def drawSpinWave(rpath, kpt, ibnd, Lx=5, Ly=5): global tb, eig0_set, Tc, Tc_MF, magList_HF, magList_MF, S # create mc main directory print('output spin waves on band%d at kpt %.3f %.3f %.3f' % (ibnd, *kpt)) io.loadParam(updateGUI=False, rpath=rpath) # initialize tight-binding model tb = WannierKit.TBmodel() __tbInit() eig, vec = tb.solveHk(kpt=kpt, return_orb=True) #print(vec[:,ibnd]) tb.plot2DStructure(vec[:, ibnd], kpt=np.array(kpt), Lx=Lx, Ly=Ly, S=io.S[0])
def mainLoop(rpath): global tb, eig0_set, Tc, Tc_MF, magList_HF, magList_MF, S # create mc main directory print('start renormalized spin-wave theoretical calculations') #mainDir=rpath+'swt/' #aux.createDir(mainDir) io.loadParam(updateGUI=False, rpath=rpath) # initialize tight-binding model tb = WannierKit.TBmodel() __tbInit() tb.plotbands() eig0_min = np.min(eig0_set) print('spin-wave gap at 0K is: %.6f' % eig0_min) if (eig0_min > 0): Sigma = 0 for eig in eig0_set: Sigma += 1. / eig Tc_ = (S + 1) * len(eig0_set) / 3. / Sigma print('mean field estimation for Tc: %.3f' % Tc_) exit() print('start scf procedure for each temperature, to get M-T curv') # calc M-T curv Tc, magList_HF = __MTCurv(path='./', draw=True, algo='HF_longWave') print('Hatree-Fock and long wave approximation give Tc:', Tc, '(Kelvin)') print Tc_MF, magList_MF = __MTCurv(path='./', draw=True, algo='meanfield') print('Mean-field approximation give Tc:', Tc_MF, '(Kelvin)') print('Spin-wave theory Tc (Hatree-Fock long wave limit): {:.1f}\n'. format(Tc)) print( 'Spin-wave theory Tc (Mean-field approximation): {:.1f}\n'.format( Tc_MF)) __spinWave_T_vs_Occ('./', algo='HF_longWave') __spinWave_T_vs_Occ('./', algo='Mean_Field') return Tc else: print('find zero or negative spin-wave gap!') print('Spin-wave theory find no Tc!\n') return 0
def startSimulation(updateGUI=True, rpath=''): time0 = time.time() # clean possible existed files with open('./out', 'w') as fout: fout.write('#T #H\n') with open('./spinDotSpin.txt', 'w') as fout: fout.write('#T #H\n') if updateGUI: gui.submitBtn.config(state='disabled') io.collectParam() else: if not io.loadParam(updateGUI=False, rpath=rpath): 'Error: win::startSimulation load file failed. stop this function.' return TList = np.linspace(io.T0, io.T1, io.nT) HList = np.linspace(io.H0, io.H1, io.nH) bondList = [ lat.Bond( bond_data[0], bond_data[1], # source and target np.array([int(x) for x in bond_data[2]]), # over lat. bond_data[3], bond_data[4], bond_data[5], # strength Jxx, Jyy, Jzz bond_data[6], bond_data[7], bond_data[8], # strength Jxy, Jxz, Jyz bond_data[9], bond_data[10], bond_data[11], # strength Jyx, Jzx, Jzy True if io.modelType != 'Ising' else False) # On for bond_data in io.bondList ] # ergodic LMatrix = np.array(io.LMatrix) pos = np.array(io.pos) if (io.modelType == 'Ising'): if io.algorithm != 'Metropolis' and io.algorithm != 'Wolff': print( 'For now, only Metropolis and Wolff algorithm is supported for Ising model' ) if updateGUI: gui.submitBtn.config(state='normal') return paramPack = [] for iH, H in enumerate(HList): for iT, T in enumerate(TList): paramPack.append([ iH * len(TList) + iT, T, bondList, LMatrix, pos, io.S, io.DList, H, io.nsweep, io.nthermal, io.ninterval, io.LPack[0], io.LPack[1], io.LPack[2], io.algorithm, io.GcOrb, io.orbGroupList, io.groupInSC, io.dipoleAlpha, io.spinFrame ]) TResult = [] HResult = [] SpinIResult = [] SpinJResult = [] susResult = [] energyResult = [] capaResult = [] u4Result = [] autoCorrResult = [] while (True): # using pump strategy to reduce the costs of RAM if len(paramPack) == 0: break # pump tasks paramPack_tmp = [] for index in range(io.ncores): paramPack_tmp.append(paramPack.pop(0)) if len(paramPack) == 0: break pool = Pool(processes=io.ncores) for result in pool.imap_unordered(startMC, paramPack_tmp): ID, T, h, spin_i, spin_j, spin_ij, autoCorr, E, E2, U4, N = result TResult.append(T) HResult.append(h) SpinIResult.append(spin_i) SpinJResult.append(spin_j) susResult.append((spin_ij - spin_i * spin_j) / T) autoCorrResult.append(autoCorr) energyResult.append(E) capaResult.append((E2 - E * E) / T**2 * N) u4Result.append(U4) pool.close() if updateGUI: gui.updateResultViewer( TList=TResult if io.xAxisType == 'T' else HResult, magList=[(si + sj) / 2 for si, sj in zip(SpinIResult, SpinJResult)], susList=capaResult) # continuous model settings elif (io.modelType == 'XY' or io.modelType == 'Heisenberg'): for bond in bondList: bond.On = True # switch on the vector type bonding if io.algorithm != 'Metropolis' and io.algorithm != 'Wolff': print( 'For now, only Metropolis and Wolff algorithm is supported for O(n) model' ) if updateGUI: gui.submitBtn.config(state='normal') return On = 2 if io.modelType == 'XY' else 3 paramPack = [] for iH, H in enumerate(HList): for iT, T in enumerate(TList): paramPack.append([ iH * len(TList) + iT, T, bondList, LMatrix, pos, io.S, io.DList, H, io.nsweep, io.nthermal, io.ninterval, io.LPack[0], io.LPack[1], io.LPack[2], io.algorithm, On, io.GcOrb, io.orbGroupList, io.groupInSC, io.dipoleAlpha, io.spinFrame ]) TResult = [] HResult = [] SpinIResult = [] SpinJResult = [] susResult = [] energyResult = [] capaResult = [] u4Result = [] autoCorrResult = [] while (True): # using pump strategy to reduce the costs of RAM if len(paramPack) == 0: break # pump tasks paramPack_tmp = [] for index in range(io.ncores): paramPack_tmp.append(paramPack.pop(0)) if len(paramPack) == 0: break pool = Pool(processes=io.ncores) for result in pool.imap_unordered(startMCForOn, paramPack_tmp): ID, T, h, spin_i, spin_j, spin_ij, autoCorr, E, E2, U4, N = result TResult.append(T) HResult.append(h) SpinIResult.append(np.sqrt(sum(spin_i * spin_i))) SpinJResult.append(np.sqrt(sum(spin_j * spin_j))) susResult.append((spin_ij -, spin_j)) / T) autoCorrResult.append(autoCorr) energyResult.append(E) capaResult.append((E2 - E * E) / T**2 * N) u4Result.append(U4) pool.close() if updateGUI: gui.updateResultViewer( TList=TResult if io.xAxisType == 'T' else HResult, magList=SpinIResult, susList=capaResult) else: print("for now only Ising, XY and Heisenberg model is supported") if updateGUI: gui.submitBtn.config(state='normal') return # writting result file f = open('./result.txt', 'w') f.write( '#Temp #<Si> #<Sj> #Susc #Energy_per_orb(K) #capacity_per_orb(K/K) #Binder_cumulate #auto-corr.\n' ) for T, si, sj, sus, energy, capa, u4, autoCorr in zip( TResult, SpinIResult, SpinJResult, susResult, energyResult, capaResult, u4Result, autoCorrResult): f.write('%.3f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (T, si, sj, sus, energy, capa, u4, autoCorr)) f.close() if updateGUI: gui.submitBtn.config(state='normal') print("time elapsed %.3f s" % (time.time() - time0)) return