Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, flist, font_path=None, style_path=None, def_dpi=300):
        log.info('Using stylesheets: %s' % ','.join(flist))
        # find base path
        if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
            self.PATH = abspath(dirname(sys.executable))
            self.PATH = abspath(dirname(__file__))

        # flist is a list of stylesheet filenames.
        # They will be loaded and merged in order.
        # but the two default stylesheets will always
        # be loaded first
        flist = [join(self.PATH, 'styles', 'styles.style'),
                join(self.PATH, 'styles', 'default.style')] + flist

        if font_path is None:
        font_path+=['.', os.path.join(self.PATH, 'fonts')]
        self.FontSearchPath = map(os.path.expanduser, font_path)

        if style_path is None:
        style_path+=['.', os.path.join(self.PATH, 'styles'),
        self.StyleSearchPath = map(os.path.expanduser, style_path)


        findfonts.flist = self.FontSearchPath
        # Page width, height
        self.pw = 0
        self.ph = 0

        # Page size [w,h]
        self.ps = None

        # Margins (top,bottom,left,right,gutter)
        self.tm = 0
        self.bm = 0
        self.lm = 0
        self.rm = 0
        self.gm = 0

        #text width
        self.tw = 0

        # Default emsize, later it will be the fontSize of the base style

        self.languages = []

        ssdata = self.readSheets(flist)

        # Get pageSetup data from all stylessheets in order:
        self.ps = pagesizes.A4
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            page = data.get('pageSetup', {})
            if page:
                pgs=page.get('size', None)
                if pgs: # A standard size
                    if pgs in pagesizes.__dict__:
                        self.ps = list(pagesizes.__dict__[pgs])
                        self.psname = pgs
                        if 'width' in self.page: del(self.page['width'])
                        if 'height' in self.page: del(self.page['height'])
                    elif pgs.endswith('-LANDSCAPE'):
                        self.psname = pgs.split('-')[0]
                        self.ps = list(pagesizes.landscape(pagesizes.__dict__[self.psname]))
                        if 'width' in self.page: del(self.page['width'])
                        if 'height' in self.page: del(self.page['height'])
                        log.critical('Unknown page size %s in stylesheet %s'%\
                            (page['size'], ssname))
                else: #A custom size
                    if 'size'in self.page:
                    # The sizes are expressed in some unit.
                    # For example, 2cm is 2 centimeters, and we need
                    # to do 2*cm (cm comes from reportlab.lib.units)
                    if 'width' in page:
                        self.ps[0] = self.adjustUnits(page['width'])
                    if 'height' in page:
                        self.ps[1] = self.adjustUnits(page['height'])
                self.pw, self.ph = self.ps
                if 'margin-left' in page:
                    self.lm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-left'])
                if 'margin-right' in page:
                    self.rm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-right'])
                if 'margin-top' in page:
                    self.tm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-top'])
                if 'margin-bottom' in page:
                    self.bm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-bottom'])
                if 'margin-gutter' in page:
                    self.gm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-gutter'])
                if 'spacing-header' in page:
                    self.ts = self.adjustUnits(page['spacing-header'])
                if 'spacing-footer' in page:
                    self.bs = self.adjustUnits(page['spacing-footer'])
                if 'firstTemplate' in page:
                    self.firstTemplate = page['firstTemplate']

                # tw is the text width.
                # We need it to calculate header-footer height
                # and compress literal blocks.
                self.tw = self.pw - self.lm - self.rm - self.gm

        # Get page templates from all stylesheets
        self.pageTemplates = {}
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            templates = data.get('pageTemplates', {})
            # templates is a dictionary of pageTemplates
            for key in templates:
                template = templates[key]
                # template is a dict.
                # template[´frames'] is a list of frames
                if key in self.pageTemplates:
                    self.pageTemplates[key] = template

        # Get font aliases from all stylesheets in order
        self.fontsAlias = {}
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            self.fontsAlias.update(data.get('fontsAlias', {}))

        embedded_fontnames = []
        self.embedded = []
        # Embed all fonts indicated in all stylesheets
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            embedded = data.get('embeddedFonts', [])

            for font in embedded:
                    # Just a font name, try to embed it
                    if isinstance(font, unicode):
                        # See if we can find the font
                        fname, pos = findfonts.guessFont(font)
                        if font in embedded_fontnames:
                            fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(font)
                            if fontList:
                        if not fontList:
                            if (fname, pos) in embedded_fontnames:
                                fontList = None
                                fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(fname)
                        if fontList is not None:
                            self.embedded += fontList
                            # Maybe the font we got is not called
                            # the same as the one we gave
                            # so check that out
                            suff = ["", "-Oblique", "-Bold", "-BoldOblique"]
                            if not fontList[0].startswith(font):
                                # We need to create font aliases, and use them
                                for fname, aliasname in zip(
                                        [font + suffix for suffix in suff]):
                                    self.fontsAlias[aliasname] = fname

                    # Each "font" is a list of four files, which will be
                    # used for regular / bold / italic / bold+italic
                    # versions of the font.
                    # If your font doesn't have one of them, just repeat
                    # the regular font.

                    # Example, using the Tuffy font from
                    # http://tulrich.com/fonts/
                    # "embeddedFonts" : [
                    #                    ["Tuffy.ttf",
                    #                     "Tuffy_Bold.ttf",
                    #                     "Tuffy_Italic.ttf",
                    #                     "Tuffy_Bold_Italic.ttf"]
                    #                   ],

                    # The fonts will be registered with the file name,
                    # minus the extension.

                    if font[0].lower().endswith('.ttf'): # A True Type font
                        for variant in font:
                            log.info('Registering font: %s from %s'%\

                        # And map them all together
                        regular, bold, italic, bolditalic = [
                            variant.split('.')[0] for variant in font]
                        addMapping(regular, 0, 0, regular)
                        addMapping(regular, 0, 1, italic)
                        addMapping(regular, 1, 0, bold)
                        addMapping(regular, 1, 1, bolditalic)
                    else: # A Type 1 font
                        # For type 1 fonts we require
                        # [FontName,regular,italic,bold,bolditalic]
                        # where each variant is a (pfbfile,afmfile) pair.
                        # For example, for the URW palladio from TeX:
                        # ["Palatino",("uplr8a.pfb","uplr8a.afm"),
                        #             ("uplri8a.pfb","uplri8a.afm"),
                        #             ("uplb8a.pfb","uplb8a.afm"),
                        #             ("uplbi8a.pfb","uplbi8a.afm")]
                        faceName = font[0]
                        regular = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[1])
                        italic = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[2])
                        bold = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[3])
                        bolditalic = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[4])

                except Exception, e:
                        if isinstance(font, list):
                            fname = font[0]
                            fname = font
                        log.error("Error processing font %s: %s",
                            os.path.splitext(fname)[0], str(e))
                        log.error("Registering %s as Helvetica alias", fname)
                        self.fontsAlias[fname] = 'Helvetica'
                    except Exception, e:
                        log.critical("Error processing font %s: %s",
                            fname, str(e))
Exemplo n.º 2
                        # Now we need to do something
                        # See if we can find the font
                        fname, pos = findfonts.guessFont(style[key])

                        if style[key] in embedded_fontnames:
                            fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(style[key])
                            if fontList:
                        if not fontList:
                            if (fname, pos) in embedded_fontnames:
                                fontList = None
                                fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(fname)
                            if fontList:
                                embedded_fontnames.append((fname, pos))
                        if fontList:
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, flist, font_path=None, style_path=None, def_dpi=300):
        log.info('Using stylesheets: %s' % ','.join(flist))
        # find base path
        if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
            self.PATH = abspath(dirname(sys.executable))
            self.PATH = abspath(dirname(__file__))

        # flist is a list of stylesheet filenames.
        # They will be loaded and merged in order.
        # but the two default stylesheets will always
        # be loaded first
        flist = [join(self.PATH, 'styles', 'styles.style'),
                join(self.PATH, 'styles', 'default.style')] + flist

        if font_path is None:
        font_path+=['.', os.path.join(self.PATH, 'fonts')]
        self.FontSearchPath = map(os.path.expanduser, font_path)

        if style_path is None:
        style_path+=['.', os.path.join(self.PATH, 'styles'),
        self.StyleSearchPath = map(os.path.expanduser, style_path)


        findfonts.flist = self.FontSearchPath
        # Page width, height
        self.pw = 0
        self.ph = 0

        # Page size [w,h]
        self.ps = None

        # Margins (top,bottom,left,right,gutter)
        self.tm = 0
        self.bm = 0
        self.lm = 0
        self.rm = 0
        self.gm = 0

        #text width
        self.tw = 0

        # Default emsize, later it will be the fontSize of the base style

        self.languages = []

        ssdata = self.readSheets(flist)

        # Get pageSetup data from all stylessheets in order:
        self.ps = pagesizes.A4
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            page = data.get('pageSetup', {})
            if page:
                pgs=page.get('size', None)
                if pgs: # A standard size
                    if pgs in pagesizes.__dict__:
                        self.ps = list(pagesizes.__dict__[pgs])
                        self.psname = pgs
                        if 'width' in self.page: del(self.page['width'])
                        if 'height' in self.page: del(self.page['height'])
                    elif pgs.endswith('-LANDSCAPE'):
                        self.psname = pgs.split('-')[0]
                        self.ps = list(pagesizes.landscape(pagesizes.__dict__[self.psname]))
                        if 'width' in self.page: del(self.page['width'])
                        if 'height' in self.page: del(self.page['height'])
                        log.critical('Unknown page size %s in stylesheet %s'%\
                            (page['size'], ssname))
                else: #A custom size
                    if 'size'in self.page:
                    # The sizes are expressed in some unit.
                    # For example, 2cm is 2 centimeters, and we need
                    # to do 2*cm (cm comes from reportlab.lib.units)
                    if 'width' in page:
                        self.ps[0] = self.adjustUnits(page['width'])
                    if 'height' in page:
                        self.ps[1] = self.adjustUnits(page['height'])
                self.pw, self.ph = self.ps
                if 'margin-left' in page:
                    self.lm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-left'])
                if 'margin-right' in page:
                    self.rm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-right'])
                if 'margin-top' in page:
                    self.tm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-top'])
                if 'margin-bottom' in page:
                    self.bm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-bottom'])
                if 'margin-gutter' in page:
                    self.gm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-gutter'])
                if 'spacing-header' in page:
                    self.ts = self.adjustUnits(page['spacing-header'])
                if 'spacing-footer' in page:
                    self.bs = self.adjustUnits(page['spacing-footer'])
                if 'firstTemplate' in page:
                    self.firstTemplate = page['firstTemplate']

                # tw is the text width.
                # We need it to calculate header-footer height
                # and compress literal blocks.
                self.tw = self.pw - self.lm - self.rm - self.gm

        # Get page templates from all stylesheets
        self.pageTemplates = {}
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            templates = data.get('pageTemplates', {})
            # templates is a dictionary of pageTemplates
            for key in templates:
                template = templates[key]
                # template is a dict.
                # template[´frames'] is a list of frames
                if key in self.pageTemplates:
                    self.pageTemplates[key] = template

        # Get font aliases from all stylesheets in order
        self.fontsAlias = {}
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            self.fontsAlias.update(data.get('fontsAlias', {}))

        embedded_fontnames = []
        self.embedded = []
        # Embed all fonts indicated in all stylesheets
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            embedded = data.get('embeddedFonts', [])

            for font in embedded:
                    # Just a font name, try to embed it
                    if isinstance(font, unicode):
                        # See if we can find the font
                        fname, pos = findfonts.guessFont(font)
                        if font in embedded_fontnames:
                            fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(font)
                            if fontList:
                        if not fontList:
                            if (fname, pos) in embedded_fontnames:
                                fontList = None
                                fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(fname)
                        if fontList is not None:
                            self.embedded += fontList
                            # Maybe the font we got is not called
                            # the same as the one we gave
                            # so check that out
                            suff = ["", "-Oblique", "-Bold", "-BoldOblique"]
                            if not fontList[0].startswith(font):
                                # We need to create font aliases, and use them
                                for fname, aliasname in zip(
                                        [font + suffix for suffix in suff]):
                                    self.fontsAlias[aliasname] = fname

                    # Each "font" is a list of four files, which will be
                    # used for regular / bold / italic / bold+italic
                    # versions of the font.
                    # If your font doesn't have one of them, just repeat
                    # the regular font.

                    # Example, using the Tuffy font from
                    # http://tulrich.com/fonts/
                    # "embeddedFonts" : [
                    #                    ["Tuffy.ttf",
                    #                     "Tuffy_Bold.ttf",
                    #                     "Tuffy_Italic.ttf",
                    #                     "Tuffy_Bold_Italic.ttf"]
                    #                   ],

                    # The fonts will be registered with the file name,
                    # minus the extension.

                    if font[0].lower().endswith('.ttf'): # A True Type font
                        for variant in font:
                            log.info('Registering font: %s from %s'%\

                        # And map them all together
                        regular, bold, italic, bolditalic = [
                            variant.split('.')[0] for variant in font]
                        addMapping(regular, 0, 0, regular)
                        addMapping(regular, 0, 1, italic)
                        addMapping(regular, 1, 0, bold)
                        addMapping(regular, 1, 1, bolditalic)
                    else: # A Type 1 font
                        # For type 1 fonts we require
                        # [FontName,regular,italic,bold,bolditalic]
                        # where each variant is a (pfbfile,afmfile) pair.
                        # For example, for the URW palladio from TeX:
                        # ["Palatino",("uplr8a.pfb","uplr8a.afm"),
                        #             ("uplri8a.pfb","uplri8a.afm"),
                        #             ("uplb8a.pfb","uplb8a.afm"),
                        #             ("uplbi8a.pfb","uplbi8a.afm")]
                        faceName = font[0]
                        regular = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[1])
                        italic = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[2])
                        bold = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[3])
                        bolditalic = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[4])

                except Exception, e:
                        if isinstance(font, list):
                            fname = font[0]
                            fname = font
                        log.error("Error processing font %s: %s",
                            os.path.splitext(fname)[0], str(e))
                        log.error("Registering %s as Helvetica alias", fname)
                        self.fontsAlias[fname] = 'Helvetica'
                    except Exception, e:
                        log.critical("Error processing font %s: %s",
                            fname, str(e))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, flist, font_path=None, style_path=None, def_dpi=300):
        log.info('Using stylesheets: %s' % ','.join(flist))
        # find base path
        if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
            self.PATH = abspath(dirname(sys.executable))
            self.PATH = abspath(dirname(__file__))

        # flist is a list of stylesheet filenames.
        # They will be loaded and merged in order.
        # but the two default stylesheets will always
        # be loaded first
        flist = [
            join(self.PATH, 'styles', 'styles.style'),
            join(self.PATH, 'styles', 'default.style')
        ] + flist

        self.def_dpi = def_dpi
        if font_path is None:
            font_path = []
        font_path += ['.', os.path.join(self.PATH, 'fonts')]
        self.FontSearchPath = map(os.path.expanduser, font_path)

        if style_path is None:
            style_path = []
        style_path += [
            '.', os.path.join(self.PATH, 'styles'), '~/.rst2pdf/styles'
        self.StyleSearchPath = map(os.path.expanduser, style_path)
        self.FontSearchPath = list(set(self.FontSearchPath))
        self.StyleSearchPath = list(set(self.StyleSearchPath))

        log.info('FontPath:%s' % self.FontSearchPath)
        log.info('StylePath:%s' % self.StyleSearchPath)

        findfonts.flist = self.FontSearchPath
        # Page width, height
        self.pw = 0
        self.ph = 0

        # Page size [w,h]
        self.ps = None

        # Margins (top,bottom,left,right,gutter)
        self.tm = 0
        self.bm = 0
        self.lm = 0
        self.rm = 0
        self.gm = 0

        #text width
        self.tw = 0

        # Default emsize, later it will be the fontSize of the base style
        self.emsize = 10

        self.languages = []

        ssdata = self.readSheets(flist)

        # Get pageSetup data from all stylessheets in order:
        self.ps = pagesizes.A4
        self.page = {}
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            page = data.get('pageSetup', {})
            if page:
                pgs = page.get('size', None)
                if pgs:  # A standard size
                    pgs = pgs.upper()
                    if pgs in pagesizes.__dict__:
                        self.ps = list(pagesizes.__dict__[pgs])
                        self.psname = pgs
                        if 'width' in self.page: del (self.page['width'])
                        if 'height' in self.page: del (self.page['height'])
                    elif pgs.endswith('-LANDSCAPE'):
                        self.psname = pgs.split('-')[0]
                        self.ps = list(
                        if 'width' in self.page: del (self.page['width'])
                        if 'height' in self.page: del (self.page['height'])
                        log.critical('Unknown page size %s in stylesheet %s'%\
                            (page['size'], ssname))
                else:  #A custom size
                    if 'size' in self.page:
                        del (self.page['size'])
                    # The sizes are expressed in some unit.
                    # For example, 2cm is 2 centimeters, and we need
                    # to do 2*cm (cm comes from reportlab.lib.units)
                    if 'width' in page:
                        self.ps[0] = self.adjustUnits(page['width'])
                    if 'height' in page:
                        self.ps[1] = self.adjustUnits(page['height'])
                self.pw, self.ph = self.ps
                if 'margin-left' in page:
                    self.lm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-left'])
                if 'margin-right' in page:
                    self.rm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-right'])
                if 'margin-top' in page:
                    self.tm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-top'])
                if 'margin-bottom' in page:
                    self.bm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-bottom'])
                if 'margin-gutter' in page:
                    self.gm = self.adjustUnits(page['margin-gutter'])
                if 'spacing-header' in page:
                    self.ts = self.adjustUnits(page['spacing-header'])
                if 'spacing-footer' in page:
                    self.bs = self.adjustUnits(page['spacing-footer'])
                if 'firstTemplate' in page:
                    self.firstTemplate = page['firstTemplate']

                # tw is the text width.
                # We need it to calculate header-footer height
                # and compress literal blocks.
                self.tw = self.pw - self.lm - self.rm - self.gm

        # Get page templates from all stylesheets
        self.pageTemplates = {}
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            templates = data.get('pageTemplates', {})
            # templates is a dictionary of pageTemplates
            for key in templates:
                template = templates[key]
                # template is a dict.
                # template[´frames'] is a list of frames
                if key in self.pageTemplates:
                    self.pageTemplates[key] = template

        # Get font aliases from all stylesheets in order
        self.fontsAlias = {}
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            self.fontsAlias.update(data.get('fontsAlias', {}))

        embedded_fontnames = []
        self.embedded = []
        # Embed all fonts indicated in all stylesheets
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            embedded = data.get('embeddedFonts', [])

            for font in embedded:
                    # Just a font name, try to embed it
                    if isinstance(font, unicode):
                        # See if we can find the font
                        fname, pos = findfonts.guessFont(font)
                        if font in embedded_fontnames:
                            fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(font)
                            if fontList:
                        if not fontList:
                            if (fname, pos) in embedded_fontnames:
                                fontList = None
                                fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(fname)
                        if fontList is not None:
                            self.embedded += fontList
                            # Maybe the font we got is not called
                            # the same as the one we gave
                            # so check that out
                            suff = ["", "-Oblique", "-Bold", "-BoldOblique"]
                            if not fontList[0].startswith(font):
                                # We need to create font aliases, and use them
                                for fname, aliasname in zip(
                                    [font + suffix for suffix in suff]):
                                    self.fontsAlias[aliasname] = fname

                    # Each "font" is a list of four files, which will be
                    # used for regular / bold / italic / bold+italic
                    # versions of the font.
                    # If your font doesn't have one of them, just repeat
                    # the regular font.

                    # Example, using the Tuffy font from
                    # http://tulrich.com/fonts/
                    # "embeddedFonts" : [
                    #                    ["Tuffy.ttf",
                    #                     "Tuffy_Bold.ttf",
                    #                     "Tuffy_Italic.ttf",
                    #                     "Tuffy_Bold_Italic.ttf"]
                    #                   ],

                    # The fonts will be registered with the file name,
                    # minus the extension.

                    if font[0].lower().endswith('.ttf'):  # A True Type font
                        for variant in font:
                            location = self.findFont(variant)
                                TTFont(str(variant.split('.')[0]), location))
                            log.info('Registering font: %s from %s'%\

                        # And map them all together
                        regular, bold, italic, bolditalic = [
                            variant.split('.')[0] for variant in font
                        addMapping(regular, 0, 0, regular)
                        addMapping(regular, 0, 1, italic)
                        addMapping(regular, 1, 0, bold)
                        addMapping(regular, 1, 1, bolditalic)
                    else:  # A Type 1 font
                        # For type 1 fonts we require
                        # [FontName,regular,italic,bold,bolditalic]
                        # where each variant is a (pfbfile,afmfile) pair.
                        # For example, for the URW palladio from TeX:
                        # ["Palatino",("uplr8a.pfb","uplr8a.afm"),
                        #             ("uplri8a.pfb","uplri8a.afm"),
                        #             ("uplb8a.pfb","uplb8a.afm"),
                        #             ("uplbi8a.pfb","uplbi8a.afm")]
                        faceName = font[0]
                        regular = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[1])
                        italic = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[2])
                        bold = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[3])
                        bolditalic = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(*font[4])

                except Exception as e:
                        if isinstance(font, list):
                            fname = font[0]
                            fname = font
                        log.error("Error processing font %s: %s",
                                  os.path.splitext(fname)[0], str(e))
                        log.error("Registering %s as Helvetica alias", fname)
                        self.fontsAlias[fname] = 'Helvetica'
                    except Exception as e:
                        log.critical("Error processing font %s: %s", fname,

        # Go though all styles in all stylesheets and find all fontNames.
        # Then decide what to do with them
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            for [skey, style] in self.stylepairs(data):
                for key in style:
                    if key == 'fontName' or key.endswith('FontName'):
                        # It's an alias, replace it
                        if style[key] in self.fontsAlias:
                            style[key] = self.fontsAlias[style[key]]
                        # Embedded already, nothing to do
                        if style[key] in self.embedded:
                        # Standard font, nothing to do
                        if style[key] in ("Courier", "Courier-Bold",
                                          "Courier-Oblique", "Helvetica",
                                          "Helvetica-Oblique", "Symbol",
                                          "Times-Bold", "Times-BoldItalic",
                                          "Times-Italic", "Times-Roman",
                        # Now we need to do something
                        # See if we can find the font
                        fname, pos = findfonts.guessFont(style[key])

                        if style[key] in embedded_fontnames:
                            fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(style[key])
                            if fontList:
                        if not fontList:
                            if (fname, pos) in embedded_fontnames:
                                fontList = None
                                fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(fname)
                            if fontList:
                                embedded_fontnames.append((fname, pos))
                        if fontList:
                            self.embedded += fontList
                            # Maybe the font we got is not called
                            # the same as the one we gave so check that out
                            suff = ["", "-Bold", "-Oblique", "-BoldOblique"]
                            if not fontList[0].startswith(style[key]):
                                # We need to create font aliases, and use them
                                basefname = style[key].split('-')[0]
                                for fname, aliasname in zip(
                                    [basefname + suffix for suffix in suff]):
                                    self.fontsAlias[aliasname] = fname
                                style[key] = self.fontsAlias[basefname +\
                                "Unknown font: \"%s\","
                                "replacing with Helvetica", style[key])
                            style[key] = "Helvetica"

        #log.info('FontList: %s'%self.embedded)
        #log.info('FontAlias: %s'%self.fontsAlias)
        # Get styles from all stylesheets in order
        self.stylesheet = {}
        self.styles = []
        self.linkColor = 'navy'
        # FIXME: linkColor should probably not be a global
        #        style, and tocColor should probably not
        #        be a special case, but for now I'm going
        #        with the flow...
        self.tocColor = None
        for data, ssname in ssdata:
            self.linkColor = data.get('linkColor') or self.linkColor
            self.tocColor = data.get('tocColor') or self.tocColor
            for [skey, style] in self.stylepairs(data):
                sdict = {}
                # FIXME: this is done completely backwards
                for key in style:
                    # Handle color references by name
                    if key == 'color' or key.endswith('Color') and style[key]:
                        style[key] = formatColor(style[key])

                    # Yet another workaround for the unicode bug in
                    # reportlab's toColor
                    elif key == 'commands':
                        style[key] = validateCommands(style[key])
                        #for command in style[key]:
                        #if c=='ROWBACKGROUNDS':
                        #command[3]=[str(c) for c in command[3]]
                        #elif c in ['BOX','INNERGRID'] or c.startswith('LINE'):

                    # Handle alignment constants
                    elif key == 'alignment':
                        style[key] = dict(

                    elif key == 'language':
                        if not style[key] in self.languages:

                    # Make keys str instead of unicode (required by reportlab)
                    sdict[str(key)] = style[key]
                    sdict['name'] = skey
                # If the style already exists, update it
                if skey in self.stylesheet:
                else:  # New style
                    self.stylesheet[skey] = sdict

        # If the stylesheet has a style name docutils won't reach
        # make a copy with a sanitized name.
        # This may make name collisions possible but that should be
        # rare (who would have custom_name and custom-name in the
        # same stylesheet? ;-)
        # Issue 339

        styles2 = []
        for s in self.styles:
            if not re.match("^[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*$", s['name']):
                s2 = copy(s)
                s2['name'] = docutils.nodes.make_id(s['name'])
                    '%s is an invalid docutils class name, adding alias %s' %
                    (s['name'], s2['name']))

        # And create  reportlabs stylesheet
        self.StyleSheet = StyleSheet1()
        # Patch to make the code compatible with reportlab from SVN 2.4+ and
        # 2.4
        if not hasattr(self.StyleSheet, 'has_key'):
            self.StyleSheet.__class__.has_key = lambda s, k: k in s
        for s in self.styles:
            if 'parent' in s:
                if s['parent'] is None:
                    if s['name'] != 'base':
                        s['parent'] = self.StyleSheet['base']
                        del (s['parent'])
                    s['parent'] = self.StyleSheet[s['parent']]
                if s['name'] != 'base':
                    s['parent'] = self.StyleSheet['base']

            # If the style has no bulletFontName but it has a fontName, set it
            if ('bulletFontName' not in s) and ('fontName' in s):
                s['bulletFontName'] = s['fontName']

            hasFS = True
            # Adjust fontsize units
            if 'fontSize' not in s:
                s['fontSize'] = s['parent'].fontSize
                s['trueFontSize'] = None
                hasFS = False
            elif 'parent' in s:
                # This means you can set the fontSize to
                # "2cm" or to "150%" which will be calculated
                # relative to the parent style
                s['fontSize'] = self.adjustUnits(s['fontSize'],
                s['trueFontSize'] = s['fontSize']
                # If s has no parent, it's base, which has
                # an explicit point size by default and %
                # makes no sense, but guess it as % of 10pt
                s['fontSize'] = self.adjustUnits(s['fontSize'], 10)

            # If the leading is not set, but the size is, set it
            if 'leading' not in s and hasFS:
                s['leading'] = 1.2 * s['fontSize']

            # If the bullet font size is not set, set it as fontSize
            if ('bulletFontSize' not in s) and ('fontSize' in s):
                s['bulletFontSize'] = s['fontSize']

            # If the borderPadding is a list and wordaxe <=0.3.2,
            # convert it to an integer. Workaround for Issue
            if 'borderPadding' in s and ((HAS_WORDAXE and \
                    wordaxe_version <='wordaxe 0.3.2') or
                    reportlab.Version < "2.3" )\
                    and isinstance(s['borderPadding'], list):
                log.warning('Using a borderPadding list in '\
                    'style %s with wordaxe <= 0.3.2 or Reportlab < 2.3. That is not '\
                    'supported, so it will probably look wrong'%s['name'])
                s['borderPadding'] = s['borderPadding'][0]


        self.emsize = self['base'].fontSize
        # Make stdFont the basefont, for Issue 65
        reportlab.rl_config.canvas_basefontname = self['base'].fontName
        # Make stdFont the default font for table cell styles (Issue 65)
        reportlab.platypus.tables.CellStyle.fontname = self['base'].fontName
Exemplo n.º 5
                        # Now we need to do something
                        # See if we can find the font
                        fname, pos = findfonts.guessFont(style[key])

                        if style[key] in embedded_fontnames:
                            fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(style[key])
                            if fontList:
                        if not fontList:
                            if (fname, pos) in embedded_fontnames:
                                fontList = None
                                fontList = findfonts.autoEmbed(fname)
                            if fontList:
                                embedded_fontnames.append((fname, pos))
                        if fontList: