Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_access(self):

        # anonymous - always denied
        anon = AnonymousUser()
        self.assertFalse(auth.archive_access(anon, 'marbl'))

        # superuser - always allowed
        testadmin = authenticate(username='******', password='******')
        self.assertTrue(auth.archive_access(testadmin, 'marbl'))

        # no associated archives
        peon = authenticate(username='******', password='******')
        self.assertFalse(auth.archive_access(peon, 'marbl'))

        # associated with an archive
        marbl = authenticate(username='******', password='******')
        self.assertTrue(auth.archive_access(marbl, 'marbl'))
        self.assertFalse(auth.archive_access(marbl, 'eua'))

        # archive id from request
        req = HttpRequest()
        req.GET = {'archive': 'marbl'}
        self.assertTrue(auth.archive_access(marbl, request=req))

        # should raise an exception when archive is not specified as
        # param or request param
        self.assertRaises(Exception, auth.archive_access, marbl)
Exemplo n.º 2
def publish(request):
    Admin publication form.  Allows publishing an EAD file by updating or adding
    it to the configured eXist database so it will be immediately visible on
    the public site.  Files can only be published if they pass an EAD sanity check,
    implemented in :meth:`~findingaids.fa_admin.utils.check_ead`.

    On POST, sanity-check the EAD file specified in request from the configured
    and (if it passes all checks), publish it to make it immediately visible on
    the site.  If publish is successful, redirects the user to main admin page
    with a success message that links to the published document on the site.
    If the sanity-check fails, displays a page with any problems found.
    # formerly supported publish from filename, but now only supports
    # publish from preview
    if 'preview_id' not in request.POST:
        messages.error(request, "No preview document specified for publication")
        return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('fa-admin:index'))

    id = request.POST['preview_id']

    # retrieve info about the document from preview collection
        # because of the way existdb.query.queryset constructs returns with 'also' fields,
        # it is simpler and better to retrieve document name separately
        ead = get_findingaid(id, preview=True)
        ead_docname = get_findingaid(id, preview=True, only=['document_name'])
        filename = ead_docname.document_name
    except (ExistDBException, Http404):     # not found in exist OR permission denied
            '''Publish failed. Could not retrieve <b>%s</b> from preview collection.
            Please reload and try again.''' % id)

        # if ead could not be retrieved from preview mode, skip processing
        return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('fa-admin:index'))

    # determine archive this ead is associated with
    archive = None
    if not ead.repository:
            '''Publish failed. Could not determine which archive <b>%s</b> belongs to.
            Please update subarea, reload, and try again.''' % id)
        archive_name = ead.repository[0]
        # NOTE: EAD supports multiple subarea tags, but in practice we only
        # use one, so it should be safe to assume the first should be used for permissions
            archive = Archive.objects.get(name=archive_name)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            '''Publish failed. Could not find archive <b>%s</b>.''' % archive_name)

    # bail out if archive could not be identified
    if archive is None:
        return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('fa-admin:index'))

    # check that user is allowed to publish this document
    if not archive_access(request.user, archive.slug):
            '''You do not have permission to publish <b>%s</b> materials.''' \
            % archive.label)
        return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('fa-admin:index'))

    errors = []
        # NOTE: *not* using serialized xml here, because it may introduce
        # whitespace errors not present in the original file.
        ok, response, dbpath, fullpath = _prepublication_check(request, filename, archive)
        if ok is not True:
            # publication check failed - do not publish
            return response

        # only load to exist if there are no errors found
        db = ExistDB()
        # get information to determine if an existing file is being replaced
        replaced = db.describeDocument(dbpath)

            # move the document from preview collection to configured public collection
            success = db.moveDocument(settings.EXISTDB_PREVIEW_COLLECTION,
                    settings.EXISTDB_ROOT_COLLECTION, filename)
            # FindingAid instance ead already set above
        except ExistDBException, e:
            # special-case error message
            errors.append("Failed to move document %s from preview collection to main collection." \
                            % filename)
            # re-raise and let outer exception handling take care of it
            raise e

    except ExistDBException as err:
        success = False

    if success:
        # request the cache to reload the PDF - queue asynchronous task
        result = reload_cached_pdf.delay(ead.eadid.value)
        task = TaskResult(label='PDF reload', object_id=ead.eadid.value,
            url=reverse('fa:findingaid', kwargs={'id': ead.eadid.value}),

        ead_url = reverse('fa:findingaid', kwargs={'id': ead.eadid.value})
        change = "updated" if replaced else "added"
        messages.success(request, 'Successfully %s <b>%s</b>. View <a href="%s">%s</a>.'
                % (change, filename, ead_url, unicode(ead.unittitle)))

        # redirect to main admin page and display messages
        return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('fa-admin:index'))
        return render(request, 'fa_admin/publish-errors.html',
            {'errors': errors, 'filename': filename, 'mode': 'publish', 'exception': err})
Exemplo n.º 3
def publish(request):
    Admin publication form.  Allows publishing an EAD file by updating or adding
    it to the configured eXist database so it will be immediately visible on
    the public site.  Files can only be published if they pass an EAD sanity check,
    implemented in :meth:`~findingaids.fa_admin.utils.check_ead`.

    On POST, sanity-check the EAD file specified in request from the configured
    and (if it passes all checks), publish it to make it immediately visible on
    the site.  If publish is successful, redirects the user to main admin page
    with a success message that links to the published document on the site.
    If the sanity-check fails, displays a page with any problems found.
    # formerly supported publish from filename, but now only supports
    # publish from preview
    if 'preview_id' not in request.POST:
        messages.error(request, "No preview document specified for publication")
        return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('fa-admin:index'))

    id = request.POST['preview_id']

    # retrieve info about the document from preview collection
        # because of the way eulcore.existdb.queryset constructs returns with 'also' fields,
        # it is simpler and better to retrieve document name separately
        ead = get_findingaid(id, preview=True)
        ead_docname = get_findingaid(id, preview=True, only=['document_name'])
        filename = ead_docname.document_name
    except Http404:     # not found in exist
            '''Publish failed. Could not retrieve <b>%s</b> from preview collection.
            Please reload and try again.''' % id)

        # if ead could not be retrieved from preview mode, skip processing
        return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('fa-admin:index'))

    # determine archive this ead is associated with

    xml = ead.serialize()
    archive = None
    if not ead.repository:
            '''Publish failed. Could not determine which archive <b>%s</b> belongs to.
            Please update subarea, reload, and try again.''' % id)
        archive_name = ead.repository[0]
        # NOTE: EAD supports multiple subarea tags, but in practice we only
        # use one, so it should be safe to assume the first should be used for permissions
            archive = Archive.objects.get(name=archive_name)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            '''Publish failed. Could not find archive <b>%s</b>.''' % archive_name)

    # bail out if archive could not be identified
    if archive is None:
        return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('fa-admin:index'))

    # check that user is allowed to publish this document
    if not archive_access(request.user, archive.slug):
            '''You do not have permission to publish <b>%s</b> materials.''' \
            % archive.label)
        return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('fa-admin:index'))

    errors = []
        ok, response, dbpath, fullpath = _prepublication_check(request, filename, archive, xml=xml)
        if ok is not True:
            # publication check failed - do not publish
            return response

        # only load to exist if there are no errors found
        db = ExistDB()
        # get information to determine if an existing file is being replaced
        replaced = db.describeDocument(dbpath)

            # move the document from preview collection to configured public collection
            success = db.moveDocument(settings.EXISTDB_PREVIEW_COLLECTION,
                    settings.EXISTDB_ROOT_COLLECTION, filename)
            # FindingAid instance ead already set above
        except ExistDBException, e:
            # special-case error message
            errors.append("Failed to move document %s from preview collection to main collection." \
                            % filename)
            # re-raise and let outer exception handling take care of it
            raise e

    except ExistDBException, e:
        success = False