def UpdateTrackingTables(eventname, b, projectname, timestamp, user): subcursor = feedutils.GetCursor() subcursor.execute( 'insert ignore into bug%s%s ' '(id, component, timestamp, ' 'username) ' 'values(%s, "%s", %s, "%s");' % (eventname, VERSION,, projectname, timestamp, user)) summary = {'__total__': 0} subcursor.execute('select * from bug%s%s where ' 'username = "******" and date(timestamp) = %s ' 'order by timestamp asc;' % (eventname, VERSION, user, timestamp)) for triage in subcursor: summary.setdefault(triage['component'], 0) summary[triage['component']] += 1 summary['__total__'] += 1 subcursor.execute('delete from bug%ssummary%s where ' 'username="******" and day=date(%s);' % (eventname, VERSION, user, timestamp)) subcursor.execute('insert into bug%ssummary%s' '(day, username, data, epoch) ' 'values (date(%s), "%s", \'%s\', %d);' % (eventname, VERSION, timestamp, user, json.dumps(summary), int(time.time()))) subcursor.execute('commit;')
def FindDuplicates(): global DUPLICATES cursor = feedutils.GetCursor() cursor.execute('select * from bugs where duplicateof is not null;') for row in cursor: DUPLICATES[row['id']] = row['duplicateof']
def Execute(last_change, cmd_name, cmd, arg, cleanup=False): actual_cmd = cmd % arg print 'Executing: %s' % actual_cmd cursor = feedutils.GetCursor() try: cursor.execute('create table commands_%s (arg varchar(500), ' 'timestamp datetime, epoch int, result longtext, ' 'primary key(arg, timestamp), index(timestamp), ' 'index(epoch)) ' 'engine=innodb;' % cmd_name) except: pass cursor.execute('delete from commands_%s where arg="%s" and epoch < %s;' % (cmd_name, arg, last_change)) print ' ... Cleaned up %d old cache entries' % cursor.rowcount cursor.execute('commit;') cursor.execute('select timestamp, epoch, result from commands_%s ' 'where arg="%s" order by timestamp desc limit 1;' % (cmd_name, arg)) if cursor.rowcount > 0: row = cursor.fetchone() if row['epoch'] > last_change: print ' ... Using cached result' return base64.decodestring(row['result']).split('\n') p = subprocess.Popen(actual_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = print ' ... Got %d bytes' % len(out) cursor.execute('insert into commands_%s (arg, timestamp, epoch, result) ' 'values ("%s", now(), %d, "%s");' % (cmd_name, arg, int(time.time()), base64.encodestring(out))) cursor.execute('commit;') if cleanup: too_old = too_old -= datetime.timedelta(days=14) cursor.execute('delete from commands_%s where timestamp < %s;' % (cmd_name, sql.FormatSqlValue('timestamp', too_old))) cursor.execute('commit;') return out.split('\n')
def RebuildSummary(): users_cursor = feedutils.GetCursor() dates_cursor = feedutils.GetCursor() close_cursor = feedutils.GetCursor() users_cursor.execute('select distinct(username) from bugclose;') for user_row in users_cursor: print user_row['username'] dates_cursor.execute('select distinct(date(timestamp)) ' 'from bugclose where username = "******";' % user_row['username']) for date_row in dates_cursor: print ' %s' % date_row['(date(timestamp))'] timestamp = sql.FormatSqlValue('timestamp', date_row['(date(timestamp))']) summary = {'__total__': 0} close_cursor.execute('select * from bugclose where ' 'username = "******" and date(timestamp) = %s ' 'order by timestamp asc;' % (user_row['username'], timestamp)) for close in close_cursor: summary.setdefault(close['component'], 0) summary[close['component']] += 1 summary['__total__'] += 1 epoch = time.mktime(close['timestamp'].timetuple()) close_cursor.execute('delete from bugclosesummary where ' 'username="******" and day=date(%s);' % (user_row['username'], timestamp)) close_cursor.execute( 'insert into bugclosesummary' '(day, username, data, epoch) ' 'values (date(%s), "%s", \'%s\', %d);' % (timestamp, user_row['username'], json.dumps(summary), epoch)) close_cursor.execute('commit;')
import datetime import json import random import sys import time import MySQLdb import feedutils import sql if __name__ == '__main__': print 'Content-Type: text/plain\r' print '\r' sys.stdout.flush() cursor = feedutils.GetCursor() showusers = ['mikalstill'] form = cgi.FieldStorage() if form.has_key('reviewers'): showusers = feedutils.ResolveGroupMembers(cursor, form['reviewers'].value) # Fetch the last seven days of results to start off with initial_size = 30 one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1) last_timestamp = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) feedutils.SendGroups(cursor) feedutils.SendReviewers(cursor, '__total__', initial_size) feedutils.SendPacket({'type': 'users-present', 'payload': showusers})
def ScrapeProject(projectname, days): launchpad = Launchpad.login_with('openstack-lp-scripts', 'production', CACHEDIR) proj = launchpad.projects[projectname] cursor = feedutils.GetCursor() subcursor = feedutils.GetCursor() now = since = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, since -= datetime.timedelta(days=days) bugs = proj.searchTasks(modified_since=since, status=[ "New", "Incomplete", "Invalid", "Won't Fix", "Confirmed", "Triaged", "In Progress", "Fix Committed", "Fix Released" ]) for b in bugs: if ONLY and not in ONLY: continue status_toucher = None importance_toucher = None triage_timestamp = None print '\n%s' % b.title print 'Reported by: %s' % if WRITE: cursor.execute( 'insert ignore into bugs%s ' '(id, title, reporter, timestamp, component) ' 'values(%s, %s, "%s", %s, "%s");' % (VERSION,, sql.FormatSqlValue( 'title', b.bug.title),, sql.FormatSqlValue('timestamp', b.bug.date_created), projectname)) cursor.execute('commit;') for dup in getattr(b.bug, 'duplicates', []): print 'Duplicate: %s' % cursor.execute( 'update bugs%s set duplicateof=%s where id=%s;' % (VERSION,, cursor.execute('commit;') for bugtask in b.bug.bug_tasks: print(' Targetted to %s on %s by %s' % (bugtask.bug_target_name, bugtask.date_created, if WRITE: timestamp = sql.FormatSqlValue('timestamp', bugtask.date_created) cursor.execute( 'insert ignore into bugevents%s ' '(id, component, timestamp, username, ' 'field, pre, post) ' 'values(%s, "%s", %s, "%s", "targetted", NULL, ' '"%s");' % (VERSION,, bugtask.bug_target_name, timestamp,, bugtask.bug_target_name)) cursor.execute( 'insert ignore into bugevents%s ' '(id, component, timestamp, username, ' 'field, pre, post) ' 'values(%s, "%s", %s, "%s", "importance", "-", ' '"%s");' % (VERSION,, bugtask.bug_target_name, timestamp,, bugtask.importance)) cursor.execute('insert ignore into bugevents%s ' '(id, component, timestamp, username, ' 'field, pre, post) ' 'values(%s, "%s", %s, "%s", "status", "-", ' '"%s");' % (VERSION,, bugtask.bug_target_name, timestamp,, bugtask.status)) cursor.execute('commit;') if bugtask.assignee: time_diff = bugtask.date_assigned - bugtask.date_created if time_diff.seconds < 60: print( ' *** special case: bug assigned to %s on task ' 'creation ***' % bugtask.assignee) if WRITE: timestamp = sql.FormatSqlValue('timestamp', bugtask.date_assigned) cursor.execute( 'insert ignore into bugevents%s ' '(id, component, timestamp, username, ' 'field, pre, post) ' 'values(%s, "%s", %s, "%s", "assignee", "-", ' '"%s");' % (VERSION,, bugtask.bug_target_name, timestamp,, cursor.execute('commit;') for activity in b.bug.activity: if activity.whatchanged.startswith('%s: ' % projectname): timestamp = sql.FormatSqlValue('timestamp', activity.datechanged) oldvalue = activity.oldvalue newvalue = activity.newvalue try: m = PERSON_RE.match(oldvalue) if m: oldvalue = except: pass try: m = PERSON_RE.match(newvalue) if m: newvalue = except: pass print(' %s :: %s -> %s :: %s on %s' % (activity.whatchanged, oldvalue, newvalue,, activity.datechanged)) if WRITE: cursor.execute('insert ignore into bugevents%s ' '(id, component, timestamp, username, ' 'field, pre, post) ' 'values(%s, "%s", %s, "%s", "%s", "%s", ' '"%s");' % (VERSION,, projectname, timestamp,, activity.whatchanged.split(': ')[1], oldvalue, newvalue)) cursor.execute('commit;') # We define a triage as changing the status from New, and # changing the importance from Undecided. You must do both # to earn a cookie. if (activity.whatchanged.endswith(' status') and (activity.oldvalue in ['New', 'Incomplete']) and (activity.newvalue in ['Confirmed', 'Triaged'])): status_toucher = if (not triage_timestamp or activity.datechanged > triage_timestamp): triage_timestamp = activity.datechanged if (activity.whatchanged.endswith(' importance') and (activity.oldvalue == 'Undecided')): importance_toucher = if (not triage_timestamp or activity.datechanged > triage_timestamp): triage_timestamp = activity.datechanged # Marking a bug as invalid is a special super cookie! if (activity.whatchanged.endswith(' status') and (activity.newvalue in ['Invalid', 'Opinion'])): status_toucher = importance_toucher = triage_timestamp = activity.datechanged # Code review sent for a bug if (activity.whatchanged.endswith(' status') and (activity.newvalue in ['In Progress'])): # Find out who the bug was assigned to cursor.execute('select * from bugevents%s where ' 'id=%s and component="%s" and ' 'field="assignee" and ' 'timestamp < %s ' 'order by timestamp desc limit 1;' % (VERSION,, projectname, timestamp)) for row in cursor: user = row['post'] if WRITE: UpdateTrackingTables('progress', b, projectname, timestamp, user) subcursor.execute('commit;') # A bug was marked as fixed if (activity.whatchanged.endswith(' status') and (activity.newvalue in ['Fix Committed'])): # Find out who the bug was assigned to cursor.execute('select * from bugevents%s where ' 'id=%s and component="%s" and ' 'field="assignee" and ' 'timestamp < %s ' 'order by timestamp desc limit 1;' % (VERSION,, projectname, timestamp)) for row in cursor: user = row['post'] if WRITE: subcursor.execute( 'update bugs%s set ' 'closedby="%s" where id=%s ' 'and component="%s";' % (VERSION, user,, projectname)) subcursor.execute('commit;') print ' *** %s closed this bug ***' % user UpdateTrackingTables('close', b, projectname, timestamp, user) subcursor.execute('commit;') # A bug was unfixed if (activity.whatchanged.endswith(' status') and (activity.oldvalue in ['Fix Committed']) and (not activity.newvalue in ['Fix Released'])): if WRITE: cursor.execute('update bugs%s set closedby = null ' 'where id=%s and component="%s";' % (VERSION,, projectname)) cursor.execute('commit;') print ' *** This bug was unclosed ***' if (status_toucher and importance_toucher and (status_toucher == importance_toucher)): print ' *** %s triaged this bug ***' % status_toucher timestamp = sql.FormatSqlValue('timestamp', triage_timestamp) if WRITE: UpdateTrackingTables('triage', b, projectname, timestamp, status_toucher)
def Reviews(component): cursor = feedutils.GetCursor() for l in dbcachingexecute.Execute(time.time() - 60, 'gerrit_query_approvals_json', ('ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_gerrit ' ' gerrit query ' 'project:%s ' '--all-approvals --patch-sets ' '--format JSON'), component, cleanup=True): try: d = json.loads(l) except: continue if d.has_key('id'): b64 = base64.encodestring(l) checksum = hashlib.sha1(l).hexdigest() last_updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(d['lastUpdated']) timestamp = sql.FormatSqlValue('timestamp', last_updated) insert = ( 'insert ignore into changes (changeid, timestamp, parsed, ' 'checksum) values ("%s", %s, "%s", "%s");' % (d['id'], timestamp, b64, checksum)) cursor.execute(insert) if cursor.rowcount == 0: cursor.execute('select * from changes where changeid="%s";' % d['id']) stored_checksum = cursor.fetchone()['checksum'] if checksum != stored_checksum: cursor.execute('delete from changes where changeid="%s";' % d['id']) cursor.execute(insert) cursor.execute('commit;') for ps in d.get('patchSets', {}): patchset = ps.get('number') for review in ps.get('approvals', []): # Deliberately leave the timezone alone here so its consistant # with reports others generate. updated_at = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( review['grantedOn']) username = review['by'].get('username', 'unknown') if username in ['jenkins', 'smokestack']: continue timestamp = sql.FormatSqlValue('timestamp', updated_at) score = review.get('value', 0) cursor.execute( 'insert ignore into reviews ' '(changeid, username, timestamp, day, component, ' 'patchset, score) ' 'values ("%s", "%s", %s, date(%s), "%s", %s, %s);' % (d['id'], username, timestamp, timestamp, component, patchset, score)) if cursor.rowcount > 0: # This is a new review, we assume we're the only writer print 'New review from %s' % username cursor.execute('select * from reviewsummary where ' 'username="******" and day=date(%s);' % (username, timestamp)) if cursor.rowcount > 0: row = cursor.fetchone() summary = json.loads(row['data']) else: summary = {} summary.setdefault(component, 0) summary.setdefault('__total__', 0) summary[component] += 1 summary['__total__'] += 1 cursor.execute('delete from reviewsummary where ' 'username="******" and day=date(%s);' % (username, timestamp)) cursor.execute('insert into reviewsummary' '(day, username, data, epoch) ' 'values (date(%s), "%s", \'%s\', %d);' % (timestamp, username, json.dumps(summary), int(time.time()))) cursor.execute('commit;')
def RebuildStates(): global DUPLICATES cursor = feedutils.GetCursor() cursor.execute('select distinct(id) from bugevents;') bugids = [] for row in cursor: bugids.append(row['id']) cursor.execute('select distinct(component) from bugevents;') components = [] for row in cursor: components.append(row['component']) for id in bugids: if id in DUPLICATES: continue for component in components: opened = None importance = 'Undecided' status = 'Unknown' cursor.execute('select * from bugevents where ' 'id=%s and component="%s";' %(id, component)) for row in cursor: # Opened, reopened if row['field'] == 'targetted': if not status in CLOSED_STATES: opened = row['timestamp'] elif row['field'] == 'status' and row['pre'] in CLOSED_STATES and not row['post'] in CLOSED_STATES: opened = row['timestamp'] # Closed elif row['field'] == 'status' and row['post'] in CLOSED_STATES: EmitState(id, component, importance, opened, row['timestamp']) opened = None status = row['post'] elif row['field'] == 'status': status = row['post'] # Changed importance elif row['field'] == 'importance': if not status in CLOSED_STATES: EmitState(id, component, importance, opened, row['timestamp']) opened = row['timestamp'] importance = row['post'] # Don't care elif row['field'] == 'assignee': pass elif row['field'] == 'milestone': pass # Unknown row! else: print row if opened: EmitState(id, component, importance, opened,