Exemplo n.º 1
    def ls(self, *args, **kwargs):
        If we are a directory, return an iterable of the contents.

        If we are a file, return the name.

        If we don't exist, raise DoesNotExistError.

        If we have passed PATTERN, then only return such entries as match

        - `pattern`: str

        Return: iterable or string
        Exceptions: DoesNotExistError
        if self.is_file:
            return self._value
        elif self.is_dir:
            all = kwargs.get('all', None)
            contents = self.fs.ls(self, all=all)
            if args:
                contents = fnmatch.filter(contents, args[0])
            if len(contents) == 0:
                return []
            return Pset(self / x for x in contents)

        msg = "Cannot access {0}: No such file or directory".format(self)
        raise exceptions.DoesNotExistError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: nix.py Projeto: Edoi1/MASTER1
def cp(resource, target, recursive=False):
    Python translation of GNU cp.

    If RECURSIVE is True and RESOURCE is a directory, copy the tree.
    If RECURSIVE is False and RESOURCE is a directory, a no-op
    If RESOURCE does not exist, raise DoesNotExistError
    If TARGET exists, raise ExistsError

    - `resource`: str or Path
    - `target`: str or Path
    - `recursive`: bool

    Return: None
    Exceptions: DoesNotExistError, ExistsError
    if not os.path.exists(resource):
        raise exceptions.DoesNotExistError(
            "Can't copy something that doesn't exist Larry... ")
    if os.path.exists(target):
        raise exceptions.ExistsError(
            "Won't overwrite an existing target Larry... ")
    if os.path.isdir(resource):
        if recursive:
            return cp_r(resource, target)
    shutil.copy2(str(resource), str(target))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __iter__(self):
        path objects iterate differently depending on context.

        if we are a directory, we iterate through path objects
        representing the contents of that directory.

        if we represent a file, iteration returns one line at a time.

        if we do not exist, we raise DoesNotExistError

        return: generator(str or path)
        exceptions: DoesNotExistError
        if self.is_dir:

            def dirgen():
                "directory list generator"
                for k in self.fs.ls(self._value):
                    yield Path(k)
            return dirgen()

        elif self.is_file:
            def filegen():
                "file generator"
                with self as fh:
                    for line in fh:
                        yield line

            return filegen()

        msg = 'the path {0} does not exist - not sure how to iterate'.format(self)
        raise exceptions.DoesNotExistError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def checksum(self):
        Return an MD5 checksum of this file. 

        If SELF is a directory, raise InappropriateError
        If SELF is nonexistant, raise DoesNotExistError

        Return: str
        if not self:
            raise exceptions.DoesNotExistError()
        if self.is_dir:
            raise exceptions.InappropriateError()
        checksum = hashlib.md5(self.open('rb').read()).hexdigest()
        return checksum
Exemplo n.º 5
    def mimetype(self):
        Return a guessed mimetype for SELF.

        If SELF is a directory, raise InappropriateError
        If SELF is nonexistant, raise DoesNotExistError

        Return: str
        Exceptions: InappropriateError, DoesNotExistError
        if not self:
            raise exceptions.DoesNotExistError()
        if self.is_dir:
            raise exceptions.InappropriateError()
        mime, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(str(self))
        return mime
Exemplo n.º 6
    def contents(self):
        The contents of SELF.

        If SELF is a file, read the contents.
        If SELF is a directory, alias of ls()

        Return: str or list[str]
        Exceptions: None
        if self.is_dir:
            return self.ls()
        elif self.is_file:
            return self.read()
        msg = "{0} isn't a thing Larry - how can it have contents?"
        raise exceptions.DoesNotExistError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def mv(self, target):
        Move SELF to TARGET.
        Return a Path object representing the new location at TARGET.

        If SELF does not exist, raise DoesNotExistError

        - `target`: str or Path

        Return: Path
        Exceptions: DoesNotExistError
        if not self:
            raise exceptions.DoesNotExistError("Can't move nothing Larry... ")
        self.fs.mv(self, target)
        return Path(target)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: nix.py Projeto: Edoi1/MASTER1
def rm(*targets, **kw):
    Python translation of GNU rm

    If the keyword argument FORCE is True, ignore nonexistant files.
    If the keyword argument RECURSIVE is True, remove the entire tree
      below each TARGETS

    - `*targets`: all target paths
    - `force`: bool
    - `recursive`: bool

    Return: None
    Exceptions: DoesNotExistError
    fn = os.remove
    if 'recursive' in kw and kw['recursive']:
        fn = rm_r
    if 'force' in kw and kw['force']:
        for target in targets:
            except OSError:
                pass  # Either never raised or explicitly ignored, so pass
        for target in targets:
            except OSError:
                if not os.path.exists(str(target)):
                    raise exceptions.DoesNotExistError(
                        "No such file {0} Larry... ".format(target))