def main():
    definition of main scripting file for debugging purposes.
    # time the execution
    starttime = time()
    # in the serial version, lets just set rank=0 
    rank = 0
    #---------------SET PARAMETERS -----------
    if rank == 0: print "Setting up umbrella sampling parameters."
    params = {}
    # set the scratch directory for the calculation files
    params['scratchdir'] = "/Users/jtempkin/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/neus/debug_US"
    params['inputFilename'] = "/Users/jtempkin/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/neus/input.diala"
    params['logFilename'] = params['scratchdir'] + "/log"
    # here we will set the umbrella sampling parameters in the params dict
    params['ncells'] = 144
    params['cellWidth'] = 15
    params['nwalkers'] = 1
    params['walkerSteps'] = 50000
    params['stepLength'] = 10
    params['Ftype'] = 'transition'
    # lets set the dynamics parameters that are needed to specify the walker 
    params['temperature'] = 310.0
    params['timestep'] = 1.0

    #--------------- INITIALIZATION--------
    # only allow root rank to build files
    if rank == 0: 
        print "Building scratch directory."
        # construct the wkdir. This is where the intermediate dynamcs files will 
        # be written. 

    # construct the umbrella data structure
    if rank == 0: print "Initializing the umbrella structure."
    # create the partition object 
    system = partition.partition(params['ncells'])

    # now we construct the umbrella windows
    if rank == 0: print "Building the umbrellas."
    # specify the list of boundaries, nboxes, 1/2 width of the windows
    umbParams = {}
    # right now, we will hardcode a 12x12 array using Erik's routine for gridding a space
    umbParams['cvrange'] = np.array([map(float,entry.split(",")) for entry in "-180,180,12,15;-180,180,12,15".split(";")])
    umbParams['wrapping'] = np.array(map(float, "1,1".split(',')))
    system.umbrellas = fileIO.createUmbrellas(umbParams)
    # build neighbor list
    #----------------INITIALIZE THE ENTRY POINTS FROM FILE------------
    # now we provide a data structure for entrypoints for each umbrella:
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        system.umbrellas[i].entryPoints = []
    # now load each entry point file from the data base and load as an array of
    # ctypes pointers
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        # load the numpy array
        data = np.load("entryPoints/in_" + str(i) + "_w0.entryPoints.npy")
        # now add each as a ctypes points to the entry points library
        for j in range(data.shape[0]):
    #------------ GENERATE INITIAL ENTRY POINTS --------------
    # sample umbrellas and construct F
    if rank == 0: print "Seeding entry points from a conventional simulation."
    # this 
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        print i
        print "starting walker"
        # lets instantiate a walker object to sample this window. 
        wlkr = lammpsWalker.lammpsWalker(params['inputFilename'])
        print "minimize"
        # minimize structure prior to dynamics
        # set the dynamics to sample by langevin
        wlkr.command("fix 1 all nve")
        wlkr.command("fix 2 all langevin 310.0 310.0 30.0 20874")
        print "setting colvars"
        # set colvars for this walker (currently, alanine dipeptide dihedrals)
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 5, 7, 9, 15])
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 7, 9, 15, 17]) 
        # set an array of starting/stoping restraints for equilibration
        restraint = [[0.0, 100.0], [0.0, 100.0]]
        # now specify colvars to dynamics routines
        # equilibrate the walker to the target point in CV space
        wlkr.equilibrate(system.umbrellas[i].center, restraint, 100000)
        # enter the sampling routine. This sampling routine will simply generate the initial 
        # entry point distribution 
            system.sample(wlkr, params['walkerSteps'], i, 0, params, rank)
        except errors.DynamicsError:
            print "Rank", rank, "sampling error occured in umbrella", i, "."

        # now we are done populating the samples array, close the walker
    # now we write out the entrypoints for each umbrella:
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):['scratchdir'] + "/in_" + str(i) + "_w0.entryPoints", system.umbrellas[i].entryPoints)
    #----------------MAIN LOOP----------------
    if rank == 0: print "Sampling via NEUS." 
    # this 
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        print "Rank", rank, "sampling umbrella", i, "."
        # lets instantiate a walker object to sample this window. 

        wlkr = lammpsWalker.lammpsWalker(params['inputFilename'], params['logFilename'], index=i)
        # set the dynamics to sample by langevin
        wlkr.command("fix 1 all nve")
        # the langevin fix here sets the temperature to 310K and the friction
        # coefficient to 30 ps-1
        wlkr.command("fix 2 all langevin " + " ".join([str(params['temperature']), str(params['temperature'])]) + " 30.0 20874")    
        # set colvars for this walker (currently, alanine dipeptide dihedrals)
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 5, 7, 9, 15])
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 7, 9, 15, 17]) 

        # now specify colvars to dynamics routines

        # now we initialize the starting coordinates from the entry points library
        temp_indx = random.randint(0, len(system.umbrellas[i].entryPoints)-1)
        print system.umbrellas[i].entryPoints[temp_indx], temp_indx
        print wlkr.lmp
        wlkr.command("run 0 post no")
        print "drawing velocities"
        # draw the velocities uniformly for now
        wlkr.drawVel(distType = 'gaussian', temperature = params['temperature'])
        # enter the sampling routine. This sampling routine will simply generate the initial 
        # entry point distribution 
            system.sampleNeus(wlkr, params['walkerSteps'], i, 0, params, rank)
        except errors.DynamicsError:
            print "Rank", rank, "sampling error occurred in umbrella", i, "."
        # now we are done populating the samples array, close the walker
        del wlkr

    #----------------WRITE OUT DATA-------------
    # now allow rank 0 to process data. 
    if rank == 0:
        print system.F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.F, params['scratchdir'] + "/F.out")
        print "Entering eigenvalue routine."
        # solve eigenvalue problem for F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.z, params['scratchdir'] + "/z.out")
        print "Computing the sensitivities."
        bounds = system.getlogBound(system.F)
        fileIO.writeMat(bounds, params['scratchdir'] + "/bounds.out")

    # now we will perform an analysis of the data and increase sampling of 
    # windows with high variance

    if rank == 0:
        print "Done!"
        print "Total wallclock time was: " + str(time() - starttime) + " seconds."

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    definition of main scripting file for debugging purposes.
    # time the execution
    starttime = time()
    #--------------MPI INIT---------------------
    # init communicator
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    # get proc rank 
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()
    #---------------READ PARAMETERS -----------
    if rank == 0: print "Reading input."
    sysParams = {}

    fileIO.readSysInput(sys.argv[1], sysParams, trustMe = True)

    if rank == 0: print "Read from ", sys.argv[1]

    #--------------- INITIALIZATION--------
    # only allow root rank to build files
    if rank == 0: 
        print "Building working directory."
        # construct the wkdir. This is where the intermediate dynamcs files will 
        # be written. 

    # construct the umbrella data structure
    if rank == 0: print "Initializing the umbrella structure."
    system = basisFunctions.partition(sysParams['ncells'])

    if rank == 0: print "Building the umbrellas."
    system.umbrellas = fileIO.createUmbrellas(sysParams)

    #------------ MAIN LOOP --------------
    # sample umbrellas and construct F
    if rank == 0: print "Entering main loop."
    for i in range(rank, len(system.umbrellas), nprocs):
        print "Rank", rank, "sampling umbrella", i, "."
            system.sample(sysParams['walkerSteps'], i, 0, sysParams, rank)
        except errors.DynamicsError:
            print "Rank", rank, "sampling error occured in umbrella", i, "."

        # now analyze the time series generated using the acor function
        for j in range(system.F.shape[1]):
            tau, mean, sigma = system.computeAcor(system.umbrellas[i].basisFnxTimeSeries[j])
            system.F_error[i][j] = sigma
    #-----------------MPI COMMUNICATION------------
    # now reduce the F matrix at root, first making a send buffer, 
    system.Fbuff = copy.deepcopy(system.F)
    comm.Reduce([system.Fbuff, MPI.DOUBLE], [system.F, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0)
    # also share the F_error matrix
    system.F_error_buff = copy.deepcopy(system.F_error)
    comm.Reduce([system.F_error_buff, MPI.DOUBLE], [system.F_error, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0)
    # issue a global MPI barrier to ensure data has been recieved. 
    #----------------WRITE OUT DATA-------------
    # now allow rank 0 to process data. 
    if rank == 0:
        print system.F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.F, sysParams['wkdir'] + "/F.out")
        print "Entering eigenvalue routine."
        # solve eigenvalue problem for F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.z, sysParams['wkdir'] + "/z.out")
        print "Computing the sensitivities."
        bounds = system.getlogBound(system.F)
        fileIO.writeMat(bounds, sysParams['wkdir'] + "/bounds.out")

    # now we will perform an analysis of the data and increase sampling of 
    # windows with high variance

    if rank == 0:
        print "Done!"
        print "Total wallclock time was: " + str(time() - starttime) + " seconds."

    return 0
def main():
    definition of main scripting file for debugging purposes.
    # time the execution
    starttime = time()
    # in the serial version, lets just set rank=0 
    rank = 0
    #---------------SET PARAMETERS -----------
    if rank == 0: print "Setting up umbrella sampling parameters."
    params = {}
    # set the scratch directory for the calculation files
    params['scratchdir'] = "/Users/jtempkin/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/umbrella_sampling/debug_US"
    params['inputFilename'] = "/Users/jtempkin/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/umbrella_sampling/input.diala"
    # here we will set the umbrella sampling parameters in the params dict
    params['ncells'] = 144
    params['cellWidth'] = 60.0
    params['nwalkers'] = 1
    params['walkerSteps'] = 10000
    params['stepLength'] = 10
    params['Ftype'] = 'transition'
    # lets set the dynamics parameters that are needed to specify the walker 
    params['temperature'] = 310.0

    #--------------- INITIALIZATION--------
    # only allow root rank to build files
    if rank == 0: 
        print "Building scratch directory."
        # construct the wkdir. This is where the intermediate dynamcs files will 
        # be written. 

    # construct the umbrella data structure
    if rank == 0: print "Initializing the umbrella structure."
    # create the partition object 
    system = partition.partition(params['ncells'])

    # now we construct the umbrella windows
    if rank == 0: print "Building the umbrellas."
    # specify the list of boundaries, nboxes, 1/2 width of the windows
    umbParams = {}
    # right now, we will hardcore a 12x12 array using Erik's routine for gridding a space
    umbParams['cvrange'] = np.array([map(float,entry.split(",")) for entry in "-180,180,12,30;-180,180,12,30".split(";")])
    umbParams['wrapping'] = np.array(map(float, "1,1".split(',')))
    system.umbrellas = fileIO.createUmbrellas(umbParams)
    #------------ MAIN LOOP --------------
    # sample umbrellas and construct F
    if rank == 0: print "Entering main loop."
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        print "Rank", rank, "sampling umbrella", i, "."
        print "init walker"
        # lets instantiate a walker object to sample this window. 
        wlkr = lammpsWalker.lammpsWalker(params['inputFilename'])
        print "minimize"
        # minimize structure prior to dynamics
        # set the dynamics to sample by langevin
        wlkr.command("fix 1 all nve")
        wlkr.command("fix 2 all langevin 310.0 310.0 30.0 20874")
        # set colvars for this walker (currently, alanine dipeptide dihedrals)
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 5, 7, 9, 15])
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 7, 9, 15, 17]) 
        # set an array of starting/stoping restraints for equilibration
        restraint = [[0.0, 100.0], [0.0, 100.0]]
        print "setting colvars"
        # now specify colvars to dynamics routines
        print "equilibrating"
        # equilibrate the walker to the target point in CV space
        wlkr.equilibrate(system.umbrellas[i].center, restraint, 100000)

        # enter the sampling routine 
            system.sample(wlkr, params['walkerSteps'], i, 0, params, rank)
        except errors.DynamicsError:
            print "Rank", rank, "sampling error occured in umbrella", i, "."

        # now we are done populating the samples array, close the walker

    #----------------WRITE OUT DATA-------------
    # now allow rank 0 to process data. 
    if rank == 0:
        print system.F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.F, params['wkdir'] + "/F.out")
        print "Entering eigenvalue routine."
        # solve eigenvalue problem for F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.z, params['wkdir'] + "/z.out")
        print "Computing the sensitivities."
        bounds = system.getlogBound(system.F)
        fileIO.writeMat(bounds, params['wkdir'] + "/bounds.out")

    # now we will perform an analysis of the data and increase sampling of 
    # windows with high variance

    if rank == 0:
        print "Done!"
        print "Total wallclock time was: " + str(time() - starttime) + " seconds."

    return 0
def main():
    definition of main scripting file for debugging purposes.
    # time the execution
    starttime = time()
    #--------------MPI INIT---------------------
    # init communicator
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    # get proc rank 
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()
    #---------------SET PARAMETERS -----------
    if rank == 0: print "Setting up umbrella sampling parameters."
    params = {}
    # set the scratch directory for the calculation files
    params['scratchdir'] = "/Users/jeremytempkin/Documents/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/umbrella_sampling/debug_US"
    params['inputFilename'] = "/Users/jtempkin/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/data/input.diala"
    # here we will set the umbrella sampling parameters in the params dict
    params['ncells'] = 3
    params['cellWidth'] = 60.0
    params['nwalkers'] = 1
    params['walkerSteps'] = 1000
    params['stepLength'] = 10
    params['Ftype'] = 'transition'
    # lets set the dynamics parameters that are needed to specify the walker 
    params['inputFilename'] = ''
    params['temperature'] = 310.0

    #--------------- INITIALIZATION--------
    # only allow root rank to build files
    if rank == 0: 
        print "Building scratch directory."
        # construct the wkdir. This is where the intermediate dynamcs files will 
        # be written. 

    # construct the umbrella data structure
    if rank == 0: print "Initializing the umbrella structure."
    # create the partition object 
    system = basisFunctions.partition(params['ncells'])

    # now we construct the umbrella windows
    if rank == 0: print "Building the umbrellas."
    # specify the list of boundaries, nboxes, 1/2 width of the windows
    umbParams = {}
    # right now, we will hardcore a 12x12 array using Erik's routine for gridding a space
    umbParams['cvrange'] = np.array([map(float,entry.split(",")) for entry in "-180,180,12,30;-180,180,12,30".split(";")])
    umbParams['wrapping'] = np.array(map(float, "1,1".split(',')))
    system.umbrellas = fileIO.createUmbrellas(umbParams)
    #------------ MAIN LOOP --------------
    # sample umbrellas and construct F
    if rank == 0: print "Entering main loop."
    for i in range(rank, len(system.umbrellas), nprocs):
        print "Rank", rank, "sampling umbrella", i, "."
        # lets instantiate a walker object to sample this window. 
        wlkr = lammpsWalker.lammpsWalker(params['inputFilename'])
        # minimize structure prior to dynamics
        # set colvars for this walker (currently, alanine dipeptide dihedrals)
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 5, 7, 9, 15])
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 7, 9, 15, 17]) 
        # set an array of starting/stoping restraints for equilibration
        restraint = [[0.0, 10.0], [0.0, 10.0]]
        # now specify colvars to dynamics routines
        # equilibrate the walker to the target point in CV space
        wlkr.equilibrate(system.umbrellas[i].center, restraint, 100000)
        # enter the sampling routine 
            system.sample(wlkr, params['walkerSteps'], i, 0, params, rank)
        except errors.DynamicsError:
            print "Rank", rank, "sampling error occured in umbrella", i, "."
        # now we are done populating the samples array, close the walker
    #-----------------MPI COMMUNICATION------------
    Here we communicate the rows of F to each processor to set up and solve the 
    eigenvalue problem. 

    # now reduce the F matrix at root, first making a send buffer, 
    system.Fbuff = copy.deepcopy(system.F)
    comm.Reduce([system.Fbuff, MPI.DOUBLE], [system.F, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0)
    # also share the F_error matrix
    system.F_error_buff = copy.deepcopy(system.F_error)
    comm.Reduce([system.F_error_buff, MPI.DOUBLE], [system.F_error, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0)
    # issue a global MPI barrier to ensure data has been recieved. 
    #----------------WRITE OUT DATA-------------
    # now allow rank 0 to process data. 
    if rank == 0:
        print system.F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.F, params['wkdir'] + "/F.out")
        print "Entering eigenvalue routine."
        # solve eigenvalue problem for F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.z, params['wkdir'] + "/z.out")
        print "Computing the sensitivities."
        bounds = system.getlogBound(system.F)
        fileIO.writeMat(bounds, params['wkdir'] + "/bounds.out")

    # now we will perform an analysis of the data and increase sampling of 
    # windows with high variance

    if rank == 0:
        print "Done!"
        print "Total wallclock time was: " + str(time() - starttime) + " seconds."

    return 0