Exemplo n.º 1
    def find_root(self):
        L_alpha = [1.0, 10.0]
        L_lam = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
                 [1.0, 1.0],
                 [-1.0, 1.0],
                 [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
                 [1.0, -2.0, -3.0],
                 [-3.0, -4.0, -5.0, -6.0]]
        L_rho = [1e-2, 1e-1, 1e0, 1e1]
        L_tol = [1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-10, 1e-14]

        for alpha_r, lam, rho, tol in product(L_alpha, L_lam, L_rho, L_tol):
            alpha = ones(len(lam)) * alpha_r
            lam = array(lam)
            tol = rho * tol
            if min(lam) > 0:
                if calculate_distance(alpha, lam, 0.0) < rho:

            print 'alpha', alpha, 'lam', lam, 'rho', rho, 'tol', tol
            nu = find_step_size(alpha, lam, rho, tol)
            f_nu = calculate_distance(alpha, lam, nu)
            print 'nu', nu, 'f(nu)', f_nu

            abs(rho - calculate_distance(alpha, lam, nu)) < Assert(tol)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Test root-finding method to find step size in trust region optimization methods."
    parser.add_argument("--alpha", type=float)
    parser.add_argument("--lam", type=float, nargs="+")
    parser.add_argument("--rho", type=float)

    args = parser.parse_args()

    alpha = args.alpha
    lam = array(args.lam)
    rho = args.rho

    print "α:", alpha
    print "λ:", lam
    print "ρ:", rho

    print "f(0)=", calculate_distance(alpha, lam, 0)

    nu = find_step_size(alpha, lam, rho, 1e-14)
    print "nu=", nu
    print "f(nu)-rho=", calculate_distance(alpha, lam, nu) - rho

    rez = 0.01

    xx = mgrid[nu / 100.0 : nu * 100 : rez]
    yy = array([calculate_distance(alpha, lam, x) for x in xx])

    plot(xx, yy)
    plot([nu / 10.0, nu * 10.0], [rho, rho], "r-")
    plot(nu, calculate_distance(alpha, lam, nu), "rd")


Exemplo n.º 3
def trust_region_step(G, g, rho, rho_tol):
    Nv = g.shape #number of dimensions

    ## Eigen decomposition of the matrix.
        lam, v = np.linalg.eig(G)
        # print '*** ERROR, invalid Hessian matrix'
        # print G
        raise Exception
    ## lam, v = svd_eig(G) ## This is WRONG! (?)
    # print '==lam',lam
    # print '==v',v
    ln = lam.min()
    lni = nonzero(lam==ln)[0]
    lok = nonzero(1-(lam==ln))[0]

    ## Gradient projectin on the eigenvectors.
    alpha = dot(v.T, g)
    # print 'New QP problem:'
    # print 'lam:', lam
    # print 'rho:', rho
    # print lni, lok
    # print 'alpha:', alpha

    ## A plane. Just use the gradient...
    if (np.abs(lam)<1e-10).all():
        # print 'case 0'
        if norm(g) > 0:
            return -rho * g / norm(g)
            #print "joga pro santo"
            return rho * v[0]

    ## Test for case i -> Newton step (nu=0)
    if ln > 0:
        # print 'case 1'
        ## Matrix is positive definite.
        ## Test norm for the nu=0 case.
        beta = -alpha / lam
        nd = norm(beta)
        if nd <= rho + rho_tol:
        ## If norm is smaller than radius, this is "case i". The
        ## Newton step is feasible, so we just return it.
            delta = dot(v,beta)
            return delta

    if ln <= 0:
        ## This may be case iii or ii. Test alpha.
        if (np.abs(alpha[lni]) < 1e-10).all():
            # print "case 3"
            ## This is case iii. First we test if the saddle point is
            ## outside the trust region, in which case we perofrm the
            ## normal calculation in the end. If not, we calculate the
            ## saddle point position, and return a vector stemming
            ## from it up to the trust region boundary.
            beta = zeros(Nv)
            if lok.shape[0]>0:
                beta[lok] = -alpha[lok] / (lam[lok] - ln)
            nd = norm(beta) ## this is h_bar from Fletcher's book, pg. 104
            if nd <= rho + rho_tol:
                # print "saddle in"
                ## If norm is smaller than radius, this is "case iii"
                ## with hk>=h_bar. We return the newton step plus a
                ## vector in the direction of the smallest eigenvalue.
                db = dot(v,beta) ## delta_bar from Fletcher's book
                mv = v[:,lni[0]]
                # print db, mv
                ## Solve to find the sum that touches the region border.
                # print '----', rho, nd
                delta = db + mv * np.sqrt((rho + rho_tol) ** 2 - nd ** 2)
                # print "Return some crazy vector", delta
                return delta
        #     print "saddle out", nd, rho
        # print 'case 2'

    ## Perform an iterative root-finding procedure (secant method) to
    ## find nu.
    nu_opt = find_step_size(alpha, lam, rho, rho_tol)

    beta = -alpha / (lam + nu_opt)
    delta = dot(v,beta)
    return delta