Exemplo n.º 1
def test_grad_P_varying_qn():
    NX   = 32      #const.NX
    xmin = 0.0     #const.xmin
    xmax = 2*np.pi #const.xmax
    dx   = xmax / NX
    x    = np.arange(xmin, xmax, dx/100.)             # Simulation domain space 0,NX (normalized to grid)
    k    = 2.0
    # Physical location of nodes
    E_nodes = (np.arange(NX + 3) - 0.5) * dx
    B_nodes = (np.arange(NX + 3) - 1.0) * dx

    # Set analytic solutions (input/output)
    qn_input   = const.q*(np.sin(k*E_nodes) + 1)                    # Analytic input at node points (number density varying)
    te_input   = np.ones(NX + 3)*const.Te0
    pe_anal    = const.kB * const.Te0 * k*np.cos(k*B_nodes)         # Analytic solution at nodes 
    grad_P_anal= const.kB * const.Te0 * k*np.cos(k*x)               # Highly sampled output (derivative)

    # Finite differences
    grad_PB, grad_P     = fields.get_grad_P(qn_input, te_input, DX=dx)
    r2 = r_squared(grad_P[1:-2], pe_anal[1:-2])
    ## PLOT ##
    plot = False
    if plot == True:
        plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
        marker_size = None
        plt.plot(x, grad_P_anal, linestyle=':', c='b', label='Analytic Solution')
        plt.scatter(B_nodes, pe_anal, marker='o', c='k', s=marker_size, label='Node Solution')
        plt.scatter(B_nodes, grad_PB, marker='x', c='b', s=marker_size, label='Finite Difference (on B)')
        plt.scatter(E_nodes, grad_P, marker='x', c='r', s=marker_size, label='Finite Difference (on E)')
        plt.title(r'Test of $\nabla p_e$')
        for kk in range(NX + 3):
            plt.axvline(E_nodes[kk], linestyle='--', c='r', alpha=0.2)
            plt.axvline(B_nodes[kk], linestyle='--', c='b', alpha=0.2)
            plt.axvline(xmin, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)
            plt.axvline(xmax, linestyle='-', c='k', alpha=0.2)
        plt.gcf().text(0.15, 0.93, '$R^2 = %.4f$' % r2)
        plt.xlim(xmin - 1.5*dx, xmax + 2*dx)
Exemplo n.º 2
def set_equilibrium_te0(q_dens, Te0):
    Modifies the initial Te array to allow grad(P_e) = grad(nkT) = 0
    Iterative? Analytic?
    NOTE: Removed factors 2dx from qdens_gradient and m_arr, since they cancel out
    Note: Could probably calculate Te0 from some sort of density/temperature relationship
    with the ions, rather than defining it a priori, for now it should be ok (set via beta
    same as cold ions)
    qdens_gradient = np.zeros(NC    , dtype=np.float64)
    # Get density gradient: Central differencing, internal points
    for ii in nb.prange(1, NC - 1):
        qdens_gradient[ii] = (q_dens[ii + 1] - q_dens[ii - 1])
    # Forwards/Backwards difference at physical boundaries (In this case, the gradient will be zero)
    qdens_gradient[0]      = 0
    qdens_gradient[NC - 1] = 0
    m_arr = (qdens_gradient/q_dens)
    # Construct solution array to work out Te
    soln_array = np.zeros((NC, NC), dtype=np.float64)
    ans_arr    = np.zeros(NC, dtype=np.float64)
    # Construct central points (Centered finite difference with constant)
    for ii in range(1, NC-1):
        soln_array[ii, ii - 1] = -1.0
        soln_array[ii, ii    ] =  1.0 * m_arr[ii]
        soln_array[ii, ii + 1] =  1.0
    # Enter boundary points : Neumann boundary conditions
    soln_array[0, 0]           = 1.0
    soln_array[NC - 1, NC - 1] = 1.0
    ans_arr[0]      = Te0_scalar
    ans_arr[NC - 1] = Te0_scalar
    Te0[:] = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(soln_array), ans_arr)
    if False:
        # Test: This should be zero if working
        grad_P   = np.zeros(NC    , dtype=np.float64)
        temp     = np.zeros(NC + 1, dtype=np.float64)
        fields.get_grad_P(q_dens, Te0, grad_P, temp)
        import sys
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 10))
        axes[0].set_title('Initial Temp/Dens with zero derivative at ND-NX interface')
        axes[0].plot(q_dens / (q*ne))
        axes[0].set_ylabel('ne / ne0')
        axes[3].set_xlabel('Cell number')