Exemplo n.º 1
def rename_analysis_results(analysis):
    """Task for renaming files in file_store after download"""
    logger.debug("analysis_manager.rename_analysis_results called")
    # rename file_store items to new name updated from galaxy file_ids
    analysis_results = AnalysisResult.objects.filter(
    for result in analysis_results:
        # new name to load
        new_file_name = result.file_name
        # workaround for FastQC reports downloaded from Galaxy as zip archives
        (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(new_file_name)
        item = FileStoreItem.objects.get_item(uuid=result.file_store_uuid)
        if ext == '.html' and item.get_filetype() == ZIP:
            new_file_name = root + '.zip'
        rename(result.file_store_uuid, new_file_name)
Exemplo n.º 2
def addIGVSamples(fields, results_samp, annot_samples=None):
    """creates phenotype file for IGV
    :param samples: Solr results for samples to be included
    :type samples: Array.
    :param annot_samples: includes annotation files included with solr results
    :type annot_samples: Array
    # creates human readable indexes of fields to iterate over
    fields_dict = {}
    for i in fields:
        find_index = i.find("_Characteristics_")
        if find_index > -1:
            new_key = i.split("_Characteristics_")[0]
            fields_dict[i] = new_key

    # Creating temp file to enter into file_store
    tempsampname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

    # writing header to sample file
    tempsampname.write("#sampleTable" + "\n")

    # writing column names to sample file
    col_names = "Linking_id"
    for k, v in fields_dict.iteritems():
        col_names = col_names + '\t' + v
    tempsampname.write(col_names + "\n")

    # iterating over sample files
    pheno_results = get_sample_lines(fields_dict, results_samp)

    # if annotations are not null
    if annot_samples:
        pheno_annot = get_sample_lines(fields_dict, annot_samples)

    # closing temp file

    # getting file_store_uuid
    filestore_uuid = create(tempsampname.name, permanent=True, filetype="txt")
    filestore_item = import_file(filestore_uuid, permanent=True, refresh=True)

    # file to rename
    temp_file = filestore_item.datafile.name.split('/')
    temp_file = temp_file[len(temp_file) - 1] + '.txt'

    # rename file by way of file_store
    filestore_item = rename(filestore_uuid, temp_file)

    # getting file information based on file_uuids
    curr_fs = FileStoreItem.objects.get(uuid=filestore_uuid)

    # full path to selected UUID File
    curr_url = get_full_url(curr_fs.get_datafile_url())

    # delete temp file

    return curr_url
def rename_analysis_results(analysis):
    """ Task for renaming files in file_store after download

    logger.debug("analysis_manager.rename_analysis_results called")

    # rename file_store items to new name updated from galaxy file_ids
    #TODO: handle Django exceptions 
    analysis_results = AnalysisResult.objects.filter(analysis_uuid=analysis.uuid)
    for result in analysis_results:
        # new name to load
        new_file_name = result.file_name
        # rename file by way of file_store
        filestore_item = rename(result.file_store_uuid, new_file_name)
Exemplo n.º 4
def rename_analysis_results(analysis):
    """ Task for renaming files in file_store after download

    logger.debug("analysis_manager.rename_analysis_results called")

    # rename file_store items to new name updated from galaxy file_ids
    #TODO: handle Django exceptions
    analysis_results = AnalysisResult.objects.filter(
    for result in analysis_results:
        # new name to load
        new_file_name = result.file_name
        # rename file by way of file_store
        filestore_item = rename(result.file_store_uuid, new_file_name)
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_igv_session(genome, uuids, is_file_uuid=False):
    """ Creates session file for selected file uuids, returns newly created
    filestore uuid
    :param is_file_uuid:
    :param genome: Genome to be used in session file i.e. hg18, dm3
    :type genome: string.
    :param uuids: Array of UUIDs to be used
    :type uuids: array.
    :param uuids: Host URL i.e.
    :type uuids: string
    # Create IGV Session file and put into Filestore

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Global genome="hg18" locus="EGFR" version="3">
            <Resource name="RNA Genes"
            <Resource name="RNA Genes"
            <Resource name="sno/miRNA"
    logger.debug("visualization_manager.create_igv_session called")

    # Create the minidom document
    doc = Document()
    # Create the <wml> base element
    xml = doc.createElement("Global")
    xml.setAttribute("genome", genome)
    xml.setAttribute("locus", "All")
    xml.setAttribute("version", "4")
    # Add Resources
    xml_resources = doc.createElement("Resources")
    # get paths to url
    for samp in uuids:
        # gets filestore item
        curr_name, curr_url = get_file_name(samp, is_file_uuid=is_file_uuid)

        logger.debug('New resource: ' + curr_name + ' - ' + curr_url)

        # What to do if fs does not exist?
        if curr_name:
            # creates Resource element
            res = doc.createElement("Resource")
            res.setAttribute("name", curr_name)
            res.setAttribute("path", curr_url)
    # Creating temp file to enter into file_store
    tempfilename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    tempfilename.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent="  "))
    # getting file_store_uuid
    filestore_uuid = create(tempfilename.name, filetype="xml")
    filestore_item = import_file(filestore_uuid, refresh=True)
    # file to rename
    temp_name = filestore_item.datafile.name.split('/')
    temp_name = temp_name[len(temp_name) - 1] + '.xml'
    # rename file by way of file_store
    filestore_item = rename(filestore_uuid, temp_name)
    # delete temp file
    # Url for session file
    fs_url = get_full_url(filestore_item.get_datafile_url())
    # IGV url for automatic launch of Java Webstart
    igv_url = "http://www.broadinstitute.org/igv/projects/current/igv.php" \
              "?sessionURL=" + fs_url
    return igv_url
Exemplo n.º 6
def add_igv_samples(fields, results_samp, annot_samples=None):
    """creates phenotype file for IGV
    :param samples: Solr results for samples to be included
    :type samples: Array.
    :param annot_samples: includes annotation files included with solr results
    :type annot_samples: Array
    # creates human readable indexes of fields to iterate over
    fields_dict = {}
    for i in fields:
        find_index = i.find("_Characteristics_")
        if find_index > -1:
            new_key = i.split("_Characteristics_")[0]
            fields_dict[i] = new_key

    # Creating temp file to enter into file_store
    temp_sample_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

    # writing header to sample file
    temp_sample_name.write("#sampleTable" + "\n")

    # writing column names to sample file
    col_names = "Linking_id"
    for k, v in fields_dict.iteritems():
        col_names = col_names + '\t' + v
    temp_sample_name.write(col_names + "\n")

    # iterating over sample files
    pheno_results = get_sample_lines(fields_dict, results_samp)
    except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
        logger.error("Could not write results to file: %s. "
                     "Trying again with the content to write encoded "
                     "properly." % e)

    # if annotations are not null
    if annot_samples:
        pheno_annot = get_sample_lines(fields_dict, annot_samples)

    # closing temp file

    # getting file_store_uuid
    filestore_uuid = create(temp_sample_name.name, filetype="txt")
    filestore_item = import_file(filestore_uuid, refresh=True)

    # file to rename
    temp_file = filestore_item.datafile.name.split('/')
    temp_file = temp_file[len(temp_file) - 1] + '.txt'

    # rename file by way of file_store
    filestore_item = rename(filestore_uuid, temp_file)

    # getting file information based on file_uuids
    curr_fs = FileStoreItem.objects.get(uuid=filestore_uuid)

    # full path to selected UUID File
    curr_url = get_full_url(curr_fs.get_datafile_url())

    # delete temp file

    return curr_url
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_igv_session_annot(genome, uuids, annot_uuids=None, samp_file=None):
    """Creates session file for selected file uuids, returns newly created
    filestore uuid
    :param genome: Genome to be used in session file i.e. hg18, dm3
    :type genome: string.
    :param uuids: Array of UUIDs to be used
    :type uuids: array.
    :param uuids: Host URL i.e.
    :type uuids: string
    # Create IGV Session file and put into Filestore

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Global genome="hg18" locus="EGFR" version="3">
            <Resource name="RNA Genes"
            <Resource name="RNA Genes"
            <Resource name="sno/miRNA"
    # Create the minidom document
    doc = Document()
    # Create the <wml> base element
    xml = doc.createElement("Global")
    xml.setAttribute("genome", genome)
    xml.setAttribute("locus", "All")
    xml.setAttribute("version", "4")
    # Add Resources
    xml_resources = doc.createElement("Resources")
    # adding selected samples to xml file
    add_igv_resource(uuids["node_uuid"], xml_resources, doc)
    if annot_uuids:
        # adding selected samples to xml file
        add_igv_resource(annot_uuids["node_uuid"], xml_resources, doc)
    # adds sample information file to IGV session file
    if samp_file:
        # <Resource name="Sample Information"
        # path="http://igv.broadinstitute.org/data/hg18/tcga/gbm/gbmsubtypes/sampleTable.txt.gz"/>
        # creates Resource element
        res = doc.createElement("Resource")
        res.setAttribute("name", "Sample Information")
        res.setAttribute("path", samp_file)
    # <HiddenAttributes>
    #    <Attribute name="DATA FILE"/>
    #    <Attribute name="Linking_id"/>
    #    <Attribute name="DATA TYPE"/>
    # </HiddenAttributes>
    # Adding parameters to hide basic unnecessary sample info
    hidden_attr = doc.createElement("HiddenAttributes")

    attr = doc.createElement("Attribute")
    attr.setAttribute("name", "DATA FILE")

    attr = doc.createElement("Attribute")
    attr.setAttribute("name", "Linking_id")

    attr = doc.createElement("Attribute")
    attr.setAttribute("name", "DATA TYPE")

    # Creating temp file to enter into file_store
    tempfilename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    tempfilename.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent="  "))

    # getting file_store_uuid
    filestore_uuid = create(tempfilename.name, filetype="xml")
    filestore_item = import_file(filestore_uuid, refresh=True)

    # file to rename
    temp_name = filestore_item.datafile.name.split('/')
    temp_name = temp_name[len(temp_name) - 1] + '.xml'

    # rename file by way of file_store
    filestore_item = rename(filestore_uuid, temp_name)

    # delete temp file

    # Url for session file
    sessionfile_url = get_full_url(filestore_item.get_datafile_url())

    # IGV url for automatic launch of Java Webstart
    igv_url = "http://www.broadinstitute.org/igv/projects/current/igv.php" \
              "?sessionURL=" + sessionfile_url

    return igv_url
def createIGVsession(genome, uuids, is_file_uuid=False):
    """ Creates session file for selected file uuids, returns newly created filestore uuid 
    :param genome: Genome to be used in session file i.e. hg18, dm3
    :type genome: string.
    :param uuids: Array of UUIDs to be used
    :type uuids: array.
    :param uuids: Host URL i.e.
    :type uuids: string
    # Create IGV Session file and put into Filestore
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Global genome="hg18" locus="EGFR" version="3">
            <Resource name="RNA Genes" path="http://www.broadinstitute.org/igvdata/tcga/gbm/GBM_batch1-8_level3_exp.txt.recentered.080820.gct.tdf"/>
            <Resource name="RNA Genes" path="http://www.broadinstitute.org/igvdata/annotations/hg18/rna_genes.bed"/>
            <Resource name="sno/miRNA" path="http://www.broadinstitute.org/igvdata/tcga/gbm/Sample_info.txt"/>
    logger.debug("visualization_manager.createIGVsession called")
    # Create the minidom document
    doc = Document()
    # Create the <wml> base element
    xml = doc.createElement("Global")
    xml.setAttribute("genome", genome)
    xml.setAttribute("locus", "All")
    xml.setAttribute("version", "4")
    # Add Resources
    xml_resources = doc.createElement("Resources")
    # get paths to url 
    for samp in uuids:
        # gets filestore item 
        curr_name, curr_url = get_file_name(samp, is_file_uuid=is_file_uuid)

        logger.debug( 'New resource: ' + curr_name + ' - ' +  curr_url )
        # What to do if fs does not exist? 
        if (curr_name):
            # creates Resource element 
            res = doc.createElement("Resource")
            res.setAttribute("name", curr_name)
            res.setAttribute("path", curr_url)
    # Creating temp file to enter into file_store
    tempfilename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    tempfilename.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent="  "))
    # getting file_store_uuid
    filestore_uuid = create(tempfilename.name, permanent=True, filetype="xml")
    filestore_item = import_file(filestore_uuid, permanent=True, refresh=True)
    # file to rename
    temp_name = filestore_item.datafile.name.split('/')
    temp_name = temp_name[len(temp_name)-1] + '.xml'
    # rename file by way of file_store
    filestore_item = rename(filestore_uuid, temp_name)
    # delete temp file
    # Print our newly created XML
    #print doc.toprettyxml(indent="  ")
    #print filestore_item.datafile.url
    # Url for session file 
    fs_url = filestore_item.get_full_url()
    # IGV url for automatic launch of Java Webstart
    igv_url = "http://www.broadinstitute.org/igv/projects/current/igv.php?sessionURL=" + fs_url
    return igv_url
Exemplo n.º 9
def addIGVSamples(fields, results_samp, annot_samples=None):
    """ creates phenotype file for IGV 
    :param samples: Solr results for samples to be included 
    :type samples: Array.
    :param annot_samples: includes annotation files included with solr results
    :type annot_samples: Array
    #logger.debug("visualization_manager.views addIGVSamples called, fields=%s" % fields)
    # creates human readable indexes of fields to iterate over
    fields_dict = {}
    for i in fields:
        find_index = i.find("_Characteristics_")
        if find_index > -1:
            new_key = i.split("_Characteristics_")[0]
            fields_dict[i] = new_key
    # Creating temp file to enter into file_store
    tempsampname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    # writing header to sample file 
    tempsampname.write("#sampleTable" + "\n")
    # writing column names to sample file 
    col_names = "Linking_id"
    for k,v in fields_dict.iteritems():
        col_names = col_names + '\t' + v
    tempsampname.write(col_names + "\n")
    # iterating over sample files 
    pheno_results = get_sample_lines(fields_dict, results_samp)
    # if annotations are not null
    if annot_samples:
        #results_annot = annot_samples["response"]["docs"]
        pheno_annot = get_sample_lines(fields_dict, annot_samples)
    # closing temp file 

    # getting file_store_uuid
    filestore_uuid = create(tempsampname.name, permanent=True, filetype="txt")
    filestore_item = import_file(filestore_uuid, permanent=True, refresh=True)
    # file to rename
    temp_file = filestore_item.datafile.name.split('/')
    temp_file = temp_file[len(temp_file)-1] + '.txt'
    # rename file by way of file_store
    filestore_item = rename(filestore_uuid, temp_file)
    # getting file information based on file_uuids
    curr_fs = FileStoreItem.objects.get(uuid=filestore_uuid)
    curr_name = curr_fs.datafile.name
    # full path to selected UUID File
    curr_url = curr_fs.get_full_url()
    # delete temp file
    return curr_url
Exemplo n.º 10
def createIGVsessionAnnot(genome, uuids, annot_uuids=None, samp_file=None):
    """ Creates session file for selected file uuids, returns newly created filestore uuid 
    :param genome: Genome to be used in session file i.e. hg18, dm3
    :type genome: string.
    :param uuids: Array of UUIDs to be used
    :type uuids: array.
    :param uuids: Host URL i.e.
    :type uuids: string
    # Create IGV Session file and put into Filestore
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Global genome="hg18" locus="EGFR" version="3">
            <Resource name="RNA Genes" path="http://www.broadinstitute.org/igvdata/tcga/gbm/GBM_batch1-8_level3_exp.txt.recentered.080820.gct.tdf"/>
            <Resource name="RNA Genes" path="http://www.broadinstitute.org/igvdata/annotations/hg18/rna_genes.bed"/>
            <Resource name="sno/miRNA" path="http://www.broadinstitute.org/igvdata/tcga/gbm/Sample_info.txt"/>
    #logger.debug("visualization_manager.views createIGVsessionAnnot called")
    # Create the minidom document
    doc = Document()
    # Create the <wml> base element
    xml = doc.createElement("Global")
    xml.setAttribute("genome", genome)
    xml.setAttribute("locus", "All")
    xml.setAttribute("version", "4")
    # Add Resources
    xml_resources = doc.createElement("Resources")
    # adding selected samples to xml file
    addIGVResource(uuids["node_uuid"], xml_resources, doc)
    if annot_uuids:
        # adding selected samples to xml file
        addIGVResource(annot_uuids["node_uuid"], xml_resources, doc)
    # adds sample information file to IGV session file 
    if samp_file:
        #<Resource name="Sample Information" path="http://igv.broadinstitute.org/data/hg18/tcga/gbm/gbmsubtypes/sampleTable.txt.gz"/>
        # creates Resource element 
        res = doc.createElement("Resource")
        res.setAttribute("name", "Sample Information")
        res.setAttribute("path", samp_file)
    #    <Attribute name="DATA FILE"/>
    #    <Attribute name="Linking_id"/>
    #    <Attribute name="DATA TYPE"/>
    # Adding parameters to hide basic unnecessary sample info
    hidden_attr = doc.createElement("HiddenAttributes")
    attr = doc.createElement("Attribute")
    attr.setAttribute("name", "DATA FILE")
    attr = doc.createElement("Attribute")
    attr.setAttribute("name", "Linking_id")
    attr = doc.createElement("Attribute")
    attr.setAttribute("name", "DATA TYPE")
    # Creating temp file to enter into file_store
    tempfilename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    tempfilename.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent="  "))
    # getting file_store_uuid
    filestore_uuid = create(tempfilename.name, permanent=True, filetype="xml")
    filestore_item = import_file(filestore_uuid, permanent=True, refresh=True)
    # file to rename
    temp_name = filestore_item.datafile.name.split('/')
    temp_name = temp_name[len(temp_name)-1] + '.xml'
    # rename file by way of file_store
    filestore_item = rename(filestore_uuid, temp_name)
    # delete temp file
    # Print our newly created XML
    #logger.info( doc.toprettyxml(indent="  "))
    #print filestore_item.datafile.url
    # Url for session file 
    fs_url = filestore_item.get_full_url()
    # IGV url for automatic launch of Java Webstart
    igv_url = "http://www.broadinstitute.org/igv/projects/current/igv.php?sessionURL=" + fs_url
    return igv_url
Exemplo n.º 11
def add_igv_samples(fields, results_samp, annot_samples=None):
    """creates phenotype file for IGV
    :param samples: Solr results for samples to be included
    :type samples: Array.
    :param annot_samples: includes annotation files included with solr results
    :type annot_samples: Array
    # creates human readable indexes of fields to iterate over
    fields_dict = {}
    for i in fields:
        find_index = i.find("_Characteristics_")
        if find_index > -1:
            new_key = i.split("_Characteristics_")[0]
            fields_dict[i] = new_key

    # Creating temp file to enter into file_store
    temp_sample_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

    # writing header to sample file
    temp_sample_name.write("#sampleTable" + "\n")

    # writing column names to sample file
    col_names = "Linking_id"
    for k, v in fields_dict.iteritems():
        col_names = col_names + "\t" + v
    temp_sample_name.write(col_names + "\n")

    # iterating over sample files
    pheno_results = get_sample_lines(fields_dict, results_samp)
    except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
            "Could not write results to file: %s. " "Trying again with the content to write encoded " "properly.", e

    # if annotations are not null
    if annot_samples:
        pheno_annot = get_sample_lines(fields_dict, annot_samples)

    # closing temp file

    # getting file_store_uuid
    filestore_uuid = create(temp_sample_name.name, filetype="txt")
    filestore_item = import_file(filestore_uuid, refresh=True)

    # file to rename
    temp_file = filestore_item.datafile.name.split("/")
    temp_file = temp_file[len(temp_file) - 1] + ".txt"

    # rename file by way of file_store
    filestore_item = rename(filestore_uuid, temp_file)

    # getting file information based on file_uuids
    curr_fs = FileStoreItem.objects.get(uuid=filestore_uuid)

    # full path to selected UUID File
    curr_url = get_full_url(curr_fs.get_datafile_url())

    # delete temp file

    return curr_url