Exemplo n.º 1
class RamlRoot(Model):
    raml_version = String(required=True)
    title = String()
    version = String()
    baseUri = String()
    protocols = List(String())
    mediaType = String()
    documentation = List(Reference(RamlDocumentation))
    traits = Map(String(), Reference(RamlTrait))
    resources = Map(String(), Reference(RamlResource))
    resourceTypes =  Map(String(), Reference(RamlResourceType))
Exemplo n.º 2
class RamlRoot(SecuredEntity, Model):
    """ http://raml.org/spec.html#root-section """
    raml_version = String(required=True)
    title = String(required=True)
    version = Or(String(), Int(), Float())
    baseUri = String(required=True)
    protocols = List(
        Choice(field_name='protocols', choices=RAML_VALID_PROTOCOLS))
    mediaType = String()
    documentation = List(Reference(RamlDocumentation))
    traits = Map(String(), Reference(RamlTrait))
    resources = Map(String(), Reference(RamlResource))
    resourceTypes = Map(String(), Reference(RamlResourceType))
    schemas = Map(String(), Or(JSONData(), XMLData(), String()))
    baseUriParameters = RamlNamedParametersMap()
    securitySchemes = Map(String(), Reference(RamlSecurityScheme))
Exemplo n.º 3
class RamlBody(Model):
    schema = String()
    example = String()
    notNull = Bool()
    formParameters = Map(String(), Reference(RamlHeader))
    headers = Map(String(), Reference(RamlHeader))
    body = Map(String(), Reference("pyraml.entities.RamlBody"))
    is_ = List(String(), field_name="is")
Exemplo n.º 4
class RamlMethod(TraitedEntity, SecuredEntity, Model):
    """ http://raml.org/spec.html#methods """
    notNull = Bool()
    description = String()
    body = Map(String(), Reference(RamlBody))
    responses = Map(Int(), Reference(RamlResponse))
    queryParameters = RamlNamedParametersMap()
    baseUriParameters = RamlNamedParametersMap()
    headers = RamlNamedParametersMap()
    protocols = List(
        Choice(field_name='protocols', choices=RAML_VALID_PROTOCOLS))
Exemplo n.º 5
class RamlSecuritySchemeDescription(Model):
    """ The describedBy attribute MAY be used to apply a trait-like
    structure to a security scheme mechanism so as to extend the
    mechanism, such as specifying response codes, HTTP headers or
    custom documentation.
    description = String()
    body = Map(String(), Reference(RamlBody))
    headers = RamlNamedParametersMap()
    queryParameters = RamlNamedParametersMap()
    responses = Map(Int(), Reference(RamlResponse))
    baseUriParameters = RamlNamedParametersMap()
    protocols = List(
        Choice(field_name='protocols', choices=RAML_VALID_PROTOCOLS))
Exemplo n.º 6
class RamlQueryParameter(Model):
    name = String()
    description = String()
    example = Or(String(),Int(),Float())
    displayName = String()
    type = String()
    enum = List(Or(String(),Float(),Int()))
    pattern = String()
    minLength = Int()
    maxLength = Int()
    repeat = Bool()
    required = Bool()
    default = Or(String(),Int(),Float())
    minimum = Or(Int(),Float())
    maximum = Or(Int(),Float())
Exemplo n.º 7
class RamlNamedParameters(Model):
    """ http://raml.org/spec.html#named-parameters """
    displayName = String()
    description = String()
    type = Choice(default='string', choices=NAMED_PARAMETER_TYPES)
    name = String()
    example = Or(String(), Int(), Float())
    enum = List(Or(String(), Float(), Int()))
    pattern = String()
    minLength = Int()
    maxLength = Int()
    repeat = Bool()
    required = Bool()
    default = Or(String(), Int(), Float())
    minimum = Or(Int(), Float())
    maximum = Or(Int(), Float())
Exemplo n.º 8
class RamlTrait(Model):
      - secured:
          usage: Apply this to any method that needs to be secured
          description: Some requests require authentication.
              description: Access Token
              type: string
              example: ACCESS_TOKEN
              required: true

    name = String()
    usage = String()
    description = String()
    displayName = String()
    responses = Map(Int(), Reference(RamlResponse))
    method = String()
    queryParameters = Map(String(), Reference(RamlQueryParameter))
    body = Reference(RamlBody)
    # Reference to another RamlTrait
    is_ = List(String(), field_name="is")
Exemplo n.º 9
class SecuredEntity(object):
    # [foo, {bar: {baz: [buz]}}, null]
    securedBy = List(
        Or(String(), Map(String(), Map(String(), List(String()))), Null()))
Exemplo n.º 10
class RamlSecurityScheme(Model):
    """ http://raml.org/spec.html#security """
    description = String()
    type = String()
    describedBy = Reference(RamlSecuritySchemeDescription)
    settings = Map(String(), Or(String(), List(String())))
Exemplo n.º 11
class TraitedEntity(object):
    """ Represents entities that may have traits specified
    in ``is`` field.
    is_ = List(Or(String(), Map(String(), Map(String(), String()))),
Exemplo n.º 12
class RamlResourceType(Model):
    methods = Map(String(), Reference(RamlTrait))
    type = String()
    is_ = List(String(), field_name="is")