Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, original_path, result_path):
        super(MyWindow, self).__init__()

        uic.loadUi('eval_gui.ui', self)
        self.answers = []

        # Load the list of images and shuffle them
        # Note: Make sure images match in each folder
        # i.e. they are in the same order in each dir
        paths_zipped = list(
        shuffle(paths_zipped)  # shuffle the list of (original, result) paths
        original_paths, result_paths = zip(
            *paths_zipped)  # Unzip into two different lists

        # Check if the number of images is the same
        if len(original_paths) != len(result_paths):
            print("Different num of images")

        # Dict to store each set of images
        self.img_paths = {"original": original_paths, "result": result_paths}

        # Make paths dynamic from CLI args
        self.fileNum = len(self.img_paths["original"])
        self.fileCount = 0

        print('Number of files: {}'.format(self.fileNum))

        # Binding the buttons to functions
        self.correctButton.clicked.connect(lambda: self.correct_image())
        self.nearButton.clicked.connect(lambda: self.near_image())
        self.incorrectButton.clicked.connect(lambda: self.incorrect_image())

        # Create the scenes for the 2D graphics viewers
        self.scenes = {
            "original": QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(),
            "result": QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene()

        # Bind the scenes to the correct objs

        # For each scene, draw the first image at th start
        for s_name, s_obj in self.scenes.items():
            self.__set_scene_image(s_name, self.img_paths[s_name][0])

        # Timing user input
        self.timeStart = time.process_time()
Exemplo n.º 2
    print("Root directory........ %s" % root_path)
    print("Output directory...... %s\n" % out_path)

    # Check that both directories exist
    if os.path.lexists(out_path) and os.path.lexists(root_path):
        print(Fore.RED +
              "Path not found, one of the directories does not exist.")
        sys.exit(0)  # Use system's abort function

    # Reset colour

    images = files.get_images(root_path)  # Note line below resets the blue
    print(Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.GREEN +
          "Number of images in the path: {:d}".format(len(images)))

    # Create the image matrix here
    height, width = 30, 30
    img_matrix = np.zeros((len(images), height * width))  # (num_imgs x dim)

    # Going through all the images and polutating the img_matrix
    size = 20  # Length of the loading bar in chars
    for i, img_path in enumerate(images):

        # Open each image
        img = ut.read_image(img_path, "BGR2GRAY")
        resized = cv2.resize(img, (height, width), cv2.INTER_AREA)
Exemplo n.º 3
    # Reset colour

    # Gather the data
    data = gather_data(eval_path)
    responses = gather_responses(data)
    response_times = gather_response_times(data)

    ## Extracting the response images stuff ##

    # Get all the images in the dataset
    image_paths = files.get_images(input_path)

    # Get the list of JUST the file names from all the images
    dataset_names = list(map(files.get_filename, image_paths))

    # Get the response file names
    response_names = get_responsefiles(1, data)
    print("response is: {}".format(response_names))

    # Make sure output path exists
    if not os.path.exists(output_path):
        os.mkdir(output_path) #mode = 777

    # Loop to go trhough the response_times and copy the
    # images to the output directory
    for name in response_names: