Exemplo n.º 1
    def _finalize_kernels_and_update(self):
        """Prepares the kernel AST by transforming all outpute/input
        references to Slate tensors with eigen references and updates
        any orientation information.
        kernel_list = []
        transformer = Transformer()
        oriented = self.oriented

        cxt_kernels = self.context_kernels
        splitkernels = [
            splitkernel for cxt_k in cxt_kernels
            for splitkernel in cxt_k.tsfc_kernels

        for splitkernel in splitkernels:
            oriented = oriented or splitkernel.kinfo.oriented
            # TODO: Extend multiple domains support
            assert splitkernel.kinfo.subdomain_id == "otherwise"
            kast = transformer.visit(splitkernel.kinfo.kernel._ast)

        self.oriented = oriented
        self.finalized_ast = kernel_list
        self._is_finalized = True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def construct_ast(self, name, args, statements):
        """Constructs the full kernel AST of a given SLATE expression. The :class:`Transformer`
        is used to perform the conversion from standard C into the Eigen C++ template library

        :arg name: a string denoting the name of the macro kernel.
        :arg args: a list of arguments for the macro_kernel.
        :arg statements: a `coffee.base.Block` of instructions, which contains declarations
                         of temporaries, function calls to all subkernels and any auxilliary
                         information needed to evaulate the SLATE expression.
                         E.g. facet integral loops and action loops.

        Returns: the full kernel AST to be converted into a PyOP2 kernel, as well as any
                 orientation information.
        # all kernel body statements must be wrapped up as a coffee.base.Block
        assert isinstance(statements, ast.Block)

        macro_kernel = ast.FunDecl("void", name, args, statements, pred=["static", "inline"])

        kernel_list = []
        transformer = Transformer()
        oriented = False
        # Assume self.kernel_exprs is populated at this point
        for kernel_items in self.kernel_exprs.values():
            for ks in kernel_items:
                oriented = oriented or ks.kinfo.oriented
                # TODO: Extend multiple domains support
                assert ks.kinfo.subdomain_id == "otherwise"
                kast = transformer.visit(ks.kinfo.kernel._ast)

        return ast.Node(kernel_list), oriented
Exemplo n.º 3
    def construct_ast(self, name, args, statements):
        """Constructs the full kernel AST of a given SLATE expression. The :class:`Transformer`
        is used to perform the conversion from standard C into the Eigen C++ template library

        :arg name: a string denoting the name of the macro kernel.
        :arg args: a list of arguments for the macro_kernel.
        :arg statements: a `coffee.base.Block` of instructions, which contains declarations
                         of temporaries, function calls to all subkernels and any auxilliary
                         information needed to evaulate the SLATE expression.
                         E.g. facet integral loops and action loops.

        Returns: the full kernel AST to be converted into a PyOP2 kernel, as well as any
                 orientation information.
        # all kernel body statements must be wrapped up as a coffee.base.Block
        assert isinstance(statements, ast.Block)

        macro_kernel = ast.FunDecl("void",
                                   pred=["static", "inline"])

        kernel_list = []
        transformer = Transformer()
        oriented = False
        # Assume self.kernel_exprs is populated at this point
        for kernel_items in self.kernel_exprs.values():
            for ks in kernel_items:
                oriented = oriented or ks.kinfo.oriented
                # TODO: Extend multiple domains support
                assert ks.kinfo.subdomain_id == "otherwise"
                kast = transformer.visit(ks.kinfo.kernel._ast)

        return ast.Node(kernel_list), oriented
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _setup(self):
        """A setup method to initialize all the local assembly
        kernels generated by TSFC and creates templated function calls
        conforming to the Eigen-C++ template library standard.
        This function also collects any information regarding orientations
        and extra include directories.
        transformer = Transformer()
        include_dirs = []
        templated_subkernels = []
        assembly_calls = OrderedDict([(it, [])
                                      for it in self.supported_integral_types])
        coords = None
        oriented = False
        for cxt_kernel in self.context_kernels:
            local_coefficients = cxt_kernel.coefficients
            it_type = cxt_kernel.original_integral_type
            exp = cxt_kernel.tensor

            if it_type not in self.supported_integral_types:
                raise ValueError("Integral type '%s' not recognized" % it_type)

            # Explicit checking of coordinates
            coordinates = cxt_kernel.tensor.ufl_domain().coordinates
            if coords is not None:
                assert coordinates == coords, "Mismatching coordinates!"
                coords = coordinates

            for split_kernel in cxt_kernel.tsfc_kernels:
                indices = split_kernel.indices
                kinfo = split_kernel.kinfo

                # TODO: Implement subdomains for Slate tensors
                if kinfo.subdomain_id != "otherwise":
                    raise NotImplementedError("Subdomains not implemented.")

                args = [
                    c for i in kinfo.coefficient_map
                    for c in self.coefficient(local_coefficients[i])

                if kinfo.oriented:
                    args.insert(0, self.cell_orientations_sym)

                if kinfo.integral_type in [
                        "interior_facet", "exterior_facet",
                        "interior_facet_vert", "exterior_facet_vert"
                    args.append(ast.FlatBlock("&%s" % self.it_sym))

                # Assembly calls within the macro kernel
                tensor = eigen_tensor(exp, self.temps[exp], indices)
                call = ast.FunCall(kinfo.kernel.name, tensor, self.coord_sym,

                # Subkernels for local assembly (Eigen templated functions)
                kast = transformer.visit(kinfo.kernel._ast)
                oriented = oriented or kinfo.oriented

        self.assembly_calls = assembly_calls
        self.templated_subkernels = templated_subkernels
        self.include_dirs = list(set(include_dirs))
        self.oriented = oriented
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _setup(self):
        """A setup method to initialize all the local assembly
        kernels generated by TSFC and creates templated function calls
        conforming to the Eigen-C++ template library standard.
        This function also collects any information regarding orientations
        and extra include directories.
        transformer = Transformer()
        include_dirs = []
        templated_subkernels = []
        assembly_calls = OrderedDict([(it, []) for it in self.supported_integral_types])
        subdomain_calls = OrderedDict([(sd, []) for sd in self.supported_subdomain_types])
        coords = None
        oriented = False
        needs_cell_sizes = False

        # Maps integral type to subdomain key
        subdomain_map = {"exterior_facet": "subdomains_exterior_facet",
                         "exterior_facet_vert": "subdomains_exterior_facet",
                         "interior_facet": "subdomains_interior_facet",
                         "interior_facet_vert": "subdomains_interior_facet"}
        for cxt_kernel in self.context_kernels:
            local_coefficients = cxt_kernel.coefficients
            it_type = cxt_kernel.original_integral_type
            exp = cxt_kernel.tensor

            if it_type not in self.supported_integral_types:
                raise ValueError("Integral type '%s' not recognized" % it_type)

            # Explicit checking of coordinates
            coordinates = cxt_kernel.tensor.ufl_domain().coordinates
            if coords is not None:
                assert coordinates == coords, "Mismatching coordinates!"
                coords = coordinates

            for split_kernel in cxt_kernel.tsfc_kernels:
                indices = split_kernel.indices
                kinfo = split_kernel.kinfo
                kint_type = kinfo.integral_type
                needs_cell_sizes = needs_cell_sizes or kinfo.needs_cell_sizes

                args = [c for i in kinfo.coefficient_map
                        for c in self.coefficient(local_coefficients[i])]

                if kinfo.oriented:
                    args.insert(0, self.cell_orientations_sym)

                if kint_type in ["interior_facet",
                    args.append(ast.FlatBlock("&%s" % self.it_sym))

                if kinfo.needs_cell_sizes:

                # Assembly calls within the macro kernel
                tensor = eigen_tensor(exp, self.temps[exp], indices)
                call = ast.FunCall(kinfo.kernel.name,

                # Subdomains only implemented for exterior facet integrals
                if kinfo.subdomain_id != "otherwise":
                    if kint_type not in subdomain_map:
                        msg = "Subdomains for integral type '%s' not implemented" % kint_type
                        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

                    sd_id = kinfo.subdomain_id
                    sd_key = subdomain_map[kint_type]
                    subdomain_calls[sd_key].append((sd_id, call))

                # Subkernels for local assembly (Eigen templated functions)
                from coffee.base import Node
                assert isinstance(kinfo.kernel._code, Node)
                kast = transformer.visit(kinfo.kernel._code)
                oriented = oriented or kinfo.oriented

        # Add subdomain call to assembly dict

        self.assembly_calls = assembly_calls
        self.templated_subkernels = templated_subkernels
        self.include_dirs = list(set(include_dirs))
        self.oriented = oriented
        self.needs_cell_sizes = needs_cell_sizes
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _setup(self):
        """A setup method to initialize all the local assembly
        kernels generated by TSFC and creates templated function calls
        conforming to the Eigen-C++ template library standard.
        This function also collects any information regarding orientations
        and extra include directories.
        transformer = Transformer()
        include_dirs = []
        templated_subkernels = []
        assembly_calls = OrderedDict([(it, []) for it in self.supported_integral_types])
        subdomain_calls = OrderedDict([(sd, []) for sd in self.supported_subdomain_types])
        coords = None
        oriented = False
        needs_cell_sizes = False

        # Maps integral type to subdomain key
        subdomain_map = {"exterior_facet": "subdomains_exterior_facet",
                         "exterior_facet_vert": "subdomains_exterior_facet",
                         "interior_facet": "subdomains_interior_facet",
                         "interior_facet_vert": "subdomains_interior_facet"}
        for cxt_kernel in self.context_kernels:
            local_coefficients = cxt_kernel.coefficients
            it_type = cxt_kernel.original_integral_type
            exp = cxt_kernel.tensor

            if it_type not in self.supported_integral_types:
                raise ValueError("Integral type '%s' not recognized" % it_type)

            # Explicit checking of coordinates
            coordinates = cxt_kernel.tensor.ufl_domain().coordinates
            if coords is not None:
                assert coordinates == coords, "Mismatching coordinates!"
                coords = coordinates

            for split_kernel in cxt_kernel.tsfc_kernels:
                indices = split_kernel.indices
                kinfo = split_kernel.kinfo
                kint_type = kinfo.integral_type
                needs_cell_sizes = needs_cell_sizes or kinfo.needs_cell_sizes

                args = [c for i in kinfo.coefficient_map
                        for c in self.coefficient(local_coefficients[i])]

                if kinfo.oriented:
                    args.insert(0, self.cell_orientations_sym)

                if kint_type in ["interior_facet",
                    args.append(ast.FlatBlock("&%s" % self.it_sym))

                if kinfo.needs_cell_sizes:

                # Assembly calls within the macro kernel
                tensor = eigen_tensor(exp, self.temps[exp], indices)
                call = ast.FunCall(kinfo.kernel.name,

                # Subdomains only implemented for exterior facet integrals
                if kinfo.subdomain_id != "otherwise":
                    if kint_type not in subdomain_map:
                        msg = "Subdomains for integral type '%s' not implemented" % kint_type
                        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

                    sd_id = kinfo.subdomain_id
                    sd_key = subdomain_map[kint_type]
                    subdomain_calls[sd_key].append((sd_id, call))

                # Subkernels for local assembly (Eigen templated functions)
                from coffee.base import Node
                assert isinstance(kinfo.kernel._code, Node)
                kast = transformer.visit(kinfo.kernel._code)
                oriented = oriented or kinfo.oriented

        # Add subdomain call to assembly dict

        self.assembly_calls = assembly_calls
        self.templated_subkernels = templated_subkernels
        self.include_dirs = list(set(include_dirs))
        self.oriented = oriented
        self.needs_cell_sizes = needs_cell_sizes