Exemplo n.º 1
# Remember if we were upside down the last time the loop ran or not. We
# want to print our answer the first moment we detect that the user
# flipped us upside down. Then, we don't want to print another answer
# until we can tell that the user has flipped us right-side up and then
# upside down again.
was_upside_down_before = False

# Track if we've encountered an obstacle (like if the user waves a hand
# in front of the beak). Note we are also initializing them with real
# data with a call to the obstacle function.
left_obstacle, right_obstacle = tweety.obstacle()

while not left_obstacle and not right_obstacle:
    # Get our current acceleration status.
    x, y, z, tap, shake = tweety.acceleration()

    if x > -0.5 and x < 0.5 and y > -0.5 and y < 0.5 and z < -0.7:
        # Based on x, y and z, we're now upside down.

        # Green LED (hints to the user that we're upside down and ready
        # to print an answer).
        tweety.led(0, 255, 0)

        if not was_upside_down_before:
            # If we weren't upside down already, that means the user
            # *just* flipped us upside down, so take action!

            # Choose an answer randomly.
            answer_index = randrange(0, len(answers))
Exemplo n.º 2
The Finch is a robot for computer science education. Its design is the result
of a four year study at Carnegie Mellon's CREATE lab.


from finch import Finch
from time import sleep
import notes

#Main function for the music player example program"""

#Initialize the finch
mode = input("What mode, alarm or muysic player?")
finch = Finch()
x, y, z, tap, shake = finch.acceleration()
zAccel = finch.acceleration()[2]
timeList = [0.18, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
if mode != 'a':

    songList = [
        'E5  C D E C D E F  D E F D E F G  A  GE F C D E G E D C ',
        'D D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 D D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 '
        'E D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 E D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 '
        'G D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 G D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 '
        'D D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 D D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 ',
        'E5 E  E   C E  G    G4   C5  G4   E   A BBb A  G  '
        'E5  G  A F G  E  C D B4  C5  G4   E   A BBb A  G  '
        'E5  G  A F G  E  C D B4 -  G5 Gb F D#  E G4# A C5 A4 C5 D '
        'G5 Gb F D#  E C6 C6 C6   '
        'G5 Gb F D#  E G4# A C5 A4 C5 D  Eb  D  C    '
Exemplo n.º 3
# Car alarm
# The finch sounds an alarm, alternating high pitch sounds and
# flashing red abd blue lights, until its nose is turned up

from time import sleep
from finch import Finch

finch = Finch()
x = 0
while x > -0.5:
    x, y, z, tap, shake = finch.acceleration()

    finch.led("#FF0000")  # set the led to red
    finch.buzzer(1.0, 250)
    finch.led("#0000FF")  # set the led to blue
    finch.buzzer(1.0, 400)

Exemplo n.º 4
class myFinch:
    # Class Initializer
    # Synopsis -
    #   self.left_wheel, is the speed of the left wheel, set to 0
    #   self.right_wheel, is the speed of the right wheel, set to 0
    #   self.tweety, is the Finch robot object which will be manipulated through this class
    # Description -
    #   Initialize the class members to a specific value
    def __init__(self):
        self.tweety = Finch()

        # Set obstacle sensors
        self.left_obst, self.right_obst = self.tweety.obstacle()

        # Setting initial lighting
        self.myLights = lighting(self.tweety)

        # Setting initial acceleration settings
        self.x, self.y, self.z, self.tap, self.shake = self.tweety.acceleration()

        # Setting initial wheel speed
        self.left_wheel = 0.0
        self.right_wheel = 0.0
        self.tweety.wheels(self.left_wheel, self.right_wheel)

    def __del__(self):

    # [FUNCTION]Name - setWheels ( left, right )
    # Synopsis -
    #       def setWheels ( left, right ) :
    #           left,   an double value for the left wheel speed
    #           right,  an double value for the right wheel speed
    # Description -
    #   Accelerates each wheel at different speeds to obtain the new speed. This can be
    #       adjusted by small increments and also gives each wheel independent ending
    #       speeds.
    # Return -
    #   (none)
    def setWheels ( self, left, right ):
        self.left_wheel = left
        self.right_wheel = right
        self.tweety.wheels(self.left_wheel, self.right_wheel)
    #   setWheels ( left, right )   #

    def isLight( self ):
        current_left, current_right = self.tweety.light()
        print ("Left reading :   ",current_left)
        print ("Right reading :  ", current_right)
        return current_left, current_right
        return False
        return True

    # [FUNCTION]Name - def printSpeed (  )
    # Synopsis -
    #        def printSpeed (  ):
    #           (no parameters)
    # Description -
    #   Upon changing speed with setWheels this will print the individual wheel speed
    #       or both to the console.
    # Return -
    #   (none)
    def printSpeed ( self ):
        if (self.left_wheel == self.right_wheel):
            print ("Current speed : ", self.left_wheel)
        print("Left speed : ", self.left_wheel)
        print("Right speed : ", self.right_wheel)
    #   printSpeed ( self ) #

    # [FUNCTION]Name - def detectSingleObstacle (  )
    # Synopsis -
    #        def detectSingleObstacle (  ):
    #           (no parameters)
    # Description -
    #   Function will utilize the finch's right and left sensors to see if there is
    #       an obstacale on the left or right.
    # Return -
    #   "Left" upon a left_obst sensor being triggered
    #   "right" upon a right_obst sensor being triggered
    #   False otherwise
    def detectSingleObstacle(self):
        #while there is no obstacle continue
        self.left_obst, self.right_obst = self.tweety.obstacle()

        if self.left_obst:
            print ( "Left obstacle" )
            return "left"
        elif self.right_obst:
            print ( "Right obstacle" )
            return "right"
        return False
    #   detectSingleObstacle(self)  #

    # [FUNCTION]Name - def detectWall (  )
    # Synopsis -
    #        def detectWall (  ):
    #           (no parameters)
    # Description -
    #   Function will utilize the finch's right and left sensors to see if there is
    #       an obstacale directly in front of both sensors.
    # Return -
    #   True if obstacle detected on both sides.
    #   False if no obstacle detected / only one side detected
    def detectWall (self):
        self.left_obst, self.right_obst = self.tweety.obstacle()
        if (self.left_obst and self.right_obst):
            print (self.left_obst, self.right_obst)
            return True
        return False
    #      detectWall ( self )   #

    def detectLight(self):

    ############## GENERAL MOVEMENT ####################
    def reverseLeft( self, t ):
        self.setWheels(-1.0, -0.5)
        sleep ( t )

    def reverseRight( self, t ):
        self.setWheels(-0.5, -1.0)
        sleep ( t )

    def forLeft( self, t ):
        self.setWheels( 0.25, 0.5)
        sleep ( t )

    def forRight( self, t ):
        self.setWheels( 1.0, 0.5 )
        sleep ( t )

    def straight( self, speed, t ):
        self.setWheels( speed, speed )
        sleep ( t )

    def reverse( self, speed, t ):
        self.setWheels( -speed, -speed )
        sleep ( t )

    def stop( self ):
        self.setWheels(0.0, 0.0)

    def forceStop(self):
Exemplo n.º 5
class myFinch:
    # Class Initializer
    # Synopsis -
    #   self.left_wheel, is the speed of the left wheel, set to 0
    #   self.right_wheel, is the speed of the right wheel, set to 0
    #   self.tweety, is the Finch robot object which will be manipulated through this class
    # Description -
    #   Initialize the class members to a specific value
    def __init__(self):
        self.tweety = Finch()

        # Set obstacle sensors
        self.left_obst, self.right_obst = self.tweety.obstacle()

        # Setting initial lighting
        self.myLights = lighting(self.tweety)

        # Setting initial acceleration settings
        self.x, self.y, self.z, self.tap, self.shake = self.tweety.acceleration(

        # Setting initial wheel speed
        self.left_wheel = 0.0
        self.right_wheel = 0.0
        self.tweety.wheels(self.left_wheel, self.right_wheel)

    # [FUNCTION]Name - setWheels ( left, right )
    # Synopsis -
    #       def setWheels ( left, right ) :
    #           left,   an double value for the left wheel speed
    #           right,  an double value for the right wheel speed
    # Description -
    #   Accelerates each wheel at different speeds to obtain the new speed. This can be
    #       adjusted by small increments and also gives each wheel independent ending
    #       speeds.
    # Return -
    #   (none)
    def setWheels(self, left, right):
        self.left_wheel = left
        self.right_wheel = right
        self.tweety.wheels(self.left_wheel, self.right_wheel)

    #   setWheels ( left, right )   #

    # [FUNCTION]Name - def printSpeed (  )
    # Synopsis -
    #        def printSpeed (  ):
    #           (no parameters)
    # Description -
    #   Upon changing speed with setWheels this will print the individual wheel speed
    #       or both to the console.
    # Return -
    #   (none)
    def printSpeed(self):
        if (self.left_wheel == self.right_wheel):
            print("Current speed : ", self.left_wheel)
        print("Left speed : ", self.left_wheel)
        print("Right speed : ", self.right_wheel)

    #   printSpeed ( self ) #

    def isLight(self):
        current_left, current_right = self.tweety.light()
        return current_left, current_right

    def scurryTowardsLights(self):
        lspeed = 0.3
        rspeed = 0.5
        clspeed = 0.1
        crspeed = 0.5
        onCurve = 0
        onMax = 0

        maxleft, maxright = self.myLights.getMax()
        tmpmaxleft = maxleft + .25
        tmpmaxright = maxright + .25
        if (tmpmaxleft) > .75:
            tmpmaxleft = .75
        if (tmpmaxright) > .75:
            tmpmaxright = .75
        while (True):
            # Check lights, then obstacles
            left_light, right_light = self.myLights.lightStatus()
            self.left_obst, self.right_obst = self.tweety.obstacle()
            if (self.checkForObstacle()):

                #switch the speeds
                tmp = lspeed
                ctmp = clspeed
                lspeed = rspeed
                rspeed = tmp
                clspeed = crspeed
                clspeed = ctmp

            if left_light == 0 and right_light == 0:

                # Just keep swimming
                print("Just keep swimming")
                self.delay(0.3, lspeed, rspeed)
                onCurve += 1
                if onCurve == 10:
                    print("Small curve")
                    self.setWheels(0.0, 0.0)
                    self.delay(3.0, clspeed, crspeed)
                                   rspeed)  # Natural curve speed (testing)
                    onCurve = 0

            elif left_light > 0 or right_light > 0:
                onCurve = 0
                # Find "brightest"
                # stop ... move towards the light

                self.setWheels(0.0, 0.0)
                leftval, rightval = self.myLights.getComparison()
                if leftval > rightval:
                    # Turn towards our left
                    print("Going left")
                    print("Going right")
                    # Turn towards our right

                if ((leftval + maxleft) >
                    (tmpmaxleft)) and ((rightval + maxright) > tmpmaxright):
                    print("Under bright area!")
                    while (True):
                        self.setWheels(0.0, 0.0)
                        self.delay(0.3, 0.5, 0.5)
                        self.setWheels(0.0, 0.0)
                        left, right = self.isLight()
                        print(left, " ", right)
                        print(tmpmaxleft, " ", tmpmaxright)
                        if (left > tmpmaxleft) or (right > tmpmaxright):
                            tmpmaxleft = left
                            tmpmaxright = right
                            self.delay(0.3, -0.5, -0.5)
                            self.setWheels(0.0, 0.0)

            elif right_light < 0 or right_light < 0:
                onCurve = 0
                print("got darker")

    def checkForObstacle(self):
        if self.left_obst == True and self.right_obst == True:
            print("Obstacle straight ahead")
            self.setWheels(-(self.left_wheel), -(self.right_wheel))
            self.setWheels(0.0, 0.0)
            self.setWheels(0.0, 0.5)
            return True
        elif self.right_obst == True:
            print("Obstacle on right")
            self.setWheels(-(self.left_wheel), -(self.right_wheel))
            self.setWheels(0.0, 0.0)
            self.setWheels(0.5, 0.0)
            return True
        elif self.left_obst == True:
            print("Obstacle on left")
            self.setWheels(-(self.left_wheel), -(self.right_wheel))
            self.setWheels(0.0, 0.0)
            self.setWheels(0.5, 0.0)
            return True
            print("No obstacle")
            return False
        return False

    def turnRight(self):
        self.setWheels(.5, .25)

    def turnLeft(self):
        self.setWheels(0.25, .5)

    def straight(self):
        self.setWheels(0.4, 0.4)

    def charging(self):
        self.tweety.buzzer(1.0, 800)

    def discharging(self):

    def delay(self, time, lspeed, rspeed):
        timer = 0
        while (timer < time):
            self.setWheels(lspeed, rspeed)
            if (self.checkForObstacle() == True):
                tmp = lspeed
                lspeed = rspeed
                rspeed = tmp
                self.setWheels(lspeed, rspeed)
                timer = timer + 0.1
Exemplo n.º 6
#get which song
song = 3

if song >= 1 and song <= 3:
    print("It's GO time!!!")
    Finch.led(255, 0, 0)
    notes.sing(finch, songList[song - 1], timeList[song - 1])

# Instantiate the Finch object and connect to Finch
tweety = Finch()

# Get the Z-Axis acceleration
zAccel = tweety.acceleration()[2]

# Do the following while the Finch is not upside down (z value in gees above -0.7)
while zAccel > -0.7:

    left_obstacle, right_obstacle = tweety.obstacle()
    # If there's an obstacle on the left, back up and arc
    if left_obstacle:
        tweety.led(255, 0, 0)

        tweety.wheels(-1.0, -0.3)

        print("Uh oh! looks like we've found an obstical!")
Exemplo n.º 7
        'D D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 D D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 '
        'E D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 E D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 '
        'G D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 G D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 '
        'D D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 D D5 A4 G G5 A4 F5# A4 ',
        'E5 E  E   C E  G     ', 'C E5 G'
    timeList = [0.18, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]

    song = 1

    #get which song
    song = 3

    if song >= 1 and song <= 3:

        Finch.led(255, 0, 0)
        notes.sing(finch, songList[song - 1], timeList[song - 1])

    zAccel = finch.acceleration()[2]
    finch.led(255, 255, 255)
    finch = True

    while zAccel > -0.7 and see == True:
        see = pass_gas(True)

#finxh led is red,green,blue

Exemplo n.º 8
class MyRobot:

    # Constructor, the polarity is here cause some robots may have the
    # polarity wrong (i.e. right wheel is going in wrong direction)
    # The 'adjust' variables are to adjust for different speeds in the wheels
    # it tries to make them in sync.
    def __init__(self, left, right, inAdjustmentMode=False):
        self.leftWheel = left
        self.rightWheel = right
        self.myBot = Finch()

        # Keep track of the direction you should try on obstacles
        self.obstacleDirectionToTry = finchConstants.LEFT
        self.lastScrapedSide = " "
        # Keep track of when the last time you moved forward, we use that
        # to identify sensors
        self.lastTimeIMovedForward = -1

        # Use vars below for logging when
        self.lastPersistedLeftObstacleState = False
        self.lastPersistedRightObstacleState = False

        # Obstacle reading goes haywire... we'll count up readings within
        # an interval and use the overall score to report
        self.lastObstacleReading = 0.0
        self.lastObstacleReadingLeftScores = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.lastObstacleReadingRightScores = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.scorePosition = 0
        self.obstacleNumberOfScores = len(self.lastObstacleReadingLeftScores)

        self.obstacleState = {
            "left": False,
            "leftStateTime": 0.0,
            "leftElapsedTime": 0.0,
            "right": False,
            "rightStateTime": 0.0,
            "rightElapsedTime": 0.0

        # If true then wheel speed will be adjusted by the constants
        self.inWheelAdjustmentMode = inAdjustmentMode
        self.lasttime = time.time()

    # Reset the state of the sensors
    def resetState(self):
        self.obstacleState["left"] = False
        self.obstacleState["leftStateTime"] = 0.0
        self.obstacleState["leftElapsedTime"] = 0.0
        self.obstacleState["right"] = False
        self.obstacleState["rightStateTime"] = 0.0
        self.obstacleState["rightElapsedTime"] = 0.0

        self.lastPersistedLeftObstacleState = False
        self.lastPersistedRightObstacleState = False
        self.lastObstacleReading = 0.0
        self.lastObstacleReadingLeftScores = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.lastObstacleReadingRightScores = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.scorePosition = 0

    # This is common routine to update the dictionary 'state' items associated
    # with the sensors... we need this because we need the state to persist for
    # a given amount of time before we think of it as 'real' (the bot sensors are flakey)
    # NOTE: The state will only be updated when wheels are moving, or you pass in the
    # forceUpdate indicator
    def updateMyState(self, forceUpdate=False):
        if self.leftWheel != 0.0 or self.rightWheel != 0.0 or forceUpdate:
            stateTime = time.time()

            leftObst, rightObst = self.myBot.obstacle()

            # Because obstacle readings are erradic I take last 5 readings, and report that
            # value if sum of array is > 2 then report True else report false
            if leftObst == True:
                leftIntValue = 1
                leftIntValue = 0
            if rightObst == True:
                rightIntValue = 1
                rightIntValue = 0
            indexPosition = self.scorePosition % 5
            self.lastObstacleReadingLeftScores[indexPosition] = leftIntValue
            self.lastObstacleReadingRightScores[indexPosition] = rightIntValue

            self.scorePosition = indexPosition + 1

            lastReadingElapsed = round(stateTime - self.lastObstacleReading, 3)
                "finchClass-updateMyState, lastReadingElapsed: {0}, leftObst: {1} rightObst{2}"
                .format(lastReadingElapsed, leftObst, rightObst))
            # If reading is less than intervals ignore it
            if lastReadingElapsed < OBSTACLE_READING_DELAY:

            self.lastObstacleReading = stateTime

            # Calculate the value for each of the obstacle sensors
            leftIntValue = 0
            rightIntValue = 0
            indexPosition = 0
            while indexPosition < self.obstacleNumberOfScores:
                leftIntValue += self.lastObstacleReadingLeftScores[
                rightIntValue += self.lastObstacleReadingRightScores[
                indexPosition += 1

            if leftIntValue > 2:
                leftObstacleReading = True
                leftObstacleReading = False

            if rightIntValue > 2:
                rightObstacleReading = True
                rightObstacleReading = False
                "finchClass-updateMyState, leftObstacleReading: {0} rightObstacleReading: {1}"
                .format(leftObstacleReading, rightObstacleReading))

            # State changed or time hasn't been set
            if self.obstacleState[
                    "left"] != leftObstacleReading or self.obstacleState[
                        "leftStateTime"] == 0.0:
                    "finchClass-updateMyState, STATE Changed, Left was:{0} is:{1}"
                self.obstacleState["left"] = leftObstacleReading
                self.obstacleState["leftStateTime"] = stateTime
                self.obstacleState["leftElapsedTime"] = 0.0
                # Calculate the elapsed time in this state
                self.obstacleState["leftElapsedTime"] = round(
                    stateTime - self.obstacleState["leftStateTime"], 4)

            # Same as above but check the right obstacle sensor
            if self.obstacleState[
                    "right"] != rightObstacleReading or self.obstacleState[
                        "rightStateTime"] == 0.0:
                    "finchClass-updateMyState, STATE Changed, Right was:{0} is:{1}"
                self.obstacleState["right"] = rightObstacleReading
                self.obstacleState["rightStateTime"] = stateTime
                self.obstacleState["rightElapsedTime"] = 0.0
                self.obstacleState["rightElapsedTime"] = round(
                    stateTime - self.obstacleState["rightStateTime"], 4)

    # Helper to return indicator if an obstacle exists, we did this because we need the obstacle to
    # persist for an amount of time (thresholdInSecs) before we say it's on
    # Caller can specify which sensor to check (LEFT/RIGHT, if they don't then it'll return True if
    # either sensor reports an obstacle)
    def hasObstacle(self,
        # Commented out logger... too many messages here, changed 'updateMyState' to report when state changes
        # finchClassLogger.debug("finchClass-hasObstacle, obstacleState:{0}".format(str(self.obstacleState)))
        leftObst = False
        if self.obstacleState["leftElapsedTime"] > thresholdInSecs:
            leftObst = self.obstacleState["left"]
            if leftObst != self.lastPersistedLeftObstacleState:
                    "finchClass-hasObstacle, PERSISTED Left Obstacle State Change old/new: {0}/{1}"
                    .format(self.lastPersistedLeftObstacleState, leftObst))
                self.lastPersistedLeftObstacleState = leftObst

        rightObst = False
        if self.obstacleState["rightElapsedTime"] > thresholdInSecs:
            rightObst = self.obstacleState["right"]
            if leftObst != self.lastPersistedLeftObstacleState:
                    "finchClass-hasObstacle, PERSISTED Right Obstacle State Change old/new: {0}/{1}"
                    .format(self.lastPersistedRightObstacleState, rightObst))
                self.lastPersistedRightObstacleState = rightObst

        # finchClassLogger.debug("finchClass-hasObstacle, leftObst:{0} rightObst{1}".format(leftObst,rightObst))

        if whichOne == finchConstants.LEFT:
            return leftObst
        elif whichOne == finchConstants.RIGHT:
            return rightObst
        elif leftObst == True or rightObst == True:
            return True
            return False

    # Helper function, it returns the wheel speed taking into account what the
    # wheel adjustment should be, and it's polarity.
    def wheelHelper(self, whichWheel, logModeOnly=False):
        # For logging we don't want to show the polarity adjustment... could be
        # confusing to people analyzing wheel motion :)
        if logModeOnly == False:
            rtPol = finchConstants.RIGHTPOLARITY
            ltPol = finchConstants.LEFTPOLARITY
            rtPol = 1.0
            ltPol = 1.0

        if whichWheel == "R":
            if self.inWheelAdjustmentMode:
                return (self.rightWheel +
                        finchConstants.RIGHTWHEELADJUSTMENT) * rtPol
                return self.rightWheel * rtPol
            if self.inWheelAdjustmentMode:
                return (self.leftWheel +
                        finchConstants.LEFTWHEELADJUSTMENT) * ltPol
                return self.leftWheel * ltPol

    # Set the wheel speed (to move, unless both are zero)
    def update(self, useAdjustment):
        self.inWheelAdjustmentMode = useAdjustment
            "finchClass-update, left: {0:.2f} right: {1:.2f}".format(
                self.wheelHelper("L"), self.wheelHelper("R")))

        if (self.leftWheel != 0.0 or self.rightWheel != 0.0):
            # Setting wheel speed, reset the sensors
            self.myBot.wheels(self.wheelHelper("L"), self.wheelHelper("R"))
            self.myBot.wheels(0.0, 0.0)

    # Stop moving
    def stop(self):
        self.leftWheel = 0.0
        self.rightWheel = 0.0

    # Turn left, we do this by either increasing the speed of the right wheel
    # or decreasing the left wheel speed if we're already at max speed
    def left(self):
        if self.rightWheel >= finchConstants.RIGHTMAXSPEED:
            self.leftWheel -= finchConstants.SPEEDINCREMENT
            self.rightWheel += finchConstants.SPEEDINCREMENT

    # Turn left for the desired degrees
    def leftTurn(self, degrees2Turn):
        self.turnTime = degrees2Turn / 360.0
        self.leftWheel = finchConstants.LEFTROTATIONSPEED * -1
        self.rightWheel = finchConstants.LEFTROTATIONSPEED
        time.sleep(finchConstants.LEFTROTATIONTIME * self.turnTime)
        self.leftWheel = 0
        self.rightWheel = 0

    # Turn right, basically increase the speed of the left wheel
    # or decreasing right wheel if left wheel already at max speed
    def right(self):
        if self.leftWheel >= finchConstants.LEFTMAXSPEED:
            self.rightWheel -= finchConstants.SPEEDINCREMENT
            self.leftWheel += finchConstants.SPEEDINCREMENT

    # Turn right the specified number of degrees
    def rightTurn(self, degrees2Turn):
        self.turnTime = degrees2Turn / 360.0
        self.leftWheel = finchConstants.RIGHTROTATIONSPEED
        self.rightWheel = finchConstants.RIGHTROTATIONSPEED * -1
        time.sleep(finchConstants.RIGHTROTATIONTIME * self.turnTime)
        self.leftWheel = 0
        self.rightWheel = 0

    # Get the elapsed time
    def getElapsedTime(self):
        return round(time.time() - self.lasttime, 4)

    # Reset the elapsed timer
    def resetTimer(self):
        self.lasttime = time.time()

    # Run... set wheels to max speed
    def run(self):
        self.leftWheel = finchConstants.LEFTMAXSPEED
        self.rightWheel = finchConstants.RIGHTMAXSPEED

    # Go faster, we determine the speed increment and increase both wheels by that amount
    def faster(self):
        increment = min(finchConstants.SPEEDINCREMENT,
                        finchConstants.LEFTMAXSPEED - self.leftWheel,
                        finchConstants.RIGHTMAXSPEED - self.rightWheel)
        self.leftWheel += increment
        self.rightWheel += increment

    # Set wheels to be at certain speed
    def setWheels(self, lftWheel, rtWheel, adJustMode):
        self.leftWheel = lftWheel
        self.rightWheel = rtWheel
        self.inWheelAdjustmentMode = adJustMode

    # Shutdown the robot
    def shutDown(self):

    # Return True if robot can move, false if there is some type of
    # obstacle
    def canMove(self, ignoreObstacles):
        # Add logic for other sensors
        # If we're going in reverse then don't check sensors
        if (self.leftWheel <= 0.0
                and self.rightWheel <= 0.0) or ignoreObstacles:
            # print("canMove, ignoring obstacles")
            return True
            rtnValue = (self.hasObstacle("BOTH") == False)
            # print("canMove returns {0}".format(rtnValue))
            return rtnValue

    # Routine when robot feels a scrap (obstacle on one side of it), pass in the side
    def getOutOfScrape(self, sideOfScrape):
        # Motion is rotate SCRAPEANGLE (if left +, right -)
        # Rotate back to original angle
        if sideOfScrape == finchConstants.LEFT:
            return botUtils.calculateScrapeMovement(
            return botUtils.calculateScrapeMovement(

    # Get out of obstacle is similar to the get out of scrap but we use a 45 degree angle and the distance to
    # move puts us back 1/2 of the robot's width away
    def getOutOfObstacle(self, directionToMove):
        # We want to try a position to the left or right that is 1/2 our width away
        # Calculate the distance we need to backup first, it's 1/2 width divided by sin(45)
        distanceToBackup = round(
            (finchConstants.TOTALWIDTH) / botUtils.degreesSin(45), 2)
            "finchClass-getOutOfObstacle, directionToMove: {0} distanceToBackup: {1}"
            .format(directionToMove, str(distanceToBackup)))
        if directionToMove == finchConstants.LEFT:
            # Want angle of -45 to turn right then backup
            return botUtils.calculateScrapeMovement(-45.0, distanceToBackup)
            return botUtils.calculateScrapeMovement(45, distanceToBackup)

    # Return the direction to try when you hit an obstacle, put logic in here
    def getObstacleDirectionToTry(self):
        return self.obstacleDirectionToTry

    def flipObstacleDirectionToTry(self):
        if self.obstacleDirectionToTry == finchConstants.LEFT:
            self.obstacleDirectionToTry = finchConstants.RIGHT
            self.obstacleDirectionToTry = finchConstants.LEFT
            "finchClass-flipObstacleDirectionToTry, new direction: {0}".format(

    # Return the side that was last scraped, since we calculate the direction to move before
    # this, it's opposite out current direction... down the road see if you can derive it on
    # accelarator
    def getLastScrapeSide(self):
        if self.obstacleDirectionToTry == finchConstants.LEFT:
            return finchConstants.RIGHT
            return finchConstants.LEFT
        #return self.lastScrapedSide

    def isObstacle(self, robotPosition, robotRegionOfTravel):
        # Return True if you hit an obstacle (both sensors are true), if you
        # only have one sensor then count that as a scrape and return false
        # leftObst, rightObst  = self.myBot.obstacle()
        leftObst = self.hasObstacle(finchConstants.LEFT)
        rightObst = self.hasObstacle(finchConstants.RIGHT)
        if leftObst == True and rightObst == True:
            return True
        elif leftObst == True or rightObst == True:
            # The robot sensor don't always report true even
            # when there's an obstacle right in front of it.
            # If the robot is close to the edge of it's region
            # of travel then report this as a scrape otherwise
            # report it as an obstacle
            if self.isRobotCloseToEdge(robotPosition,
                                       robotRegionOfTravel) == True:
                if leftObst == True:
                    self.lastScrapedSide = finchConstants.LEFT
                    self.lastScrapedSide = finchConstants.RIGHT
                return False
                return True
        return False

    # Determines if robot is oriented along the x or y axis (within 10 degree of it)
    def robotOrientedAlongAxis(self, robotPosition):
        orientedTowardAxis = " "
        if (robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_ANGLE] < 10
                or robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_ANGLE] > 350):
            orientedTowardAxis = "X+"
        elif (robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_ANGLE] > 170
              and robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_ANGLE] < 190):
            orientedTowardAxis = "X-"
        elif (robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_ANGLE] > 80
              and robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_ANGLE] < 100):
            orientedTowardAxis = "Y+"
        elif (robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_ANGLE] > 260
              and robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_ANGLE] < 280):
            orientedTowardAxis = "Y-"
        return orientedTowardAxis

    # Determine if robot is close to a particular regions edge
    def getRobotClosestEdges(self,
        # Calculate the distance from coordinates
        closeEdges = []
        distanceToLeftX = robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_X] - regionOfTravel[0]
        distanceToRightX = regionOfTravel[2] - robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_X]
        distanceFromBottomY = robotPosition[
            botUtils.POS_OF_Y] - regionOfTravel[1]
        distanceFromTopY = regionOfTravel[3] - robotPosition[botUtils.POS_OF_Y]

        tempString = "finchClass.py, getRobotClosesEdges, robotPosition: {0} regionOfTravel: {1} threshold: {2}"
            tempString.format(str(robotPosition), str(regionOfTravel),
        tempString = "   leftXDist: {0} rightXDist: {1}, lowerYDist: {2} upperYDist: {3}"
            tempString.format(distanceToLeftX, distanceToRightX,
                              distanceFromBottomY, distanceFromTopY))

        if (distanceToLeftX <= threshold):
        elif (distanceToRightX <= threshold):

        if (distanceFromBottomY <= threshold):
        elif (distanceFromTopY <= threshold):
        return closeEdges

    def getFinchReference(self):
        return self.myBot

    # Revisit this, there's definitely better way to do this... look in to matrix trasnformations
    def checkAndSetObstacleDirectionToTry(self,
        # Get closest edges
            "finchClass.py, checkAndSetObstacleDirectionToTry, start")
        myCloseEdges = self.getRobotClosestEdges(robotPosition, regionOfTravel,
        newDirection = " "
        if len(myCloseEdges) > 0:
                "finchClass.py, checkAndSetObstacleDirectionToTry, values below"
            for anEdge in myCloseEdges:
                finchClassLogger.debug("  {0}".format(str(anEdge)))

            # We are close to an edge, get the robot orientation to figure out the edges that
            # are used to set new direction... when in x direction we look at y values, when
            # pointing in y direction we look at x values
            robotOrientation = self.robotOrientedAlongAxis(robotPosition)
            if robotOrientation == "X+":
                if "UY" in myCloseEdges:
                    newDirection = finchConstants.RIGHT
                elif "LY" in myCloseEdges:
                    newDirection = finchConstants.LEFT
            elif robotOrientation == "X-":
                if "UY" in myCloseEdges:
                    newDirection = finchConstants.LEFT
                elif "LY" in myCloseEdges:
                    newDirection = finchConstants.RIGHT
            elif robotOrientation == "Y+":
                if "UX" in myCloseEdges:
                    newDirection = finchConstants.LEFT
                elif "LX" in myCloseEdges:
                    newDirection = finchConstants.RIGHT
            elif robotOrientation == "Y-":
                if "UX" in myCloseEdges:
                    newDirection = finchConstants.RIGHT
                elif "LX" in myCloseEdges:
                    newDirection = finchConstants.LEFT

                "finchClass.py, checkAndSetObstacleDirectionToTry, oldDirection: {0} newDirection: {1}"
                .format(self.obstacleDirectionToTry, newDirection))
            if newDirection != self.obstacleDirectionToTry:
            "finchClass.py, checkAndSetObstacleDirectionToTry, start")

    # Helper just returns true or false stating that we're close to edge.
    def isRobotCloseToEdge(self,
        edgesCloseTo = self.getRobotClosestEdges(robotPosition, regionOfTravel,
        if len(edgesCloseTo) > 0:
            return True
            return False

    # Set the finches nose color :)
    def setLedColor(self, theColor):
        if theColor == finchConstants.RED:
            self.myBot.led(255, 0, 0)
        elif theColor == finchConstants.GREEN:
            self.myBot.led(0, 255, 0)
        elif theColor == finchConstants.BLUE:
            self.myBot.led(0, 0, 255)

    # Return status of all robot attributes
    def status(self):
        # This returns elapsed time since clock was set and a tuple with the attributes, the wheels, obstacle and lights
        # are tuples (so it's a tuple of tuples (except for temp))
        leftObst, rightObst = self.myBot.obstacle()
        currStat = (self.getElapsedTime(), (self.wheelHelper("L", True),
                                            self.wheelHelper("R", True)),
                    self.myBot.temperature(), (self.myBot.light()),
                    (leftObst, rightObst), (self.myBot.acceleration()))

        return currStat
Exemplo n.º 9
"""Help the Finch navigate a maze."""

from finch import Finch
from time import sleep

# initialize state
finch = Finch()
done = False

while not done:

    # read current sensor values
    x, y, z, tap, shake = finch.acceleration()
    left_light, right_light = finch.light()
    left_obstacle, right_obstacle = finch.obstacle()
    temp = finch.temperature()

    # did it just get dark?
    if left_light < 0.35 or right_light < 0.35:
        done = True

    # RED: is something in the way?
    elif left_obstacle or right_obstacle:
        finch.led(255, 0, 0)
        finch.wheels(-0.75, -0.75)

    # GREEN: all clear, move ahead!
        finch.led(0, 255, 0)
        finch.wheels(0.75, 0.75)
# A simple program that changes the Finch LED based on orientation.

from finch import Finch
from random import randint

# Instantiate the Finch object and connect to Finch
tweety = Finch()

left, right = tweety.obstacle()

# Do the following while no obstacles are detected by Finch
while not left and not right:
    # Get the accelerations
    x, y, z, tap, shake = tweety.acceleration()

    # Print the acceleration data
    print("X is %.2f gees, Y is %.2f gees, Z is %.2f gees, tap is %r shake is %r" % (x, y, z, tap, shake));

    # Use the acceleration data to set the LED:
    # beak up
    if x < -0.7 and y > -0.3 and y < 0.3 and z > -0.3 and z < 0.3:
    # beak down
    elif x > 0.7 and y > -0.3 and y < 0.3 and z > -0.3 and z < 0.3:
    # level
    elif x > -0.5 and x < 0.5 and y > -0.5 and y < 0.5 and z > 0.7:
    # upside down
    elif x > -0.5 and x < 0.5 and y > -0.5 and y < 0.5 and z < -0.7:
Exemplo n.º 11
from finch import Finch
from time import sleep

f = Finch()

zAccel = f.acceleration()[2]

i_temp = f.temperature()
i_l_light, i_r_light = f.light()

alpha_light = 0.20
alpha2_light = 0.25
alpha_temp = 0.65

while zAccel > -0.7:

    left_obstacle, right_obstacle = f.obstacle()
    l_light, r_light = f.light()
    temp = f.temperature()


    if temp > i_temp + alpha_temp:
        k = 1
        while k < 11:
            f.led(141, 21, 165)
            f.wheels(-1, -1)
            f.led(255, 255, 255)
            f.wheels(1, 1)
Exemplo n.º 12
# A simple program that wanders and avoids obstacles

from finch import Finch
from time import sleep

# Instantiate the Finch object and connect to Finch
tweety = Finch()

# Get the Z-Axis acceleration
zAccel = tweety.acceleration()[2]

# Do the following while the Finch is not upside down (z value in gees above -0.7)
while zAccel > -0.7:
    left_obstacle, right_obstacle = tweety.obstacle()
    # If there's an obstacle on the left, back up and arc
    if left_obstacle:
    # Back up and arc in the opposite direction if there's something on the right
    elif right_obstacle:
        tweety.wheels(-1.0, -0.3)
    # Else just go straight
        tweety.wheels(1.0, 1.0)
    # Keep reading in the Z acceleration
    zAccel = tweety.acceleration()[2]