Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    n_pontos = 40
    polos = 7
    deg_mec = np.linspace(0, 360, n_pontos)
    deg_ele = deg_mec / polos

    a_flux = np.zeros(n_pontos)
    b_flux = np.zeros(n_pontos)
    c_flux = np.zeros(n_pontos)

    for i in range(n_pontos):
        femm.mi_modifyboundprop("Sliding", 11, deg_ele[i])

        a_flux[i] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("A")[2]
        b_flux[i] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("A")[2]
        c_flux[i] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("A")[2]

    flux_1n = np.zeros(n_pontos)
    for i in range(n_pontos):
        femm.mi_modifyboundprop("Sliding", 11, deg_ele[i])

        femm.mo_selectblock(1.5, 8.6)
        flux_1n[i] = femm.mo_blockintegral(1) / femm.mo_blockintegral(5)

    ap = 10e-3 * (10.86 + 10.96) * 1e-3 * np.pi / 14
    bt = flux_1n / ap / 4
    def calcul_energie(self):
        """Calcul de l'energie dans l'entrefer et le fer"""

        femm.mo_selectblock(0, 0)  # On selectionne l'entrefer
        femm.mo_selectblock(0, self.hauteur / 2 -
                            self.l_dent / 4)  # On selectionne le fer
        energie = femm.mo_blockintegral(2) * self.l_active
        return energie
Exemplo n.º 3
    def energie_stockee(self):
        """Calcul de l'energie dans l'entrefer et le fer"""

        femm.mo_selectblock(0, 0)  # On selectionne l'entrefer
        femm.mo_selectblock(0, self.hauteur / 4)  # On selectionne le fer
        energie = femm.mo_blockintegral(
            2) * self.l_active  # 2 : Magnetic field energy
        return energie
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_slipfreq_torque():
    # call this after mi_analyze

    # Physical Amount on the Rotor
    femm.mo_groupselectblock(100)  # rotor iron
    femm.mo_groupselectblock(101)  # rotor bars
    # Fx = femm.mo_blockintegral(18) #-- 18 x (or r) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force
    # Fy = femm.mo_blockintegral(19) #--19 y (or z) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force
    torque = femm.mo_blockintegral(
        22)  #-- 22 = Steady-state weighted stress tensor torque
    freq = femm.mo_getprobleminfo()[1]

    return freq, torque
Exemplo n.º 5
def calc_inductance(tg, currents, inductances=(None, None), **kwargs):
    ''' Setup of magneto-static problem in femm to calculate inductance and
    resistance of planar transformer.

        tg (:obj:'TransformerGeometry'): tg contains all geometry information
        of the transformer.
        currents (list of float): currents in the primary and secondary side
        circuits on the form [I_prim, I_sec].
        inductances (list of float): self-inductances of the primary and
        secondary side circuits on the form [L_prim, L_sec]. Used to calculate
        mutual inductance.

        (inductance, resistance): calculated self or mutual inductance and
        equivalent series resistance of either primary or secondary circuit.

    etiquettes_dict = {}  # Dictionary to store coordinates of nodes

    # initialitiation of the magneto-static problem
    boundary_radius = 2 * tg.radius_dielectric
    initial_setup(boundary_radius, currents, **kwargs)

    # draw geometry and add block labels
    add_conductors(tg, etiquettes_dict)
    add_block_labels(tg, etiquettes_dict)

    # mi zoomnatural()
    # From manual: zooms to a “natural” view with sensible extents.

    # Saving geometry file

    # Meshing and analysis
    # From manual: Note that it is not necessary to run mesh before performing
    # an analysis, as mi_analyze() will make sure the mesh is up to date before
    # running an analysis.

    # mi analyze(flag)
    # From manual: runs fkern to solve the problem. The flag parameter controls
    # whether the fkern window is visible or minimized. For a visible window,
    # either specify no value for flag or specify 0. For a minimized window,
    # flag should be set to 1.

    # Post-processing

    # mo_seteditmode(mode)
    # From manual: Sets themode of the postprocessor to point, contour, or area
    # mode. Valid entries for mode are "point", "contour", and "area".

    # mo_blockintegral(type)
    # From manual: Calculate a block integral for the selected blocks
    # Type Definition
    # 0 A · J
    # 1 A
    # 2 Magnetic field energy
    # 3 Hysteresis and/or lamination losses
    # 4 Resistive losses
    # 5 Block cross-section area
    # 6 Total losses
    # 7 Total current
    # 8 Integral of Bx (or Br) over block
    # 9 Integral of By (or rBz) over block
    # 10 Block volume
    # ...

    # mo_getcircuitproperties("circuit")
    # From manual: Used primarily to obtain impedance information associated
    # with circuit properties. Properties are returned for the circuit property
    # named "circuit". Three values are returned by the function. In order,
    # these results are:
    # – current Current carried by the circuit
    # – volts Voltage drop across the circuit
    # – flux_re Circuit’s flux linkage

    # mo_groupselectblock(n)
    # From manual: Selects all the blocks that are labeled by block labels
    # that are members of group n. If no number is specified (i.e.
    # mo_groupselectblock() ), all blocks are selected.

    # Calculate the inductance of the circuit with non-zero current. If both
    # currents are given, we calculate the mutual inductance.
    L1, L2 = inductances
    if (currents[0] > 0) and (currents[1] == 0):
        circ = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties('phase_prim')
        resistance = circ[1].real
        inductance = abs(circ[2] / circ[0])
    elif (currents[0] == 0) and (currents[1] > 0):
        circ = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties('phase_sec')
        resistance = circ[1].real
        inductance = abs(circ[2] / circ[0])
        # axisymmetric problem, integral is multiplied by 2
        Wm = femm.mo_blockintegral(2) * 2
        inductance = ((Wm - 0.5 *
                       (L1 * currents[1]**2 + L2 * currents[0]**2)) /
                      (currents[0] * currents[1]))
        resistance = 0

    if kwargs.get('close') is True:

    return (inductance, resistance)
Exemplo n.º 6
def write_Torque_and_B_data_to_file(str_rotor_position, rotation_operator):
    # call this after mi_analyze

    # Physical Amount on the Rotor
    femm.mo_groupselectblock(100)  # rotor iron
    femm.mo_groupselectblock(101)  # rotor bars
    Fx = femm.mo_blockintegral(
        18)  #-- 18 x (or r) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force
    Fy = femm.mo_blockintegral(
        19)  #--19 y (or z) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force
    torque = femm.mo_blockintegral(
        22)  #-- 22 = Steady-state weighted stress tensor torque
    # write results to a data file (write to partial files to avoid compete between parallel instances)
    handle_torque.write("%s %g %g %g\n" % (str_rotor_position, torque, Fx, Fy))

    # Field Amount of 1/4 model (this is valid if we presume the suspension two pole field is weak)
    number_of_elements = femm.mo_numelements()
    stator_Bx_data = []
    stator_By_data = []
    stator_Area_data = []
    rotor_Bx_data = []
    rotor_By_data = []
    rotor_Area_data = []
    # one_list = []
    for id_element in range(1, number_of_elements + 1):
        _, _, _, x, y, area, group = femm.mo_getelement(id_element)
        if y > 0 and x > 0:
            if group == 10:  # stator iron
                # 1. What we need for iron loss evaluation is the B waveform at a fixed point (x,y).
                #    For example, (x,y) is the centeroid of element in stator tooth.
                Bx, By = femm.mo_getb(x, y)

            if group == 100:  # rotor iron
                # 2. The element at (x,y) is no longer the same element from last rotor position.
                #    To find the exact element from last rotor position,
                #    we rotate the (x,y) forward as we rotate the model (rotor), get the B value there: (x,y)*rotation_operator, and correct the (Bx,By)/rotation_operator
                complex_new_xy = (x + 1j * y) * rotation_operator
                Bx, By = femm.mo_getb(complex_new_xy.real, complex_new_xy.imag)
                complex_new_BxBy = (Bx + 1j * By) * rotation_operator

            # one_list.append(sqrt(Bx**2 + By**2))
            # one_list.append(area)
    # option 1
    handle_stator_B_data.write(str_rotor_position + ',' + ','.join([
        '%g,%g,%g' % (Bx, By, A)
        for Bx, By, A in zip(stator_Bx_data, stator_By_data, stator_Area_data)
    ]) + '\n')
    handle_rotor_B_data.write(str_rotor_position + ',' + ','.join([
        '%g,%g,%g' % (Bx, By, A)
        for Bx, By, A in zip(rotor_Bx_data, rotor_By_data, rotor_Area_data)
    ]) + '\n')

    # option 2: one_list
    # handle_B_data.write(str_rotor_position + ',' + ','.join(['%g'%(B) for B in B_data ]) + ','.join(['%g'%(A) for A in Area_data ]) + '\n')

    # numpy is slower than open().write!!!
    # tic = time()
    # # savetxt(handle_B_data, c_[one_list])
    # savetxt(handle_B_data, one_list)
    # toc = time()
    # print toc - tic, 's\n\n'

Exemplo n.º 7
     # write_Torque_and_B_data_to_file(output_file_name[-4:], exp(1j*rotor_position)) # this function is moved to FEMM_Solver.py as keep...
     if True:
         # call this after mi_analyze
         # Physical Amount on the Rotor
         femm.mo_groupselectblock(100)  # rotor iron
         femm.mo_groupselectblock(101)  # rotor bars
         Fx = femm.mo_blockintegral(
         )  #-- 18 x (or r) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force
         Fy = femm.mo_blockintegral(
         )  #--19 y (or z) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force
         torque = femm.mo_blockintegral(
             22)  #-- 22 = Steady-state weighted stress tensor torque
         # write results to a data file (write to partial files to avoid compete between parallel instances)
             "%s %g %g %g\n" %
             (output_file_name[-4:], torque, Fx,
              Fy))  # output_file_name[-4:] = str_rotor_position
         # close post-process
 except Exception as error:
 # print 'Is it: Material properties have not been defined for all regions? Check the following file:'
 # print i, fem_file_list[i]
 toc = time()
 print(i, fem_file_list[i], toc - tic, 's')
Exemplo n.º 8
def postGetTorque(group):
    T = femm.mo_blockintegral(22)
    return T