Exemplo n.º 1
def syncScreens():
	global CONNECTIONS, prevResp, landscape
	_screens = firebase.firebaseURL(APP_NAME + "/screens")
	resp = firebase.get(_screens)
	if resp is not None:
		CONNECTIONS = len(resp) - 1
		if len(resp) != len(prevResp):
			print "Number of connections: ", CONNECTIONS
			print resp
			if CONNECTIONS >= 1:
				if "innerWidth" in resp[-1].keys():
					landscape = resp[-1]["innerWidth"] > resp[-1]["innerHeight"]
			prevResp = resp
	for idx, screen in enumerate(screens):
		if idx > 0:
			s = firebase.firebaseURL(APP_NAME + "/screens/" + str(idx))
			center, dims, rotation = screen
			firebase.patch(s, {u'center': {u'x':int(center[0]), u'y':int(center[1])}, u'dims': {u'h':int(dims[1]), u'w':int(dims[0])}, u'rotation': int(rotation)})
Exemplo n.º 2
import firebase, pprint
URL = firebase.firebaseURL('bitcoinsentiment')
print firebase.get(URL)

json1 = {
    '13k': {
        'neg': 1,
        'neut': 0,
        'pos': 0
    '3': {
        'neg': 0,
        'neut': 0,
        'pos': 1
    '354': {
        'neg': 0,
        'neut': 0,
        'pos': 1
    '608': {
        'neg': 0,
        'neut': 0,
        'pos': 1
    'ascending': {
        'neg': 0,
        'neut': 1,
        'pos': 0
    'bad': {
Exemplo n.º 3
			elif diff <= 5:
				return -1, -1
	return None, None

def drawScreens(frame):
	#print screens
	for idx, screen in enumerate(screens):
		if idx > 0:
			rect = (tuple(screen[0]), tuple(screen[1]), screen[2])
			box = np.int0(boxPoints(rect))
			fillConvexPoly(frame, box, colors[idx % len(colors)])

if __name__ == "__main__":
	root = firebase.firebaseURL(APP_NAME)
	firebase.patch(root, {u'FRAME_WIDTH': FRAME_WIDTH , u'FRAME_HEIGHT': FRAME_HEIGHT, u'RELOAD': -1, u'valid': "no"})
	_screens = firebase.firebaseURL(APP_NAME + "/screens")
	firebase.put(_screens, {u'0': 'none'})

	capture = VideoCapture();
	#set height and width of capture frame
	#start an infinite loop where webcam feed is copied to cameraFeed matrix
	#all of our operations will be performed within this loop
	firstFrame = None
	while True:
		if COUNTER == 0:
			thread.start_new_thread(syncScreens, ())