Exemplo n.º 1
    def _make_data(self):
        self.th = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.n_pts)
        self.scale = np.arange(self.N*self.M)

        with h5py.File(self.filename, 'w') as f:
            # create a group for maps to hold the data
            mapsGrp = f.create_group('MAPS')
            # now set a comment
            mapsGrp.attrs['comments'] = 'MAPS group'

            entryname = 'mca_arr'
            comment = 'These are raw spectrum data.'
            sn = np.sin(self.th).reshape(self.n_pts, 1, 1)
            XY = self.scale.reshape(1, self.N, self.M)
            data = XY * sn
            ds_data = mapsGrp.create_dataset(entryname, data=data)
            ds_data.attrs['comments'] = comment

        # insert spectrum-wise resource and datum
        resource_id = insert_resource('hdf5_maps', self.filename,
                                      {'dset_path': 'mca_arr'})
        self.eids_spectrum = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for j in range(self.N*self.M)]

        for uid, (i, j) in zip(self.eids_spectrum,
                               product(range(self.N), range(self.M))):
            insert_datum(resource_id, uid, {'x': i, 'y': j})

        # insert plane-wise resource and datum
        resource_id = insert_resource('hdf5_planes', self.filename,
                                      {'dset_path': 'mca_arr'})
        self.eids_planes = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for j in range(self.n_pts)]

        for uid, n in zip(self.eids_planes, range(self.n_pts)):
            insert_datum(resource_id, uid, {'e_index': n})
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_data(ind_v, ind_h):
    Get data for given x, y index.

    ind_v : int
        vertical index
    ind_h : int
        horizontal index

        id number of event

    uid = str(uuid.uuid1())

    # generate 3D random number with a given shape
    syn_data = np.random.randn(20, 1, 10)
    file_path = save_syn_data(uid, syn_data)

    custom = {'dset_path': 'mca_arr'}

    fb = insert_resource('hdf_maps', file_path, resource_kwargs=custom)
    evl = insert_datum(fb, uid, datum_kwargs={'x': ind_v, 'y': ind_h})
    return evl.datum_id
Exemplo n.º 3
 def stage(self):
     staged = super().stage()
     res_kwargs = {'frame_per_point': 1}
     logger.debug("Inserting resource with filename %s", self._fn)
     self._resource = fsapi.insert_resource(self._spec, self._fn,
     return staged
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_non_unique_fail():
    shape = (25, 32)
    fb = insert_resource('syn-mod', None, {'shape': shape})
    r_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    insert_datum(str(fb['id']), r_id, {'n': 0})
    with pytest.raises(pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError):
        insert_datum(str(fb['id']), r_id, {'n': 1})
Exemplo n.º 5
def _insert_syn_data_bulk(f_type, shape, count):
    fb = insert_resource(f_type, None, {'shape': shape})
    d_uid = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for k in range(count)]
    d_kwargs = [{'n': k + 1} for k in range(count)]
    bulk_insert_datum(fb, d_uid, d_kwargs)

    return d_uid
Exemplo n.º 6
def _insert_syn_data(f_type, shape, count):
    fb = insert_resource(f_type, None, {'shape': shape})
    ret = []
    for k in range(count):
        r_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        insert_datum(str(fb.id), r_id, {'n': k + 1})
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _make_data(self):
     N = 15
     filename = self.filename
     data = np.ones((N, 9, 8)) * np.arange(N).reshape(N, 1, 1)
     np.save(filename, data)
     # Insert the data records.
     resource_id = insert_resource('npy_FRAMEWISE', filename + '.npy', {})
     self.datum_ids = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(N)]
     for i, datum_id in enumerate(self.datum_ids):
         insert_datum(resource_id, datum_id, dict(frame_no=i))
Exemplo n.º 8
def _insert_syn_data(f_type, shape, count):
    fb = insert_resource(f_type, None, {'shape': shape})
    ret = []
    res_map_cycle = itertools.cycle((lambda x: x,
                                     lambda x: x['id'],
                                     lambda x: str(x['id'])))
    for k, rmap in zip(range(count), res_map_cycle):
        r_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        insert_datum(rmap(fb), r_id, {'n': k + 1})
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _make_data(self):
        filename = self.filename
        with h5py.File(filename) as f:
            N = 5
            # Write the data.
            data = np.multiply.outer(np.arange(N), np.ones((2, 2)))
            f.create_dataset('/entry/data/data', data=data)

        # Insert the data records.
        resource_id = insert_resource(self.spec, filename)
        self.datum_ids = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(N)]
        for i, datum_id in enumerate(self.datum_ids):
            insert_datum(resource_id, datum_id, dict(point_number=i))
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_overwrite_global():
    h_cache = fsa._FS_SINGLETON._handler_cache
    mock_base = dict(spec='syn-mod',
                     resource_kwargs={'shape': (5, 7)})

    res = fsa.insert_resource(**mock_base)

    cache_key = (str(res['id']), SynHandlerMod.__name__)
    with fsa.handler_context({'syn-mod': SynHandlerMod}):
        assert cache_key in h_cache
        fsa.register_handler('syn-mod', SynHandlerEcho, overwrite=True)
        assert cache_key not in h_cache
Exemplo n.º 11
    def stage(self):
        cam = getattr(self.parent, self._cam_name)
        proc = getattr(self.parent, self._proc_name)
        images_per_set = getattr(self.parent, self._ips_name).get()
        num_sets = getattr(self.parent, self._num_sets_name).get()

        self.stage_sigs.update([(proc.num_filter, images_per_set),
                                (cam.num_images, images_per_set * num_sets)])

        res_kwargs = {'template': self.file_template.get(),
                      'filename': self.file_name.get(),
                      'frame_per_point': self.get_frames_per_point()}
        self._resource = fs.insert_resource('AD_TIFF', self._fp, res_kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_get_handler_global():
    h_cache = fsa._FS_SINGLETON._handler_cache
    mock_base = dict(spec='syn-mod',
                     resource_kwargs={'shape': (5, 7)})

    res = fsa.insert_resource(**mock_base)
    cache_key = (str(res['id']), SynHandlerMod.__name__)
    with fsa.handler_context({'syn-mod': SynHandlerMod}):

        handle = fsa.get_spec_handler(res['id'])

        assert isinstance(handle, SynHandlerMod)
        assert cache_key in h_cache

    assert cache_key not in h_cache
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _make_data(self):
        filename = self.filename
        with h5py.File(filename) as f:
            N = 5
            # Write the data.
            data = np.arange(N, dtype=np.float64)
                data=data * 1e9)

        # Insert the data records.
        resource_id = insert_resource(self.spec, filename)
        self.datum_ids = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(N)]
        for i, datum_id in enumerate(self.datum_ids):
            insert_datum(resource_id, datum_id, dict(point_number=i))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def stage(self):
        global proposal_id
        global run_id
        global current_sample

        set_and_wait(self.file_template, '%s%s_%6.6d_'+self.parent.detector_id+'.cbf', timeout=99999)
        if self.reset_file_number.get() == 1:
            set_and_wait(self.file_number, 1, timeout=99999)
        path = '/GPFS/xf16id/exp_path/'
        rpath = str(proposal_id)+"/"+str(run_id)+"/"
        fpath = path + rpath
        set_and_wait(self.file_path, fpath, timeout=99999)
        set_and_wait(self.file_name, current_sample, timeout=99999)
        res_kwargs = {'template': self.file_template.get(),
                      'filename': self.file_name.get(),
                      'frame_per_point': self.get_frames_per_point(),
                      'initial_number': self.file_number.get()}
        self._resource = fs.insert_resource('AD_CBF', rpath, res_kwargs, root=path)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def stage(self):
        global proposal_id
        global run_id
        global current_sample
        global data_path
        global collection_lock_file

        set_and_wait(self.file_template, '%s%s_%6.6d_'+self.parent.detector_id+'.cbf', timeout=99999)
        if self.reset_file_number.get() == 1:
            set_and_wait(self.file_number, 1, timeout=99999)

        # original code by Hugo
        # this is done now when login()
        #path = '/GPFS/xf16id/exp_path/'
        #rpath = str(proposal_id)+"/"+str(run_id)+"/"
        #fpath = path + rpath
        # modified by LY
        # camserver saves data to the local ramdisk, a background process then move them to data_path
        # interesting to note that camserver saves the data to filename.tmp, then rename it filename after done writing
        # must have the '/' at the end, since camserver will add it to the RBV
        # this should done only once for all Pilatus detectors
        if self.parent.name == first_Pilatus():
            #print("first Pilatus is %s" % self.parent.name)
        #set_and_wait(self.file_path, "/ramdisk/", timeout=99999)
        set_and_wait(self.file_path, data_path, timeout=99999)
        set_and_wait(self.file_name, current_sample, timeout=99999)
        res_kwargs = {'template': self.file_template.get(),
                      'filename': self.file_name.get(),
                      'frame_per_point': self.get_frames_per_point(),
                      'initial_number': self.file_number.get()}
        #self._resource = fs.insert_resource('AD_CBF', rpath, res_kwargs, root=path)
        self._resource = fs.insert_resource('AD_CBF', data_path, res_kwargs, root="/")
        if self.parent.name == first_Pilatus():
            caput("XF:16IDC-ES:Sol{ctrl}ready", 1)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def add_data(self, data, uid=None, resource_kwargs=None):
        data : ndarray
            The data to save

        uid : str, optional
            The uid to be used for this entry,
            if not given use uuid1 to generate one

        resource_kwargs : None, optional
            Currently raises if not 'falsy' and is ignored.

        uid : str
            The uid used to register this data with filestore, can
            be used to retrieve it
        if not self._writable:
            raise RuntimeError("This writer can only write one data entry "
                               "and has already been used")

        if resource_kwargs:
            raise ValueError("This writer does not support resource_kwargs")

        if op.exists(self._fpath):
            raise IOError("the requested file {fpath} "
                          "already exist".format(fpath=self._fpath))

        if uid is None:
            uid = str(uuid.uuid1())

        np.save(self._fpath, np.asanyarray(data))
        self._writable = False
        fb = fsc.insert_resource(self.SPEC_NAME, self._fpath, self._f_custom)
        evl = fsc.insert_datum(fb, uid, {})

        return evl.datum_id
Exemplo n.º 17
    def stage(self):
        "Set the filename and record it in a 'resource' document in the filestore database."

        print(self.name, 'stage')
        DIRECTORY = '/GPFS/xf08id/'
        rpath = 'pizza_box_data'
        filename = 'en_' + str(uuid.uuid4())[:6]
        full_path = os.path.join(rpath, filename)
        self._full_path = os.path.join(DIRECTORY,
                                       full_path)  # stash for future reference
        if len(self._full_path) > 40:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Stupidly, EPICS limits the file path to 80 characters. "
                "Choose a different DIRECTORY with a shorter path. (I know....)"
        self._full_path = os.path.join(DIRECTORY,
                                       full_path)  # stash for future reference
        self.resource_uid = fs.insert_resource('PIZZABOX_ENC_FILE_TXT',
                                               {'chunk_size': self.chunk_size},

Exemplo n.º 18
    def stage(self):
        # if should external trigger
        ext_trig = self.parent.external_trig.get()

        logger.debug('Stopping xspress3 acquisition')
        # really force it to stop acquiring
        self.settings.acquire.put(0, wait=True)

        total_points = self.parent.total_points.get()
        spec_per_point = self.parent.spectra_per_point.get()
        total_capture = total_points * spec_per_point

        # stop previous acquisition
        self.stage_sigs[self.settings.acquire] = 0

        # re-order the stage signals and disable the calc record which is
        # interfering with the capture count
        self.stage_sigs.pop(self.num_capture, None)
        self.stage_sigs.pop(self.settings.num_images, None)
        self.stage_sigs[self.num_capture_calc_disable] = 1

        if ext_trig:
            logger.debug('Setting up external triggering')
            self.stage_sigs[self.settings.trigger_mode] = 'TTL Veto Only'
            self.stage_sigs[self.settings.num_images] = total_capture
            logger.debug('Setting up internal triggering')
            # self.settings.trigger_mode.put('Internal')
            # self.settings.num_images.put(1)
            self.stage_sigs[self.settings.trigger_mode] = 'Internal'
            self.stage_sigs[self.settings.num_images] = spec_per_point

        self.stage_sigs[self.auto_save] = 'No'
        logger.debug('Configuring other filestore stuff')

        logger.debug('Making the filename')
        filename, read_path, write_path = self.make_filename()

        logger.debug('Setting up hdf5 plugin: ioc path: %s filename: %s',
                     write_path, filename)

        logger.debug('Erasing old spectra')
        self.settings.erase.put(1, wait=True)

        # this must be set after self.settings.num_images because at the Epics
        # layer  there is a helpful link that sets this equal to that (but
        # not the other way)
        self.stage_sigs[self.num_capture] = total_capture

        # actually apply the stage_sigs
        ret = super().stage()

        self._fn = self.file_template.get() % (self._fp,

        if not self.file_path_exists.value:
            raise IOError("Path {} does not exits on IOC!! Please Check"

        logger.debug('Inserting the filestore resource: %s', self._fn)
        self._filestore_res = fs_api.insert_resource(
            Xspress3HDF5Handler.HANDLER_NAME, self._fn, {})

        # this gets auto turned off at the end

        # Xspress3 needs a bit of time to configure itself...
        # this does not play nice with the event loop :/

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 19
 def stage(self):
     res_kwargs = {'frame_per_point': self.get_frames_per_point()}
     logger.debug("Inserting resource with filename %s", self._fn)
     self._resource = fs.insert_resource('AD_HDF5', self._fn, res_kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def _insert_fs_resource(self):
     return fs_api.insert_resource(Xspress3HDF5Handler.HANDLER_NAME,
                                   self.store_filename, {})
Exemplo n.º 21
 def stage(self):
     res_kwargs = {'template': self.file_template.get(),
                   'filename': self.file_name.get(),
                   'frame_per_point': self.get_frames_per_point()}
     self._resource = fs.insert_resource('AD_TIFF', self._fp, res_kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def _insert_fs_resource(self):
     return fs.insert_resource('AD_TIFF', self._store_file_path,
                               {'template': self._file_template.value,
                                'filename': self._filename,
                                'frame_per_point': 1})
Exemplo n.º 23
 def _insert_fs_resource(self):
     return fs.insert_resource('AD_SPE', self._store_file_path,
                               {'template': self._file_template.value,
                                'filename': self._filename,
                                'frame_per_point': self._num_images.value})
Exemplo n.º 24
 def _insert_fs_resource(self):
     return fs.insert_resource('AD_HDF5',