def feed(request):

    # calling
    # SHOULD just return all posts hosted by OUR server that the dude is supposed to see
    # so you can hopefully cut away all the manual parsing done here so far and do something like

    # url =
    # req = urllib2.Request(url)
    # base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ("admin", "pass")).replace('\n', '')
    # req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
    # response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
    # loaded = json.loads(response)
    # loaded['posts'] <- should be a list of all the posts
    # or try loaded.get('posts') 

    # assuming that happens, and that the other servers return the same thing all we have to do is call
    # this url once on every server and we are good to go, maybe parsing out duplicates

    user_object = User.objects.get(username=request.user.username)
    author_object = Author.objects.get(email=user_object)

    public_post_list = []
    their_post_list = []
        foreign_hosts = ForeignHost.objects.filter()
        their_post_list, public_post_list = getOurPosts(request, author_object)

        for i in foreign_hosts:
            # might = authors
            if "mighty" in i.url:
                url = i.url + "api/author/posts?id=" + str( + "&size=100"
                #url = i.url + "api/author/posts?id=" + str( + "&size=100"
                url = i.url + "api/posts"
            print url
            #url = i.url + "api/posts?size=100"
            req = urllib2.Request(url)

            base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (i.username, i.password)).replace('\n', '')
            req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string) 

            response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
            loaded = json.loads(response)

            their_posts = loaded.get('posts')
            print "beep"
            for post in their_posts:
                comments = []
                description = post.get("description")
                title = post.get("title")
                content = post.get("content")
                published_raw = post.get("published")
                origin = post.get("origin")
                id = post.get("id")
                visibility = post.get("visibility")
                    published = datetime.strptime(published_raw, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
                    published = published.replace(tzinfo=None)
                except Exception as e:
                    print e

                their_comments = post.get("comments")
                if len(their_comments) > 0:
                    for comment1 in their_comments:
                        comment_body = comment1.get('comment')
                        comment_author = str(comment1.get('author').get('displayName'))

                        new_comment = Comment(author_name = comment_author, comment = comment_body)
                new_post = Post( id = id, description = description, title = title, content = content, published = published, origin = origin, visibility = visibility)
                new_post.comments = comments
                new_post.magic_author = post.get("author").get("id")

                if post.get("visibility"):
                # print "Main:" + en(their_post_list) + " Pub: " + len(public_post_list)

    except Exception as e:
        print e
        print "couldn't get other hosts posts"

    # user_object = User.objects.get(username=request.user.username)
    # author_object = Author.objects.get(email=user_object)

    github_name = "".join((author_object.github).split())

    public_posts = public_post_list
    for x in public_posts:
      x.published= x.published.replace(tzinfo=None)
    public_posts.sort(key=lambda x: x.published, reverse=True)

    # # My feed, access all posts that I can see
    self_posts = Post.objects.filter(author_id=author_object)
    all_comments = Comment.objects.all()

    # Begin My Posts
    # self_posts was already created for use
    for post in self_posts:
        comment_list = []

        # print
        if (str( == str(
            post.flag = True
            post.flag = False

        for comment in all_comments:
            if (str(comment.post_id) == str(
        post.comments = comment_list

    for x in self_posts_list:
        x.published= x.published.replace(tzinfo=None)
    self_posts_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.published, reverse=True)

    # end of self feed

    # start of github feed
    github_posts = create_github_post(github_name)
    # end of github feed

    main_posts = their_post_list

    return_main_posts = []
    friends = Friend.objects.filter(
    friends_list = []
    for friend in friends:

    for post in main_posts:
        if str( == str(post.magic_author):
        elif str(post.magic_author) in friends_list:

    for x in return_main_posts:
      x.published= x.published.replace(tzinfo=None)
    return_main_posts.sort(key=lambda x: x.published, reverse=True)

    context = {
        'main_posts': return_main_posts,
        'public_posts': public_posts,
        'my_posts': self_posts_list,
        "github_posts": github_posts,

    return render(request, 'feed.html', context)
def get_profile(request, pk):
    user_object = User.objects.get(username=request.user.username)
    us_object = Author.objects.get(email=user_object)

    them_object = Author.objects.filter(id=pk)

    if len(them_object) == 0:
        # this means this profile we want to access is a foreign host
            foreign_hosts = ForeignHost.objects.filter()
            for i in foreign_hosts:
                if 'project' in i.url:
                    url = i.url + "/api/author"
                    url = i.url + "/api/authors"
                r = requests.get(url, auth=(i.username, i.password))

                foreign_authors = json.loads(r.text)

                if 'project' in i.url:
                    for each in foreign_authors:
                        if each['id'] == pk:
                            them_object = each
                            them_id = them_object.get('id')
                            them_host = them_object.get('host')
                    for each in foreign_authors['authors']:
                        if each['id'] == pk:
                            them_object = each
                            them_id = them_object.get('id')
                            them_host = them_object.get('host')

            # get the posts from that user
            print them_host
            if 'project' in them_host:
                them_host = ""

            foreign_host = ForeignHost.objects.get(url=them_host)
            if "project" not in them_host:
                url = them_host + "api/author/" + them_id + "/posts?id=" + str(
                url = them_host + "api/author/" + them_id + "/posts/?id=" + str(
            print url
            req = urllib2.Request(url)

            base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (foreign_host.username, foreign_host.password)).replace('\n', '')
            req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)

            response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
            loaded = json.loads(response)
            their_posts = loaded.get('posts')
            their_post_list = []

            for post in their_posts:
                comments = []
                description = post.get("description")
                title = post.get("title")
                content = post.get("content")
                published_raw = post.get("published")
                origin = post.get("origin")
                id = post.get("id")
                published = datetime.strptime(published_raw, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
                published  = published.replace(tzinfo=None)

                their_comments = post.get("comments")
                if len(their_comments) > 0:
                    for comment1 in their_comments:
                        comment_body = comment1.get('comment')
                        comment_author = str(comment1.get('author').get('displayName'))
                        new_comment = Comment(author_name = comment_author, comment = comment_body)
                new_post = Post( id = id, description = description, title = title, content = content, published = published, origin = origin)
                new_post.comments = comments

            return_posts = their_post_list
            for x in return_posts:
                x.published= x.published.replace(tzinfo=None)
            return_posts.sort(key=lambda x: x.published, reverse=True)

            context = {
                "sender": us_object,
                "them": them_object,
                "main_posts": return_posts

        except Exception as e:
            print e
            # do something maybe
            context = {
                "sender": us_object,
                "them": them_object,
                "main_posts": []
        them_object = them_object[0]
        them_id = str(
        them_host =

            author_object = Author.objects.get(id=pk)
            print "Author is offhost and is causing errors later in this code"

        asker_host = request.META.get("HTTP_HOST")

            asker_object = Author.objects.get(email=request.user)
            asker_id = str(
            asker_id = request.GET.get('id', default=None)
            if asker_id == None:
                return Response({"details": "give and ?id=xxxx"}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
                asker_id = str(asker_id)

        public_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=author_object, visibility="PUBLIC")
        return_posts = public_posts

        # the asker is the user itself, return everything
        if (pk == asker_id):
            all_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=author_object)
            return_posts = all_posts

            for a in return_posts:
                current_post_id =
                comments_list = Comment.objects.filter(post_id=current_post_id)
                posts_comments = []
                for com in comments_list:
                    comment_body = com.comment
                    comment_author = com.author_name
                    new_comment = Comment(author_name=comment_author, comment=comment_body)
                a.comments = posts_comments

            context = {
                'sender': us_object,
                'them': them_object,
                'main_posts': return_posts,

            return render(request, 'profile.html', context)

        # if the asker is a friend
        friend_to_author = Friend.objects.filter(follower_id=pk, followed_id=asker_id)
        author_to_friend = Friend.objects.filter(follower_id=asker_id, followed_id=pk)

        if (len(friend_to_author) == 1) and (len(author_to_friend) == 1):
            #then they are friends, because the relationship is mutual
            friend_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=author_object, visibility="FRIENDS")
            return_posts = return_posts | friend_posts

        # if the asker is on our server, and a friend
        if (len(Author.objects.filter(id=asker_id)) > 0) and (len(friend_to_author) == 1) and (len(author_to_friend) == 1):
            server_friends_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=author_object, visibility="SERVERONLY")
            return_posts = return_posts | server_friends_posts

        # TODO: Look at FOAF stuff
        # asker_id is person A
        # as ditto, we need to ask person A's host who A is friends with

        # fetch list of A's friends
        url = "http://" + asker_host + "/api/friends/" + asker_id
        req = urllib2.Request(url)

        # assume we are sending to ourselves to begin with, if we are getting this from
        # another host then we will update after
        base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ("admin", "pass")).replace('\n', '')
        req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)

        foreign_hosts = ForeignHost.objects.filter()
        for host in foreign_hosts:
            # if the sender host, which is a clipped version of the full host path, is part of it, then that host
            # is the correct one we're looking for
            if asker_host in host.url:
                base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (host.username, host.password)).replace('\n', '')
                req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)

        response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
        loaded = json.loads(response)

        # we now have a list of authors who are friends with the asker
        # if we are friends with any of them then we can give them our FOAF marked posts
        # or if we were friends to begin with they can also see FOAF marked posts

        for author in loaded['authors']:
            # if we are directly friends lets just give it to them
            if (len(friend_to_author) == 1) and (len(author_to_friend) == 1):
                foaf_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=author_object, visibility="FOAF")
                return_posts = return_posts | foaf_posts
                # we should check if we are friends of any of A's friends
                #author is a string of a uuid
                a_to_b = Friend.objects.filter(follower_id=pk, followed_id=author)
                b_to_a = Friend.objects.filter(follower_id=author, followed_id=pk)
                if (len(a_to_b) == 1) and (len(b_to_a) == 1):
                    # we are friends with one of their friends
                    foaf_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=author_object, visibility="FOAF")
                    return_posts = return_posts | foaf_posts

        for a in return_posts:
            current_post_id =
            comments_list = Comment.objects.filter(post_id=current_post_id)
            posts_comments = []
            for com in comments_list:
                comment_body = com.comment
                comment_author = com.author_name
                new_comment = Comment(author_name=comment_author, comment=comment_body)
                print comment_body
            a.comments = posts_comments

        context = {
            'sender': us_object,
            'them': them_object,
            'main_posts': return_posts,

    return render(request, 'profile.html', context)
def getOurPosts(request, author_object):
    asker_host = request.META.get("HTTP_HOST")
        asker_object = Author.objects.get(email=request.user)
        asker_id = str(
        asker_id = request.GET.get('id', default=None)
        asker_id = asker_id.strip("/")
        if asker_id == None:
            return Response({"details": "give and ?id=xxxx"}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
            asker_id = str(asker_id)

    public_posts = Post.objects.filter(visibility="PUBLIC")
    return_posts = public_posts

    all_authors = Author.objects.filter()

    for each in all_authors:
        each_id = str(

        # the asker is the user itself, add in what only they could see
        if (each_id == asker_id):
            own_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=asker_object)
            return_posts = return_posts | own_posts
        # if the asker is a friend
        friend_to_author = Friend.objects.filter(follower_id=each_id, followed_id=asker_id)
        author_to_friend = Friend.objects.filter(follower_id=asker_id, followed_id=each_id)

        if (len(friend_to_author) == 1) and (len(author_to_friend) == 1):
            #then they are friends, because the relationship is mutual
            friend_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=each, visibility="FRIENDS")
            return_posts = return_posts | friend_posts

        # if the asker is on our server, and a friend
        if (len(Author.objects.filter(id=asker_id)) > 0) and (len(friend_to_author) == 1) and (len(author_to_friend) == 1):
            server_friends_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=each, visibility="SERVERONLY")
            return_posts = return_posts | server_friends_posts

        # asker_id is person A
        # as ditto, we need to ask person A's host who A is friends with

        # fetch list of A's friends
        url = "http://" + asker_host + "/api/friends/" + asker_id + "?size=100"
        req = urllib2.Request(url)

        # assume we are sending to ourselves to begin with, if we are getting this from
        # another host then we will update after
        base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ("admin", "pass")).replace('\n', '')
        req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)

        foreign_hosts = ForeignHost.objects.filter()
        for host in foreign_hosts:
            # if the sender host, which is a clipped version of the full host path, is part of it, then that host
            # is the correct one we're looking for
            if asker_host in host.url:
                base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (host.username, host.password)).replace('\n', '')
                req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)

        response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
        loaded = json.loads(response)

        # we now have a list of authors who are friends with the asker
        # if we are friends with any of them then we can give them our FOAF marked posts
        # or if we were friends to begin with they can also see FOAF marked posts

        for author in loaded['authors']:
            # if we are directly friends lets just give it to them
            if ((len(friend_to_author) == 1) and (len(author_to_friend) == 1)) or (each_id == asker_id):
                foaf_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=each, visibility="FOAF")
                return_posts = return_posts | foaf_posts
                # we should check if we are friends of any of A's friends
                #author is a string of a uuid
                a_to_b = Friend.objects.filter(follower_id=asker_id, followed_id=author)
                b_to_a = Friend.objects.filter(follower_id=author, followed_id=asker_id)
                if (len(a_to_b) == 1) and (len(b_to_a) == 1):
                    # we are friends with one of their friends
                    foaf_posts = Post.objects.filter(author=each, visibility="FOAF")
                    return_posts = return_posts | foaf_posts

    response = PostSerializer(return_posts, many=True)
    beep = {"query": "posts", "count": len(return_posts), "size": "10", "next": "http://nextpageurlhere",
                         "previous": "http://previouspageurlhere", "posts":}

    boop = json.dumps(beep)
    loaded = json.loads(boop)

    our_posts = loaded.get('posts')

    return_public_posts = []
    return_main_posts = []

    for post in our_posts:
        comments = []
        description = post.get("description")
        title = post.get("title")
        content = post.get("content")
        published_raw = post.get("published")
        origin = post.get("origin")
        id = post.get("id")
        visibility = post.get("visibility")

        published = datetime.strptime(published_raw, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
        published  = published.replace(tzinfo=None)

        their_comments = post.get("comments")
        if len(their_comments) > 0:
            for comment1 in their_comments:
                comment_body = comment1.get('comment')

                comment_author = str(comment1.get('author').get('displayName'))

                new_comment = Comment(author_name = comment_author, comment = comment_body)
        new_post = Post( id = id, description = description, title = title, content = content, published = published, origin = origin, visibility = visibility)
        new_post.comments = comments
        new_post.magic_author = post.get("author").get("id")

        if (str( == str(post.get('author').get('id'))):
            new_post.flag = True
            new_post.flag = False

        if post.get("visibility") == "PUBLIC":

    return return_main_posts, return_public_posts