Exemplo n.º 1
def github_AddFileFromGitHub(req, user):
    gh_user = '******'
    gh_repo = 'melya'
    prefix = 'onlinesrc/'

    # quite inefficient, but who cares
    rr = getHeadMasterTree(gh_user, gh_repo, True)
    if not rr: return RetType.JSONFAIL
    file_sha_map = dict((x.get('path').split('/',1)[1], x.get('sha')) for x in rr.get('tree') if x.get('path').startswith(prefix) and x.get('type') == 'blob')

    fn = req.get('filename')
    if not fn: return RetType.JSONFAIL, {'text':'no file specified'}

    if fn not in file_sha_map: return RetType.JSONFAIL, {'text':'File not found on github'}
    sha = file_sha_map[fn]
    content = getBlobContent(gh_user, gh_repo, sha)
    if content is None: return RetType.JSONFAIL, {'text':'Failed to get file content from github'}

    ok, res = internalAddFile(fn, content, user.key())
    if ok: return RetType.JSONSUCCESS, res
    return RetType.JSONFAIL, res
Exemplo n.º 2
def github_PopulateMissingFiles(req, user):
    gh_user = '******'
    gh_repo = 'melya'
    prefix = 'onlinesrc/'
    add_if_missing = True # maybe make this optional?

    rr = getHeadMasterTree(gh_user, gh_repo, True)
    if not rr: return RetType.JSONFAIL

    aa = [ (x.get('path').split('/',1)[1], x.get('sha')) for x in rr.get('tree') if x.get('path').startswith(prefix) and x.get('type') == 'blob']

    res = []
    for path,sha in aa:
        fv = datamodel.DB_FileVersion.getMostRecent(path, 'z', keys_only=True)
        if not fv:
            if add_if_missing:
                content = getBlobContent(gh_user, gh_repo, sha)
                if content:
                    ok, resobj = internalAddFile(path, content, user.key())
                    if ok:
                        res.append('Added file: %s (%s)<br/>\n' % (path, sha))
                        res.append('Added file failed: %s (%s)<br/>\n' % (path, sha))
                    res.append('Failed to get content for: %s (%s)<br/>\n' % (path, sha))
                res.append('GitHub file not found locally: %s (%s)<br/>\n' % (path, sha))
            found_sha = fv.parent().name()
            if sha == found_sha:
                res.append('GitHub file found with same sha: %s (%s)<br/>\n' % (path, sha))
                res.append('GitHub file found with different sha: %s (github: %s - local: %s)<br/>\n' % (path, sha, found_sha))

    return RetType.RAW, ''.join(sorted(res))