wg[:, ii] / np.sqrt(innerprod_q(time, wg[:, ii], wg[:, ii]))

    wqf = wf
    wqg = wg

    N = qf.shape[1]
    rfi = np.zeros(N)
    rgi = np.zeros(N)

    for l in range(0, N):
        rfi[l] = innerprod_q(time, qf[:, l], wqf[:, 0])
        rgi[l] = innerprod_q(time, qg[:, l], wqg[:, 0])

    cost = np.cov(rfi, rgi)[1, 0]

    return wqf, wqg, alpha, values, cost
Exemplo n.º 2
def pls_svd(time, qf, qg, no, alpha=0.0):
    This function computes the partial least squares using SVD

    :param time: vector describing time samples
    :param qf: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param qg: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param no: number of components
    :param alpha: amount of smoothing (Default = 0.0 i.e., none)

    :rtype: numpy ndarray
    :return wqf: f weight function
    :return wqg: g weight function
    :return alpha: smoothing value
    :return values: singular values

    binsize = np.diff(time)
    binsize = binsize.mean()

    Kfg = np.cov(qf, qg)
    Kfg = Kfg[0:qf.shape[0], qf.shape[0]:Kfg.shape[0]]
    nx = Kfg.shape[0]
    D4x = diffop(nx, binsize)
    values, Lmat, Mmat = geigen(Kfg, np.eye(nx) + alpha * D4x, np.eye(nx) + alpha * D4x)
    wf = Lmat[:, 0:no]
    wg = Mmat[:, 0:no]

    for ii in range(0, no):
        wf[:, ii] = wf[:, ii] / np.sqrt(innerprod_q(time, wf[:, ii], wf[:, ii]))
        wg[:, ii] = wg[:, ii] / np.sqrt(innerprod_q(time, wg[:, ii], wg[:, ii]))

    wqf = wf
    wqg = wg

    N = qf.shape[1]
    rfi = np.zeros(N)
    rgi = np.zeros(N)

    for l in range(0, N):
        rfi[l] = innerprod_q(time, qf[:, l], wqf[:, 0])
        rgi[l] = innerprod_q(time, qg[:, l], wqg[:, 0])

    cost = np.cov(rfi, rgi)[1, 0]

    return wqf, wqg, alpha, values, cost
Exemplo n.º 3
def align_fPLS(f,
    This function aligns a collection of functions while performing
    principal least squares

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param g: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param comps: number of fPLS components
    :param showplot: Shows plots of results using matplotlib (default = T)
    :param smooth_data: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F)
    :param delta: gradient step size
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations
    :type smooth_data: bool
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type g: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
    functions with M samples
    :return gn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
    functions with M samples
    :return qfn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return qgn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return qf0: original srvf - similar structure to fn
    :return qg0: original srvf - similar structure to fn
    :return gam: warping functions - similar structure to fn
    :return wqf: srsf principal weight functions
    :return wqg: srsf principal weight functions
    :return wf: srsf principal weight functions
    :return wg: srsf principal weight functions
    :return cost: cost function value

    binsize = np.diff(time)
    binsize = binsize.mean()
    eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps
    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]
    f0 = f
    g0 = g

    if showplot:
        plot.f_plot(time, f, title="f Original Data")
        plot.f_plot(time, g, title="g Original Data")

    # Compute q-function of f and g
    f, g1, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, f, smoothdata)
    qf = g1 / np.sqrt(abs(g1) + eps)
    g, g1, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, g, smoothdata)
    qg = g1 / np.sqrt(abs(g1) + eps)

    print("Calculating fPLS weight functions for %d Warped Functions..." % N)
    itr = 0
    fi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    fi[:, :, itr] = f
    gi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    gi[:, :, itr] = g
    qfi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    qfi[:, :, itr] = qf
    qgi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    qgi[:, :, itr] = qg
    wqf1, wqg1, alpha, values, costmp = pls_svd(time, qfi[:, :, itr],
                                                qgi[:, :, itr], 2, 0)
    wqf = np.zeros((M, max_itr + 1))
    wqf[:, itr] = wqf1[:, 0]
    wqg = np.zeros((M, max_itr + 1))
    wqg[:, itr] = wqg1[:, 0]
    gam = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    tmp = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, M), (N, 1))
    gam[:, :, itr] = tmp.transpose()
    wqf_diff = np.zeros(max_itr + 1)
    cost = np.zeros(max_itr + 1)
    cost_diff = 1

    while itr <= max_itr:

        # warping
        gamtmp = np.ascontiguousarray(gam[:, :, 0])
        qftmp = np.ascontiguousarray(qfi[:, :, 0])
        qgtmp = np.ascontiguousarray(qgi[:, :, 0])
        wqftmp = np.ascontiguousarray(wqf[:, itr])
        wqgtmp = np.ascontiguousarray(wqg[:, itr])
        gam[:, :, itr + 1] = fpls.fpls_warp(time,

        for k in range(0, N):
            gam_k = gam[:, k, itr + 1]
            time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam_k + time[0]
            fi[:, k, itr + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, fi[:, k, 0])
            gi[:, k, itr + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, gi[:, k, 0])
            qfi[:, k, itr + 1] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, qfi[:, k, 0], gam_k)
            qgi[:, k, itr + 1] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, qgi[:, k, 0], gam_k)

        # PLS
        wqfi, wqgi, alpha, values, costmp = pls_svd(time, qfi[:, :, itr + 1],
                                                    qgi[:, :, itr + 1], 2, 0)
        wqf[:, itr + 1] = wqfi[:, 0]
        wqg[:, itr + 1] = wqgi[:, 0]

        wqf_diff[itr] = np.sqrt(sum(wqf[:, itr + 1] - wqf[:, itr])**2)

        rfi = np.zeros(N)
        rgi = np.zeros(N)

        for l in range(0, N):
            rfi[l] = uf.innerprod_q(time, qfi[:, l, itr + 1], wqf[:, itr + 1])
            rgi[l] = uf.innerprod_q(time, qgi[:, l, itr + 1], wqg[:, itr + 1])

        cost[itr] = np.cov(rfi, rgi)[1, 0]

        if itr > 1:
            cost_diff = cost[itr] - cost[itr - 1]

        print("Iteration: %d - Diff Value: %f - %f" %
              (itr + 1, wqf_diff[itr], cost[itr]))
        if wqf_diff[itr] < 1e-1 or abs(cost_diff) < 1e-3:

        itr += 1

    cost = cost[0:(itr + 1)]

    # Aligned data & stats
    fn = fi[:, :, itr + 1]
    gn = gi[:, :, itr + 1]
    qfn = qfi[:, :, itr + 1]
    qf0 = qfi[:, :, 0]
    qgn = qgi[:, :, itr + 1]
    qg0 = qgi[:, :, 0]
    wqfn, wqgn, alpha, values, costmp = pls_svd(time, qfn, qgn, comps, 0)

    wf = np.zeros((M, comps))
    wg = np.zeros((M, comps))
    for ii in range(0, comps):
        wf[:, ii] = cumtrapz(wqfn[:, ii] * np.abs(wqfn[:, ii]),
        wg[:, ii] = cumtrapz(wqgn[:, ii] * np.abs(wqgn[:, ii]),

    gam_f = gam[:, :, itr + 1]

    if showplot:
        # Align Plots
        fig, ax = plot.f_plot(np.arange(0, M) / float(M - 1),
                              title="Warping Functions")

        plot.f_plot(time, fn, title="fn Warped Data")
        plot.f_plot(time, gn, title="gn Warped Data")
        plot.f_plot(time, wf, title="wf")
        plot.f_plot(time, wg, title="wg")


    align_fPLSresults = collections.namedtuple('align_fPLS', [
        'wf', 'wg', 'fn', 'gn', 'qfn', 'qgn', 'qf0', 'qg0', 'wqf', 'wqg',
        'gam', 'values', 'cost'

    out = align_fPLSresults(wf, wg, fn, gn, qfn, qgn, qf0, qg0, wqfn, wqgn,
                            gam_f, values, cost)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 4
def align_fPLS(f, g, time, comps=3, showplot=True, smoothdata=False,
               delta=0.01, max_itr=100):
    This function aligns a collection of functions while performing
    principal least squares

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param g: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param comps: number of fPLS components
    :param showplot: Shows plots of results using matplotlib (default = T)
    :param smooth_data: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F)
    :param delta: gradient step size
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations
    :type smooth_data: bool
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type g: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
    functions with M samples
    :return gn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
    functions with M samples
    :return qfn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return qgn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return qf0: original srvf - similar structure to fn
    :return qg0: original srvf - similar structure to fn
    :return gam: warping functions - similar structure to fn
    :return wqf: srsf principal weight functions
    :return wqg: srsf principal weight functions
    :return wf: srsf principal weight functions
    :return wg: srsf principal weight functions
    :return cost: cost function value

    print ("Initializing...")
    binsize = np.diff(time)
    binsize = binsize.mean()
    eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps
    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]
    f0 = f
    g0 = g

    if showplot:
        plot.f_plot(time, f, title="f Original Data")
        plot.f_plot(time, g, title="g Original Data")

    # Compute q-function of f and g
    f, g1, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, f, smoothdata)
    qf = g1 / np.sqrt(abs(g1) + eps)
    g, g1, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, g, smoothdata)
    qg = g1 / np.sqrt(abs(g1) + eps)

    print("Calculating fPLS weight functions for %d Warped Functions..." % N)
    itr = 0
    fi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    fi[:, :, itr] = f
    gi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    gi[:, :, itr] = g
    qfi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    qfi[:, :, itr] = qf
    qgi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    qgi[:, :, itr] = qg
    wqf1, wqg1, alpha, values, costmp = pls_svd(time, qfi[:, :, itr],
                                                qgi[:, :, itr], 2, 0)
    wqf = np.zeros((M, max_itr + 1))
    wqf[:, itr] = wqf1[:, 0]
    wqg = np.zeros((M, max_itr + 1))
    wqg[:, itr] = wqg1[:, 0]
    gam = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1))
    tmp = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, M), (N, 1))
    gam[:, :, itr] = tmp.transpose()
    wqf_diff = np.zeros(max_itr + 1)
    cost = np.zeros(max_itr + 1)
    cost_diff = 1

    while itr <= max_itr:

        # warping
        gamtmp = np.ascontiguousarray(gam[:, :, 0])
        qftmp = np.ascontiguousarray(qfi[:, :, 0])
        qgtmp = np.ascontiguousarray(qgi[:, :, 0])
        wqftmp = np.ascontiguousarray(wqf[:, itr])
        wqgtmp = np.ascontiguousarray(wqg[:, itr])
        gam[:, :, itr + 1] = fpls.fpls_warp(time, gamtmp, qftmp, qgtmp,
                                            wqftmp, wqgtmp, display=0,
                                            delta=delta, tol=1e-6,

        for k in range(0, N):
            gam_k = gam[:, k, itr + 1]
            time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam_k + time[0]
            fi[:, k, itr + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, fi[:, k, 0])
            gi[:, k, itr + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, gi[:, k, 0])
            qfi[:, k, itr + 1] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, qfi[:, k, 0], gam_k)
            qgi[:, k, itr + 1] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, qgi[:, k, 0], gam_k)

        # PLS
        wqfi, wqgi, alpha, values, costmp = pls_svd(time, qfi[:, :, itr + 1],
                                                    qgi[:, :, itr + 1], 2, 0)
        wqf[:, itr + 1] = wqfi[:, 0]
        wqg[:, itr + 1] = wqgi[:, 0]

        wqf_diff[itr] = np.sqrt(sum(wqf[:, itr + 1] - wqf[:, itr]) ** 2)

        rfi = np.zeros(N)
        rgi = np.zeros(N)

        for l in range(0, N):
            rfi[l] = uf.innerprod_q(time, qfi[:, l, itr + 1], wqf[:, itr + 1])
            rgi[l] = uf.innerprod_q(time, qgi[:, l, itr + 1], wqg[:, itr + 1])

        cost[itr] = np.cov(rfi, rgi)[1, 0]

        if itr > 1:
            cost_diff = cost[itr] - cost[itr - 1]

        print("Iteration: %d - Diff Value: %f - %f" % (itr + 1, wqf_diff[itr],
        if wqf_diff[itr] < 1e-1 or abs(cost_diff) < 1e-3:

        itr += 1

    cost = cost[0:(itr + 1)]

    # Aligned data & stats
    fn = fi[:, :, itr + 1]
    gn = gi[:, :, itr + 1]
    qfn = qfi[:, :, itr + 1]
    qf0 = qfi[:, :, 0]
    qgn = qgi[:, :, itr + 1]
    qg0 = qgi[:, :, 0]
    wqfn, wqgn, alpha, values, costmp = pls_svd(time, qfn, qgn, comps, 0)

    wf = np.zeros((M, comps))
    wg = np.zeros((M, comps))
    for ii in range(0, comps):
        wf[:, ii] = cumtrapz(wqfn[:, ii] * np.abs(wqfn[:, ii]), time, initial=0)
        wg[:, ii] = cumtrapz(wqgn[:, ii] * np.abs(wqgn[:, ii]), time, initial=0)

    gam_f = gam[:, :, itr + 1]

    if showplot:
        # Align Plots
        fig, ax = plot.f_plot(np.arange(0, M) / float(M - 1), gam_f,
                              title="Warping Functions")

        plot.f_plot(time, fn, title="fn Warped Data")
        plot.f_plot(time, gn, title="gn Warped Data")
        plot.f_plot(time, wf, title="wf")
        plot.f_plot(time, wg, title="wg")


    align_fPLSresults = collections.namedtuple('align_fPLS', ['wf', 'wg', 'fn',
                                               'gn', 'qfn', 'qgn', 'qf0',
                                               'qg0', 'wqf', 'wqg', 'gam',
                                               'values', 'cost'])

    out = align_fPLSresults(wf, wg, fn, gn, qfn, qgn, qf0, qg0, wqfn,
                            wqgn, gam_f, values, cost)
    return out