Exemplo n.º 1
class Tracker(object):
  This is the main program which gives a high-level view
  of all the running subsystems. It connects camera input with
  output in form of "actions" (such as keyboard shortcuts on the users behalf).
  This is done by locating a hand in an image and detecting features,
  like the number of fingers, and trying to match that data with a
  known gesture.

  def __init__(self):

    # Camera settings
    self.FRAME_WIDTH = 341
    self.FRAME_HEIGHT = 256
    self.flip_camera = True # Mirror image
    self.camera = cv2.VideoCapture(1)

    # ...you can also use a test video for input
    #video = "/Users/matthiasendler/Code/snippets/python/tracker/final/assets/test_video/10.mov"
    #self.camera = cv2.VideoCapture(video)
    #self.skip_input(400) # Skip to an interesting part of the video

    if not self.camera.isOpened():
        print "couldn't load webcam"
    #self.camera.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self.FRAME_WIDTH)
    #self.camera.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self.FRAME_HEIGHT)

    self.filters_dir = "filters/" # Filter settings in trackbar
    self.filters_file = "filters_default"

    # Load filter settings
    current_config = self.filters_dir + self.filters_file
    self.filters = Filters(current_config)

    # No actions will be triggered in test mode
    # (can be used to adjust settings at runtime)
    self.test_mode = False

    # Create a hand detector
    # In fact, this is a wrapper for many detectors
    # to increase detection confidence
    self.detector = Detector(self.filters.config)

    # Knowledge base for all detectors
    self.kb = KB()
    # Create gesture recognizer.
    # A gesture consists of a motion and a hand state.
    self.gesture = Gesture()

    # The action module executes keyboard and mouse commands
    self.action = Action()

    # Show output of detectors
    self.output = Output()


  def run(self):
    In each step: Read the input image and keys,
    process it and react on it (e.g. with an action).
    while True:
      img = self.get_input()
      hand = self.process(img)
      ref = self.action.get_reference_point()
      self.output.show(img, hand, ref)

  def process(self, img):
    Process input
    # Run detection
    hand = self.detector.detect(img)
    # Store result in knowledge base
    if not self.test_mode:
      # Try to interprete as gesture
    return hand

  def interprete(self, hand):
    Try to interprete the input as a gesture
    operation = self.gesture.detect_gesture()

  def get_input(self):
    Get input from camera and keyboard
    _, img = self.camera.read()
    img = cv2.resize(img, (self.FRAME_WIDTH, self.FRAME_HEIGHT))
    if self.flip_camera:
      img = cv2.flip(img, 1)
    return img

  def get_key(self):
    Read keyboard input
    key = cv2.waitKey(self.filters.config["wait_between_frames"])
    if key == ord('+'):
      # Reduce program speed
      self.filters.config["wait_between_frames"] += 500
    if key == ord('-'):
      # Increase program speed
      if self.filters.config["wait_between_frames"] >= 500:
        self.filters.config["wait_between_frames"] -= 500
    #if key == ord('s'):
    # Save config
    #  self.filters.save()
    if key == ord('r'):
      # Reset all detectors
    if key == ord('d'):
      # Make a screenshot
    if key == ord('p') or key == ord(' '):
      # Pause
    if key == ord('t'):
      # Test mode
      self.test_mode = not self.test_mode
    if key == ord('1'):
    if key == ord('2'):
    if key == ord('3'):
    if key == ord('f'):
    if key == 63235: # Right arrow
    if key == 27 or key == ord('q'):
      # Abort program on ESC, q or space

  def toggle_filters(self):
    Load the next filter settings
    self.filters_file = self.next_filters_file()
    current_config = self.filters_dir + self.filters_file

  def next_filters_file(self):
    Get the next filter settings
    filters = listdir(self.filters_dir)
    for i, f in enumerate(filters):
      if f == self.filters_file:
        return filters[(i+1) % len(filters)]

  def skip_input(self, x=1):
    Skip to a different part of a video sequence.
    for i in range(0,x):
Exemplo n.º 2
class Tracker(object):
  This is the main program which gives a high-level view
  of all the running subsystems. It connects camera input with
  output in form of "actions" (such as keyboard shortcuts on the users behalf).
  This is done by locating a hand in an image and detecting features,
  like the number of fingers, and trying to match that data with a
  known gesture.
    def __init__(self):

        # Camera settings
        self.FRAME_WIDTH = 341
        self.FRAME_HEIGHT = 256
        self.flip_camera = True  # Mirror image
        self.camera = cv2.VideoCapture(1)

        # ...you can also use a test video for input
        #video = "/Users/matthiasendler/Code/snippets/python/tracker/final/assets/test_video/10.mov"
        #self.camera = cv2.VideoCapture(video)
        #self.skip_input(400) # Skip to an interesting part of the video

        if not self.camera.isOpened():
            print "couldn't load webcam"
        #self.camera.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self.FRAME_WIDTH)
        #self.camera.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self.FRAME_HEIGHT)

        self.filters_dir = "filters/"  # Filter settings in trackbar
        self.filters_file = "filters_default"

        # Load filter settings
        current_config = self.filters_dir + self.filters_file
        self.filters = Filters(current_config)

        # No actions will be triggered in test mode
        # (can be used to adjust settings at runtime)
        self.test_mode = False

        # Create a hand detector
        # In fact, this is a wrapper for many detectors
        # to increase detection confidence
        self.detector = Detector(self.filters.config)

        # Knowledge base for all detectors
        self.kb = KB()
        # Create gesture recognizer.
        # A gesture consists of a motion and a hand state.
        self.gesture = Gesture()

        # The action module executes keyboard and mouse commands
        self.action = Action()

        # Show output of detectors
        self.output = Output()


    def run(self):
    In each step: Read the input image and keys,
    process it and react on it (e.g. with an action).
        while True:
            img = self.get_input()
            hand = self.process(img)
            ref = self.action.get_reference_point()
            self.output.show(img, hand, ref)

    def process(self, img):
    Process input
        # Run detection
        hand = self.detector.detect(img)
        # Store result in knowledge base
        if not self.test_mode:
            # Try to interprete as gesture
        return hand

    def interprete(self, hand):
    Try to interprete the input as a gesture
        operation = self.gesture.detect_gesture()

    def get_input(self):
    Get input from camera and keyboard
        _, img = self.camera.read()
        img = cv2.resize(img, (self.FRAME_WIDTH, self.FRAME_HEIGHT))
        if self.flip_camera:
            img = cv2.flip(img, 1)
        return img

    def get_key(self):
    Read keyboard input
        key = cv2.waitKey(self.filters.config["wait_between_frames"])
        if key == ord('+'):
            # Reduce program speed
            self.filters.config["wait_between_frames"] += 500
        if key == ord('-'):
            # Increase program speed
            if self.filters.config["wait_between_frames"] >= 500:
                self.filters.config["wait_between_frames"] -= 500
        #if key == ord('s'):
        # Save config
        #  self.filters.save()
        if key == ord('r'):
            # Reset all detectors
        if key == ord('d'):
            # Make a screenshot
        if key == ord('p') or key == ord(' '):
            # Pause
        if key == ord('t'):
            # Test mode
            self.test_mode = not self.test_mode
        if key == ord('1'):
        if key == ord('2'):
        if key == ord('3'):
        if key == ord('f'):
        if key == 63235:  # Right arrow
        if key == 27 or key == ord('q'):
            # Abort program on ESC, q or space

    def toggle_filters(self):
    Load the next filter settings
        self.filters_file = self.next_filters_file()
        current_config = self.filters_dir + self.filters_file

    def next_filters_file(self):
    Get the next filter settings
        filters = listdir(self.filters_dir)
        for i, f in enumerate(filters):
            if f == self.filters_file:
                return filters[(i + 1) % len(filters)]

    def skip_input(self, x=1):
    Skip to a different part of a video sequence.
        for i in range(0, x):