Exemplo n.º 1
dim_m = 4
m = np.linspace(1, dim_m, dim_m).reshape((dim_m, 1))
D = np.random.randn(dim_m**2).reshape((dim_m, dim_m))
U,S,VT = np.linalg.svd(D)
C = U.dot(np.diag(S**2)).dot(U.T)
invC = U.dot(np.diag(1/S**2)).dot(U.T)
C_cholesky = U.dot(np.diag(S))
checkvalue = np.linalg.norm(C - C_cholesky.dot(C_cholesky.T))/np.linalg.norm(C)
assert checkvalue < 2e-16, checkvalue
checkvalue2 = np.linalg.norm(C.dot(invC) - np.eye(dim_m))
assert checkvalue2 < 1e-12, checkvalue2

####################### Multivariate Gaussian ##################
sample_size = 100000
samples = SampleMultivariateNormal(m, C_cholesky, sample_size)
m_emp = samples.sum(axis=1).reshape((dim_m,1))/sample_size
m_one = m.dot(np.ones((1,sample_size)))
C_emp = ((samples-m_one).dot((samples-m_one).T))/sample_size
print "Test Multivariate Gaussian:"
print "m, m_emp, m-m_emp: "
print np.concatenate((m, m_emp, m-m_emp), axis=1)
print np.sqrt(np.sum((m_emp-m)**2))/np.sqrt(np.sum(m**2))
print "C, C_emp, C-C_emp: "
print C 
print C_emp 
print C-C_emp
print np.linalg.norm(C-C_emp)/np.linalg.norm(C)

########################## Wishart #############################
sample_size = 10000
Exemplo n.º 2
def BackwardSampling_SVD(Gt, svd_invW, m0, m_all, svd_C0, C_all, a_all, R_all):
    """ Sample from the joint distribution (theta_{0:T} | y_{1:T})
        Gt = list of matrices containing definition of DLM
        svd_invW = [U, S] such that U.S.U^T = W^{-1}
        (W = covariance matrix for evolution equation)
        m0, C0 = parameters of initial distribution
        m_all, C_all, a_all, R_all = output from KalmanFilter_SVD
        thetas = joint draw from (theta_{0:T} | y_{1:T}) 
        maxVarB = maximum variance in B at each time step (diagonal only) """
    timesteps, parameters = m_all.shape
    thetas = np.zeros((timesteps+1, parameters))
    invGam = svd_invW[0].dot(np.diag(np.sqrt(svd_invW[1])))
    # Sample at time t=T
    h = m_all[timesteps-1,:].reshape((parameters,1))
    C = C_all[-1]
    B_ch = C[0].dot(np.diag(C[1]))
    theta = SampleMultivariateNormal(h, B_ch)
    thetas[-1,:] = theta.reshape((1, parameters))
    maxVarB = []
    # To check, compute sT:
#    s_all, S_all = np.zeros(m_all.shape), []
#    s = m_all[timesteps-1,:].reshape((parameters,1))
#    s_all[timesteps-1,:] = s.T
#    Sfull = C[0].dot(np.diag(C[1]**2)).dot(C[0].T)
#    S_all.append(Sfull)
    # Iterate starting from t=T down to t=1:
    ii = timesteps - 2
    for G, Rsvd in zip(reversed(Gt), reversed(R_all)):
        a = a_all[ii+1,:].reshape((parameters,1))
        if ii < 0: 
            m = m0.reshape((parameters,1))
            C = svd_C0[0].dot(np.diag(svd_C0[1])).dot(svd_C0[0].T)
            invR = Rsvd[0].dot(np.diag(1/Rsvd[1]**2)).dot(Rsvd[0].T)
            CGinvR = C.dot(G.T).dot(invR)
            h = m + CGinvR.dot(theta - a)
            tmp = (invGam.T).dot(G).dot(svd_C0[0])
            A, invD, ET = svd(np.concatenate((tmp, \
            np.diag(1/np.sqrt(svd_C0[1]))), axis=0))
            U = svd_C0[0].dot(ET.T)
            B_ch = U.dot(np.diag(1/invD))
            theta = SampleMultivariateNormal(h, B_ch)
            thetas[ii+1,:] = theta.reshape((1, parameters))
        m = m_all[ii,:].reshape((parameters,1))
        Csvd = C_all[ii]
        C = Csvd[0].dot(np.diag(Csvd[1]**2)).dot(Csvd[0].T)
        invR = Rsvd[0].dot(np.diag(1/Rsvd[1]**2)).dot(Rsvd[0].T)
        CGinvR = C.dot(G.T).dot(invR)
        h = m + CGinvR.dot(theta - a)
        tmp = (invGam.T).dot(G).dot(Csvd[0])
        A, invD, ET = svd(np.concatenate((tmp, np.diag(1/Csvd[1])), axis=0))
        U = Csvd[0].dot(ET.T)
        B_ch = U.dot(np.diag(1/invD))
        theta = SampleMultivariateNormal(h, B_ch)
        thetas[ii+1,:] = theta.reshape((1, parameters))
        # To check, compute st
#        s = m + CGinvR.dot(s - a)
#        s_all[ii,:] = s.T
#        Bfull = C - CGinvR.dot(G).dot(C)
#        Bfull = C - C.dot(G.T).dot(invR).dot(G).dot(C)
#        invBfullbis = np.linalg.inv(C) + \
#        (G.T).dot(np.linalg.inv(W)).dot(G)
#        Bfullbis = np.linalg.inv(invBfullbis)
#        Rfull = Rsvd[0].dot(np.diag(Rsvd[1]**2)).dot(Rsvd[0].T)
#        Sfull = C - CGinvR.dot(Rfull-Sfull).dot(CGinvR.T)
#        S_all.append(Sfull)
        ii -= 1
    return thetas, maxVarB
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: dlm.py Projeto: bcrestel/ML
def BackwardSampling_SVD(Gt, svd_invW, m0, m_all, svd_C0, C_all, a_all, R_all):
    """ Sample from the joint distribution (theta_{0:T} | y_{1:T})
        Gt = list of matrices containing definition of DLM
        svd_invW = [U, S] such that U.S.U^T = W^{-1}
        (W = covariance matrix for evolution equation)
        m0, C0 = parameters of initial distribution
        m_all, C_all, a_all, R_all = output from KalmanFilter_SVD
        thetas = joint draw from (theta_{0:T} | y_{1:T}) 
        maxVarB = maximum variance in B at each time step (diagonal only) """
    timesteps, parameters = m_all.shape
    thetas = np.zeros((timesteps + 1, parameters))
    invGam = svd_invW[0].dot(np.diag(np.sqrt(svd_invW[1])))
    # Sample at time t=T
    h = m_all[timesteps - 1, :].reshape((parameters, 1))
    C = C_all[-1]
    B_ch = C[0].dot(np.diag(C[1]))
    theta = SampleMultivariateNormal(h, B_ch)
    thetas[-1, :] = theta.reshape((1, parameters))
    maxVarB = []
    # To check, compute sT:
    #    s_all, S_all = np.zeros(m_all.shape), []
    #    s = m_all[timesteps-1,:].reshape((parameters,1))
    #    s_all[timesteps-1,:] = s.T
    #    Sfull = C[0].dot(np.diag(C[1]**2)).dot(C[0].T)
    #    S_all.append(Sfull)
    # Iterate starting from t=T down to t=1:
    ii = timesteps - 2
    for G, Rsvd in zip(reversed(Gt), reversed(R_all)):
        a = a_all[ii + 1, :].reshape((parameters, 1))
        if ii < 0:
            m = m0.reshape((parameters, 1))
            C = svd_C0[0].dot(np.diag(svd_C0[1])).dot(svd_C0[0].T)
            invR = Rsvd[0].dot(np.diag(1 / Rsvd[1]**2)).dot(Rsvd[0].T)
            CGinvR = C.dot(G.T).dot(invR)
            h = m + CGinvR.dot(theta - a)
            tmp = (invGam.T).dot(G).dot(svd_C0[0])
            A, invD, ET = svd(np.concatenate((tmp, \
            np.diag(1/np.sqrt(svd_C0[1]))), axis=0))
            U = svd_C0[0].dot(ET.T)
            B_ch = U.dot(np.diag(1 / invD))
            theta = SampleMultivariateNormal(h, B_ch)
            thetas[ii + 1, :] = theta.reshape((1, parameters))
        m = m_all[ii, :].reshape((parameters, 1))
        Csvd = C_all[ii]
        C = Csvd[0].dot(np.diag(Csvd[1]**2)).dot(Csvd[0].T)
        invR = Rsvd[0].dot(np.diag(1 / Rsvd[1]**2)).dot(Rsvd[0].T)
        CGinvR = C.dot(G.T).dot(invR)
        h = m + CGinvR.dot(theta - a)
        tmp = (invGam.T).dot(G).dot(Csvd[0])
        A, invD, ET = svd(np.concatenate((tmp, np.diag(1 / Csvd[1])), axis=0))
        U = Csvd[0].dot(ET.T)
        B_ch = U.dot(np.diag(1 / invD))
        theta = SampleMultivariateNormal(h, B_ch)
        thetas[ii + 1, :] = theta.reshape((1, parameters))
        # To check, compute st
        #        s = m + CGinvR.dot(s - a)
        #        s_all[ii,:] = s.T
        #        Bfull = C - CGinvR.dot(G).dot(C)
        #        Bfull = C - C.dot(G.T).dot(invR).dot(G).dot(C)
        #        invBfullbis = np.linalg.inv(C) + \
        #        (G.T).dot(np.linalg.inv(W)).dot(G)
        #        Bfullbis = np.linalg.inv(invBfullbis)
        #        Rfull = Rsvd[0].dot(np.diag(Rsvd[1]**2)).dot(Rsvd[0].T)
        #        Sfull = C - CGinvR.dot(Rfull-Sfull).dot(CGinvR.T)
        #        S_all.append(Sfull)
        ii -= 1
    return thetas, maxVarB