Exemplo n.º 1
def opls_options(molecule, parameter_file='oplsaa.prm'):
	elements, atom_types, bond_types, angle_types, dihedral_types = files.read_opls_parameters(parameter_file)

	elements_by_structure_indices = dict( [ (t.index2, elements_by_atomic_number[t.element] ) for t in atom_types ] )
	elements_by_structure_indices[0] = 'X'

	def add_to_list(dic,key,value):
		if key in dic:
			dic[key] = [value]

	for d in dihedral_types:
		structure_indices = d.index2s
		elements = [ elements_by_structure_indices[i] for i in structure_indices]
		add_to_list(dihedral_types_by_element, tuple(elements), d)
		add_to_list(dihedral_types_by_element, tuple(reversed(elements)), d)

	atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals = files.read_cml(molecule, parameter_file=None)

	for a in atoms:
		a.index2_options = []

	for d in dihedrals:
		elements = tuple([ a.element for a in d.atoms ])
		options = dihedral_types_by_element[elements]
		options_by_i = [ [],[],[],[] ]
		if elements in dihedral_types_by_element:
			print elements
			for a in d.atoms:
				a.index2_options.append( set() )
			for t in dihedral_types_by_element[elements]:
				#print '\t', t.index2s
				for i in range(4):
					d.atoms[i].index2_options[-1].add( t.index2s[i] )
			print 'Error: dihedral', elements, 'does not exist in OPLS file', parameter_file

	for a in atoms:
		print a.element
		for option in a.index2_options:
			print '\t', option
		options = a.index2_options[0]
		for i in xrange(1,len(a.index2_options)):
			options = options.intersection( a.index2_options[i] )

		print '\t\t', options
Exemplo n.º 2
def opt_opls(molecule, parameter_file='oplsaa.prm', taboo_time=100):
	elements, atom_types, bond_types, angle_types, dihedral_types = files.read_opls_parameters(parameter_file)
	atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals = files.read_cml(molecule, parameter_file=None)
	bond_types_by_index2 = dict( [ (tuple(t.index2s),t) for t in bond_types ] + [ (tuple(reversed(t.index2s)),t) for t in bond_types ] )
	angle_types_by_index2 = dict( [ (tuple(t.index2s),t) for t in angle_types ] + [ (tuple(reversed(t.index2s)),t) for t in angle_types ] )
	dihedral_types_by_index2 = dict( [ (tuple(t.index2s),t) for t in dihedral_types ] + [ (tuple(reversed(t.index2s)),t) for t in dihedral_types ] )
	charges_by_index = dict( [ (t.index,t.charge) for t in atom_types ] )
	for a in atoms:
		a.possible_types = set()
		for t in atom_types:
			if elements_by_atomic_number[t.element] == a.element and t.bond_count==len(a.bonded):
		a.possible_types = list(a.possible_types)
	def count_conflicts(types):
		for i,a in enumerate(atoms):
			a.index2 = types[i]
		conflicts = 0
		for b in bonds:
			index2s = (b.atoms[0].index2, b.atoms[1].index2)
			if not index2s in bond_types_by_index2:
				conflicts += 1
		for a in angles:
			index2s = (a.atoms[0].index2, a.atoms[1].index2, a.atoms[2].index2)
			if not index2s in angle_types_by_index2:
				conflicts += 1
		for d in dihedrals: 
			index2s_0 = (d.atoms[0].index2, d.atoms[1].index2, d.atoms[2].index2, d.atoms[3].index2)
			index2s_1 = (0,                 d.atoms[1].index2, d.atoms[2].index2, d.atoms[3].index2)
			index2s_2 = (d.atoms[0].index2, d.atoms[1].index2, d.atoms[2].index2,        0)
			in0 = index2s_0 in dihedral_types_by_index2
			in1 = index2s_1 in dihedral_types_by_index2
			in2 = index2s_2 in dihedral_types_by_index2
			if not in0 and not in1 and not in2:
				conflicts += 1
		return conflicts
	import random
	types = [random.choice(a.possible_types) for a in atoms]
	taboo = [0 for a in atoms]
	best = count_conflicts(types)
	step = 0
	for step in range(100000):
		i = random.randint( 0, len(types)-1 )
		for guess in types:
			if taboo[i]>0:
				i = random.randint( 0, len(types)-1 )
		old_type = types[i]
		types[i] = random.choice(atoms[i].possible_types)
		conflicts = count_conflicts(types)
		if conflicts <= best:
			best = conflicts
			taboo[i] = taboo_time
			types[i] = old_type
		taboo = [t-1 if t>0 else 0 for t in taboo]
		if step % 10000 == 0:
			print best, conflicts, types
		step += 1

	def types_from_index2(x):
		return [t for t in atom_types if t.index2==x and t.index<=440]

	for i,tt in enumerate( [ types_from_index2(x) for x in types] ):
		#print i, atoms[i].element
		atoms[i].index_options = [t.index for t in tt]
		#for t in tt:
		#	print '\t', t.index, t.notes
	def net_charge(types):
		charge = 0.0
		for t in types:
			charge += charges_by_index[t]
		return charge
	types = [random.choice(a.index_options) for a in atoms]
	taboo = [0 for a in atoms]
	best = net_charge(types)
	for step in range(100000):
		i = random.randint( 0, len(types)-1 )
		for guess in types:
			if taboo[i]>0:
				i = random.randint( 0, len(types)-1 )
		old_type = types[i]
		types[i] = random.choice(atoms[i].index_options)
		charge = net_charge(types)
		if abs(charge) <= abs(best):
			best = charge
			taboo[i] = taboo_time
			types[i] = old_type
		taboo = [t-1 if t>0 else 0 for t in taboo]
		if step % 10000 == 0:
			print best, charge, types
		step += 1

	for t in types:
		for t2 in atom_types:
			if t2.index==t:
				print t2.element, t2.notes