Exemplo n.º 1
    def POST(self, context_classes):
        print("--- InitClassifier POST request ---")

        classes_list = json.loads(context_classes) 

        model_exists_result = check_model_exists(classes_list)
        if model_exists_result == False:
            # This model does not exists on server yet, so we have to build it:
            # Create random ID for this request:
            id = str(randint(1e5,1e6))

            # Create an id, where the client can get the new classifier when the calculation is done:  
            filename_new_classifier = str(id) + ".json"
            valid_classes = []
            invalid_classes = []
	    waitOrNoWait = "no_wait"

            for el in classes_list:
                if (feasibilityCheck(el) == "not_feasible"): 
                elif (feasibilityCheck(el) == "downloaded"):
                elif (feasibilityCheck(el) == "feasible"):
                    print("feasibilityCheck returned invalid result")

	    if len(valid_classes) != 0:
                # Start training the classifier in the background (list is passed as String and converted back with Regex later):
                subprocess.Popen(["python", "server_create_initial_model.py", json.dumps(valid_classes), filename_new_classifier])
		waitOrNoWait = "wait"
		# If not a single class is valid, don't do anything:
		waitOrNoWait = "no_wait"
            # Return new filename and the list of invalid classes:
            response = {"filename": filename_new_classifier, "wait": waitOrNoWait, "invalid_classes": invalid_classes}
            # The model already exisits and the location of the model can be send to server:
            filename_exisiting = "classifiers/" + model_exists_result
            #response = {"wait": "no_wait", "filename": filename_exisiting}
            response = {"filename": filename_exisiting, "wait": "no_wait", "invalid_classes": []}
        return response
Exemplo n.º 2
 def POST(self, classname):
     print("--- FeasibilityCheck POST request ---")
     res = feasibilityCheck(classname)
     return res
Exemplo n.º 3
    def POST(self, context_classes):
        print("--- ManageClasses POST request ---")

        context_classes_list = json.loads(context_classes)            
        classifier_json = cherrypy.request.json     
        # Create random ID for this request:
        id = str(randint(1e5,1e6))
        # Dump the GMM object we received from the client, as it is too large to parse as argument directly:
        filename_old_classifier = "tmp_" + id + ".json"
        json.dump(classifier_json, open(filename_old_classifier,"wb"))
        # Create an id, where the client can get the new classifier when the calculation is done:  
        filename_new_classifier = "Classifier_" + id + ".json"
        valid_classes = []
        invalid_classes = []
        for el in context_classes_list:
            if (feasibilityCheck(el) == "not_feasible"): 
                waitOrNoWait = "no_wait"
            elif (feasibilityCheck(el) == "downloaded"):
                waitOrNoWait = "no_wait"
            elif (feasibilityCheck(el) == "feasible"):
                waitOrNoWait = "wait"
                print("feasibilityCheck returned invalid result")
                waitOrNoWait = "no_wait"
        # Start training the classifier in the background:
        subprocess.Popen(["python", "server_manage_classes.py", json.dumps(valid_classes), filename_old_classifier, filename_new_classifier])
        # Return new filename and the list of invalid classes:
        response = {"filename": filename_new_classifier, "wait": waitOrNoWait, "invalid_classes": invalid_classes}
        return response