Exemplo n.º 1
 def expire_notifications(self, act_ids: List[str]) -> None:
     Expires notifications by changing their expiration time to now.
     now = epoch_ms()
     coll = get_feeds_collection()
     coll.update_many({'id': {'$in': act_ids}}, {'$set': {'expires': now}})
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_timeline(self, count: int=10, include_seen: int=False, level: Level=None,
                  verb: Verb=None, reverse: bool=False) -> List[dict]:
     :param count: int > 0
     :param include_seen: boolean
     :param level: Level or None
     :param verb: Verb or None
     coll = get_feeds_collection()
     now = epoch_ms()
     query = {
         "users": self._user_doc(),
         "expires": {"$gt": now}
     if not include_seen:
         query['unseen'] = self._user_doc()
     if level is not None:
         query['level'] = level.id
     if verb is not None:
         query['verb'] = verb.id
     order = pymongo.DESCENDING
     if reverse:
         order = pymongo.ASCENDING
     timeline = coll.find(query).sort("created", order).limit(count)
     serial_notes = [note for note in timeline]
     return serial_notes
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_unseen_count(self) -> int:
     coll = get_feeds_collection()
     now = epoch_ms()
     query = {
         "users": self._user_doc(),
         "unseen": self._user_doc(),
         "expires": {"$gt": now}
     return coll.find(query).count()
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_add_global_notification_custom_expiration(client,
    expiration = epoch_ms() + 20000
    note = {"verb": 1, "object": "2", "level": 1, "expires": expiration}
    mock_valid_admin_token("kbase_admin", "KBase Admin")
    response = client.post("/admin/api/V1/notification/global",
                           headers={"Authorization": "token-" + str(uuid4())},
    data = json.loads(response.data)
    assert "id" in data

    response = client.get("/api/V1/notification/" + data["id"],
                          headers={"Authorization": "token-" + str(uuid4())})
    data = json.loads(response.data)["notification"]
    assert "expires" in data
    assert "created" in data
    assert data["expires"] == expiration
Exemplo n.º 5
# some dummy "good" inputs for testing
actor_d = {"id": "test_actor", "type": "user"}
actor = Entity.from_dict(actor_d)
verb_inf = "invite"
verb_past = "invited"
verb_id = 1
object_d = {"id": "foo", "type": "workspace"}
note_object = Entity.from_dict(object_d)
source = "groups"
level_name = "warning"
level_id = 2
target_d = {"id": "target_actor", "type": "user"}
target = [Entity.from_dict(target_d)]
context = {"some": "context"}
expires = epoch_ms() + (10 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) # 10 days
external_key = "an_external_key"
user_d = {"id": "user_actor", "type": "user"}
users = [Entity.from_dict(user_d)]

def assert_note_ok(note, **kwargs):
    keys = [
        'actor', 'actor_type', 'object', 'source', 'target', 'context', 'expires', 'external_key', 'users'
    for k in keys:
        if k in kwargs:
            assert getattr(note, k) == kwargs[k]
    if 'verb_id' in kwargs:
        assert note.verb.id == int(kwargs['verb_id'])
    if 'verb_inf' in kwargs:
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_epoch_ms():
    Just make sure it's an int with 13 digits. Be more rigorous later. At least, before year 2287.
    t = epoch_ms()
    assert len(str(t)) == 13