def run(dataset_train, dataset_test, pop_size, gens, cross_rate, fb, max_time=1200): Xtrain, ytrain = dataset_train[:, :-1], dataset_train[:, -1] Xtest, ytest = dataset_test[:, :-1], dataset_test[:, -1] est_gp = Feat(obj="fitness,complexity", pop_size=pop_size, gens=gens, max_time=max_time, max_stall=50, batch_size=10000, ml = "LinearRidgeRegression", sel='lexicase', surv='nsga2', max_depth=10, max_dim=min([Xtrain.shape[1]*2,50]), #random_state=random_seed, functions="+,-,*,/,sqrt,sin,cos,tanh,exp,log,^,x,kd", otype="f", backprop=True, iters=10, n_threads=1, verbosity=1, # tuned parameters cross_rate= cross_rate, fb = fb, root_xo_rate = 0.75, softmax_norm = False ), ytrain) return RMSE(est_gp.predict(Xtrain), ytrain), RMSE(est_gp.predict(Xtest), ytest), est_gp.get_model()
def test_saving_loading(self): self.debug("Pickle Feat object") reg = clone(self.reg), self.yr) initial_pred = reg.predict(self.X)'Feat_tmp.json') loaded_reg = Feat().load('Feat_tmp.json') # print('loaded_reg:',type(loaded_reg).__name__) loaded_pred = loaded_reg.predict(self.X) # print('initial pred:',initial_pred) # print('loaded pred:',loaded_pred) diff = np.abs(initial_pred-loaded_pred) for i,d in enumerate(diff): if d > 0.0001: print('pred:',initial_pred[i],'loaded:',loaded_pred[i], 'diff:',d) assert(d < 0.0001) # assert(all([ip==lp for ip,lp in zip(initial_pred, loaded_pred)])) assert(reg.get_representation() == loaded_reg.get_representation()) assert(reg.get_model() == loaded_reg.get_model()) assert((reg.get_coefs() == loaded_reg.get_coefs()).all()) loaded_params = loaded_reg.get_params() # print('\n',10*'=','\n') # print('loaded_params:') # for k,v in loaded_params.items(): # print(k,':',v) for k,v in reg.get_params().items(): if k not in loaded_params.keys(): print(k,'not in ',loaded_params.keys()) assert(k in loaded_params.keys()) if isinstance(v,float): if np.abs(loaded_params[k] - v) > 0.0001: print('loaded_params[',k,'] =', loaded_params[k], '\nwhich is different from:', v) assert(np.abs(loaded_params[k] - v) < 0.0001) elif loaded_params[k] != v: print('loaded_params[',k,'] =', loaded_params[k], '\nwhich is different from:', v) assert(loaded_params[k] == v), self.yr)
class TestFeatWrapper(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.v = verbosity self.clf = Feat(verbosity=verbosity, n_threads=1) diabetes = load_diabetes() self.X = self.y = #Test 1: Assert the length of labels returned from predict def test_predict_length(self): self.debug("Fit the Data"), self.y) self.debug("Predicting the Results") pred = self.clf.predict(self.X) self.debug("Comparing the Length of labls in Predicted vs Actual ") expected_length = len(self.y) actual_length = len(pred) self.assertEqual(actual_length, expected_length) #Test 2: Assert the length of labels returned from fit_predict def test_fitpredict_length(self): self.debug("Calling fit_predict from Feat") pred = self.clf.fit_predict(self.X, self.y) self.debug("Comparing the length of labls in fit_predict vs actual ") expected_length = len(self.y) actual_length = len(pred) self.assertEqual(actual_length, expected_length) #Test 3: Assert the length of labels returned from transform def test_transform_length(self): self.debug("Calling fit"), self.y) trans_X = self.clf.transform(self.X) self.debug( "Comparing the length of labls in transform vs actual feature set " ) expected_value = self.X.shape[0] actual_value = trans_X.shape[0] self.assertEqual(actual_value, expected_value) #Test 4: Assert the length of labels returned from fit_transform def test_fit_transform_length(self): self.debug("In fit transform") trans_X = self.clf.fit_transform(self.X, self.y) self.debug( "Comparing the length of labls in transform vs actual feature set " ) expected_value = self.X.shape[0] actual_value = trans_X.shape[0] self.assertEqual(actual_value, expected_value) #Test 5: Transform with Z def test_transform_length_z(self, zfile=None, zids=None): self.debug("Calling fit"), self.y) trans_X = self.clf.transform(self.X, zfile, zids) self.debug( "Comparing the length of labls in transform vs actual feature set " ) expected_value = self.X.shape[0] actual_value = trans_X.shape[0] self.assertEqual(actual_value, expected_value) def debug(self, message): if (self.v > 0): print(message) def test_coefs(self): self.debug("In test_coefs"), self.y) coefs = self.clf.get_coefs() self.assertTrue(len(coefs) > 0) def test_dataframe(self): self.debug("In test_dataframe") dfX = pd.DataFrame( data=self.X, columns=['fishy' + str(i) for i in np.arange(self.X.shape[1])], index=None) dfy = pd.DataFrame(data={'label': self.y}), dfy['label']) assert (self.clf.feature_names == ','.join(dfX.columns).encode()) #Test: Assert the length of labels returned from predict def test_predict_stats_length(self): self.debug("Fit the Data"), self.y) for key in self.clf.stats: self.assertEqual(len(self.clf.stats[key]), self.clf.gens) #Test ability to pickle feat model def test_pickling(self): self.debug("Pickle Feat object") with open('test_pickle.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self.clf, f) with open('test_pickle.pkl', 'rb') as f: loaded_clf = pickle.load(f) assert (loaded_clf.get_params() == self.clf.get_params()) def test_archive(self): """test archiving ability""" self.debug("Test archive") self.clf.classification = True = b'LR', np.array(self.y > np.median(self.y), archive = self.clf.get_archive() preds = self.clf.predict_archive(self.X) probs = self.clf.predict_proba_archive(self.X) for arch, pred, prob in zip(archive, preds, probs): self.assertTrue(arch['id'] == pred['id']) self.assertTrue(arch['id'] == prob['id']) def test_lr_l1(self): """testing l1 penalized LR""" self.clf.classification = True = b'L1_LR', np.array(self.y > np.median(self.y), self.assertEqual(len(self.clf.predict(self.X)), len(self.y))
pop_size=200, # ml='CART', ml='LR', verbosity=1, shuffle=True, classification=True, backprop=True, random_state=42) lr = LR() rocs = [] aucs = [] lr_rocs = [] lr_aucs = [] for train_idx, test_idx in kf.split(X):[train_idx], y[train_idx])[train_idx], y[train_idx]) probabilities = clf.predict_proba(X[test_idx]) lr_probabilities = lr.predict_proba(X[test_idx]) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y[test_idx], probabilities[:, 1]) lr_fpr, lr_tpr, _ = roc_curve(y[test_idx], lr_probabilities[:, 1]) aucs.append(auc(fpr, tpr)) lr_aucs.append(auc(lr_fpr, lr_tpr)) rocs.append((fpr, tpr)) lr_rocs.append((lr_fpr, lr_tpr)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np from feat import Feat from sklearn.model_selection import KFold df = pd.read_csv('d_example_patients.csv') df.drop('id', axis=1, inplace=True) X = df.drop('class', axis=1).values y = df['class'].values zfile = 'd_example_patients_long.csv' kf = KFold(n_splits=3) kf.get_n_splits(X) clf = Feat( max_depth=5, max_dim=min(50, 2 * X.shape[1]), verbosity=1, shuffle=True, ml='LR', classification=True, functions= "max,+,-,*,/,exp,log,and,or,not,=,<,>,ite,mean,median,min,variance,skew,kurtosis,slope,count", random_state=42) scores = [] for train_idx, test_idx in kf.split(X):[train_idx], y[train_idx], zfile, train_idx) scores.append(clf.score(X[test_idx], y[test_idx], zfile, test_idx)) print('scores:', scores)
class TestFeatWrapper(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.v = verbosity self.clf = Feat(verbosity=self.v) diabetes = load_diabetes() self.X = self.y = #Test 1: Assert the length of labels returned from predict def test_predict_length(self): self.debug("Fit the Data"),self.y) self.debug("Predicting the Results") pred = self.clf.predict(self.X) self.debug("Comparing the Length of labls in Predicted vs Actual ") expected_length = len(self.y) actual_length = len(pred) self.assertEqual( actual_length , expected_length ) #Test 2: Assert the length of labels returned from fit_predict def test_fitpredict_length(self): self.debug("Calling fit_predict from Feat") pred = self.clf.fit_predict(self.X,self.y) self.debug("Comparing the length of labls in fit_predict vs actual ") expected_length = len(self.y) actual_length = len(pred) self.assertEqual( actual_length , expected_length ) #Test 3: Assert the length of labels returned from transform def test_transform_length(self): self.debug("Calling fit"),self.y) trans_X = self.clf.transform(self.X) self.debug("Comparing the length of labls in transform vs actual feature set ") expected_value = self.X.shape[0] actual_value = trans_X.shape[0] self.assertEqual( actual_value , expected_value ) #Test 4: Assert the length of labels returned from fit_transform def test_fit_transform_length(self): self.debug("In fit transform") trans_X = self.clf.fit_transform(self.X,self.y) self.debug("Comparing the length of labls in transform vs actual feature set ") expected_value = self.X.shape[0] actual_value = trans_X.shape[0] self.assertEqual( actual_value , expected_value ) #Test 5: Transform with Z def test_transform_length_z(self,zfile=None,zids=None): self.debug("Calling fit"),self.y) trans_X = self.clf.transform(self.X,zfile,zids) self.debug("Comparing the length of labls in transform vs actual feature set ") expected_value = self.X.shape[0] actual_value = trans_X.shape[0] self.assertEqual( actual_value , expected_value ) def debug(self,message): if ( self.v > 0 ): print (message) def test_coefs(self): self.debug("In test_coefs"),self.y) coefs = self.clf.get_coefs() print('coefs:',coefs) self.assertTrue( len(coefs)>0 )
import pandas as pd from pmlb import fetch_data df = pd.read_csv('mnist.csv', sep='\t') print(df.columns) X = df.drop('class', axis=1).values y = df['class'].values from feat import Feat ft = Feat(classification=True, verbosity=2)[:60000], y[:60000]) print(ft.score(X[60000:], y[60000:]))
pop_size=100, verbosity=1, shuffle=True, ml='LR', classification=True, feature_names=','.join(df.drop('class', axis=1).columns), functions="+,-,*,/,exp,log,and,or,not,=,<,<=,>,>=,ite,split,split_c," "mean,median,max,min,variance,skew,kurtosis,slope,count", backprop=True, iters=10, random_state=42) scores = [] for train_idx, test_idx in kf.split(X, y): # print('train_idx:',train_idx)[train_idx], y[train_idx], zfile, train_idx) scores.append(clf.score(X[test_idx], y[test_idx], zfile, test_idx)) print('scores:', scores) ################################################################################################### # fit to all data ################################################################################################### print('fitting longer to all data...') clf.gens = 20 clf.verbosity = 2, y, zfile, np.arange(len(X))) print('model:', clf.get_model()) ##################################################################################################
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from feat import Feat import sys seed = sys.argv[1] df = pd.read_csv('../examples/d_heart.csv', sep=',') df.describe() X = df.drop('class', axis=1).values y = df['class'].values clf = Feat(max_depth=3, max_dim=1, gens=100, pop_size=200, verbosity=2, shuffle=True, classification=True, functions="+,-,*,/,exp,log,and,or,not,=,<,>,ite", random_state=seed, softmax_norm=True), y)
class TestFeatWrapper(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.v = verbosity self.clf = Feat(verbosity=verbosity, n_threads=1) diabetes = load_diabetes() self.X = self.y = #Test 1: Assert the length of labels returned from predict def test_predict_length(self): self.debug("Fit the Data"),self.y) self.debug("Predicting the Results") pred = self.clf.predict(self.X) self.debug("Comparing the Length of labls in Predicted vs Actual ") expected_length = len(self.y) actual_length = len(pred) self.assertEqual( actual_length , expected_length ) #Test 2: Assert the length of labels returned from fit_predict def test_fitpredict_length(self): self.debug("Calling fit_predict from Feat") pred = self.clf.fit_predict(self.X,self.y) self.debug("Comparing the length of labls in fit_predict vs actual ") expected_length = len(self.y) actual_length = len(pred) self.assertEqual( actual_length , expected_length ) #Test 3: Assert the length of labels returned from transform def test_transform_length(self): self.debug("Calling fit"),self.y) trans_X = self.clf.transform(self.X) self.debug("Comparing the length of labls in transform vs actual feature set ") expected_value = self.X.shape[0] actual_value = trans_X.shape[0] self.assertEqual( actual_value , expected_value ) #Test 4: Assert the length of labels returned from fit_transform def test_fit_transform_length(self): self.debug("In fit transform") trans_X = self.clf.fit_transform(self.X,self.y) self.debug("Comparing the length of labls in transform vs actual feature set ") expected_value = self.X.shape[0] actual_value = trans_X.shape[0] self.assertEqual( actual_value , expected_value ) #Test 5: Transform with Z def test_transform_length_z(self,zfile=None,zids=None): self.debug("Calling fit"),self.y) trans_X = self.clf.transform(self.X,zfile,zids) self.debug("Comparing the length of labls in transform vs actual feature set ") expected_value = self.X.shape[0] actual_value = trans_X.shape[0] self.assertEqual( actual_value , expected_value ) def debug(self,message): if ( self.v > 0 ): print (message) def test_coefs(self): self.debug("In test_coefs"),self.y) coefs = self.clf.get_coefs() print('coefs:',coefs) self.assertTrue( len(coefs)>0 ) def test_dataframe(self): self.debug("In test_dataframe") dfX = pd.DataFrame(data=self.X,columns=['fishy'+str(i) for i in np.arange(self.X.shape[1])], index=None) # print(dfX.head()) # print('dfX.columns:',dfX.columns) dfy = pd.DataFrame(data={'label':self.y}),dfy['label']) # print('clf feature_names:',self.clf.feature_names) # print('dfX.columns:',','.join(dfX.columns).encode()) assert(self.clf.feature_names == ','.join(dfX.columns).encode()) #Test: Assert the length of labels returned from predict def test_predict_stats_length(self): self.debug("Fit the Data"),self.y) print("Num generations is ", self.clf.gens) for key in self.clf.stats: print("Length for ", key, "is ", len(self.clf.stats[key])) self.assertEqual(len(self.clf.stats[key]), self.clf.gens)