Exemplo n.º 1
def backpropagate(network, input_vector, targets):
    hidden_outputs, outputs = feed_forward(network, input_vector)
    # the output * (1 - output) is from the derivative of sigmoid
    output_deltas = [output * (1 - output) * (output - target)
                     for output, target in zip(outputs, targets)]
     # adjust weights for output layer, one neuron at a time
    for i, output_neuron in enumerate(network[-1]):
        # focus on the ith output layer neuron
        for j, hidden_output in enumerate(hidden_outputs + [1]):
            # adjust the jth weight based on both this neuron's delta and 
            # its jth input
            output_neuron[j] -= output_deltas[i] * hidden_output
    # back-propagate errors to hidden layers
    hidden_deltas = [hidden_output * (1 - hidden_output) * 
                     dot(output_deltas, [n[i] for n in output_layer])
                     for i, hidden_output in enumerate(hidden_outputs)]
    # adjust weights for hidden layer, one neuron at a time
    for i, hidden_neuron in enumerate(network[0]):
        for j, input in enumerate(input_vector + [1]):
            hidden_neuron[j] -= hidden_deltas[i] * input
Exemplo n.º 2
def nn_cost_function(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, X, y, lmd):

    # Useful value
    m = y.size

    theta1, theta2 = deserialize_t(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels)
    _, _, _, _, h = feed_forward(theta1, theta2, X)

    ys = extend_y(y, num_labels)
    cost = np.sum(-ys * np.log(h) - (1 - ys) * np.log(1 - h))

    return cost / m + nn_cost_function_reg(theta1, theta2, m, lmd)
Exemplo n.º 3
def nn_grad_function(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, X, y, lmd):
    # Reshape nn_params back into the parameters theta1 and theta2, the weight 2-D arrays
    # for our two layer neural network
    theta1, theta2 = deserialize_t(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels)
    a1, z2, a2, z3, h = feed_forward(theta1, theta2, X)  # a1(5000, 401) a2(5000, 26), h(5000, 10)
    # Useful value
    m = y.size
    ys = extend_y(y, num_labels)
    d3 = h - ys  # (5000, 10)
    d2 = d3 @ theta2 * sigmoid_gradient_a(a2)  # (5000, 26)

    theta2_grad = d3.T.dot(a2) / m + nn_grad_function_reg(theta2, lmd, m)
    theta1_grad = d2.T.dot(a1)[1:, :] / m + nn_grad_function_reg(theta1, lmd, m)

    grad = np.concatenate([theta1_grad.flatten(), theta2_grad.flatten()])
    return grad
Exemplo n.º 4
def cost_and_gradient(thetas):
    theta1 = np.zeros(thetas[0].shape)
    theta2 = np.zeros(thetas[1].shape)
    theta3 = np.zeros(thetas[2].shape)
    theta4 = np.zeros(thetas[3].shape)
    gradient = np.array([theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4])

    with open('../csvFiles/2000/trainresults.csv') as results_file:
        with open('../csvFiles/2000/trainimages.csv') as images_file:
            for i in range(0,len(image_lines)):
                spected_result = np.fromstring(results_lines[i], dtype=float, sep=',')
                image = np.fromstring(image_lines[i], dtype=float, sep=',')
                A = feed_forward(image.reshape(-1,1), thetas)
                deltas = calculate_phi(A, spected_result.reshape(-1,1),thetas)
                gradient += deltas
    return gradient/len(image_lines)
Exemplo n.º 5
def guess():
    with open('../csvFiles/thetas.csv') as thetas_file:
        thetas_lines = thetas_file.readlines()
        theta1 = np.fromstring(thetas_lines[ITERATION * 4 + 0],
                               sep=',').reshape(100, 785)
        theta2 = np.fromstring(thetas_lines[ITERATION * 4 + 1],
                               sep=',').reshape(50, 101)
        theta3 = np.fromstring(thetas_lines[ITERATION * 4 + 2],
                               sep=',').reshape(10, 51)
        theta4 = np.fromstring(thetas_lines[ITERATION * 4 + 3],
                               sep=',').reshape(10, 11)
        thetas = np.array([theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4])
        content = Image.open('../testimg/image.bmp')
        img = tobinary(np.array(content)[:, :, 0].reshape(-1, 1))
        A = feed_forward(img, thetas)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def create_net(self):

        if self.name == 'feed_forward':
            self.model = feed_forward(self.input_dim, self.output_dim,
            self.J = nn.MSELoss(size_average=True, reduce=True)
        elif self.name == 'autoencoder':
            self.model = Autoencoder(self.input_dim, self.output_dim,
                                     self.n_hid, self.n_bottleneck)
            self.J = nn.MSELoss(size_average=True, reduce=True)
        elif self.name == 'ff_mlpg':
            self.model = ff_mlpg(self.input_dim, self.output_dim, self.n_hid)
            self.J = Nloss_GD(self.input_dim)

        if self.cuda:
            self.model = self.model.cuda()
            self.J = self.J.cuda()
        print('    Total params: %.2fM' %
              (sum(p.numel() for p in self.model.parameters()) / 1000000.0))
from feed_forward import feed_forward

xor_network = [  # hidden layer
        [20, 20, -30],  # 'and' neuron
        [20, 20, -10]
    ],  # 'or' neuron
    # output layer
    [[-60, 60, -30]]
]  # '2nd input but not 1st input' neuron

for x in [0, 1]:
    for y in [0, 1]:
        # feed_forward produces the output of every neuron
        # feed_forward[-1] is the outputs of the output-layer neurons
        print x, y, feed_forward(xor_network, [x, y])[-1]
                           sep=',').reshape(10, 11)
    thetas = np.array([theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4])

goods = 0
bads = 0
with open('../csvFiles/twickresults.csv') as results_file:
    with open('../csvFiles/twickimages.csv') as images_file:
        results_lines = results_file.readlines()
        image_lines = images_file.readlines()
        for i in range(0, len(image_lines)):
            spected_result = np.fromstring(results_lines[i],
            image = np.fromstring(image_lines[i], dtype=float, sep=',')
            A = feed_forward(image.reshape(-1, 1), thetas)
            if (np.argmax(A[3]) == np.argmax(spected_result)):
                goods += 1
                bads += 1

total = bads + goods
print(goods / total * 100)
    sigmoide normalizado:        10% ~235 iteraciones
    sigmoide normalizado * 3:   >235 iteraciones
from feed_forward import feed_forward

xor_network = [# hidden layer
               [[20, 20, -30],          # 'and' neuron
                [20, 20, -10]],         # 'or' neuron
               # output layer
               [[-60, 60, -30]]]        # '2nd input but not 1st input' neuron

for x in [0, 1]:
    for y in [0, 1]:
        # feed_forward produces the output of every neuron
        # feed_forward[-1] is the outputs of the output-layer neurons
        print x, y, feed_forward(xor_network, [x, y])[-1]