Exemplo n.º 1
# divide by total number of spatio-temporal samples compute mean & normalizing by RMS
acUz   = acUz/(nz*nt)
acUzF  = acUzF/(nz*nt)
acPi   = acPi/(nz*nt)
acOmgZ = acOmgZ/(nz*nt)
print('Total elapsed wall-clock time:', '{:3.1f}'.format(timeit.default_timer()-t0), 'seconds')

# write correlation coefficient in ascii file
dth = th - (th[-1]-th[0])/2.0 # Why?
fnam = 'autoCorr1dBoxTh'+'{:08d}'.format(iFirst)+'to'+'{:08d}'.format(iLast)+'nt'+'{:04d}'.format(nt)+'.dat'
print('Writing cross-correlation to file', fnam)
f = open(fnam, 'w')
f.write('# One-dimensional two-point auto-correlations in azimuthal (Th) direction\n')
f.write('# For Uz, Uz(Box Filtered), eFlux and axial vorticity component.\n')
f.write("# At wall-normal location r = %f -> y+ = %f\n" % (r[k], (1-r[k])*180.4))
f.write('# Python post-processing on data set nsPipe/pipe0002 generated in a DNS using nsPipe\n')
f.write('# Temporal (ensemble) averaging over %d samples\n' % (nt))
f.write("# First snapshot: %08d\n" % (iFirst))
f.write("# Last snapshot:  %08d\n" % (iLast))
f.write("# Additional averaging in theta direction over %d points\n" % (nth))
f.write("# 01st column: axial separation dz in units of pipe radii (R)\n")
f.write("# 02nd column: Uz correlation in units of RMS\n")
f.write("# 03rd column: UzF correlation in units of RMS\n")
f.write("# 04th column: eFlux correlation in units of RMS\n")
f.write("# 05th column: OmgZ correlation in units of RMS\n")
for i in range(nth-1):
 f.write("%23.16e %23.16e %23.16e %23.16e %23.16e\n" % (dth[i], acUz[i], acUzF[i], acPi[i], acOmgZ[i]))
Exemplo n.º 2
piRms = np.sqrt(pi2 - pi1**2)
piSkew = (pi3 - 3.0 * pi2 * pi1 + 2.0 * pi1**3) / piRms**3
piFlat = (pi4 - 4.0 * pi3 * pi1 + 6.0 * pi2 * pi1**2 - 3.0 * pi1**4) / piRms**4
print('Total elapsed wall-clock time:',
      '{:3.1f}'.format(timeit.default_timer() - t0), 'seconds')

# write energy flux statistics to ascii file
fnam = 'piStatFourier2d' + '{:08d}'.format(iFirst) + 'to' + '{:08d}'.format(
    iLast) + 'nt' + '{:04d}'.format(nt) + '.dat'
f = open(fnam, 'w')
    '# First to fourth order one-point statistics (mean, rms, skewness, flatness) for the\n'
    '# Inter-scale energy flux Pi^l based on a 2d Fourier space cut-off filter)\n'
    '# Python post-processing on data set nsPipe/pipe0003 generated in a DNS using nsPipe\n'
f.write('# Temporal (ensemble) averaging over %d samples\n' % (nt))
    '# Filter width in r:  lambdaR+  =%6.1f viscous units, lambdaR  =%7.5f in R.}'
    % (lambdaRp, lambdaR))
    '# Filter width in th: lambdaTh+ =%6.1f viscous units, lambdaTh =%7.5f in R.}'
    % (lambdaThp, lambdaTh))
Exemplo n.º 3
print('Total elapsed wall-clock time:',
      '{:3.1f}'.format(timeit.default_timer() - t0), 'seconds')

# write correlation coefficient in ascii file
dz = z - (z[-1] - z[0]) / 2.0
rdth = (th - (th[-1] - th[0]) / 2.0) * r[k]
fnam = 'crossCorr2dBox' + '{:08d}'.format(iFirst) + 'to' + '{:08d}'.format(
    iLast) + 'nt' + '{:04d}'.format(nt) + '.dat'
print('Writing 2D cross-correlation to file', fnam)
f = open(fnam, 'w')
f.write('# Two-dimensional two-point cross-correlations in theta-z\n')
f.write('# For Uz, Uz(Box Filtered), eFlux and axial vorticity component.\n')
f.write("# At wall-normal location r = %f -> y+ = %f\n" % (r[k],
                                                           (1 - r[k]) * 180.4))
    '# Python post-processing on data set nsPipe/pipe0002 generated in a DNS using nsPipe\n'
f.write('# Temporal (ensemble) averaging over %d samples\n' % (nt))
f.write("# First snapshot: %08d\n" % (iFirst))
f.write("# Last snapshot:  %08d\n" % (iLast))
f.write("# Additional averaging in theta and axial direction")
    "# 01st column: arclength separation rdth in units of pipe radii (R)\n")
f.write("# 02nd column: axial separation dz in units of pipe radii (R)\n")
f.write("# 03rd column: Uz correlation\n")
f.write("# 04th column: UzF correlation\n")
Exemplo n.º 4
print('Total elapsed wall-clock time:',
      '{:3.1f}'.format(timeit.default_timer() - t0), 'seconds')

# write correlation coefficient in ascii file
dz = z - (z[-1] - z[0]) / 2.0  # Why?
fnam = 'crosscorreFluxBoxQ2Q4event1d' + '{:08d}'.format(
    iFirst) + 'to' + '{:08d}'.format(iLast) + 'nt' + '{:04d}'.format(
        nt) + '.dat'
print('Writing cross-correlation to file', fnam)
f = open(fnam, 'w')
    '# One-dimensional two-point auto-correlations in axial (z) direction\n')
f.write('# between eFlux and Q2 & Q4 events\n')
f.write("# At wall-normal location r = %f -> y+ = %f\n" % (r[k],
                                                           (1 - r[k]) * 180.4))
    '# Python post-processing on data set nsPipe/pipe0002 generated in a DNS using nsPipe\n'
f.write('# Temporal (ensemble) averaging over %d samples\n' % (nt))
f.write("# First snapshot: %08d\n" % (iFirst))
f.write("# Last snapshot:  %08d\n" % (iLast))
f.write("# Additional averaging in theta direction over %d points\n" % (nth))
f.write("# 01st column: axial separation dz in units of pipe radii (R)\n")
f.write("# 02nd column: eFlux-Q2 correlation\n")
f.write("# 03rd column: eFlux-Q4 correlation\n")

for i in range(nz - 1):