Exemplo n.º 1
    def _explicitBuildMatrixPy(self, oldArray, id1, id2, b, coeffMatrix, mesh, interiorFaces, dt, weight):
        oldArrayId1, oldArrayId2 = self._getOldAdjacentValues(oldArray, id1, id2, dt=dt)

        cell1diag = numerix.take(coeffMatrix['cell 1 diag'], interiorFaces)
        cell1offdiag = numerix.take(coeffMatrix['cell 1 offdiag'], interiorFaces)
        cell2diag = numerix.take(coeffMatrix['cell 2 diag'], interiorFaces)
        cell2offdiag = numerix.take(coeffMatrix['cell 2 offdiag'], interiorFaces)

        vector.putAdd(b, id1, -(cell1diag * oldArrayId1 + cell1offdiag * oldArrayId2))
        vector.putAdd(b, id2, -(cell2diag * oldArrayId2 + cell2offdiag * oldArrayId1))
Exemplo n.º 2
        def _explicitBuildMatrixInline_(self, oldArray, id1, id2, b, coeffMatrix, mesh, interiorFaces, dt, weight):

            oldArrayId1, oldArrayId2 = self._getOldAdjacentValues(oldArray, id1, id2, dt=dt)

            cell1diag = numerix.take(coeffMatrix['cell 1 diag'], interiorFaces)
            cell1offdiag = numerix.take(coeffMatrix['cell 1 offdiag'], interiorFaces)
            cell2diag = numerix.take(coeffMatrix['cell 2 diag'], interiorFaces)
            cell2offdiag = numerix.take(coeffMatrix['cell 2 offdiag'], interiorFaces)

            vector.putAdd(b, id1, -(cell1diag * oldArrayId1 + cell1offdiag * oldArrayId2))
            vector.putAdd(b, id2, -(cell2diag * oldArrayId2 + cell2offdiag * oldArrayId1))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _buildMatrix(self, SparseMatrix, Ncells, MaxFaces, coeff):
        """Leave **L** unchanged and add gradient to **b**

          - `SparseMatrix`: *unused* (empty matrix)
          - `Ncells`:       Size of **b**-vector
          - `MaxFaces`:     *unused*
          - `coeff`:        *unused*

        bb = numerix.zeros((Ncells,), 'd')

        if not self.boundaryConditionApplied:
            vector.putAdd(bb, self.adjacentCellIDs, -self.contribution)
            self.boundaryConditionApplied = True

        return (0, bb)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _buildMatrix(self, SparseMatrix, Ncells, MaxFaces, coeff):
        """Leave **L** unchanged and add gradient to **b**

          - `SparseMatrix`: *unused* (empty matrix)
          - `Ncells`:       Size of **b**-vector
          - `MaxFaces`:     *unused*
          - `coeff`:        *unused*

        bb = numerix.zeros((Ncells, ), 'd')

        if not self.boundaryConditionApplied:
            vector.putAdd(bb, self.adjacentCellIDs, -self.contribution)
            self.boundaryConditionApplied = True

        return (0, bb)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _buildMatrix(self, SparseMatrix, Ncells, MaxFaces, coeff):
        """Set boundary equal to value.

        A `tuple` of (`LL`, `bb`) is calculated, to be added to the
        Term's (:math:`\mathsf{L}`, :math:`\mathsf{b}`) matrices.

        SparseMatrix : ~fipy.matrices.sparseMatrix._SparseMatrix
        Ncells : int
            Size of matrices
        MaxFaces : int
            Maximum number of faces per cell (determines bandwidth of
        coeff : list
            Contribution to adjacent cell diagonal and
            :math:`\mathsf{b}` vector by this exterior face
        faces = self.faces.value

        LL = SparseMatrix(mesh=self.faces.mesh,
        LL.addAt(coeff['cell 1 diag'][faces], self.adjacentCellIDs,

        ## The following has been commented out because
        ## FixedValue's _buildMatrix() method is called for
        ## each term in the equation. Thus minusCoeff can be different for each term.
        ## if not hasattr(self, 'minusCoeff'):
        ##     self.minusCoeff = -coeff['cell 1 offdiag']
        ##     self.minusCoeff.dontCacheMe()

        bb = numerix.zeros((Ncells, ), 'd')

        value = self.value
        if isinstance(value, Variable):
            value = value.value
        if value.shape == faces.shape:
            value = value[faces]

        vector.putAdd(bb, self.adjacentCellIDs,
                      -coeff['cell 1 offdiag'].value[faces] * value)

        return (LL, bb)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _buildMatrix(self, SparseMatrix, Ncells, MaxFaces, coeff):
        """Leave **L** unchanged and add gradient to **b**

        SparseMatrix : ~fipy.matrices.sparseMatrix._SparseMatrix
            *unused* (empty matrix)
        Ncells : int
            Size of **b** vector
        coeff : list

        bb = numerix.zeros((Ncells,), 'd')

        if not self.boundaryConditionApplied:
            vector.putAdd(bb, self.adjacentCellIDs, -self.contribution)
            self.boundaryConditionApplied = True

        return (0, bb)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _buildMatrix(self, SparseMatrix, Ncells, MaxFaces, coeff):
        """Set boundary equal to value.

        A `tuple` of (`LL`, `bb`) is calculated, to be added to the
        Term's (:math:`\mathsf{L}`, :math:`\mathsf{b}`) matrices.

          - `SparseMatrix`: Sparse matrix class to use
          - `Ncells`:       Size of matrices
          - `MaxFaces`:     bandwidth of :math:`\mathsf{L}`
          - `coeff`:        contribution to adjacent cell diagonal and
            :math:`\mathsf{b}`-vector by this exterior face
        faces = self.faces.value

        LL = SparseMatrix(mesh=self.faces.mesh, sizeHint=len(self.faces), bandwidth=1)
        LL.addAt(coeff['cell 1 diag'][faces], self.adjacentCellIDs, self.adjacentCellIDs)

        ## The following has been commented out because
        ## FixedValue's _buildMatrix() method is called for
        ## each term in the equation. Thus minusCoeff can be different for each term.
        ## if not hasattr(self, 'minusCoeff'):
        ##     self.minusCoeff = -coeff['cell 1 offdiag']
        ##     self.minusCoeff.dontCacheMe()

        bb = numerix.zeros((Ncells,), 'd')

        value = self.value
        if isinstance(value, Variable):
            value = value.value
        if value.shape == faces.shape:
            value = value[faces]

        vector.putAdd(bb, self.adjacentCellIDs, -coeff['cell 1 offdiag'].value[faces] * value)

        return (LL, bb)