Exemplo n.º 1
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix, spdiags, bmat
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve, cg, LinearOperator, spilu

from fealpy.pde.linear_elasticity_model import HuangModel2d as PDE
from fealpy.pde.linear_elasticity_model import PolyModel3d as PDE
from fealpy.functionspace import LagrangeFiniteElementSpace
from fealpy.boundarycondition import DirichletBC

n = 5

pde = PDE(lam=1.0, mu=1.0)
mesh = pde.init_mesh(n=n)

space = LagrangeFiniteElementSpace(mesh, p=1, q=3)
uh = space.function(dim=3)

#A = space.recovery_linear_elasticity_matrix(pde.lam, pde.mu)
A = space.linear_elasticity_matrix(pde.lam, pde.mu)
F = space.source_vector(pde.source, dim=3)

bc = DirichletBC(space, pde.dirichlet)
A, F = bc.apply(A, F, uh)

uh.T.flat[:], info = cg(A, F, tol=1e-10)

error = space.integralalg.L2_error(pde.displacement, uh)

print('error:\n', error)
Exemplo n.º 2
class WaterFloodingModelSolver():


    def __init__(self, model, T=800 * 3600 * 24, NS=32, NT=800 * 24):
        self.model = model
        self.mesh = model.space_mesh(n=NS)
        self.timeline = model.time_mesh(T=T, n=NT)

        self.GD = model.GD
        if self.GD == 2:
            self.vspace = RaviartThomasFiniteElementSpace2d(self.mesh,
                                                            p=0)  # 速度空间
        elif self.GD == 3:
            self.vspace = RaviartThomasFiniteElementSpace3d(self.mesh, p=0)

        self.pspace = self.vspace.smspace  # 压强和饱和度所属的空间, 分片常数
        self.cspace = LagrangeFiniteElementSpace(self.mesh, p=1)  # 位移空间

        # 上一时刻物理量的值
        self.v = self.vspace.function()  # 速度函数
        self.p = self.pspace.function()  # 压强函数
        self.s = self.pspace.function()  # 水的饱和度函数 默认为0, 初始时刻区域内水的饱和度为0
        self.u = self.cspace.function(dim=self.GD)  # 位移函数
        self.phi = self.pspace.function()  # 孔隙度函数, 分片常数

        # 当前时刻物理量的值, 用于保存临时计算出的值, 模型中系数的计算由当前时刻
        # 的物理量的值决定
        self.cv = self.vspace.function()  # 速度函数
        self.cp = self.pspace.function()  # 压强函数
        self.cs = self.pspace.function()  # 水的饱和度函数 默认为0, 初始时刻区域内水的饱和度为0
        self.cu = self.cspace.function(dim=self.GD)  # 位移函数
        self.cphi = self.pspace.function()  # 孔隙度函数, 分片常数

        # 初值
        self.p[:] = model.rock['initial pressure']  # MPa
        self.phi[:] = model.rock['porosity']  # 初始孔隙度
        self.cp[:] = model.rock['initial pressure']  # 初始地层压强
        self.cphi[:] = model.rock['porosity']  # 当前孔隙度系数

        # 源项,  TODO: 注意这里假设用的是结构网格, 换其它的网格需要修改代码
        self.fo = self.cspace.function()
        self.fo[-1] = -self.model.oil['production rate']  # 产出

        self.fw = self.cspace.function()
        self.fw[0] = self.model.water['injection rate']  # 注入

        # 一些常数矩阵和向量

        # 速度散度矩阵, 速度方程对应的散度矩阵, (\nabla\cdot v, w)
        self.B = self.vspace.div_matrix()

        # 压强方程对应的位移散度矩阵, (\nabla\cdot u, w) 位移散度矩阵
        # * 注意这里利用了压强空间分片常数, 线性函数导数也是分片常数的事实
        c = self.mesh.entity_measure('cell')
        c *= self.model.rock['biot']

        val = self.mesh.grad_lambda()  # (NC, TD+1, GD)
        val *= c[:, None, None]
        pc2d = self.pspace.cell_to_dof()
        cc2d = self.cspace.cell_to_dof()
        pgdof = self.pspace.number_of_global_dofs()
        cgdof = self.cspace.number_of_global_dofs()
        I = np.broadcast_to(pc2d, shape=cc2d.shape)
        J = cc2d
        self.PU0 = csr_matrix((val[..., 0].flat, (I.flat, J.flat)),
                              shape=(pgdof, cgdof))
        self.PU1 = csr_matrix((val[..., 1].flat, (I.flat, J.flat)),
                              shape=(pgdof, cgdof))

        if self.GD == 3:
            self.PU2 = csr_matrix((val[..., 2].flat, (I.flat, J.flat)),
                                  shape=(pgdof, cgdof))

        # 线弹性矩阵的右端向量
        sigma0 = self.pspace.function()
        sigma0[:] = self.model.rock['initial stress']
        self.FU = np.zeros(self.GD * cgdof, dtype=np.float64)
        self.FU[0 * cgdof:1 * cgdof] -= self.p @ self.PU0
        self.FU[1 * cgdof:2 * cgdof] -= self.p @ self.PU1

        if self.GD == 3:
            self.FU[2 * cgdof:3 * cgdof] -= self.p @ self.PU2

        # 初始应力和等效应力项
        self.FU[0 * cgdof:1 * cgdof] -= sigma0 @ self.PU0
        self.FU[1 * cgdof:2 * cgdof] -= sigma0 @ self.PU1
        if self.GD == 3:
            self.FU[2 * cgdof:3 * cgdof] -= sigma0 @ self.PU2

        # vtk 文件输出
        node, cell, cellType, NC = self.mesh.to_vtk()
        self.points = vtk.vtkPoints()
        self.cells = vtk.vtkCellArray()
        self.cells.SetCells(NC, vnp.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(cell))
        self.cellType = cellType

    def recover(self, val):

        给定一个分片常数的量, 恢复为分片连续的量

        mesh = self.mesh
        cell = self.mesh.entity('cell')
        NC = mesh.number_of_cells()
        NN = mesh.number_of_nodes()

        w = 1 / self.mesh.entity_measure('cell')  # 恢复权重
        w = np.broadcast_to(w[:, None], shape=cell.shape)

        r = np.zeros(NN, dtype=np.float64)
        d = np.zeros(NN, dtype=np.float64)

        np.add.at(d, cell, w)
        np.add.at(r, cell, val[:, None] * w)

        return r / d

    def pressure_coefficient(self):


        b = self.model.rock['biot']
        Ks = self.model.rock['solid grain stiffness']
        cw = self.model.water['compressibility']
        co = self.model.oil['compressibility']

        Sw = self.cs[:].copy()  # 当前的水饱和度 (NQ, NC)
        phi = self.cphi[:].copy()  # 当前的孔隙度

        val = phi * Sw * cw
        val += phi * (1 - Sw) * co  # 注意这里的 co 是常数, 但在水气混合物条件下应该依赖于压力
        val += (b - phi) / Ks
        return val

    def saturation_pressure_coefficient(self):

        计算当前物理量下, 饱和度方程中, 压强项对应的系数

        b = self.model.rock['biot']
        Ks = self.model.rock['solid grain stiffness']
        cw = self.model.water['compressibility']

        val = self.cs[:].copy()  # 当前水饱和度
        phi = self.cphi[:].copy()  # 当前孔隙度

        val *= (b - phi) / Ks + phi * cw

        return val

    def flux_coefficient(self):

        计算**当前**物理量下, 速度方程对应的系数

        计算通量的系数, 流体的相对渗透率除以粘性系数得到流动性系数 
        krg/mu_g 是气体的流动性系数 
        kro/mu_o 是油的流动性系数
        krw/mu_w 是水的流动性系数

        这里假设压强的单位是 MPa 

        1 d = 9.869 233e-13 m^2 = 1000 md
        1 cp = 1 mPa s = 1e-9 MPa.s


        muw = self.model.water['viscosity']  # 单位是 1 cp = 1 mPa.s
        muo = self.model.oil['viscosity']  # 单位是 1 cp = 1 mPa.s

        # 岩石的绝对渗透率, 这里考虑了量纲的一致性, 压强是 MPa
        k = self.model.rock['permeability'] * 9.869233e-4

        Sw = self.cs[:].copy()  # 当前水的饱和度系数

        lamw = self.model.water_relative_permeability(Sw)
        lamw /= muw
        lamo = self.model.oil_relative_permeability(Sw)
        lamo /= muo

        val = 1 / (lamw + lamo) / k  #

        return val

    def water_fractional_flow_coefficient(self):


        计算**当前**物理量下, 饱和度方程中, 水的流动性系数

        Sw = self.cs[:].copy()  # 当前水的饱和度系数
        lamw = self.model.water_relative_permeability(Sw)
        lamw /= self.model.water['viscosity']
        lamo = self.model.oil_relative_permeability(Sw)
        lamo /= self.model.oil['viscosity']
        val = lamw / (lamw + lamo)
        return val

    def get_total_system(self):


        x = [v, p, s, u0, u1]

        A = [[   V,  VP, None, None,  None]
             [  PV,   P, None,  PU0,   PU1]
             [None,  SP,    S,  SU0,   SU1] 
             [None, UP0, None,  U00,   U01]
             [None, UP1, None,  U10,   U11]

        F = [FV, FP, FS, FU0, FU1]

        x = [v, p, s, u0, u1, u2]

        A = [[   V,  VP, None, None,  None, None]
             [  PV,   P, None,  PU0,   PU1,  PU2]
             [None,  SP,    S,  SU0,   SU1,  SU2] 
             [None, UP0, None,  U00,   U01,  U02]
             [None, UP1, None,  U10,   U11,  U12]
             [None, UP2, None,  U20,   U21,  U22]]

        F = [FV, FP, FS, FU0, FU1, FU2]

        FS 中考虑的迎风格式

        GD = self.GD
        A0, FV, isBdDof0 = self.get_velocity_system(q=2)
        A1, FP, isBdDof1 = self.get_pressure_system(q=2)
        A2, FS, isBdDof2 = self.get_saturation_system(q=2)

        if GD == 2:
            A3, A4, FU, isBdDof3 = self.get_dispacement_system(q=2)
            A = bmat([A0, A1, A2, A3, A4], format='csr')
            F = np.r_['0', FV, FP, FS, FU]
        elif GD == 3:
            A3, A4, A5, FU, isBdDof3 = self.get_dispacement_system(q=2)
            A = bmat([A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], format='csr')
            F = np.r_['0', FV, FP, FS, FU]

        isBdDof = np.r_['0', isBdDof0, isBdDof1, isBdDof2, isBdDof3]
        return A, F, isBdDof

    def get_velocity_system(self, q=2):

        if GD == 2:
            [   V,  VP, None, None,  None]
        elif GD == 3:
            [   V,  VP, None, None,  None, None]


        GD = self.GD
        dt = self.timeline.current_time_step_length()
        cellmeasure = self.mesh.entity_measure('cell')
        qf = self.mesh.integrator(q, etype='cell')
        bcs, ws = qf.get_quadrature_points_and_weights()

        # 速度对应的矩阵  V
        c = self.flux_coefficient()
        c *= cellmeasure
        phi = self.vspace.basis(bcs)
        V = np.einsum('q, qcin, qcjn, c->cij', ws, phi, phi, c, optimize=True)

        c2d = self.vspace.cell_to_dof()
        I = np.broadcast_to(c2d[:, :, None], shape=V.shape)
        J = np.broadcast_to(c2d[:, None, :], shape=V.shape)

        gdof = self.vspace.number_of_global_dofs()
        V = csr_matrix((V.flat, (I.flat, J.flat)), shape=(gdof, gdof))

        # 压强矩阵
        VP = -self.B

        # 右端向量, 0 向量
        FV = np.zeros(gdof, dtype=np.float64)
        isBdDof = self.vspace.dof.is_boundary_dof()

        if GD == 2:
            return [V, VP, None, None, None], FV, isBdDof
        elif GD == 3:
            return [V, VP, None, None, None, None], FV, isBdDof

    def get_pressure_system(self, q=2):

        这里组装矩阵时, 利用了压强是分片常数的特殊性 

        [  PV,   P, None,  PU0,   PU1]

        [  PV,   P, None,  PU0,   PU1, PU2]

        GD = self.GD
        dt = self.timeline.current_time_step_length()
        cellmeasure = self.mesh.entity_measure('cell')
        qf = self.mesh.integrator(q, etype='cell')
        bcs, ws = qf.get_quadrature_points_and_weights()

        PV = dt * self.B.T

        # P 是对角矩阵, 利用分片常数的
        c = self.pressure_coefficient()  # (NQ, NC)
        c *= cellmeasure
        P = diags(c, 0)

        # 组装压强方程的右端向量
        # * 这里利用了压强空间基是分片常数
        FP = self.fo.value(bcs) + self.fw.value(bcs)  # (NQ, NC)
        FP *= ws[:, None]

        FP = np.sum(FP, axis=0)
        FP *= cellmeasure
        FP *= dt

        FP += P @ self.p  # 上一步的压强向量
        FP += self.PU0 @ self.u[:, 0]
        FP += self.PU1 @ self.u[:, 1]

        if GD == 3:
            FP += self.PU2 @ self.u[:, 2]

        gdof = self.pspace.number_of_global_dofs()
        isBdDof = np.zeros(gdof, dtype=np.bool_)

        if GD == 2:
            return [PV, P, None, self.PU0, self.PU1], FP, isBdDof
        elif GD == 3:
            return [PV, P, None, self.PU0, self.PU1, self.PU2], FP, isBdDof

    def get_saturation_system(self, q=2):

        [ None,  SP,    S, SU0,  SU1] 


        GD = self.GD
        qf = self.mesh.integrator(q, etype='cell')
        bcs, ws = qf.get_quadrature_points_and_weights()
        cellmeasure = self.mesh.entity_measure('cell')

        # SP 是对角矩阵
        c = self.saturation_pressure_coefficient()  # (NC, )
        c *= cellmeasure
        SP = diags(c, 0)

        # S 质量矩阵组装, 对角矩阵
        c = self.cphi[:] * cellmeasure
        S = diags(c, 0)

        # SU0, SU1, 饱和度方程中的位移散度对应的矩阵
        val = self.mesh.grad_lambda()  # (NC, TD+1, GD)
        c = self.cs[:] * self.model.rock['biot']  # (NC, ), 注意用当前的水饱和度
        c *= cellmeasure
        val *= c[:, None, None]

        pgdof = self.pspace.number_of_global_dofs()  # 压力空间自由度个数
        cgdof = self.cspace.number_of_global_dofs()  # 连续空间自由度个数

        pc2d = self.pspace.cell_to_dof()
        cc2d = self.cspace.cell_to_dof()

        I = np.broadcast_to(pc2d, shape=cc2d.shape)
        J = cc2d

        SU0 = csr_matrix((val[..., 0].flat, (I.flat, J.flat)),
                         shape=(pgdof, cgdof))
        SU1 = csr_matrix((val[..., 1].flat, (I.flat, J.flat)),
                         shape=(pgdof, cgdof))

        if GD == 3:
            SU2 = csr_matrix((val[..., 2].flat, (I.flat, J.flat)),
                             shape=(pgdof, cgdof))

        # 右端矩阵
        dt = self.timeline.current_time_step_length()
        FS = self.fw.value(bcs)  # (NQ, NC)
        FS *= ws[:, None]
        FS = np.sum(FS, axis=0)
        FS *= cellmeasure
        FS *= dt

        FS += SP @ self.p  # 上一时间步的压强
        FS += S @ self.s  # 上一时间步的饱和度
        FS += SU0 @ self.u[:, 0]  # 上一时间步的位移 x 分量
        FS += SU1 @ self.u[:, 1]  # 上一个时间步的位移 y 分量

        if GD == 3:
            FS += SU2 @ self.u[:, 2]  # 上一个时间步的位移 y 分量

        # 用当前时刻的速度场, 构造非线性迎风格式
        face2cell = self.mesh.ds.face_to_cell()
        isBdFace = face2cell[:, 0] == face2cell[:, 1]

        qf = self.mesh.integrator(2, 'face')  # 边上的积分公式
        bcs, ws = qf.get_quadrature_points_and_weights()
        facemeasure = self.mesh.entity_measure('face')

        # 边的定向法线,它是左边单元的外法线,右边单元内法线。
        fn = self.mesh.face_unit_normal()
        val0 = np.einsum('qfm, fm->qf', self.cv.face_value(bcs),
                         fn)  # 当前速度和法线的内积

        # 水的流动分数, 与水的饱和度有关, 如果饱和度为0, 则为 0
        Fw = self.water_fractional_flow_coefficient()
        val1 = Fw[face2cell[:, 0]]  # 边的左边单元的水流动分数
        val2 = Fw[face2cell[:, 1]]  # 边的右边单元的水流动分数
        val2[isBdFace] = 0.0  # 边界的贡献是 0

        flag = val0 < 0.0  # 对于左边单元来说,是流出项
        # 对于右边单元来说,是流入项

        # 左右单元流入流出的绝对量是一样的
        val = val0 * val1[None, :]  # val0 >= 0.0, 左边单元是流出
        # val0 < 0.0, 左边单元是流入
        val[flag] = (val0 * val2[None, :])[flag]  # val0 >= 0, 右边单元是流入
        # val0 < 0, 右边单元是流出

        b = np.einsum('q, qf, f->f', ws, val, facemeasure)
        b *= dt
        np.subtract.at(FS, face2cell[:, 0], b)

        isInFace = ~isBdFace  # 只处理内部边
        np.add.at(FS, face2cell[isInFace, 1], b[isInFace])

        isBdDof = np.zeros(pgdof, dtype=np.bool_)

        if GD == 2:
            return [None, SP, S, SU0, SU1], FS, isBdDof
        elif GD == 3:
            return [None, SP, S, SU0, SU1, SU2], FS, isBdDof

    def get_dispacement_system(self, q=2):
        计算位移方程对应的离散系统, 即线弹性方程系统.
        GD == 2:

         [None, UP0, None,  U00,   U01]
         [None, UP1, None,  U10,   U11]

        GD == 3:
         [None, UP0, None,  U00,   U01, U02]
         [None, UP1, None,  U10,   U11, U12]
         [None, UP2, None,  U20,   U21, U22]


        GD = self.GD
        # 拉梅参数 (lambda, mu)
        lam, mu = self.model.rock['lame']
        U = self.cspace.linear_elasticity_matrix(lam, mu, format='list')

        isBdDof = self.cspace.dof.is_boundary_dof()

        if GD == 2:
            return ([None, -self.PU0.T, None, U[0][0],
                     U[0][1]], [None, -self.PU1.T, None, U[1][0],
                                U[1][1]], self.FU, np.r_['0', isBdDof,
        elif GD == 3:
            return ([None, -self.PU0.T, None, U[0][0], U[0][1], U[0][2]
                     ], [None, -self.PU1.T, None, U[1][0], U[1][1], U[1][2]],
                    [None, -self.PU2.T, None, U[2][0], U[2][1],
                     U[2][2]], self.FU, np.r_['0', isBdDof, isBdDof, isBdDof])

    def picard_iteration(self, maxit=10):

        GD = self.GD
        e0 = 1.0
        k = 0
        while e0 > 1e-10:
            # 构建总系统
            A, F, isBdDof = self.get_total_system()

            # 处理边界条件, 这里是 0 边界
            gdof = len(isBdDof)
            bdIdx = np.zeros(gdof, dtype=np.int_)
            bdIdx[isBdDof] = 1
            Tbd = diags(bdIdx)
            T = diags(1 - bdIdx)
            A = T @ A @ T + Tbd
            F[isBdDof] = 0.0

            # 求解

            x = spsolve(A, F)

            vgdof = self.vspace.number_of_global_dofs()
            pgdof = self.pspace.number_of_global_dofs()
            cgdof = self.cspace.number_of_global_dofs()

            e0 = 0.0
            start = 0
            end = vgdof
            self.cv[:] = x[start:end]

            start = end
            end += pgdof
            e0 += np.sum((self.cp - x[start:end])**2)
            self.cp[:] = x[start:end]

            start = end
            end += pgdof

            e0 += np.sum((self.cs - x[start:end])**2)
            self.cs[:] = x[start:end]
            e0 = np.sqrt(e0)  # 误差的 l2 norm
            k += 1

            for i in range(GD):
                start = end
                end += cgdof
                self.cu[:, i] = x[start:end]


            if k >= maxit:
                print('picard iteration arrive max iteration with error:', e0)

    def update_solution(self):
        self.v[:] = self.cv
        self.p[:] = self.cp
        self.s[:] = self.cs
        #flag = self.s < 0.0
        #self.s[flag] = 0.0
        self.u[:] = self.cu

    def solve(self, step=24):



        timeline = self.timeline
        dt = timeline.current_time_step_length()
        timeline.reset()  # 时间置零

        n = timeline.current
        fname = 'test_' + str(n).zfill(10) + '.vtu'
        while not timeline.stop():
            ct = timeline.current_time_level() / 3600 / 24  # 天为单位
            print('当前时刻为第', ct, '天')
            timeline.current += 1
            if timeline.current % step == 0:
                n = timeline.current
                fname = 'test_' + str(n).zfill(10) + '.vtu'

    def write_to_vtk(self, fname):
        # 重心处的值
        mesh = self.mesh

        GD = self.GD

        bc = np.array((GD + 1) * [1 / (GD + 1)], dtype=np.float64)

        ps = self.mesh.bc_to_point(bc)
        vmesh = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid()
        vmesh.SetCells(self.cellType, self.cells)
        cdata = vmesh.GetCellData()
        pdata = vmesh.GetPointData()

        v = self.v
        p = self.p
        s = self.s
        u = self.u

        val = v.value(bc)
        if GD == 2:
            val = np.concatenate(
                (val, np.zeros((val.shape[0], 1), dtype=val.dtype)), axis=1)
        val = vnp.numpy_to_vtk(val)

        val = self.recover(p[:])
        val = vnp.numpy_to_vtk(val)

        val = self.recover(s[:])
        val = vnp.numpy_to_vtk(val)

        if GD == 2:
            val = np.concatenate((u[:], np.zeros(
                (u.shape[0], 1), dtype=u.dtype)),
        val = vnp.numpy_to_vtk(val)

        writer = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter()
Exemplo n.º 3
scale = float(sys.argv[3])

pde = BoxDomain2DData()

mesh = pde.init_mesh(n=n)

area = mesh.entity_measure('cell')

space = LagrangeFiniteElementSpace(mesh, p=p)

bc0 = DirichletBC(space, pde.dirichlet, threshold=pde.is_dirichlet_boundary)
bc1 = NeumannBC(space, pde.neumann, threshold=pde.is_neumann_boundary)

uh = space.function(dim=2)  # (gdof, 2) and vector fem function uh[i, j]
P = space.stiff_matrix(c=2 * pde.mu)
A = space.linear_elasticity_matrix(pde.mu, pde.lam)  # (2*gdof, 2*gdof)
F = space.source_vector(pde.source, dim=2)
F = bc1.apply(F)
A, F = bc0.apply(A, F, uh)


if False:
    uh.T.flat[:] = spsolve(A, F)  # (2, gdof ).flat
elif False:
    N = len(F)
    ilu = spilu(A.tocsc(), drop_tol=1e-6, fill_factor=40)
    M = LinearOperator((N, N), lambda x: ilu.solve(x))
    start = timer()
    uh.T.flat[:], info = cg(A, F, tol=1e-8, M=M)  # solve with CG
Exemplo n.º 4
p = int(sys.argv[2])
scale = float(sys.argv[3])

E = 1e+5
nu = 0.3
pde = LShapeDomainData2d(E=E, nu=nu)

mu = pde.mu
lam = pde.lam

mesh = pde.init_mesh(n=n)

space = LagrangeFiniteElementSpace(mesh, p=p)
bc = BoundaryCondition(space, dirichlet=pde.dirichlet, neuman=pde.neuman)
uh = space.function(dim=2)
A = space.linear_elasticity_matrix(mu, lam)
F = space.source_vector(pde.source, dim=2)

bc.apply_neuman_bc(F, is_neuman_boundary=pde.is_neuman_boundary)
A, F = bc.apply_dirichlet_bc(A,

uh.T.flat[:] = spsolve(A, F)

error = space.integralalg.L2_error(pde.displacement, uh)

bc = mesh.entity_barycenter('edge')
isBdEdge = mesh.ds.boundary_edge_flag()
Exemplo n.º 5
from fealpy.functionspace import LagrangeFiniteElementSpace
from fealpy.boundarycondition import BoundaryCondition

n = int(sys.argv[1])
p = int(sys.argv[2])
scale = float(sys.argv[3])

pde = BoxDomainData3d()

mu = pde.mu
lam = pde.lam
mesh = pde.init_mesh(n=n)

space = LagrangeFiniteElementSpace(mesh, p=p)
bc = BoundaryCondition(space, dirichlet=pde.dirichlet)
uh = space.function(dim=3)
A = space.linear_elasticity_matrix(lam, mu)
F = space.source_vector(pde.source, dim=3)
A, F = bc.apply_dirichlet_bc(A,
uh.T.flat[:] = spsolve(A, F)
node = mesh.node.copy()
mesh.node = node + scale * uh

fig = plt.figure()
axes = Axes3D(fig)