Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, **config):
        super(FedMsgContext, self).__init__()
        self.log = logging.getLogger("fedmsg")

        self.c = config
        self.hostname = socket.gethostname().split('.', 1)[0]

        # Prepare our context and publisher
        self.context = zmq.Context(config['io_threads'])
        method = ['bind', 'connect'][config['active']]

        # If no name is provided, use the calling module's __name__ to decide
        # which publishing endpoint to use.
        if not config.get("name", None):
            module_name = guess_calling_module(default="fedmsg")
            config["name"] = module_name + '.' + self.hostname

            if any(map(config["name"].startswith, ['fedmsg'])):
                config["name"] = None

        # Find my message-signing cert if I need one.
        if self.c.get('sign_messages', False) and config.get("name"):
            if not config.get("crypto_backend") == "gpg":
                if 'cert_prefix' in config:
                    cert_index = "%s.%s" % (config['cert_prefix'],
                    cert_index = config['name']
                    if cert_index == 'relay_inbound':
                        cert_index = "shell.%s" % self.hostname

                self.c['certname'] = self.c['certnames'][cert_index]
                self.c['gpg_signing_key'] = self.c['gpg_keys'][cert_index]

        # Do a little special-case mangling.  We never want to "listen" to the
        # relay_inbound address, but in the special case that we want to emit
        # our messages there, we add it to the :term:`endpoints` dict so that
        # the code below where we "Actually set up our publisher" can be
        # simplified.  See Issue #37 - http://bit.ly/KN6dEK
        if config.get('active', False):
            # If the user has called us with "active=True" then presumably they
            # have given us a "name" as well.
            name = config.get("name", "relay_inbound")
            config['endpoints'][name] = config[name]

        # Actually set up our publisher
        if (
            not config.get("mute", False) and
            config.get("name", None) and
            config.get("endpoints", None) and
            # Construct it.
            self.publisher = self.context.socket(zmq.PUB)

            set_high_water_mark(self.publisher, config)
            set_tcp_keepalive(self.publisher, config)

            # Set a zmq_linger, thus doing a little bit more to ensure that our
            # message gets to the fedmsg-relay (*if* we're talking to the relay
            # which is the case when method == 'connect').
            if method == 'connect':
                self.publisher.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, config['zmq_linger'])

            # "Listify" our endpoints.  If we're given a list, good.  If we're
            # given a single item, turn it into a list of length 1.
            config['endpoints'][config['name']] = list(iterate(

            # Try endpoint after endpoint in the list of endpoints.  If we
            # succeed in establishing one, then stop.  *That* is our publishing
            # endpoint.
            _established = False
            for endpoint in config['endpoints'][config['name']]:

                if method == 'bind':
                    endpoint = "tcp://*:{port}".format(

                    # Call either bind or connect on the new publisher.
                    # This will raise an exception if there's another process
                    # already using the endpoint.
                    getattr(self.publisher, method)(endpoint)
                    # If we can do this successfully, then stop trying.
                    _established = True
                except zmq.ZMQError:
                    # If we fail to bind or connect, there's probably another
                    # process already using that endpoint port.  Try the next
                    # one.

            # If we make it through the loop without establishing our
            # connection, then there are not enough endpoints listed in the
            # config for the number of processes attempting to use fedmsg.
            if not _established:
                raise IOError(
                    "Couldn't find an available endpoint "
                    "for name %r" % config.get("name", None))

        elif config.get('mute', False):
            # Our caller doesn't intend to send any messages.  Pass silently.
            # Something is wrong.
                "fedmsg is not configured to send any messages "
                "for name %r" % config.get("name", None))

        # Cleanup.  See http://bit.ly/SaGeOr for discussion.
        weakref.ref(threading.current_thread(), self.destroy)

        # Sleep just to make sure that the socket gets set up before anyone
        # tries anything.  This is a documented zmq 'feature'.
Exemplo n.º 2
    def publish(self, topic=None, msg=None, modname=None):
        """ Send a message over the publishing zeromq socket.

          >>> import fedmsg
          >>> fedmsg.publish(topic='testing', modname='test', msg={
          ...     'test': "Hello World",
          ... })

        The above snippet will send the message ``'{test: "Hello World"}'``
        over the ``<topic_prefix>.dev.test.testing`` topic.

        This function (and other API functions) do a little bit more
        heavy lifting than they let on.  If the "zeromq context" is not yet
        initialized, :func:`fedmsg.init` is called to construct it and
        store it as :data:`fedmsg.__local.__context` before anything else is

        The ``modname`` argument will be omitted in most use cases.  By
        default, ``fedmsg`` will try to guess the name of the module that
        called it and use that to produce an intelligent topic.  Specifying
        ``modname`` explicitly overrides this behavior.

        The fully qualified topic of a message is constructed out of the
        following pieces:



        **An example from Fedora Tagger -- SQLAlchemy encoding**

        Here's an example from
        `fedora-tagger <http://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-tagger>`_ that
        sends the information about a new tag over

          >>> import fedmsg
          >>> fedmsg.publish(topic='tag.update', msg={
          ...     'user': user,
          ...     'tag': tag,
          ... })

        Note that the `tag` and `user` objects are SQLAlchemy objects defined
        by tagger.  They both have ``.__json__()`` methods which
        :func:`fedmsg.publish` uses to encode both objects as stringified
        JSON for you.  Under the hood, specifically, ``.publish`` uses
        :mod:`fedmsg.encoding` to do this.

        ``fedmsg`` has also guessed the module name (``modname``) of it's
        caller and inserted it into the topic for you.  The code from which
        we stole the above snippet lives in
        ``fedoratagger.controllers.root``.  ``fedmsg`` figured that out and
        stripped it down to just ``fedoratagger`` for the final topic of


        **Shell Usage**

        You could also use the ``fedmsg-logger`` from a shell script like so::

            $ echo "Hello, world." | fedmsg-logger --topic testing
            $ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | fedmsg-logger --json-input


        topic = topic or 'unspecified'
        msg = msg or dict()

        # If no modname is supplied, then guess it from the call stack.
        modname = modname or guess_calling_module(default="fedmsg")
        topic = '.'.join([modname, topic])

        if topic[:len(self.c['topic_prefix'])] != self.c['topic_prefix']:
            topic = '.'.join([

        if type(topic) == unicode:
            topic = to_bytes(topic, encoding='utf8', nonstring="passthru")

        year = datetime.datetime.now().year

        self._i += 1
        msg = dict(
            msg_id=str(year) + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()),

        if self.c.get('sign_messages', False):
            msg = fedmsg.crypto.sign(msg, **self.c)

        store = self.c.get('persistent_store', None)
        if store:
            # Add the seq_id field
            msg = store.add(msg)

            [topic, fedmsg.encoding.dumps(msg)],
Exemplo n.º 3
    def publish(self, topic=None, msg=None, modname=None, **kw):
        """ Send a message over the publishing zeromq socket.

          >>> import fedmsg
          >>> fedmsg.publish(topic='testing', modname='test', msg={
          ...     'test': "Hello World",
          ... })

        The above snippet will send the message ``'{test: "Hello World"}'``
        over the ``<topic_prefix>.dev.test.testing`` topic.

        This function (and other API functions) do a little bit more
        heavy lifting than they let on.  If the "zeromq context" is not yet
        initialized, :func:`fedmsg.init` is called to construct it and
        store it as :data:`fedmsg.__local.__context` before anything else is

        The ``modname`` argument will be omitted in most use cases.  By
        default, ``fedmsg`` will try to guess the name of the module that
        called it and use that to produce an intelligent topic.  Specifying
        ``modname`` explicitly overrides this behavior.

        The fully qualified topic of a message is constructed out of the
        following pieces:



        **An example from Fedora Tagger -- SQLAlchemy encoding**

        Here's an example from
        `fedora-tagger <https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-tagger>`_ that
        sends the information about a new tag over

          >>> import fedmsg
          >>> fedmsg.publish(topic='tag.update', msg={
          ...     'user': user,
          ...     'tag': tag,
          ... })

        Note that the `tag` and `user` objects are SQLAlchemy objects defined
        by tagger.  They both have ``.__json__()`` methods which
        :func:`fedmsg.publish` uses to encode both objects as stringified
        JSON for you.  Under the hood, specifically, ``.publish`` uses
        :mod:`fedmsg.encoding` to do this.

        ``fedmsg`` has also guessed the module name (``modname``) of it's
        caller and inserted it into the topic for you.  The code from which
        we stole the above snippet lives in
        ``fedoratagger.controllers.root``.  ``fedmsg`` figured that out and
        stripped it down to just ``fedoratagger`` for the final topic of


        **Shell Usage**

        You could also use the ``fedmsg-logger`` from a shell script like so::

            $ echo "Hello, world." | fedmsg-logger --topic testing
            $ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | fedmsg-logger --json-input


        topic = topic or 'unspecified'
        msg = msg or dict()

        # If no modname is supplied, then guess it from the call stack.
        modname = modname or guess_calling_module(default="fedmsg")
        topic = '.'.join([modname, topic])

        if topic[:len(self.c['topic_prefix'])] != self.c['topic_prefix']:
            topic = '.'.join([

        if isinstance(topic, six.text_type):
            topic = to_bytes(topic, encoding='utf8', nonstring="passthru")

        year = datetime.datetime.now().year

        self._i += 1
        msg = dict(
            msg_id=str(year) + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()),

        # Find my message-signing cert if I need one.
        if self.c.get('sign_messages', False):
            if not self.c.get("crypto_backend") == "gpg":
                if 'cert_prefix' in self.c:
                    cert_index = "%s.%s" % (self.c['cert_prefix'],
                    cert_index = self.c['name']
                    if cert_index == 'relay_inbound':
                        cert_index = "shell.%s" % self.hostname

                self.c['certname'] = self.c['certnames'][cert_index]
                self.c['gpg_signing_key'] = self.c['gpg_keys'][cert_index]

        if self.c.get('sign_messages', False):
            msg = fedmsg.crypto.sign(msg, **self.c)

        store = self.c.get('persistent_store', None)
        if store:
            # Add the seq_id field
            msg = store.add(msg)

            [topic, fedmsg.encoding.dumps(msg).encode('utf-8')],
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, **config):
        super(FedMsgContext, self).__init__()
        self.log = logging.getLogger("fedmsg")

        self.c = config
        self.hostname = socket.gethostname().split('.', 1)[0]

        # Prepare our context and publisher
        self.context = zmq.Context(config['io_threads'])
        method = ['bind', 'connect'][config['active']]

        # If no name is provided, use the calling module's __name__ to decide
        # which publishing endpoint to use (unless active=True, in which case
        # we use "relay_inbound" as set in the subsequent code block).
        if not config.get("name", None) and not config.get('active', False):
            module_name = guess_calling_module(default="fedmsg")
            config["name"] = module_name + '.' + self.hostname

            if any(map(config["name"].startswith, ['fedmsg'])):
                config["name"] = None

        # Do a little special-case mangling.  We never want to "listen" to the
        # relay_inbound address, but in the special case that we want to emit
        # our messages there, we add it to the :term:`endpoints` dict so that
        # the code below where we "Actually set up our publisher" can be
        # simplified.  See Issue #37 - https://bit.ly/KN6dEK
        if config.get('active', False):
                name = config['name'] = config.get("name", "relay_inbound")
                config['endpoints'][name] = config[name]
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError("Could not find endpoint for fedmsg-relay."
                               " Try installing fedmsg-relay.")

        # Actually set up our publisher
        if (not config.get("mute", False) and config.get("name", None)
                and config.get("endpoints", None)
                and config['endpoints'].get(config['name'])):
            # Construct it.
            self.publisher = self.context.socket(zmq.PUB)

            set_high_water_mark(self.publisher, config)
            set_tcp_keepalive(self.publisher, config)

            # Set a zmq_linger, thus doing a little bit more to ensure that our
            # message gets to the fedmsg-relay (*if* we're talking to the relay
            # which is the case when method == 'connect').
            if method == 'connect':
                self.publisher.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, config['zmq_linger'])

            # "Listify" our endpoints.  If we're given a list, good.  If we're
            # given a single item, turn it into a list of length 1.
            config['endpoints'][config['name']] = list(

            # Try endpoint after endpoint in the list of endpoints.  If we
            # succeed in establishing one, then stop.  *That* is our publishing
            # endpoint.
            _established = False
            for endpoint in config['endpoints'][config['name']]:
                self.log.debug("Trying to %s to %s" % (method, endpoint))
                if method == 'bind':
                    endpoint = "tcp://*:{port}".format(

                    # Call either bind or connect on the new publisher.
                    # This will raise an exception if there's another process
                    # already using the endpoint.
                    getattr(self.publisher, method)(endpoint)
                    # If we can do this successfully, then stop trying.
                    _established = True
                except zmq.ZMQError:
                    # If we fail to bind or connect, there's probably another
                    # process already using that endpoint port.  Try the next
                    # one.

            # If we make it through the loop without establishing our
            # connection, then there are not enough endpoints listed in the
            # config for the number of processes attempting to use fedmsg.
            if not _established:
                raise IOError("Couldn't find an available endpoint "
                              "for name %r" % config.get("name", None))

        elif config.get('mute', False):
            # Our caller doesn't intend to send any messages.  Pass silently.
            # Something is wrong.
            warnings.warn("fedmsg is not configured to send any messages "
                          "for name %r" % config.get("name", None))

        # Cleanup.  See https://bit.ly/SaGeOr for discussion.
        weakref.ref(threading.current_thread(), self.destroy)

        # Sleep just to make sure that the socket gets set up before anyone
        # tries anything.  This is a documented zmq 'feature'.
Exemplo n.º 5
    def publish(self, topic=None, msg=None, modname=None,
                pre_fire_hook=None, **kw):
        """ Send a message over the publishing zeromq socket.

          >>> import fedmsg
          >>> fedmsg.publish(topic='testing', modname='test', msg={
          ...     'test': "Hello World",
          ... })

        The above snippet will send the message ``'{test: "Hello World"}'``
        over the ``<topic_prefix>.dev.test.testing`` topic.

        This function (and other API functions) do a little bit more
        heavy lifting than they let on.  If the "zeromq context" is not yet
        initialized, :func:`fedmsg.init` is called to construct it and
        store it as :data:`fedmsg.__local.__context` before anything else is

        The ``modname`` argument will be omitted in most use cases.  By
        default, ``fedmsg`` will try to guess the name of the module that
        called it and use that to produce an intelligent topic.  Specifying
        ``modname`` explicitly overrides this behavior.

        The ``pre_fire_hook`` argument may be a callable that will be called
        with a single argument -- the dict of the constructed message -- just
        before it is handed off to ZeroMQ for publication.

        The fully qualified topic of a message is constructed out of the
        following pieces:



        **An example from Fedora Tagger -- SQLAlchemy encoding**

        Here's an example from
        `fedora-tagger <https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-tagger>`_ that
        sends the information about a new tag over

          >>> import fedmsg
          >>> fedmsg.publish(topic='tag.update', msg={
          ...     'user': user,
          ...     'tag': tag,
          ... })

        Note that the `tag` and `user` objects are SQLAlchemy objects defined
        by tagger.  They both have ``.__json__()`` methods which
        :func:`fedmsg.publish` uses to encode both objects as stringified
        JSON for you.  Under the hood, specifically, ``.publish`` uses
        :mod:`fedmsg.encoding` to do this.

        ``fedmsg`` has also guessed the module name (``modname``) of it's
        caller and inserted it into the topic for you.  The code from which
        we stole the above snippet lives in
        ``fedoratagger.controllers.root``.  ``fedmsg`` figured that out and
        stripped it down to just ``fedoratagger`` for the final topic of


        **Shell Usage**

        You could also use the ``fedmsg-logger`` from a shell script like so::

            $ echo "Hello, world." | fedmsg-logger --topic testing
            $ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | fedmsg-logger --json-input


        topic = topic or 'unspecified'
        msg = msg or dict()

        # If no modname is supplied, then guess it from the call stack.
        modname = modname or guess_calling_module(default="fedmsg")
        topic = '.'.join([modname, topic])

        if topic[:len(self.c['topic_prefix'])] != self.c['topic_prefix']:
            topic = '.'.join([

        if isinstance(topic, six.text_type):
            topic = to_bytes(topic, encoding='utf8', nonstring="passthru")

        year = datetime.datetime.now().year

        self._i += 1
        msg = dict(
            msg_id=str(year) + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()),

        # Find my message-signing cert if I need one.
        if self.c.get('sign_messages', False):
            if not self.c.get("crypto_backend") == "gpg":
                if 'cert_prefix' in self.c:
                    cert_index = "%s.%s" % (self.c['cert_prefix'],
                    cert_index = self.c['name']
                    if cert_index == 'relay_inbound':
                        cert_index = "shell.%s" % self.hostname

                self.c['certname'] = self.c['certnames'][cert_index]
                if 'gpg_signing_key' not in self.c:
                    self.c['gpg_signing_key'] = self.c['gpg_keys'][self.hostname]

        if self.c.get('sign_messages', False):
            msg = fedmsg.crypto.sign(msg, **self.c)

        store = self.c.get('persistent_store', None)
        if store:
            # Add the seq_id field
            msg = store.add(msg)

        if pre_fire_hook:

        # We handle zeromq publishing ourselves.  But, if that is disabled,
        # defer to the moksha' hub's twisted reactor to send messages (if
        # available).
        if self.c.get('zmq_enabled', True):
                [topic, fedmsg.encoding.dumps(msg).encode('utf-8')],
            # Perhaps we're using STOMP or AMQP?  Let moksha handle it.
            import moksha.hub
            # First, a quick sanity check.
            if not moksha.hub._hub:
                raise AttributeError("Unable to publish non-zeromq msg"
                                     "without moksha-hub initialization.")
            # Let moksha.hub do our work.