Exemplo n.º 1
 def _setup_graphs_mols(self):
     """Setup graphs and smiles if needed."""
     smiles_to_mol = functools.partial(featurization.smiles_to_mol,
     tensorizer = featurization.MolTensorizer(preprocess_fn=smiles_to_mol)
     smiles = ['CO', 'CCC', 'CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C']
     mols = [smiles_to_mol(smi) for smi in smiles]
     graphs = graph_utils.smiles_to_graphs_tuple(smiles, tensorizer)
     return graphs, mols
Exemplo n.º 2
  def _setup_graphs(self):
    """Setup graphs and smiles if needed."""
    tensorizer = featurization.MolTensorizer()
    smiles = [
        'CO', 'Cc1occc1C(=O)Nc2ccccc2',
        'CC(C)=CCCC(C)=CC(=O)', 'c1ccc2c(c1)ccc3c2ccc4c5ccccc5ccc43', 'c1ccsc1',
        'c2ccc1scnc1c2', 'Clc1cc(Cl)c(c(Cl)c1)c2c(Cl)cccc2Cl',

    graphs = graph_utils.smiles_to_graphs_tuple(smiles, tensorizer)
    return graphs, smiles, tensorizer
 def _setup_graphs_model(self):
     """Setup graphs and smiles if needed."""
     tensorizer = featurization.MolTensorizer()
     smiles = ['CO', 'CCC', 'CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C']
     graphs = graph_utils.smiles_to_graphs_tuple(smiles, tensorizer)
     # Fix seed so that initialization is deterministic.
     model = experiments.GNN(5, 3, 10, 1, models.BlockType('gcn'), 'relu',
                             templates.TargetType.globals, 3)
     return graphs, model, tensorizer
  def _setup_experiment(self):
    """Setup graphs and smiles if needed."""
    smiles = ['CO', 'CCC', 'CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C']
    n = len(smiles)
    smiles_to_mol = functools.partial(
        featurization.smiles_to_mol, infer_hydrogens=True)
    tensorizer = featurization.MolTensorizer(preprocess_fn=smiles_to_mol)
    train_index, test_index = np.arange(n - 1), np.arange(n - 1, n)
    mol_list = [smiles_to_mol(smi) for smi in smiles]
    x = graph_utils.smiles_to_graphs_tuple(smiles, tensorizer)
    task = tasks.get_task(tasks.Task.crippen)
    y = task.get_true_predictions(mol_list)
    atts = task.get_true_attributions(mol_list)
    exp = experiments.ExperimentData.from_data_and_splits(
        x, y, atts, train_index, test_index)
    model = experiments.GNN(5, 3, 10, 1, models.BlockType.gcn, 'relu',
                            templates.TargetType.globals, 2)
    method = techniques.CAM()

    return exp, model, task, method
 def _setup_graphs(self):
   """Setup graphs and smiles if needed."""
   tensorizer = featurization.MolTensorizer()
   smiles = ['CO', 'CCC', 'CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C']
   return graph_utils.smiles_to_graphs_tuple(smiles, tensorizer)