Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, engine_sim_interpolation: int = None, *_, **__):
        logger.info(f'engine {self.get_type()} preparing ...')

        self.engine_sim_interpolation = engine_sim_interpolation or self.DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION

        logger.debug(f'interpolation: {self.DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION}')
        logger.info(f'engine {self.get_type()} loaded')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
                 engine_template_cv_method_name: str = None,
                 engine_template_scale: typing.Sequence = None,
                 engine_template_multi_target_max_threshold: float = None,
                 engine_template_multi_target_distance_threshold: float = None,
        """ eg: engine_template_cv_method_name -> cv_method_name """
        logger.info('engine {} preparing ...'.format(self.get_type()))

        # cv
        self.cv_method_name = engine_template_cv_method_name or self.DEFAULT_CV_METHOD_NAME
        self.cv_method_code = eval(self.cv_method_name)

        # scale
        self.scale = engine_template_scale or self.DEFAULT_SCALE

        # multi target max threshold ( max_val * max_threshold == real threshold )
        self.multi_target_max_threshold = engine_template_multi_target_max_threshold or self.DEFAULT_MULTI_TARGET_MAX_THRESHOLD
        self.multi_target_distance_threshold = engine_template_multi_target_distance_threshold or self.DEFAULT_MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD

        logger.debug(f'cv method: {self.cv_method_name}')
        logger.debug(f'scale: {self.scale}')
            f'multi target max threshold: {self.multi_target_max_threshold}')
            f'multi target distance threshold: {self.multi_target_distance_threshold}'
        logger.info(f'engine {self.get_type()} loaded')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
                 engine_feature_cluster_num: int = None,
                 engine_feature_distance_threshold: float = None,
        logger.info('engine {} preparing ...'.format(self.get_type()))

        # for kmeans calculation
        self.cluster_num: int = engine_feature_cluster_num or self.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NUM
        # for feature matching
        self.distance_threshold: float = engine_feature_distance_threshold or self.DEFAULT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD

        logger.debug('cluster num: {}'.format(self.cluster_num))
        logger.debug('distance threshold: {}'.format(self.distance_threshold))
        logger.info('engine {} loaded'.format(self.get_type()))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(
        engine_template_cv_method_name: str = None,
        engine_template_scale: typing.Sequence = None,
        engine_template_multi_target_max_threshold: float = None,
        engine_template_multi_target_distance_threshold: float = None,
        engine_template_compress_rate: float = None,
        """ eg: engine_template_cv_method_name -> cv_method_name """
        logger.info(f"engine {self.get_type()} preparing ...")

        # cv
        self.engine_template_cv_method_name = (engine_template_cv_method_name
                                               or self.DEFAULT_CV_METHOD_NAME)
        self.engine_template_cv_method_code = eval(

        # scale
        self.engine_template_scale = engine_template_scale or self.DEFAULT_SCALE

        # multi target max threshold ( max_val * max_threshold == real threshold )
        self.engine_template_multi_target_max_threshold = (
        self.engine_template_multi_target_distance_threshold = (

        # compression
        self.engine_template_compress_rate = (engine_template_compress_rate
                                              or self.DEFAULT_COMPRESS_RATE)

        logger.debug(f"cv method: {self.engine_template_cv_method_name}")
        logger.debug(f"scale: {self.engine_template_scale}")
            f"multi target max threshold: {self.engine_template_multi_target_max_threshold}"
            f"multi target distance threshold: {self.engine_template_multi_target_distance_threshold}"
        logger.debug(f"compress rate: {self.engine_template_compress_rate}")
        logger.info(f"engine {self.get_type()} loaded")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _find_without_template(self,
                               target_pic_object: np.ndarray,
                               target_pic_name: str = None,
                               **kwargs) -> dict:
        logger.debug(f'start analysing: [{target_pic_name}] ...')

        current_result = dict()
        for each_engine in self.engine_list:
            each_result = each_engine.execute(None, target_pic_object, *args,

            # result filter
            each_result = self._prune_result(each_result)
            current_result[each_engine.get_type()] = each_result

            f'result for [{target_pic_name}]: {json.dumps(current_result)}')
        return {
            target_pic_name: current_result,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_feature_point_list(
            self, template_pic_object: np.ndarray,
            target_pic_object: np.ndarray) -> typing.Sequence[Point]:
        compare via feature matching

        :param template_pic_object:
        :param target_pic_object:
        # Initiate SURF detector
        surf = cv2.xfeatures2d.SURF_create(self.engine_feature_min_hessian)

        # find the keypoints and descriptors with SURF
        template_kp, template_desc = surf.detectAndCompute(
            template_pic_object, None)
        target_kp, target_desc = surf.detectAndCompute(target_pic_object, None)

        # key points count
        logger.debug(f'template key point count: {len(template_kp)}')
        logger.debug(f'target key point count: {len(target_kp)}')

        # find 2 points, which are the closest
        # 找到帧和帧之间的一致性的过程就是在一个描述符集合(询问集)中找另一个集合(相当于训练集)的最近邻。 这里找到 每个描述符 的 最近邻与次近邻
        # 一个正确的匹配会更接近第一个邻居。换句话说,一个不正确的匹配,两个邻居的距离是相似的。因此,我们可以通过查看二者距离的不同来评判距匹配程度的好坏。
        # more details: https://blog.csdn.net/liangjiubujiu/article/details/80418079
        flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher()
        matches = flann.knnMatch(template_desc, target_desc, k=2)
        # matches are something like:
        # [[<DMatch 0x12400a350>, <DMatch 0x12400a430>], [<DMatch 0x124d6a170>, <DMatch 0x124d6a450>]]

        logger.debug(f'matches num: {len(matches)}')

        # TODO here is a sample to show feature points
        # temp = cv2.drawMatchesKnn(template_pic_object, kp1, target_pic_object, kp2, matches, None, flags=2)
        # cv2.imshow('feature_points', temp)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)

        # filter for invalid points
        good = []
        # only one matches
        if len(matches) == 1:
            good = matches[0]
        # more than one matches
            for m, n in matches:
                if m.distance < self.engine_feature_distance_threshold * n.distance:

        # get positions
        point_list = list()
        for each in good:
            target_idx = each.trainIdx
            each_point = Point(*target_kp[target_idx].pt)

        return point_list
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, engine_ocr_lang: str = None, *_, **__):
        logger.info(f'engine {self.get_type()} preparing ...')

        # check language data before execute function, not here.
        self.engine_ocr_lang = engine_ocr_lang or self.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
        self.engine_ocr_tess_data_dir, self.engine_ocr_available_lang_list = tesserocr.get_languages(

        logger.debug(f'target lang: {self.engine_ocr_lang}')
        logger.debug(f'tess data dir: {self.engine_ocr_tess_data_dir}')
            f'available language: {self.engine_ocr_available_lang_list}')
        logger.info(f'engine {self.get_type()} loaded')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, engine_ocr_lang: str = None, *_, **__):
        logger.info(f"engine {self.get_type()} preparing ...")

        # check language data before execute function, not here.
        self.engine_ocr_lang = engine_ocr_lang or self.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
        self.engine_ocr_offset = self.DEFAULT_OFFSET
        self.engine_ocr_deep = self.DEFAULT_DEEP

        assert findtext, "findtext should be installed if you want to use OCR engine"
        self._ft = findtext.FindText(lang=engine_ocr_lang)

        self.engine_ocr_tess_data_dir = self._ft.get_data_home()
        self.engine_ocr_available_lang_list = self._ft.get_available_lang()

        logger.debug(f"target lang: {self.engine_ocr_lang}")
        logger.debug(f"tess data dir: {self.engine_ocr_tess_data_dir}")
            f"available language: {self.engine_ocr_available_lang_list}")
        logger.info(f"engine {self.get_type()} loaded")
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _find_with_template(self,
                            target_pic_object: np.ndarray,
                            _mark_pic: bool = None,
                            **kwargs) -> dict:
        # pre assert
        assert self.template, 'template is empty'

        result = dict()
        for each_template_name, each_template_object in self.template.items():
            logger.debug(f'start analysing: [{each_template_name}] ...')

            current_result = dict()
            for each_engine in self.engine_list:
                each_result = each_engine.execute(each_template_object,
                                                  target_pic_object, *args,

                # for debug ONLY!
                if _mark_pic:
                    target_pic_object_with_mark = toolbox.mark_point(
                    temp_pic_path = toolbox.debug_cv_object(
                    logger.debug(f'template: {each_template_name}, '
                                 f'engine: {each_engine.get_type()}, '
                                 f'path: {temp_pic_path}')

                # result filter
                each_result = self._prune_result(each_result)

                current_result[each_engine.get_type()] = each_result

                f'result for [{each_template_name}]: {json.dumps(current_result)}'
            result[each_template_name] = current_result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _find_with_template(self,
                            target_pic_object: np.ndarray,
                            _mark_pic: bool = None,
                            **kwargs) -> dict:
        # pre assert
        assert not self.template.is_empty(), "template is empty"

        result = dict()
        for each_template_name, each_template_object in self.template.load():
            logger.debug(f"start analysing: [{each_template_name}] ...")

            # todo lazy load
            current_result = dict()
            for each_engine in self.engine_list:
                each_result = each_engine.execute(each_template_object,
                                                  target_pic_object, *args,

                # for debug ONLY!
                if _mark_pic:
                    target_pic_object_with_mark = toolbox.mark_point(
                    temp_pic_path = toolbox.debug_cv_object(
                    logger.debug(f"template: {each_template_name}, "
                                 f"engine: {each_engine.get_type()}, "
                                 f"path: {temp_pic_path}")

                # result filter
                each_result = self._prune_result(each_result)

                current_result[each_engine.get_type()] = each_result
                f"result for [{each_template_name}]: {json.dumps(current_result, default=lambda x: x.__dict__)}"
            result[each_template_name] = current_result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self,
                 engine_feature_cluster_num: int = None,
                 engine_feature_distance_threshold: float = None,
                 engine_feature_min_hessian: int = None,
        logger.info(f'engine {self.get_type()} preparing ...')

        # for kmeans calculation
        self.engine_feature_cluster_num: int = engine_feature_cluster_num or self.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NUM
        # for feature matching
        self.engine_feature_distance_threshold: float = engine_feature_distance_threshold or self.DEFAULT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD
        # for determining if a point is a feature point
        # higher threshold, less points
        self.engine_feature_min_hessian: int = engine_feature_min_hessian or self.DEFAULT_MIN_HESSIAN

        logger.debug(f'cluster num: {self.engine_feature_cluster_num}')
            f'distance threshold: {self.engine_feature_distance_threshold}')
        logger.debug(f'hessian threshold: {self.engine_feature_min_hessian}')
        logger.info(f'engine {self.get_type()} loaded')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _compare_template(
            template_pic_object: np.ndarray,
            target_pic_object: np.ndarray,
            scale: typing.Sequence,
            mask_pic_object: np.ndarray = None) -> typing.Sequence:
        compare via template matching

        :param template_pic_object:
        :param target_pic_object:
        :param scale: default to (1, 3, 10)
        :param mask_pic_object:
        :return: min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc
        pic_height, pic_width = target_pic_object.shape[:2]
        result_list = list()

        for each_scale in np.linspace(*scale):
            # resize template
            resize_template_pic_object = toolbox.resize_pic_scale(
                template_pic_object, each_scale)

            # resize mask
            if mask_pic_object is not None:
                mask_pic_object = toolbox.resize_pic_scale(
                    mask_pic_object, each_scale)

            # if template's size is larger than raw picture, break
            if resize_template_pic_object.shape[
                    0] > pic_height or resize_template_pic_object.shape[
                        1] > pic_width:

            res = cv2.matchTemplate(target_pic_object,
            # each of current result is:
            # [(min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc), point_list, shape]

            current_result = [
                *self._parse_res(res), resize_template_pic_object.shape

        # too much log here, remove it.
        # logger.debug('scale search result: {}'.format(result_list))

        # get the best one
        loc_val, point_list, shape = sorted(result_list,
                                            key=lambda i: i[0][1])[-1]
        min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = loc_val

        # fix position
        logger.debug('raw compare result: {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
            min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc))
        min_loc, max_loc = map(
            lambda each_location: list(
                toolbox.fix_location(shape, each_location)),
            [min_loc, max_loc])
        point_list = [
            list(toolbox.fix_location(shape, each))
            for each in toolbox.point_list_filter(
                point_list, self.multi_target_distance_threshold)
        logger.debug('fixed compare result: {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
            min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc))

        return min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc, point_list
Exemplo n.º 13
import numpy as np
import warnings
import typing

from findit.logger import logger
from findit.engine.base import FindItEngine, FindItEngineResponse

    import findtext
except ImportError:
    logger.debug("findtext should be installed if you want to use OCR engine")

class OCREngine(FindItEngine):
    """ OCR engine, binding to tesseract """

    # language settings, same as tesseract
    # if you want to use chi_sim and eng, you can set it 'chi_sim+eng'
    DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: str = "eng"
    # offset for words ( sometimes causes out of range, take care )
    DEFAULT_OFFSET: int = 0
    # deep query
    DEFAULT_DEEP: bool = False

    def __init__(self, engine_ocr_lang: str = None, *_, **__):
        logger.info(f"engine {self.get_type()} preparing ...")

        # check language data before execute function, not here.
        self.engine_ocr_lang = engine_ocr_lang or self.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
        self.engine_ocr_offset = self.DEFAULT_OFFSET
        self.engine_ocr_deep = self.DEFAULT_DEEP
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _compare_template(
        template_pic_object: np.ndarray,
        target_pic_object: np.ndarray,
        scale: typing.Sequence,
        mask_pic_object: np.ndarray = None,
    ) -> typing.Sequence:
        compare via template matching

        :param template_pic_object:
        :param target_pic_object:
        :param scale: default to (1, 3, 10)
        :param mask_pic_object:
        :return: min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc
        result_list = list()

        # compress
        pic_width, pic_height = target_pic_object.shape[:2]
            f"target object size before compressing: w={pic_width}, h={pic_height}"
        target_pic_object = toolbox.compress_frame(
            target_pic_object, self.engine_template_compress_rate)
        pic_width, pic_height = target_pic_object.shape[:2]
            f"target object size after compressing: w={pic_width}, h={pic_height}"

        for each_scale in np.linspace(*scale):
            # resize template
            resize_template_pic_object = toolbox.resize_pic_scale(
                template_pic_object, each_scale)

            # resize mask
            if mask_pic_object is not None:
                mask_pic_object = toolbox.resize_pic_scale(
                    mask_pic_object, each_scale)

            # if template's size is larger than raw picture, break
            if (resize_template_pic_object.shape[0] > pic_width
                    or resize_template_pic_object.shape[1] > pic_height):

            res = cv2.matchTemplate(
            # each of current result is:
            # [(min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc), point_list, shape]

            current_result = [
                *self._parse_res(res), resize_template_pic_object.shape

        # too much log here, remove it.
        # logger.debug('scale search result: {}'.format(result_list))

        # get the best one
            loc_val, point_list, shape = sorted(result_list,
                                                key=lambda i: i[0][1])[-1]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError("""
                template picture is larger than your target.
                1. pick another template picture.
                2. set engine_template_scale in __init__, see demo.py for details.
        min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = loc_val

        # fix position
        logger.debug(f"raw compare result: {max_loc}, {max_val}")
        min_loc, max_loc = map(
            lambda each_location: list(
                toolbox.fix_location(shape, each_location)),
            [min_loc, max_loc],

        # de compress
        logger.debug(f"decompress compare result: {max_loc}, {max_val}")
        min_loc, max_loc = map(
            lambda p: toolbox.decompress_point(
                p, self.engine_template_compress_rate),
            [min_loc, max_loc],

        point_list = [
            list(toolbox.fix_location(shape, each))
            for each in toolbox.point_list_filter(
        # sort point list
        point_list.sort(key=lambda i: i[0])

        logger.debug(f"fixed compare result: {max_loc}, {max_val}")
        return min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc, point_list
Exemplo n.º 15
    def find(self,
             target_pic_name: str,
             target_pic_path: str = None,
             target_pic_object: np.ndarray = None,
             mark_pic: bool = None,
        start match

        :param target_pic_name: eg: 'your_target_picture_1'
        :param target_pic_path: '/path/to/your/target.png'
        :param target_pic_object: your_pic_cv_object (loaded by cv2)
        :param mark_pic: enable this, and you will get a picture file with a mark of result

        # pre assert
        assert self.template, 'template is empty'
        assert (target_pic_path
                is not None) or (target_pic_object
                                 is not None), 'need path or cv object'

        # load target
        logger.info('start finding ...')
        target_pic_object = toolbox.pre_pic(target_pic_path, target_pic_object)

        start_time = toolbox.get_timestamp()
        result = dict()
        for each_template_name, each_template_object in self.template.items():
                'start analysing: [{}] ...'.format(each_template_name))

            current_result = dict()
            for each_engine in self.engine_list:
                each_result = each_engine.execute(each_template_object,
                                                  target_pic_object, *args,

                # need mark?
                if mark_pic:
                    target_pic_object_with_mark = toolbox.mark_point(
                    os.makedirs(start_time, exist_ok=True)
                    mark_pic_path = '{}/{}_{}.png'.format(
                        start_time, each_template_name, each_engine.get_type())
                    cv2.imwrite(mark_pic_path, target_pic_object_with_mark)
                        'save marked picture to {}'.format(mark_pic_path))

                # result filter
                each_result = self._prune_result(each_result)

                current_result[each_engine.get_type()] = each_result

            logger.debug('result for [{}]: {}'.format(
                each_template_name, json.dumps(current_result)))
            result[each_template_name] = current_result

        final_result = {
            'target_name': target_pic_name,
            'target_path': target_pic_path,
            'data': result,
        logger.info('result: {}'.format(json.dumps(final_result)))
        return final_result
Exemplo n.º 16
    def get_feature_point_list(
            self, template_pic_object: np.ndarray,
            target_pic_object: np.ndarray) -> typing.Sequence[Point]:
        compare via feature matching

        :param template_pic_object:
        :param target_pic_object:
        # IMPORTANT
        # sift and surf can not be used in python >= 3.8
        # so we switch it to ORB detector
        # maybe not enough precisely now

        # Initiate ORB detector
        orb = cv2.ORB_create()

        # find the keypoints and descriptors with ORB
        template_kp, template_desc = orb.detectAndCompute(
            template_pic_object, None)
        target_kp, target_desc = orb.detectAndCompute(target_pic_object, None)

        # key points count
        logger.debug(f"template key point count: {len(template_kp)}")
        logger.debug(f"target key point count: {len(target_kp)}")

        # find 2 points, which are the closest
        # 找到帧和帧之间的一致性的过程就是在一个描述符集合(询问集)中找另一个集合(相当于训练集)的最近邻。 这里找到 每个描述符 的 最近邻与次近邻
        # 一个正确的匹配会更接近第一个邻居。换句话说,一个不正确的匹配,两个邻居的距离是相似的。因此,我们可以通过查看二者距离的不同来评判距匹配程度的好坏。
        # more details: https://blog.csdn.net/liangjiubujiu/article/details/80418079
        # flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher()
        # matches = flann.knnMatch(template_desc, target_desc, k=2)

        bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True)
        # 特征描述子匹配
        matches = bf.knnMatch(template_desc, target_desc, k=1)

        # matches are something like:
        # [[<DMatch 0x12400a350>, <DMatch 0x12400a430>], [<DMatch 0x124d6a170>, <DMatch 0x124d6a450>]]

        logger.error(f"matches num: {len(matches)}")
        print(f"matches num: {len(matches)}")

        # TODO here is a sample to show feature points
        # temp = cv2.drawMatchesKnn(template_pic_object, kp1, target_pic_object, kp2, matches, None, flags=2)
        # cv2.imshow('feature_points', temp)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)

        good = list()
        if matches:
            good = matches[0]

        # get positions
        point_list = list()
        for each in good:
            target_idx = each.trainIdx
            each_point = Point(*target_kp[target_idx].pt)

        return point_list