def processBeatMessage(self, msg): msg = files.trim(msg) if len(msg) > 0: beat = Beat(msg) self.mutex.acquire() self.beatList.append(beat) self.beatCount += 1 if len(self.beatList) > 1: thisAge = beat.age() prevAge = self.beatList[-2].age() interval = thisAge - prevAge self.maxInterval = max(self.maxInterval, interval) self.mutex.release()
def parseLine(self, line): # In case need to generate error message sline = files.showLine(line) # Check termination if self.strict.getBoolean() and not self.checkTerm(line): return (False, False, "Line terminated improperly: '%s'" % sline) # Remove initial and final spaces: line = files.trim(line) if len(line) == 0: # Empty line marks end return (True, True, "") # Get token token = '' while len(line) > 0 and line[0] != ':' and line[ 0] not in files.spaceCharacters: token += line[0] line = line[1:] # Skip spaces before colon line = files.preTrim(line) if len(line) == 0 or line[0] != ':': # No token on line if self.strict.getBoolean(): return (False, False, "No token on line: '%s'" % sline) else: # Ignore return (True, False, "") line = line[1:] # Skip initial spaces in field line = files.preTrim(line) if len(token) > 0: self.headerDict[token.lower()] = line return (True, False, "") else: # Empty token if self.strict.getBoolean(): return (False, False, "No token defined on line: '%s'" % sline) else: # Ignore return (True, False, "")
def finishRequest(self, event=None): if event is None: if self.verbose.getBoolean(): self.outMsg("Attempted to finish request with empty event") return sockFile = event.sockFile url = event.url if sockFile is None: event.error("Cannot complete request. No socket") return if url is None: event.error("Cannot complete request. No URL") sockFile.close() return host, port, uri = parseURL(url)[1:] id = # Get response found = False try: response = sockFile.readlineb() except Exception as ex: event.error("Could not read response for URL request %s (%s)" % (url, str(ex))) sockFile.close() return if len(response) == 0: event.error("Got empty response for URL request %s" % url) sockFile.close() return responseLine = files.trim(response) fields = responseLine.split(None, 2) if len(fields) != 3: event.error("Can't parse response from line '%s'" % files.showLine(response)) sockFile.close() return version, status, statusMsg = fields tag = self.httpStatus.getTag(status) event.setTag(tag) responseHeader = HeaderReader(self.strict) (ok, reason) = responseHeader.readHeader(sockFile) if self.verbose.getBoolean(): self.outMsg("Read response from proxy. ok = %s, reason = %s" % (ok, reason)) self.outMsg("Header:") header = "".join(responseHeader.headerLines) self.outMsg(header) event.receivedHeaderLines = [responseLine] + responseHeader.headerLines if not ok: event.error("Invalid response header %s" % reason) sockFile.close() return try: length = int(responseHeader.getValue("content-length", "-1")) except: event.error( "Invalid or missing content length from response header") sockFile.close() return if length < 0: event.error( "Invalid or missing content length from response header") sockFile.close() return # Get response fname = uri.split("/")[-1] if tag == "ok" else "status.html" if fname == "": fname = "index.html" isBinary = self.fileManager.isBinary( self.fileManager.getExtension(fname)) outfname = fname if id == "" else id + "-" + fname outPath = self.fileManager.responsePath(outfname) event.addPath(outPath) try: outfile = open(outPath, "wb" if isBinary else "w") except Exception as ex: event.error( "Couldn't open file %s in which to save response (%s)" % (outPath, str(ex))) sockFile.close() return remaining = length while (remaining > 0): try: buf = except files.ShutdownException: outfile.close() sockFile.close() return except Exception as ex: self.errMsg("Error reading response (%s)" % ex) outfile.close() sockFile.close() return if len(buf) == 0: outfile.close() event.error("Socket closed after reading %d/%d bytes" % (length - remaining, length)) sockFile.close() return if len(buf) > 0: outfile.write(buf) remaining -= len(buf) outfile.close() sockFile.close() if self.verbose.getBoolean(): self.outMsg( "URL = %s, Status = %s. Result stored in %s. %d bytes" % (url, event.tag, outPath, length)) # Now check that the results are as expected if host == "localhost" and tag == "ok": sourcePath = self.fileManager.sourcePath(fname) if not self.fileManager.testPath(sourcePath): event.error("Internal error. Couldn't find file %s" % sourcePath) return (match, reason) = self.fileManager.compareFiles(sourcePath, outPath) if not match: event.error(reason) return if self.verbose.getBoolean(): self.outMsg("Files %s and %s match" % (outPath, sourcePath))