Exemplo n.º 1
def udb_process1scan(ifb_1, reprocess=False):
    '''Given the set of ifb entries, process them into a single UDB
    Miriad dataset for this scan'''

    n1 = len(ifb_1)
    filelist = fdb.fdb_list_fileid(ifb_1)
    print filelist
    #Next, name the output files, this should be based on the start
    #time of the first file, changed from using scan_id, 2014-06-17,
    scan_id = ifb_1[0].scanid
    source_id = ifb_1[0].sourceid
    project_id = ifb_1[0].projectid
    st_ts = ifb_1[0].st_ts
    en_ts = ifb_1[n1 - 1].en_ts

    #Take care of two digit year here
    #    ufileid = 'UDB'+'20'+scan_id
    ufileid = 'U' + ifb_1[0].fileid[1:]
    yyyy = ufileid[3:7]
    ufilename = udbdir + yyyy + '/' + ufileid
    ufb = fdb.pfiledb(ufileid, scan_id, source_id, project_id, st_ts, en_ts, 0)

    # check for reprocess
    if reprocess == True:
        idb_datadir = idbdir
        idb_datadir = idbfinaldir + yyyy + '/'
    # Call udbfile_create for this filelist
    filelist_full = filelist
    for j in range(len(filelist)):
        filelist_full[j] = idb_datadir + filelist[j]

    if n1 > 50:
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: Too many Files N1 = ", n1
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: Reset to 50"
        n1 = 50
        filelist_full = filelist_full[0:n1 - 1]

    #If the file exists, you need to delete it
    if os.path.isdir(ufilename) == True:
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: dataset: ", ufilename, " will be deleted"
    ufile_out = udb_util.udbfile_create(filelist_full, ufilename)
    if (len(ufile_out) == 0):
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: Error creating: ", ufilename
        return []
        return [ufb]
Exemplo n.º 2
def udb_process1scan(ifb_1, reprocess=False):
    '''Given the set of ifb entries, process them into a single UDB
    Miriad dataset for this scan'''

    n1 = len(ifb_1)
    filelist = fdb.fdb_list_fileid(ifb_1)
    print filelist
    #Next, name the output files, this should be based on the start
    #time of the first file, changed from using scan_id, 2014-06-17,
    scan_id = ifb_1[0].scanid
    source_id = ifb_1[0].sourceid
    project_id = ifb_1[0].projectid
    st_ts = ifb_1[0].st_ts
    en_ts = ifb_1[n1 - 1].en_ts

    #Take care of two digit year here
    #    ufileid = 'UDB'+'20'+scan_id
    ufileid = 'U' + ifb_1[0].fileid[1:]
    yyyy = ufileid[3:7]
    ufilename = udbdir + yyyy + '/' + ufileid
    ufb = fdb.pfiledb(ufileid, scan_id, source_id, project_id, st_ts, en_ts, 0)

    # Call udbfile_create for this filelist
    filelist_full = []
    for j in range(len(filelist)):
        #do not process files with pstatus = 666
        if ifb_1[j].pstatus != 666:
            if reprocess == True:
                filelistj = filelist[j]
                yyyymmdd = filelistj[len(filelistj) - 14:len(filelistj) - 6]
                filelist_full.append(idbfinaldir + yyyymmdd + '/' +
                filelist_full.append(idbdir + filelist[j])
    n1 = len(filelist_full)
    if n1 == 0:
        print 'UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: No good files to process'
        return [], []
    if n1 > 50:
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: Too many Files N1 = ", n1
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: Reset to 50"
        n1 = 50
        filelist_full = filelist_full[0:n1 - 1]

    #If the file exists, you need to delete it
    if os.path.isdir(ufilename) == True:
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: dataset: ", ufilename, " will be deleted"
    ufile_out, bad_filename = udb_util.udbfile_create(filelist_full, ufilename)
    if (len(bad_filename) > 0):
        print type(ufile_out)
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: Error creating: ", ufilename
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: Bad Filename: ", bad_filename
        #strip the path out of the bad_filename here
        bbb = bad_filename[len(bad_filename) - 17:]
        return ufile_out, bbb
    if (len(ufile_out) == 0):
        print "UDB_PROCESS1SCAN: Error creating: ", ufilename
        return [], []
        return [ufb], []
Exemplo n.º 3
def udb_fb2process(ndays=5, day0=None):
    '''Reads in the last N days of FDB files, and IFDB files, finds
    the IDB files that need processing, and returns the fdb ifdb
    classes for those files'''

    #get FDB, IFDB filenames
    fdbfiles = udb_init_fdbfiles(ndays=ndays, day0=day0)
    if len(fdbfiles) == 0:
        print 'UDB_FB2PROCESS Error: No FDB files:'
        ifboops = []
        fboops = []
        return fboops, ifboops
    ifdbfiles = udb_init_fdbfiles(ndays=ndays, fdbtype='IFDB', day0=day0)
    if len(ifdbfiles) == 0:
        # Not necessarily an error
        print 'UDB_FB2PROCESS: No IFDB files:'

    #read in the files
    fb = []
    for j in range(len(fdbfiles)):
        fbj = fdb.fdb_read(fdbfiles[j])
        if len(fbj) > 0:
            fb = fb + fbj
    ifb = []
    if len(ifdbfiles) > 0:
        for j in range(len(ifdbfiles)):
            ifbj = fdb.pfdb_read(ifdbfiles[j])
            if len(ifbj) > 0:
                ifb = ifb + ifbj

    #check for non-empty fb's first
    if len(fb) == 0:
        print "no data to process"
        otp = []
        return fb, otp

    #if I am here, I have IDB files from the FDB. Do I have PFDB entries?
    if len(ifb) == 0:
        print "no IFDB entries, process all FDB entries"
        #For each FDB entry, create a IFDB entry, with pstatus = 0
        for j in range(len(fb)):
            ifbj = fdb.pfiledb(fb[j].fileid, fb[j].scanid, fb[j].sourceid,
                               fb[j].projectid, fb[j].st_ts, fb[j].en_ts, 0)
        return fb, ifb

    #if I am here, I have both FDB and IFDB entries, for each FDB,
    #check to see if there is a corresponding IFDB. If not, create one
    #with pstatus = 0
    iflist = fdb.fdb_list_fileid(ifb)
    iidarray = array(iflist)
    ifb_out = []
    for j in range(len(fb)):
        fileidj = fb[j].fileid
        ifbtemp = extract(iidarray == fileidj, ifb)
        if (len(ifbtemp) > 0):
            ifb_outj = ifbtemp[0]
            ifb_outj = fdb.pfiledb(fb[j].fileid, fb[j].scanid, fb[j].sourceid,
                                   fb[j].projectid, fb[j].st_ts, fb[j].en_ts,
    return fb, ifb_out
Exemplo n.º 4
def udb_process1scan(ifb_1):
    '''Given the set of ifb entries, process
    them into a single UDB Miriad dataset for this scan'''

    # defines a varplt class for miriad python: class
    # TaskVarplt(TaskBase): _keywords =
    # ['vis','device','log','xaxis','yaxis','nxy','xrange','yrange']
    # _options = ['dtime','compress','overlay','unwrap']

    # a call to the varplt task TaskVarplt(vis='temp_pytest',
    # xaxis='ut', yaxis='ytsys', device='/xs',
    # xrange='0.975,0.977',options='overlay').run()

    # Uvaver is the class we'll call here: vis is a set of files, out
    # is the output file, line='channel,50,1,10,10' selects 50
    # channels, starting with channel 1, summing over 10 channel, then
    # skipping to every 10th channel, interval = '0.666667' specifies
    # 4 second intervals

    # TaskUVAver(vis='/dppdata1/IDB/IDB20131220232416,/dppdata1/IDB/IDB20131220232516',
    # out='temp_pytest1',
    # line='channel,50,1,10,10',interval='0.066667').run()
    # switched to 1 second intervals, jmm, 2014-06-17
    #first get the list of input files
    n1 = len(ifb_1)
    filelist = fdb.fdb_list_fileid(ifb_1)

    #Next, name the output files, this should be based on the start
    #time of the first file, changed from using scan_id, 2014-06-17,
    scan_id = ifb_1[0].scanid
    source_id = ifb_1[0].sourceid
    st_ts = ifb_1[0].st_ts
    en_ts = ifb_1[n1 - 1].en_ts

    #Take care of two digit year here
    #    ufileid = 'UDB'+'20'+scan_id
    ufileid = 'U' + ifb_1[0].fileid[1:]
    yyyy = ufileid[3:7]
    ufilename = udbdir + yyyy + '/' + ufileid
    ufb = fdb.pfiledb(ufileid, scan_id, source_id, st_ts, en_ts, 0)

    #call taskuvaver on the file list, which looks like it needs to be
    #a comma-separated string
    filelist_str = ''
    filelist_str = idbdir + filelist[0]
    if n1 > 1:
        #just for testing
        if n1 > 5:
            n1 = 5
        #end of just for testing
        for j in range(n1 - 1):
            filelist_str = filelist_str + ',' + idbdir + filelist[j + 1]

    #If the file exists, you need to delete it before uvavering
    if os.path.isdir(ufilename) == True:
        print "dataset: ", ufilename, " will be deleted"

    #Dropped 4 second averaging, 2014-06-17, jmm
    TaskUVAver(vis=filelist_str, out=ufilename,

    return [ufb]