Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_read_file_wrong_file_name(self):
        captured_output = StringIO()  # Create StringIO object
        sys.stdout = captured_output  # and redirect stdout.
        file_to_data = FileToData()
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        actual_output = captured_output.getvalue()
        expected_output = "Your given python file does not exist in the current directory or your input " \
                          "arguments were wrong. The file name should be [py_file_name.py]. Please try again!\n"

        actual_output = 0

        expected_output = 0
        self.assertEqual(actual_output, expected_output)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def create_image_algor(self, file_name):
        python_file_name = self.val_name_builder.get_python_file_name()
        png_file_name = self.val_name_builder.get_image_file_name()
        if path.exists(python_file_name):
            num_of_classes = 0
            num_of_functions = 0
            file_to_data = FileToData()
            num_of_classes = len(file_to_data.tree.body)

            print("---There are " + str(num_of_classes) +
                  " classes.-------------------")
            print("-----The classes are: -------------------")
            for my_class in file_to_data.tree.body:
                print("-------" + my_class.name + " class")
            for my_class in file_to_data.tree.body:
                print("---------The " + my_class.name + " class has " +
                      str(len(my_class.body)) + " functions")
                num_of_functions += len(my_class.body)
                print("-----------The functions in " + my_class.name +
                      " class are ")
                for my_function in my_class.body:
                    print("---------------" + my_function.name + " function")
            print("total number of classes is " + str(num_of_classes))
            print("total number of functions is " + str(num_of_functions))
            types_x = ["class", "function"]
            x_pos = np.arange(len(types_x))
            num_y = [num_of_classes, num_of_functions]
            plt.bar(x_pos, num_y, align='center', alpha=0.5)
            plt.xticks(x_pos, types_x)
            plt.ylabel('Total Numbers')
            plt.title('Total Numbers of classes and functions')
            print("Your given python file does not exist in "
                  "the current directory ")
            print("or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
            print("should be [py_file_name.py]. ")
            print("Please try again!")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_show_ast_nodes(self):
        captured_output = StringIO()  # Create StringIO object
        sys.stdout = captured_output  # and redirect stdout.
        file_to_data = FileToData()
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        actual_output = captured_output.getvalue()
        expected_output = "Module(body=[ClassDef(name='Car', bases=[], keywords=[], body=[FunctionDef(" \
                          "name='__init__', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None), " \
                          "arg(arg='num', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], " \
                          "kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', " \
                          "ctx=Load()), attr='door', ctx=Store())], value=Call(func=Name(id='Door', ctx=Load()), " \
                          "args=[Num(n=1)], keywords=[])), Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', " \
                          "ctx=Load()), attr='wheel', ctx=Store())], value=Call(func=Name(id='Wheel', ctx=Load()), " \
                          "args=[Num(n=1)], keywords=[]))], decorator_list=[], returns=None), FunctionDef(" \
                          "name='is_sold', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None)], vararg=None, " \
                          "kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name" \
                          "(id='print', ctx=Load()), args=[Str(s='this car is sold')], keywords=[]))], d" \
                          "ecorator_list=[], returns=None)], decorator_list=[]), ClassDef(name='Door', " \
                          "bases=[], keywords=[], body=[FunctionDef(name='__init__', args=arguments(args=" \
                          "[arg(arg='self', annotation=None), arg(arg='num', annotation=None)], vararg=None, " \
                          "kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Assign(targets=" \
                          "[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='number', ctx=Store())], " \
                          "value=Name(id='num', ctx=Load()))], decorator_list=[], returns=None)], " \
                          "decorator_list=[]), ClassDef(name='Wheel', bases=[], keywords=[], body=[FunctionDef" \
                          "(name='__init__', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None), " \
                          "arg(arg='num', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], " \
                          "kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', " \
                          "ctx=Load()), attr='number', ctx=Store())], value=Name(id='num', ctx=Load()))], " \
                          "decorator_list=[], returns=None)], decorator_list=[]), ClassDef(name='Taxi', " \
                          "bases=[Name(id='Car', ctx=Load())], keywords=[], body=[FunctionDef(name='__init__', " \
                          "args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], " \
                          "kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='super', " \
                          "ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[])), Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', " \
                          "ctx=Load()), attr='color', ctx=Store())], value=Str(s='red'))], decorator_list=[], " \
                          "returns=None)], decorator_list=[])])\n"

        self.assertEqual(actual_output, expected_output)
Exemplo n.º 4
class MyCli(Cmd):
    """Command line interpreter for generating UML class diagram"""

    # Harry's work
    def __init__(self, my_name=">"):
        Cmd.__init__(self, my_name)
        self.my_name = my_name
        self.prompt = ">>" + my_name + ">> "
        self.file_to_data = FileToData()

    # Matt's work
    def do_exit(self):  # delete
        # exit the application.
        print('Exiting Program...')
        return True

    # Matt's work
    def help_exit(self):
        print('Exit the application.')

    # Matt's work
    def do_diagram(self, inp):
        image_name = input('Image name/type:')
        MyCreator(image_name, inp).create_diagram()

    # Matt's work
    def help_diagram(self):
            'Create a class diagram. Enter file location of py/dot file, then enter name/type of image.'

    # Matt's work
    def do_deletediagram(self, inp):
        MyCreator(inp, 'pass').delete_diagram()

    # Matt's work
    def help_deletediagram(self):
        print('Deletes a diagram')

    # Matt's work
    def do_pickle(self, inp):
        MyPickle(inp, input('name of pickle file: ')).make_pickle()

    # Matt's work
    def help_pickle(self):
            'pickle [filename], enter file to pickle then the name of the pickle file'

    # Matt's work
    def do_unpickle(self, inp):
        MyPickle('a', inp).make_pickle()

    # Matt's work
    def help_unpickle(self):
            'unpickle [picklefilename], enter the name of a text file that has been pickled'

    # Matt's work
    def do_deletepickle(self, inp):
        MyPickle('pass', inp).delete_pickle()

    # Matt's work
    def help_deletepickle(self):
        print('Deletes a pickle file')

    # Matt's work
    def do_createtable(self, inp):

    # Matt's work
    def help_createtable(self):
            'createtable [TABLE_NAME], creates a table with: file_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, file_name VARCHAR(30),'
            'file_content VARCHAR(999) ')

    # Matt's work
    def do_addtotable(self, inp):
        f_number = input('File number: ')
            val = int(f_number)
            MyDatabase().add_data(inp, val, input('File name: '),
                                  input('File content: '))
        except ValueError:
            print('Please input a integer!')

    # Matt's work
    def help_addtotable(self):
        print('addtotable [TABLE_NAME], adds data to specified table')

    # Matt's work
    def do_showtable(self, inp):

    # Matt's work
    def help_showtable(self):
        print('showtable [TABLE_NAME], shows data held within specified table')

    # Matt's work
    def do_deletetable(self, inp):

    # Matt's work
    def help_deletetable(self):
        print('deletetable [TABLE_NAME], deletes specified table')

    # Matt's work
    def do_closedb(self):

    # Matt's work
    def help_closedb(self):
        print('Closes current open database')

    # Matt's work
    def do_deletedb(self):

    # Matt's work
    def help_deletedb(self):
        print('Deletes current database')

    # Matt's work
    def default(self, inp):
        print(inp + ' is an incorrect command. Type ? to list commands.')

#John's work

    def help_help(self):
        message = 'Commands help.'

    #John's work
    def do_help(self, args):
        """Get help on commands"""
        cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, args)

    #John's work
    def do_create(self, source_file):
        """Generate dot file."""
            if os.path.exists(source_file):
                args = shlex.split('-o dot -p result source_file.py')
                subprocess.call(['pyreverse'] + args)
                print('Dot File is ready please check folder.')
                message = "Process has failed."
                raise NameError(message)

        except NameError as e:

    def help_create(self):
        message = 'Make source py file into dot file. Example: create source_file.py'

    def do_check_dot(self, classes_result):
        """Checks if dot file exists"""
            if os.path.exists(classes_result):
                print(classes_result + ' is ready to be converted')
                message = "the dot file does not exist"
                raise NameError(message)

        except NameError as e:

    def help_check_dot(self):
        message = 'Checks if dot file exists. Example: check_dot classes_result.dot'

    def do_dot(self, classes_result):
        """Turn dot file into png file."""
            if os.path.exists(classes_result):
                args = shlex.split(' -Tpng -O classes_result.dot')
                subprocess.call(['dot'] + args)
                print('the conversion is done')

                message = "the dot file failed to be converted to png.."

        except Exception as err:
            print("Failed, the error is: ", err)

    def help_dot(self):
        message = 'Turn dot file into png file. Example: dot classes_result.dot'

    def do_make_shelve(self, inp):
        """Create shelf!"""
        shelve_create.Shelf(inp, input('name of file to shelf: ')).make_shelf()

    def help_make_shelve(self):
        message = 'make_shelve then press enter, then enter the name of the file shelved [example: cli.py]'

    def do_existing_shelve(self, inp):
        """Access data!"""
            inp, input('name of shelf file to access: ')).existing_shelf()

    def help_existing_shelve(self):
        message = 'existing_shelve then press enter, then enter the name of the shelved file to access'

    def run_pyreverse(self):
        """run pyreverse"""
        from pylint.pyreverse.main import Run

    # Harry's work
    def do_pyr_class_diagram(self, file_names):
        """Generate and display a class diagram in png format from given [png_file_name_suffix py_file_name.py]"""
        self.file_names = file_names
        python_file_name = file_names[(file_names.find(" ") + 1):]
        png_file_name = 'classes_' + file_names[0:(
            file_names.find(" "))] + '.png'
            if path.exists(python_file_name):
                pyreverse_command = 'pyreverse -ASmn -o png -p ' + file_names
                print(file_names + ' are done')

                if path.exists(png_file_name):
                    # show png image
                    img = mpimg.imread(png_file_name)
                    fig = plt.imshow(img)
                    print("The image of class diagram cannot be generate.")
                    print("Please check with your system administrators.")
                    "Your given python file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments "
                    "should be [png_file_name_suffix py_file_name.py]. "
                    "Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_pyr_class_diagram(self):
            'Generate and display a class diagram in png format from a given python file',
            'Syntax: pyr_class_diagram [output png file name suffix] '
            '[input source code file name.py])'

    # Harry's work
    def do_read_source_file(self, file_name):
        """This function extract data from the given python file to be an ast node.
        The file name should be [py_file_name.py]. The node will display as an indication of extraction"""
            if path.exists(file_name):
                    "The ast nodes below has been read from the given python file, "
                    + file_name + ":")
                    "Your given python file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [py_file_name.py]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_read_source_file(self):
            'Extract data from the given python file to be an ast node',
            'Syntax: read_source_file [input source code file name.py]'

    # Harry's work
    def do_validate_class_contents(self, file_name):
        """Validate, list and display class names, function names and the total numbers of them
        in the given python file. Class and function names are displayed in command line.
        Total numbers of classes and functions are displayed in a bar graph.
        Syntax: validate_class_contents [input source code file name.py]"""

        # sample: validate_class_contents test.py
        num_of_classes = 0
        num_of_functions = 0
            if path.exists(file_name):
                num_of_classes = len(self.file_to_data.tree.body)
                print("---There are " + str(num_of_classes) +
                      " classes.-------------------")
                print("-----The classes are: -------------------")
                for my_class in self.file_to_data.tree.body:
                    print("-------" + my_class.name + " class")
                for my_class in self.file_to_data.tree.body:
                    print("---------The " + my_class.name + " class has " +
                          str(len(my_class.body)) + " functions")
                    num_of_functions += len(my_class.body)
                    print("-----------The functions in " + my_class.name +
                          " class are ")
                    for my_function in my_class.body:
                        print("---------------" + my_function.name +
                              " function")
                print("total number of classes is " + str(num_of_classes))
                print("total number of functions is " + str(num_of_functions))
                # for my_function in my_class.body:
                #     if my_function.name == "__init__":
                #         print("---------The " + my_class.name + " class has " + str(
                #             len(my_function.body)) + " attributes")
                #         print("-----------The attributes in " + my_class.name + " class are ")
                #         for my_attribute in my_function.body:
                #             print("---------------" + my_attribute.targets[0].attr + " attribute")

                # types_x = ["class", "function"]
                # num_y = [num_of_classes, num_of_functions]
                # plt.plot(types_x, num_y, '-b', label="A simple line")
                # plt.legend(loc='upper left')
                # plt.title("Total Numbers of classes and functions")
                # plt.xlabel('Types')
                # plt.ylabel('Total Numbers')
                # plt.show()
                types_x = ["class", "function"]
                x_pos = np.arange(len(types_x))
                num_y = [num_of_classes, num_of_functions]
                plt.bar(x_pos, num_y, align='center', alpha=0.5)
                plt.xticks(x_pos, types_x)
                plt.ylabel('Total Numbers')
                plt.title('Total Numbers of classes and functions')
                    "Your given python file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [py_file_name.py]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_validate_class_contents(self):
            'Validate, list and display class names, function names and the total numbers of them'
            ' in the given python file.',
            'Class and function names are displayed in command line.',
            'Total numbers of classes and functions are displayed in a bar graph.',
            'Syntax: validate_class_contents [input source code file name.py].'

    # Harry's work
    def do_dot_2_png(self, input_dot_file_name):
        """Generate and display png file from the given dot file.
        Syntax: dot_2_png [input dot file name.dot]"""
            if path.exists(input_dot_file_name):
                dot_command = 'dot -Tpng ' + input_dot_file_name + ' -o ' + input_dot_file_name + '.png'
                print(input_dot_file_name + '.png ' + ' are done')
                png_file_name = input_dot_file_name + ".png"
                if path.exists(png_file_name):
                    # show png image
                    img = mpimg.imread(png_file_name)
                    fig = plt.imshow(img)
                    print("The image of class diagram cannot be generate.")
                    print("Please check with your system administrators.")
                    "Your given dot file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [dot_file_name.dot]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_dot_2_png(self):
        """Help for dot_2_png command to generate and display png file from the given dot file.
                Syntax: dot_2_png [input dot file name.dot]"""
            'Generate and display png file from the given dot file.',
            'Syntax: dot_2_png [input dot file name.dot].'

    # Harry's work
    def do_quit(self, line):
        """Exit this command line interpreter"""
        return True

    # Harry's work
    def help_quit(self):
        print("\n".join(['Quit from this CLI', ':return: True']))
Exemplo n.º 5
class MyCli(Cmd):
    """Command line interpreter for generating UML class diagram"""

    # Harry's work
    def __init__(self, my_name=">"):
        Cmd.__init__(self, my_name)
        self.my_name = my_name
        self.prompt = ">>" + my_name + ">> "
        self.file_to_data = FileToData()

    # Matt's work
    def do_exit(self):  # delete
        # exit the application.
        print('Exiting Program...')
        return True

    # Matt's work
    def help_exit(self):
        print('Exit the application.')

    # Matt's work
    def do_diagram(self, inp):
        image_name = input('Image name/type:')
        MyCreator(image_name, inp).create_diagram()

    # Matt's work
    def help_diagram(self):
            'Create a class diagram. Enter file location of py/dot file, then enter name/type of image.'

    # Matt's work
    def do_deletediagram(self, inp):
        MyCreator(inp, 'pass').delete_diagram()

    # Matt's work
    def help_deletediagram(self):
        print('Deletes a diagram')

    # Matt's work
    def do_pickle(self, inp):
        MyPickle(inp, input('name of pickle file: ')).make_pickle()

    # Matt's work
    def help_pickle(self):
            'pickle [filename], enter file to pickle then the name of the pickle file'

    # Matt's work
    def do_unpickle(self, inp):
        MyPickle('a', inp).make_pickle()

    # Matt's work
    def help_unpickle(self):
            'unpickle [picklefilename], enter the name of a text file that has been pickled'

    # Matt's work
    def do_deletepickle(self, inp):
        MyPickle('pass', inp).delete_pickle()

    # Matt's work
    def help_deletepickle(self):
        print('Deletes a pickle file')

    # Matt's work
    def do_createtable(self, inp):

    # Matt's work
    def help_createtable(self):
            'createtable [TABLE_NAME], creates a table with: file_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, file_name VARCHAR(30),'
            'file_content VARCHAR(999) ')

    # Matt's work
    def do_addtotable(self, inp):
        f_number = input('File number: ')
            val = int(f_number)
            MyDatabase().add_data(inp, val, input('File name: '),
                                  input('File content: '))
        except ValueError:
            print('Please input a integer!')

    # Matt's work
    def help_addtotable(self):
        print('addtotable [TABLE_NAME], adds data to specified table')

    # Matt's work
    def do_showtable(self, inp):

    # Matt's work
    def help_showtable(self):
        print('showtable [TABLE_NAME], shows data held within specified table')

    # Matt's work
    def do_deletetable(self, inp):

    # Matt's work
    def help_deletetable(self):
        print('deletetable [TABLE_NAME], deletes specified table')

    # Matt's work
    def do_closedb(self):

    # Matt's work
    def help_closedb(self):
        print('Closes current open database')

    # Matt's work
    def do_deletedb(self):

    # Matt's work
    def help_deletedb(self):
        print('Deletes current database')

    # Matt's work
    def default(self, inp):
        print(inp + ' is an incorrect command. Type ? to list commands.')

    # John's work
    def __canExit(self):
        return self.canExit

    # John's work
    def __setCanExit(self, value):
        self.canExit = value

    # John's work
    def preloop(self):
        Cmd.preloop(self)  # sets up command completion
        self._hist = []  # No history yet
        self._locals = {}  # Initialize execution namespace for user
        self._globals = {}

    # John's work
    def postloop(self):
        """Finish up everything"""
        Cmd.postloop(self)  # Clean up command completion
        print("The application will now exit!")

    # John's work
    def emptyline(self):
        """Do nothing on empty input line"""

    # John's work
    # The do's
    def do_exit(self, args):
        """Exits from the console"""
        if self.__canExit(): return True
        print("Please, wait until all operations end")
        return False

    # John's work
    # Command definitions to support Cmd object functionality ##
    def do_EOF(self, args):
        """Exit on system end of file character"""
        return self.do_exit(args)

    # John's work
    def do_shell(self, args):
        """Pass command to a system shell when line begins with '!'"""

    # John's work
    def do_help(self, args):
        """Get help on commands"""
        Cmd.do_help(self, args)

    # John's work
    def do_create(self, file_name):
        """Create UML class diagram"""
        command = 'pyreverse -o png -ASmy -k {0} -p class'.format(file_name)

    # John's work
    def run_pyreverse(self):
        """run pyreverse"""
        from pylint.pyreverse.main import Run

    # Harry's work
    def do_pyr_class_diagram(self, file_names):
        """Generate and display a class diagram in png format from given [png_file_name_suffix py_file_name.py]"""
        # sample: >>>>> pyr_class_diagram test test.py
            class_image = ImageContext(ClassImageStrategy())
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_pyr_class_diagram(self):
            'Generate and display a class diagram in png format from a given python file',
            'Syntax: pyr_class_diagram [output png file name suffix] '
            '[input source code file name.py])'

    # Harry's work
    def do_read_source_file(self, file_name):
        """This function extract data from the given python file to be an ast node.
        The file name should be [py_file_name.py]. The node will display as an indication of extraction"""

        # sample: >>>>> read_source_file test.py
            if path.exists(file_name):
                    "The ast nodes below has been read from the given python file, "
                    + file_name + ":")
                    "Your given python file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [py_file_name.py]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_read_source_file(self):
            'Extract data from the given python file to be an ast node',
            'Syntax: read_source_file [input source code file name.py]'

    # Harry's work
    def do_validate_class_contents(self, file_name):
        """Validate, list and display class names, function names and the total numbers of them
        in the given python file. Class and function names are displayed in command line.
        Total numbers of classes and functions are displayed in a bar graph.
        Syntax: validate_class_contents [input source code file name.py]"""

        # sample: >>>>> validate_class_contents test.py
            class_image = ImageContext(ValidateImageStrategy())
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_validate_class_contents(self):
            'Validate, list and display class names, function names and the total numbers of them'
            ' in the given python file.',
            'Class and function names are displayed in command line.',
            'Total numbers of classes and functions are displayed in a bar graph.',
            'Syntax: validate_class_contents [input source code file name.py].'

    # Harry's work
    def do_dot_2_png(self, input_dot_file_name):
        """Generate and display png file from the given dot file.
        Syntax: dot_2_png [input dot file name.dot]"""

        # example >>>>> dot_2_png exampledot2.dot
            if path.exists(input_dot_file_name):
                dot_command = 'dot -Tpng ' + input_dot_file_name + ' -o ' + input_dot_file_name + '.png'
                print(input_dot_file_name + '.png ' + ' are done')
                png_file_name = input_dot_file_name + ".png"
                if path.exists(png_file_name):
                    # show png image
                    img = mpimg.imread(png_file_name)
                    fig = plt.imshow(img)
                    print("The image of class diagram cannot be generate.")
                    print("Please check with your system administrators.")
                    "Your given dot file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [dot_file_name.dot]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_dot_2_png(self):
        """Help for dot_2_png command to generate and display png file from the given dot file.
                Syntax: dot_2_png [input dot file name.dot]"""
            'Generate and display png file from the given dot file.',
            'Syntax: dot_2_png [input dot file name.dot].'

        # Harry's work
    def do_shelve_ast_nodes(self,
                            file_name):  #example shelve_ast_nodes test.py
        """This function extracts data from the given python file to be an ast node and stores the node in files
        using shelve.
        The files are given_file_name.py.db.bak, given_file_name.py.db.dat and given_file_name.py.db.dir.
        The file name should be [py_file_name.py]. The node will display as an indication of extraction"""

        # example >>>>> shelve_ast_nodes test.py
            if path.exists(file_name):
                    "The ast node below has been read from the given python file, "
                    + file_name + ",")
                print("and stored in three db files with name of " +
                      file_name + ".db:")
                    "Your given python file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [py_file_name.py]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_shelve_ast_nodes(self):
            'This function extracts data from the given python file to be an ast node and'
            ' stores the node in files using shelve.',
            'The files are given_file_name.py.db.bak, given_file_name.py.db.dat and'
            ' given_file_name.py.db.dir.',
            'The given file name should be [py_file_name.py].'
            ' The node will display as an indication of shelve done',
            'The unshelve_ast_nodes command can be used to retrieve the data'
            ' stored in those files',
            'Syntax: shelve_ast_nodes [input source code file name.py].'

    # Harry's work
    def do_unshelve_ast_nodes(self, file_name):
        #example >>>>> unshelve_ast_nodes test.py.db
            "The ast nodes below has been retrieved from the given db file, " +
            file_name + ":")

    # Harry's work
    def help_unshelve_ast_nodes(self):
            'This function retrieves data from the given shelved db file which'
            ' stored an ast node by using shelve_ast_nodes command.',
            'The given file name should have three corresponding files stored in the current directory.',
            'The three files are given_file_name.py.db.bak, given_file_name.py.db.dat and'
            ' given_file_name.py.db.dir.',
            'The given file name should be [a_name.py.db].'
            ' The node will display as an indication of unshelve done',
            'Syntax: unshelve_ast_nodes [a_name.py.db].'

    # Harry's work
    def do_save_py_class_name_and_num_of_functions_to_sqlit(self, file_name):
        """Save all class names and its number of functions to a sqlit database.
        The classes are extracted from the given python file.
        Using of my_sqlit_database_data command can list out all the data in the database.
        Syntax: save_py_class_name_and_num_of_functions_to_sqlit [input source code file name.py]"""

        # sample: >>>>> save_py_class_name_and_num_of_functions_to_sqlit test.py

        num_of_classes = 0
        num_of_functions = 0
            if path.exists(file_name):
                my_sqlit = MySqlit('my_sqlite.db')

                num_of_classes = len(self.file_to_data.tree.body)

                for my_class in self.file_to_data.tree.body:
                    my_sqlit.my_insert(my_class.name, len(my_class.body))


                    "Your given python file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [py_file_name.py]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_save_py_class_name_and_num_of_functions_to_sqlit(self):
            'Save all class names and its number of functions to a sqlit database.',
            'The classes are extracted from the given python file.',
            'Using of my_sqlit_database_data command can list out all the data in the database.',
            'Syntax: save_py_class_name_and_num_of_functions_to_sqlit [input source code file name.py]'

    # Harry's work
    def do_my_sqlit_database_data(self, arg):
        """List all the data stored in the sqlit database by using
        the save_py_class_name_and_num_of_functions_to_sqlit command.
        This gives all the pairs of class name and its number of functions.
        Syntax: my_sqlit_database_data"""

        # sample: >>>>> my_sqlit_database_data
        file_name = 'my_sqlite.db'
            if path.exists(file_name):
                my_sqlit = MySqlit(file_name)
                    "The database file does not exist in the current directory"
                    "Please use save_py_class_name_and_num_of_functions_to_sqlit command to create the database"
                print("Please try again after the database is created!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_my_sqlit_database_data(self):
            'List all the data stored in the sqlit database by using ',
            'the save_py_class_name_and_num_of_functions_to_sqlit command.',
            'This gives all the pairs of class name and its number of functions.',
            'Syntax: my_sqlit_database_data'

    # Harry's work
    def do_quit(self, line):
        """Exit this command line interpreter"""

        # sample: >>>>> quit
        return True

    # Harry's work
    def help_quit(self):
        print("\n".join(['Quit from this CLI', ':return: True']))
Exemplo n.º 6
class MyCliAdjunct(Cmd):
    def __init__(self):
        self.file_to_data = FileToData()

    # Harry's work
    def do_read_source_file(self, file_name):
        """This function extract data from the given python file to be an ast node.
        The file name should be [py_file_name.py]. The node will display as an indication of extraction"""
            if path.exists(file_name):
                    "The ast nodes below has been read from the given python file, "
                    + file_name + ":")
                    "Your given python file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [py_file_name.py]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_read_source_file(self):
            'Extract data from the given python file to be an ast node',
            'Syntax: read_source_file [input source code file name.py]'

    # Harry's work
    def do_validate_class_contents(self, file_name):
        """Validate, list and display class names, function names and the total numbers of them
        in the given python file. Class and function names are displayed in command line.
        Total numbers of classes and functions are displayed in a bar graph.
        Syntax: validate_class_contents [input source code file name.py]"""

        # sample: validate_class_contents test.py
        num_of_classes = 0
        num_of_functions = 0
            if path.exists(file_name):
                num_of_classes = len(self.file_to_data.tree.body)
                print("---There are " + str(num_of_classes) +
                      " classes.-------------------")
                print("-----The classes are: -------------------")
                for my_class in self.file_to_data.tree.body:
                    print("-------" + my_class.name + " class")
                for my_class in self.file_to_data.tree.body:
                    print("---------The " + my_class.name + " class has " +
                          str(len(my_class.body)) + " functions")
                    num_of_functions += len(my_class.body)
                    print("-----------The functions in " + my_class.name +
                          " class are ")
                    for my_function in my_class.body:
                        print("---------------" + my_function.name +
                              " function")
                print("total number of classes is " + str(num_of_classes))
                print("total number of functions is " + str(num_of_functions))
                # for my_function in my_class.body:
                #     if my_function.name == "__init__":
                #         print("---------The " + my_class.name + " class has " + str(
                #             len(my_function.body)) + " attributes")
                #         print("-----------The attributes in " + my_class.name + " class are ")
                #         for my_attribute in my_function.body:
                #             print("---------------" + my_attribute.targets[0].attr + " attribute")

                # types_x = ["class", "function"]
                # num_y = [num_of_classes, num_of_functions]
                # plt.plot(types_x, num_y, '-b', label="A simple line")
                # plt.legend(loc='upper left')
                # plt.title("Total Numbers of classes and functions")
                # plt.xlabel('Types')
                # plt.ylabel('Total Numbers')
                # plt.show()
                types_x = ["class", "function"]
                x_pos = np.arange(len(types_x))
                num_y = [num_of_classes, num_of_functions]
                plt.bar(x_pos, num_y, align='center', alpha=0.5)
                plt.xticks(x_pos, types_x)
                plt.ylabel('Total Numbers')
                plt.title('Total Numbers of classes and functions')
                    "Your given python file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [py_file_name.py]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_validate_class_contents(self):
            'Validate, list and display class names, function names and the total numbers of them'
            ' in the given python file.',
            'Class and function names are displayed in command line.',
            'Total numbers of classes and functions are displayed in a bar graph.',
            'Syntax: validate_class_contents [input source code file name.py].'

    # Harry's work
    def do_dot_2_png(self, input_dot_file_name):
        """Generate and display png file from the given dot file.
        Syntax: dot_2_png [input dot file name.dot]"""
            if path.exists(input_dot_file_name):
                dot_command = 'dot -Tpng ' + input_dot_file_name + ' -o ' + input_dot_file_name + '.png'
                print(input_dot_file_name + '.png ' + ' are done')
                png_file_name = input_dot_file_name + ".png"
                if path.exists(png_file_name):
                    # show png image
                    img = mpimg.imread(png_file_name)
                    fig = plt.imshow(img)
                    print("The image of class diagram cannot be generate.")
                    print("Please check with your system administrators.")
                    "Your given dot file does not exist in the current directory "
                    "or your input arguments were wrong. The input arguments ")
                print("should be [dot_file_name.dot]. ")
                print("Please try again!")
        except Exception as err:
            print("Please try again! The exception is: ", err)

    # Harry's work
    def help_dot_2_png(self):
        """Help for dot_2_png command to generate and display png file from the given dot file.
                Syntax: dot_2_png [input dot file name.dot]"""
            'Generate and display png file from the given dot file.',
            'Syntax: dot_2_png [input dot file name.dot].'
Exemplo n.º 7
# from pylint import run_pyreverse
# run_pyreverse()

# from io import StringIO

# output = StringIO()
# print("a print out")
# contents = output.getvalue()
# output.close()
# print("{} second line".format(contents))

from file_to_data import FileToData
from io import StringIO
import sys

captured_output = StringIO()  # Create StringIO object
sys.stdout = captured_output  # and redirect stdout.
file_to_data = FileToData()
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
Actual_output = captured_output.getvalue()
print("here " + Actual_output)
expected_output = "Module(body=[ClassDef(name='Car', bases=[], keywords=[], body=[FunctionDef(name='__init__', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None), arg(arg='num', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='door', ctx=Store())], value=Call(func=Name(id='Door', ctx=Load()), args=[Num(n=1)], keywords=[])), Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='wheel', ctx=Store())], value=Call(func=Name(id='Wheel', ctx=Load()), args=[Num(n=1)], keywords=[]))], decorator_list=[], returns=None), FunctionDef(name='is_sold', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='print', ctx=Load()), args=[Str(s='this car is sold')], keywords=[]))], decorator_list=[], returns=None)], decorator_list=[]), ClassDef(name='Door', bases=[], keywords=[], body=[FunctionDef(name='__init__', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None), arg(arg='num', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='number', ctx=Store())], value=Name(id='num', ctx=Load()))], decorator_list=[], returns=None)], decorator_list=[]), ClassDef(name='Wheel', bases=[], keywords=[], body=[FunctionDef(name='__init__', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None), arg(arg='num', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='number', ctx=Store())], value=Name(id='num', ctx=Load()))], decorator_list=[], returns=None)], decorator_list=[]), ClassDef(name='Taxi', bases=[Name(id='Car', ctx=Load())], keywords=[], body=[FunctionDef(name='__init__', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='self', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='super', ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[])), Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='color', ctx=Store())], value=Str(s='red'))], decorator_list=[], returns=None)], decorator_list=[])])\n"
print(Actual_output == expected_output)