Exemplo n.º 1
def main(inputfile, outdir, dd):

    pd = pickle.load(open(inputfile, 'rb'))
    lam = pd[0]
    eigenvecs = pd[1]

    lpos = np.argwhere(lam > 0)
    lneg = np.argwhere(lam < 0)
    lind = np.arange(0, len(lam))

    plt.semilogy(lind[lpos], lam[lpos], 'b.')
    plt.semilogy(lind[lneg], np.abs(lam[lneg]), 'r.')
    plt.legend(['Positive', 'Negative eigenvalues'])
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'eigplot.png'))

    mesh = Mesh(os.path.join(dd, 'mesh.xml'))
    M = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
    efunc = Function(M)

    vtkfile = File(os.path.join(outdir, 'eigenfuncs.pvd'))
    for ev in eigenvecs.T:
        vtkfile << efunc
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_writers(request, setup_deps, temp_model):
    """Test the Writers in inout"""
    setup_deps.set_case_dependency(request, ["test_init_model"])

    work_dir = temp_model["work_dir"]
    toml_file = temp_model["toml_filename"]

    mdl = init_model(work_dir, toml_file)

    # Create test function for writing
    space = mdl.Q
    test_fun = Function(space, name="test")
    test_fun.vector()[:] = -1.0

    vtkpath = inout.gen_path(mdl.params, "test", ".pvd")
    xdmfpath = vtkpath.with_suffix(".xdmf")

    xdmfWriter = inout.XDMFWriter(xdmfpath, comm=mdl.mesh.mpi_comm())
    vtkWriter = inout.VTKWriter(vtkpath, comm=mdl.mesh.mpi_comm())

    # Check can write to file without error
    vtkWriter.write(test_fun, step=1)
    xdmfWriter.write(test_fun, step=1)

    # Check file is produced
    assert vtkpath.exists()
    assert xdmfpath.exists()

    # Check can't write unstepped variable to stepped file
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # New writers for unstepped output

    xdmfWriter = inout.XDMFWriter(xdmfpath)
    vtkWriter = inout.VTKWriter(vtkpath)

    # Can't write unstepped to XDMF

    # Check fail from attempting stepped output
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        vtkWriter.write(test_fun, step=1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        xdmfWriter.write(test_fun, step=1)
Exemplo n.º 3
def patch_fun(mesh_in, params):
    Create 'patches' of cells for invsigma calculation. Takes a random sample of
    cell midpoints via DG0 space, which become patch centrepoints. Then each DOF
    is assigned to its nearest centrepoint.

    Returns a DG0 function where each cell is numbered by its assigned patch.
    import random
    from scipy.spatial import KDTree

    comm = MPI.comm_world
    rank = MPI.rank(comm)
    root = rank == 0

    # Test DG function
    # DG0 gives triangle centroids
    dg = FunctionSpace(mesh_in, 'DG', 0)
    dg_fun = Function(dg)

    # Get a random sample of cells (root bcast)
    ncells = dg_fun.vector().size()

    # Ratio of n_patches to n_cells
    if params.inv_sigma.npatches is not None:
        ntgt = params.inv_sigma.npatches
        ntgt = int(np.floor(ncells * params.inv_sigma.patch_downscale))

    if root:
        if params.constants.random_seed is not None:

        tgt_cells = random.sample(range(ncells), ntgt)
        tgt_cells = None

    # Send to other procs
    tgt_cells = comm.bcast(tgt_cells, root=0)

    # Each compute own range
    my_min, my_max = dg.dofmap().ownership_range()
    my_max -= 1
    my_tgt_cells = tgt_cells[np.searchsorted(tgt_cells, my_min):
                             np.searchsorted(tgt_cells, my_max, side='right')]

    # Get the requested local dofs
    dg_gdofs = dg.dofmap().tabulate_local_to_global_dofs()  # all global dofs
    dg_ldofs = np.arange(0, dg_gdofs.size)  # all local dofs

    dg_gdof_idx = np.argsort(dg_gdofs)  # idx which sorts gdofs
    dg_gdofs_sorted = dg_gdofs[dg_gdof_idx]  # sorted gdofs
    dg_ldofs_sorted = dg_ldofs[dg_gdof_idx]  # 'sorted' ldofs

    # Search our tgt_cells (gdofs) in sorted gdof list
    tgt_local_idx = np.searchsorted(dg_gdofs_sorted, my_tgt_cells)
    tgt_local = np.take(dg_ldofs_sorted, tgt_local_idx, mode='raise')
    tgt_global = np.take(dg_gdofs_sorted, tgt_local_idx, mode='raise')

    assert np.all(tgt_global == my_tgt_cells),\
        "Logic error - failed to find all tgt global dofs"

    # Get the cell midpoints for local targets
    my_tgt_cell_mids = dg.tabulate_dof_coordinates()[tgt_local]
    # and broadcast to all
    tgt_cell_mids = np.vstack(comm.allgather(my_tgt_cell_mids))

    # KDTree search to find nearest tgt midpoint
    tree = KDTree(tgt_cell_mids)
    dist, nearest = tree.query(dg.tabulate_dof_coordinates())

    dg_fun = Function(dg)
    dg_fun.vector()[:] = nearest

    return dg_fun, ntgt
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_invsigma(config_file):
    """Compute control sigma values from eigendecomposition"""

    comm = MPI.comm_world
    rank = comm.rank

    # Read run config file
    params = ConfigParser(config_file)

    # Setup logging
    log = inout.setup_logging(params)
    inout.log_preamble("inv sigma", params)

    outdir = params.io.output_dir
    diags_dir = params.io.diagnostics_dir

    # Load the static model data (geometry, smb, etc)
    input_data = inout.InputData(params)

    # Eigen decomposition params
    phase_suffix_e = params.eigendec.phase_suffix
    eigendir = Path(outdir)/params.eigendec.phase_name/phase_suffix_e
    lamfile = params.io.eigenvalue_file
    vecfile = params.io.eigenvecs_file
    threshlam = params.eigendec.eigenvalue_thresh

    if len(phase_suffix_e) > 0:
        lamfile = params.io.run_name + phase_suffix_e + '_eigvals.p'
        vecfile = params.io.run_name + phase_suffix_e + '_vr.h5'

    # Get model mesh
    mesh = fice_mesh.get_mesh(params)

    # Define the model (only need alpha & beta though)
    mdl = model.model(mesh, input_data, params, init_fields=True)

    # Load alpha/beta fields

    # Setup our solver object
    slvr = solver.ssa_solver(mdl, mixed_space=params.inversion.dual)

    cntrl = slvr.get_control()[0]
    space = slvr.get_control_space()

    # sigma_old, sigma_prior_old = [Function(space) for i in range(3)]
    x, y, z = [Function(space) for i in range(3)]
    # Regularization operator using inversion delta/gamma values
    Prior = mdl.get_prior()
    reg_op = Prior(slvr, space)

    # Load the eigenvalues
    with open(os.path.join(eigendir, lamfile), 'rb') as ff:
        eigendata = pickle.load(ff)
        lam = eigendata[0].real.astype(np.float64)
        nlam = len(lam)

    # Check if eigendecomposition successfully produced num_eig
    # or if some are NaN
    if np.any(np.isnan(lam)):
        nlam = np.argwhere(np.isnan(lam))[0][0]
        lam = lam[:nlam]

    # Read in the eigenvectors and check they are normalised
    # w.r.t. the prior (i.e. the B matrix in our GHEP)
    eps = params.constants.float_eps
    W = []
    with HDF5File(comm,
                  os.path.join(eigendir, vecfile), 'r') as hdf5data:
        for i in range(nlam):
            w = Function(space)
            hdf5data.read(w, f'v/vector_{i}')

            print(f"Getting eigenvector {i} of {nlam}")
            # # Test norm in prior == 1.0
            # reg_op.action(w.vector(), y.vector())
            # norm_in_prior = w.vector().inner(y.vector())
            # assert (abs(norm_in_prior - 1.0) < eps)


    # Which eigenvalues are larger than our threshold?
    pind = np.flatnonzero(lam > threshlam)
    lam = lam[pind]
    W = [W[i] for i in pind]

    # this is a diagonal matrix but we only ever address it element-wise
    # bit of a waste of space.
    D = np.diag(lam / (lam + 1))

    # TODO make this a model method
    cntrl_names = []
    if params.inversion.alpha_active:
    if params.inversion.beta_active:
    dual = params.inversion.dual

    # Isaac Eq. 20
    # P2 = prior
    # P1 = WDW
    # Note - don't think we're considering the cross terms
    # in the posterior covariance.

    # Generate patches of cells for computing invsigma
    clust_fun, npatches = patch_fun(mesh, params)

    # Create standard & mixed DG spaces
    dg_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
        dg_el = FiniteElement("DG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 0)
        mixedEl = dg_el * dg_el
        dg_out_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, mixedEl)
        dg_out_space = dg_space

    sigmas = [Function(dg_space) for i in range(len(cntrl_names))]
    sigma_priors = [Function(dg_space) for i in range(len(cntrl_names))]

    indic_1 = Function(dg_space)
    indic = Function(dg_out_space)

    test = TestFunction(space)

    neg_flag = 0
    for i in range(npatches):

        print(f"Working on patch {i+1} of {npatches}")

        # Create DG indicator function for patch i
        indic_1.vector()[:] = (clust_fun.vector()[:] == i).astype(int)

        # Loop alpha & beta as appropriate
        for j in range(len(cntrl_names)):

                indic.vector()[:] = 0.0
                assign(indic.sub(j), indic_1)
                assign(indic, indic_1)

            clust_lump = assemble(inner(indic, test)*dx)
            patch_area = clust_lump.sum()  # Duplicate work here...

            clust_lump /= patch_area

            # Prior variance
            reg_op.inv_action(clust_lump, x.vector())
            cov_prior = x.vector().inner(clust_lump)

            # P_i^T W D W^T P_i
            # P_i is clust_lump
            # P_i^T has dims [1 x M], W has dims [M x N]
            # where N is num eigs & M is size of ev function space
            PiW = np.asarray([clust_lump.inner(w.vector()) for w in W])

            # PiW & PiWD are [1 x N]
            PiWD = PiW * D.diagonal()
            # PiWDWPi, [1 x N] * [N x 1]
            PiWDWPi = np.inner(PiWD, PiW)  # np.inner OK here because already parallel reduced

            cov_reduction = PiWDWPi
            cov_post = cov_prior - cov_reduction

            if cov_post < 0:
                log.warning(f'WARNING: Negative Sigma: {cov_post}')
                log.warning('Setting as Zero and Continuing.')
                neg_flag = 1

            # NB: "+=" here but each DOF will only be contributed to *once*
            # Essentially we are constructing the sigmas functions from
            # non-overlapping patches.
            sigmas[j].vector()[:] += indic_1.vector()[:] * np.sqrt(cov_post)

            sigma_priors[j].vector()[:] += indic_1.vector()[:] * np.sqrt(cov_prior)

    if neg_flag:
        log.warning('Negative value(s) of sigma encountered.'
                    'Examine the range of eigenvalues and check if '
                    'the threshlam paramater is set appropriately.')

    # # Previous approach for comparison
    # #####################################

    # # Isaac Eq. 20
    # # P2 = prior
    # # P1 = WDW
    # # Note - don't think we're considering the cross terms
    # # in the posterior covariance.
    # # TODO - this isn't particularly well parallelised - can it be improved?
    # neg_flag = 0
    # for j in range(space.dim()):

    #     # Who owns this DOF?
    #     own_idx = y.vector().owns_index(j)
    #     ownership = np.where(comm.allgather(own_idx))[0]
    #     assert len(ownership) == 1
    #     idx_root  = ownership[0]

    #     # Prior (P2)
    #     y.vector().zero()
    #     y.vector().vec().setValue(j, 1.0)
    #     y.vector().apply('insert')
    #     reg_op.inv_action(y.vector(), x.vector())
    #     P2 = x

    #     # WDW (P1) ~ lam * V_r**2
    #     tmp2 = np.asarray([D[i, i] * w.vector().vec().getValue(j) for i, w in enumerate(W)])
    #     tmp2 = comm.bcast(tmp2, root=idx_root)

    #     P1 = Function(space)
    #     for tmp, w in zip(tmp2, W):
    #         P1.vector().axpy(tmp, w.vector())

    #     P_vec = P2.vector() - P1.vector()

    #     # Extract jth component & save
    #     # TODO why does this need to be communicated here? surely owning proc
    #     # just inserts?
    #     dprod = comm.bcast(P_vec.vec().getValue(j), root=idx_root)
    #     dprod_prior = comm.bcast(P2.vector().vec().getValue(j), root=idx_root)

    #     if dprod < 0:
    #         log.warning(f'WARNING: Negative Sigma: {dprod}')
    #         log.warning('Setting as Zero and Continuing.')
    #         neg_flag = 1
    #         continue

    #     sigma_old.vector().vec().setValue(j, np.sqrt(dprod))
    #     sigma_prior_old.vector().vec().setValue(j, np.sqrt(dprod_prior))

    # sigma_old.vector().apply("insert")
    # sigma_prior_old.vector().apply("insert")

    # For testing - whole thing at once:
    # wdw = (np.matrix(W) * np.matrix(D) * np.matrix(W).T)
    # wdw[:,0] == P1 for j = 0

    # if neg_flag:
    #     log.warning('Negative value(s) of sigma encountered.'
    #                 'Examine the range of eigenvalues and check if '
    #                 'the threshlam paramater is set appropriately.')

    # Write sigma & sigma_prior to files
    # sigma_var_name = "_".join((cntrl.name(), "sigma"))
    # sigma_prior_var_name = "_".join((cntrl.name(), "sigma_prior"))

    # sigma_old.rename(sigma_var_name, "")
    # sigma_prior_old.rename(sigma_prior_var_name, "")

    # inout.write_variable(sigma_old, params,
    #                      name=sigma_var_name+"_old")
    # inout.write_variable(sigma_prior_old, params,
    #                      name=sigma_prior_var_name+"_old")

    for i, name in enumerate(cntrl_names):
        sigmas[i].rename("sigma_"+name, "")
        sigma_priors[i].rename("sigma_prior_"+name, "")

        phase_suffix_sigma = params.inv_sigma.phase_suffix

        inout.write_variable(sigmas[i], params,
        inout.write_variable(sigma_priors[i], params,

    mdl.cntrl_sigma = sigmas
    mdl.cntrl_sigma_prior = sigma_priors
    return mdl
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_errorprop(config_file):

    # Read run config file
    params = ConfigParser(config_file)
    log = inout.setup_logging(params)
    inout.log_preamble("errorprop", params)

    outdir = params.io.output_dir

    # Load the static model data (geometry, smb, etc)
    input_data = inout.InputData(params)

    #Eigen value params
    phase_eigen = params.eigendec.phase_name
    phase_suffix_e = params.eigendec.phase_suffix
    lamfile = params.io.eigenvalue_file
    vecfile = params.io.eigenvecs_file
    threshlam = params.eigendec.eigenvalue_thresh

    # Qoi forward params
    phase_time = params.time.phase_name
    phase_suffix_qoi = params.time.phase_suffix
    dqoi_h5file = params.io.dqoi_h5file

    if len(phase_suffix_e) > 0:
        lamfile = params.io.run_name + phase_suffix_e + '_eigvals.p'
        vecfile = params.io.run_name + phase_suffix_e + '_vr.h5'
    if len(phase_suffix_qoi) > 0:
        dqoi_h5file = params.io.run_name + phase_suffix_qoi + '_dQ_ts.h5'

    # Get model mesh
    mesh = fice_mesh.get_mesh(params)

    # Define the model
    mdl = model.model(mesh, input_data, params)

    # Load alpha/beta fields

    # Setup our solver object
    slvr = solver.ssa_solver(mdl, mixed_space=params.inversion.dual)

    cntrl = slvr.get_control()[0]
    space = slvr.get_control_space()

    # Regularization operator using inversion delta/gamma values
    Prior = mdl.get_prior()
    reg_op = Prior(slvr, space)

    x, y, z = [Function(space) for i in range(3)]

    # Loads eigenvalues from file
    outdir_e = Path(outdir) / phase_eigen / phase_suffix_e
    with open(outdir_e / lamfile, 'rb') as ff:
        eigendata = pickle.load(ff)
        lam = eigendata[0].real.astype(np.float64)
        nlam = len(lam)

    # Check if eigendecomposition successfully produced num_eig
    # or if some are NaN
    if np.any(np.isnan(lam)):
        nlam = np.argwhere(np.isnan(lam))[0][0]
        lam = lam[:nlam]

    # and eigenvectors from .h5 file
    eps = params.constants.float_eps
    W = []
    with HDF5File(MPI.comm_world, str(outdir_e / vecfile), 'r') as hdf5data:
        for i in range(nlam):
            w = Function(space)
            hdf5data.read(w, f'v/vector_{i}')

            # Test norm in prior == 1.0
            reg_op.action(w.vector(), y.vector())
            norm_in_prior = w.vector().inner(y.vector())
            assert (abs(norm_in_prior - 1.0) < eps)


    # take only the largest eigenvalues
    pind = np.flatnonzero(lam > threshlam)
    lam = lam[pind]
    nlam = len(lam)
    W = [W[i] for i in pind]

    D = np.diag(lam / (lam + 1))  # D_r Isaac 20

    # File containing dQoi_dCntrl (i.e. Jacobian of parameter to observable (Qoi))
    outdir_qoi = Path(outdir) / phase_time / phase_suffix_qoi
    hdf5data = HDF5File(MPI.comm_world, str(outdir_qoi / dqoi_h5file), 'r')

    dQ_cntrl = Function(space)

    run_length = params.time.run_length
    num_sens = params.time.num_sens
    t_sens = np.flip(np.linspace(run_length, 0, num_sens))
    sigma = np.zeros(num_sens)
    sigma_prior = np.zeros(num_sens)

    for j in range(num_sens):
        hdf5data.read(dQ_cntrl, f'dQd{cntrl.name()}/vector_{j}')

        # TODO - is a mass matrix operation required here?
        # qd_cntrl - should be gradients
        tmp1 = np.asarray([w.vector().inner(dQ_cntrl.vector()) for w in W])
        tmp2 = np.dot(D, tmp1)

        P1 = Function(space)
        for tmp, w in zip(tmp2, W):
            P1.vector().axpy(tmp, w.vector())

        reg_op.inv_action(dQ_cntrl.vector(), x.vector())
        P2 = x  # .vector().get_local()

        P_vec = P2.vector() - P1.vector()

        variance = P_vec.inner(dQ_cntrl.vector())
        sigma[j] = np.sqrt(variance)

        # Prior only
        variance_prior = P2.vector().inner(dQ_cntrl.vector())
        sigma_prior[j] = np.sqrt(variance_prior)

    # Look at the last sampled time and check how sigma QoI converges
    # with addition of more eigenvectors

    sigma_conv = []
    sigma_steps = []
    P1 = Function(space)

    # How many steps?
    conv_res = 100
    conv_int = int(np.ceil(nlam / conv_res))

    for i in range(0, nlam, conv_int):

        # Reuse tmp1/tmp2 from above because its the last sens
        for j in range(i, min(i + conv_int, nlam)):
            P1.vector().axpy(tmp2[j], W[j].vector())

        P_vec = P2.vector() - P1.vector()

        variance = P_vec.inner(dQ_cntrl.vector())
        sigma_steps.append(min(i + conv_int, nlam))

    # Save plots in diagnostics
    phase_err = params.error_prop.phase_name
    phase_suffix_err = params.error_prop.phase_suffix
    diag_dir = Path(params.io.diagnostics_dir) / phase_err / phase_suffix_err
    outdir_err = Path(params.io.output_dir) / phase_err / phase_suffix_err

    # if(MPI.comm_world.rank == 0):
    plt.semilogy(sigma_steps, sigma_conv)
    plt.title("Convergence of sigmaQoI")
    plt.ylabel("sigma QoI")
    plt.xlabel("Num eig")

            str(diag_dir), "_".join(
                (params.io.run_name, phase_suffix_err + "sigmaQoI_conv.pdf"))))

    sigmaqoi_file = os.path.join(
        str(outdir_err), "_".join(
             phase_suffix_err + "sigma_qoi_convergence.p")))

    with open(sigmaqoi_file, 'wb') as pfile:
        pickle.dump([sigma_steps, sigma_conv], pfile)

    # Test that eigenvectors are prior inverse orthogonal
    # y.vector().set_local(W[:,398])
    # y.vector().apply('insert')
    # reg_op.action(y.vector(), x.vector())
    # #mass.mult(x.vector(),z.vector())
    # q = np.dot(y.vector().get_local(),x.vector().get_local())

    # Output model variables in ParaView+Fenics friendly format
    sigma_file = params.io.sigma_file
    sigma_prior_file = params.io.sigma_prior_file

    if len(phase_suffix_err) > 0:
        sigma_file = params.io.run_name + phase_suffix_err + '_sigma.p'
        sigma_prior_file = params.io.run_name + phase_suffix_err + '_sigma_prior.p'

    with open(os.path.join(outdir_err, sigma_file), "wb") as sigfile:
        pickle.dump([sigma, t_sens], sigfile)
    with open(os.path.join(outdir_err, sigma_prior_file), "wb") as sigpfile:
        pickle.dump([sigma_prior, t_sens], sigpfile)

    # This simplifies testing - is it OK? Should we hold all data in the solver object?
    mdl.Q_sigma = sigma
    mdl.Q_sigma_prior = sigma_prior
    mdl.t_sens = t_sens
    return mdl
Exemplo n.º 6
def run_eigendec(config_file):
    Run the eigendecomposition phase of the model.

    1. Define the model domain & fields
    2. Runs the forward model w/ alpha/beta from run_inv
    3. Computes the Hessian of the *misfit* cost functional (J)
    4. Performs the generalized eigendecomposition with
        A = H_mis, B = prior_action
    # Read run config file
    params = ConfigParser(config_file)
    log = inout.setup_logging(params)
    inout.log_preamble("eigendecomp", params)

    # Load the static model data (geometry, smb, etc)
    input_data = inout.InputData(params)

    # Get mesh & define model
    mesh = fice_mesh.get_mesh(params)
    mdl = model.model(mesh, input_data, params)
    # Load alpha/beta fields

    # Setup our solver object
    slvr = solver.ssa_solver(mdl, mixed_space=params.inversion.dual)

    cntrl = slvr.get_control()[0]
    space = slvr.get_control_space()

    # Regularization operator using inversion delta/gamma values
    Prior = mdl.get_prior()
    reg_op = Prior(slvr, space)

    msft_flag = params.eigendec.misfit_only
    if msft_flag:

    # Hessian Action

    # Mass matrix solver
    xg, xb = Function(space), Function(space)

    # test, trial = TestFunction(space), TrialFunction(space)
    # mass = assemble(inner(test, trial) * slvr.dx)
    # mass_solver = KrylovSolver("cg", "sor")
    # mass_solver.parameters.update({"absolute_tolerance": 1.0e-32,
    #                                "relative_tolerance": 1.0e-14})
    # mass_solver.set_operator(mass)

    # Uncomment to get low-level SLEPc/PETSc output
    # set_log_level(10)

    # @timer
    def ghep_action(x):
        """Hessian action w/o preconditioning"""
        _, _, ddJ_val = slvr.ddJ.action(cntrl, x)
        # reg_op.inv_action(ddJ_val.vector(), xg.vector()) <- gnhep_prior
        return function_get_values(ddJ_val)

    def prior_action(x):
        """Define the action of the B matrix (prior)"""
        reg_op.action(x.vector(), xg.vector())
        return function_get_values(xg)

    # opts = {'prior': gnhep_prior_action, 'mass': gnhep_mass_action}
    # gnhep_func = opts[params.eigendec.precondition_by]

    num_eig = params.eigendec.num_eig
    n_iter = params.eigendec.power_iter  # <- not used yet

    # Hessian eigendecomposition using SLEPSc
    eig_algo = params.eigendec.eig_algo
    if eig_algo == "slepc":
        results = {
        }  # Create this empty dict & pass it to slepc_monitor_callback to fill
        # Eigendecomposition
        import slepc4py.SLEPc as SLEPc
        esolver = eigendecompose(
            configure=slepc_config_callback(reg_op, prior_action, space),
            monitor=slepc_monitor_callback(params, space, results))

        log.info("Finished eigendecomposition")
        vr = results['vr']
        lam = results['lam']

        # Check the eigenvectors & eigenvalues
        if (params.eigendec.test_ed):
            ED.test_eigendecomposition(esolver, results, space, params)

            if num_eig > 100:
                    "Requesting inner product of more than 100 EVs, this is expensive!"
            # Check for B (not B') orthogonality & normalisation
            for i in range(num_eig):
                reg_op.action(vr[i].vector(), xg.vector())
                norm = xg.vector().inner(Vector(vr[i].vector()))**0.5
                if (abs(1.0 - norm) > params.eigendec.tol):
                    raise Exception(f"Eigenvector norm is {norm}")

            for i in range(num_eig):
                reg_op.action(vr[i].vector(), xg.vector())
                for j in range(i + 1, num_eig):
                    inn = xg.vector().inner(Vector(vr[j].vector()))
                    if (abs(inn) > params.eigendec.tol):
                        raise Exception(
                            f"Eigenvectors {i} & {j} inner product nonzero: {inn}"

        # Uses extreme amounts of disk space; suitable for ismipc only
        # #Save eigenfunctions
        # vtkfile = File(os.path.join(outdir,'vr.pvd'))
        # for v in vr:
        #     v.rename('v', v.label())
        #     vtkfile << v
        # vtkfile = File(os.path.join(outdir,'vi.pvd'))
        # for v in vi:
        #     v.rename('v', v.label())
        #     vtkfile << v

        raise NotImplementedError

    slvr.eigenvals = lam
    slvr.eigenfuncs = vr

    # Plot of eigenvals
    lpos = np.argwhere(lam > 0)
    lneg = np.argwhere(lam < 0)
    lind = np.arange(0, len(lam))
    plt.semilogy(lind[lpos], lam[lpos], '.')
    plt.semilogy(lind[lneg], np.abs(lam[lneg]), '.')
    diag_dir = Path(
    ) / params.eigendec.phase_name / params.eigendec.phase_suffix
    plt.savefig(diag_dir / 'lambda.pdf')

    # Note - for now this does nothing, but eventually if the whole series
    # of runs were done without re-initializing solver, it'd be important to
    # put the inversion params back
    if msft_flag:

    return mdl