Exemplo n.º 1
    def _check_config(self, config, item):
        if item == "ports":
            for port in config:
                if port[0] != "":
                    # only protocol
                    if not checkProtocol(port[1]):
                        raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, port[1])

        if item == "protocols":
            for proto in config:
                if not checkProtocol(proto):
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, proto)

        elif item == "destination":
            for destination in config:
                if destination not in [ "ipv4", "ipv6" ]:
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_DESTINATION,
                                    "'%s' not in {'ipv4'|'ipv6'}" % destination)
                if not check_address(destination, config[destination]):
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDR,
                                        "'%s' is not valid %s address" % \
                                        (config[destination], destination))
        elif item == "modules":
            for module in config:
                if not module.startswith("nf_conntrack_"):
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_MODULE, module)
                elif len(module.replace("nf_conntrack_", "")) < 1:
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_MODULE, module)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _check_config(self, config, item):
        if item == "ports":
            for port in config:
                if port[0] != "":
                    # only protocol
                    if not functions.checkProtocol(port[1]):
                        raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, port[1])

        elif item == "destination":
            for destination in config:
                if destination not in [ "ipv4", "ipv6" ]:
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_DESTINATION, destination)
                if not functions.check_address(destination, config[destination]):
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDRESS, config[destination])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _check_config(self, config, item):
        if item == "ports":
            for port in config:
                if port[0] != "":
                    # only protocol
                    if not functions.checkProtocol(port[1]):
                        raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, port[1])

        elif item == "destination":
            for destination in config:
                if destination not in ["ipv4", "ipv6"]:
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_DESTINATION, destination)
                if not functions.check_address(destination,
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDRESS, config[destination])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def check(self):
        if self.family is not None and self.family not in ["ipv4", "ipv6"]:
            raise FirewallError(INVALID_FAMILY, self.family)
        if self.family is None:
            if self.source is not None or self.destination is not None:
                raise FirewallError(MISSING_FAMILY)
            if type(self.element) == Rich_ForwardPort:
                raise FirewallError(MISSING_FAMILY)

        if self.element is None:
            if self.action is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "no element, no action")
            if self.source is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "no element, no source")
            if self.destination is not None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "destination action")

        if type(self.element) not in [
                Rich_IcmpBlock, Rich_ForwardPort, Rich_Masquerade
            if self.log is None and self.audit is None and \
                    self.action is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE,
                                    "no action, no log, no audit")

        # source
        if self.source is not None:
            if self.family is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_FAMILY)
            if self.source.addr is None or \
                    not functions.check_address(self.family,
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDR, str(self.source.addr))

        # destination
        if self.destination is not None:
            if self.family is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_FAMILY)
            if self.destination.addr is None or \
                    not functions.check_address(self.family,
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDR, str(self.destination.addr))

        # service
        if type(self.element) == Rich_Service:
            # service availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_SERVICE, str(self.element.name))

        # port
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Port:
            if not functions.check_port(self.element.port):
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PORT, self.element.port)
            if not self.element.protocol in ["tcp", "udp"]:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, self.element.protocol)

        # protocol
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Protocol:
            if not functions.checkProtocol(self.element.value):
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, self.element.value)

        # masquerade
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Masquerade:
            if self.destination is not None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "masquerade and destination")
            if self.action is not None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "masquerade and action")

        # icmp-block
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_IcmpBlock:
            # icmp type availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_ICMPTYPE, str(self.element.name))
            if self.action:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "icmp-block and action")

        # forward-port
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_ForwardPort:
            if not functions.check_port(self.element.port):
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PORT, self.element.port)
            if not self.element.protocol in ["tcp", "udp"]:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, self.element.protocol)
            if self.element.to_port == "" and self.element.to_address == "":
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PORT, self.element.to_port)
            if self.element.to_port != "" and \
                    not functions.check_port(self.element.to_port):
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PORT, self.element.to_port)
            if self.element.to_address != "" and \
                    not functions.check_single_address(self.family,
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDR, self.element.to_address)
            if self.family is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_FAMILY)
            if self.action is not None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "forward-port and action")

        # other element and not empty?
        elif self.element is not None:
            raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE,
                                "Unknown element %s" % type(self.element))

        # log
        if self.log is not None:
            if self.log.level and \
               self.log.level not in [ "emerg", "alert", "crit", "error",
                                       "warning", "notice", "info", "debug" ]:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_LOG_LEVEL, self.log.level)

            if self.log.limit is not None:

        # audit
        if self.audit is not None:
            if type(self.action) not in [Rich_Accept, Rich_Reject, Rich_Drop]:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_AUDIT_TYPE, type(self.action))

            if self.audit.limit is not None:

        # action
        if self.action is not None:
            if type(self.action) == Rich_Reject:

            if self.action.limit is not None:
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_protocol(protocol):
    if not checkProtocol(protocol):
        raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, protocol)
Exemplo n.º 6
def check_protocol(protocol):
    if not functions.checkProtocol(protocol):
        raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PROTOCOL, protocol)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def check(self):
        if self.family is not None and self.family not in ["ipv4", "ipv6"]:
            raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_FAMILY, self.family)
        if self.family is None:
            if (self.source is not None and self.source.addr is not None) or \
               self.destination is not None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.MISSING_FAMILY)
            if type(self.element) == Rich_ForwardPort:
                raise FirewallError(errors.MISSING_FAMILY)

        if self.priority < self.priority_min or self.priority > self.priority_max:
            raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PRIORITY, "'priority' attribute must be between %d and %d." \
                                                         % (self.priority_min, self.priority_max))

        if self.element is None and \
           (self.log is None or (self.log is not None and self.priority == 0)):
            if self.action is None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,
                                    "no element, no action")
            if self.source is None and self.destination is None and self.priority == 0:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,
                                    "no element, no source, no destination")

        if type(self.element) not in [
                Rich_IcmpBlock, Rich_ForwardPort, Rich_Masquerade,
            if self.log is None and self.audit is None and \
                    self.action is None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,
                                    "no action, no log, no audit")

        # source
        if self.source is not None:
            if self.source.addr is not None:
                if self.family is None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_FAMILY)
                if self.source.mac is not None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "address and mac")
                if self.source.ipset is not None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,
                                        "address and ipset")
                if not functions.check_address(self.family, self.source.addr):
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ADDR,

            elif self.source.mac is not None:
                if self.source.ipset is not None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "mac and ipset")
                if not functions.check_mac(self.source.mac):
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_MAC,

            elif self.source.ipset is not None:
                if not check_ipset_name(self.source.ipset):
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_IPSET,

                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "invalid source")

        # destination
        if self.destination is not None:
            if self.destination.addr is not None:
                if self.family is None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_FAMILY)
                if self.destination.ipset is not None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_DESTINATION,
                                        "address and ipset")
                if not functions.check_address(self.family,
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ADDR,

            elif self.destination.ipset is not None:
                if not check_ipset_name(self.destination.ipset):
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_IPSET,

                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "invalid destination")

        # service
        if type(self.element) == Rich_Service:
            # service availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_SERVICE,

        # port
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Port:
            if not functions.check_port(self.element.port):
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PORT, self.element.port)
            if self.element.protocol not in ["tcp", "udp", "sctp", "dccp"]:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PROTOCOL,

        # protocol
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Protocol:
            if not functions.checkProtocol(self.element.value):
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PROTOCOL,

        # masquerade
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Masquerade:
            if self.action is not None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,
                                    "masquerade and action")
            if self.source is not None and self.source.mac is not None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,
                                    "masquerade and mac source")

        # icmp-block
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_IcmpBlock:
            # icmp type availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ICMPTYPE,
            if self.action:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,
                                    "icmp-block and action")

        # icmp-type
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_IcmpType:
            # icmp type availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ICMPTYPE,

        # forward-port
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_ForwardPort:
            if not functions.check_port(self.element.port):
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PORT, self.element.port)
            if self.element.protocol not in ["tcp", "udp", "sctp", "dccp"]:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PROTOCOL,
            if self.element.to_port == "" and self.element.to_address == "":
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PORT, self.element.to_port)
            if self.element.to_port != "" and \
                    not functions.check_port(self.element.to_port):
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PORT, self.element.to_port)
            if self.element.to_address != "" and \
                    not functions.check_single_address(self.family,
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ADDR,
            if self.family is None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_FAMILY)
            if self.action is not None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,
                                    "forward-port and action")

        # source-port
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_SourcePort:
            if not functions.check_port(self.element.port):
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PORT, self.element.port)
            if self.element.protocol not in ["tcp", "udp", "sctp", "dccp"]:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PROTOCOL,

        # tcp-mss-clamp
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Tcp_Mss_Clamp:
            if self.action is not None:
                raise FirewallError(
                    "tcp-mss-clamp and %s are mutually exclusive" %
            if self.element.value:
                if not functions.checkTcpMssClamp(self.element.value):
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,

        # other element and not empty?
        elif self.element is not None:
            raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE,
                                "Unknown element %s" % type(self.element))

        # log
        if self.log is not None:

        # audit
        if self.audit is not None:
            if type(self.action) not in [Rich_Accept, Rich_Reject, Rich_Drop]:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_AUDIT_TYPE,

            if self.audit.limit is not None:

        # action
        if self.action is not None:
            if type(self.action) == Rich_Reject:
            elif type(self.action) == Rich_Mark:

            if self.action.limit is not None:
Exemplo n.º 8
    def check(self):
        if self.family is not None and self.family not in [ "ipv4", "ipv6" ]:
            raise FirewallError(INVALID_FAMILY, self.family)
        if self.family is None:
            if (self.source is not None and self.source.addr is not None) or \
               self.destination is not None:
                raise FirewallError(MISSING_FAMILY)
            if type(self.element) == Rich_ForwardPort:
                raise FirewallError(MISSING_FAMILY)

        if self.element is None:
            if self.action is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "no element, no action")
            if self.source is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "no element, no source")
            if self.destination is not None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "destination action")

        if type(self.element) not in [ Rich_IcmpBlock,
                                       Rich_Masquerade ]:
            if self.log is None and self.audit is None and \
                    self.action is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "no action, no log, no audit")

        # source
        if self.source is not None:
            if self.source.addr is not None:
                if self.family is None:
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_FAMILY)
                if self.source.mac is not None:
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "address and mac")
                if not functions.check_address(self.family, self.source.addr):
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDR, str(self.source.addr))

            elif self.source.mac is not None:
                if not functions.check_mac(self.source.mac):
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_MAC, str(self.source.mac))

            elif self.source.ipset is not None:
                if not functions.check_ipset(self.source.ipset):
                    raise FirewallError(INVALID_IPSET, str(self.source.ipset))

                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "invalid source")

        # destination
        if self.destination is not None:
            if self.family is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_FAMILY)
            if self.destination.addr is None or \
                    not functions.check_address(self.family,
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDR, str(self.destination.addr))

        # service
        if type(self.element) == Rich_Service:
            # service availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_SERVICE, str(self.element.name))

        # port
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Port:
            if not functions.check_port(self.element.port):
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PORT, self.element.port)
            if self.element.protocol not in [ "tcp", "udp" ]:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, self.element.protocol)

        # protocol
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Protocol:
            if not functions.checkProtocol(self.element.value):
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, self.element.value)

        # masquerade
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Masquerade:
            if self.action is not None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "masquerade and action")
            if self.source is not None and self.source.mac is not None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "masquerade and mac source")

        # icmp-block
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_IcmpBlock:
            # icmp type availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_ICMPTYPE, str(self.element.name))
            if self.action:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "icmp-block and action")

        # forward-port
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_ForwardPort:
            if not functions.check_port(self.element.port):
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PORT, self.element.port)
            if self.element.protocol not in [ "tcp", "udp" ]:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, self.element.protocol)
            if self.element.to_port == "" and self.element.to_address == "":
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PORT, self.element.to_port)
            if self.element.to_port != "" and \
                    not functions.check_port(self.element.to_port):
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_PORT, self.element.to_port)
            if self.element.to_address != "" and \
                    not functions.check_single_address(self.family,
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDR, self.element.to_address)
            if self.family is None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_FAMILY)
            if self.action is not None:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "forward-port and action")

        # other element and not empty?
        elif self.element is not None:
            raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "Unknown element %s" % 

        # log
        if self.log is not None:
            if self.log.level and \
               self.log.level not in [ "emerg", "alert", "crit", "error",
                                       "warning", "notice", "info", "debug" ]:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_LOG_LEVEL, self.log.level)

            if self.log.limit is not None:

        # audit
        if self.audit is not None:
            if type(self.action) not in [ Rich_Accept, Rich_Reject, Rich_Drop ]:
                raise FirewallError(INVALID_AUDIT_TYPE, type(self.action))

            if self.audit.limit is not None:

        # action
        if self.action is not None:
            if type(self.action) == Rich_Reject:

            if self.action.limit is not None:
Exemplo n.º 9
    def check_entry(entry, options, ipset_type):
        family = "ipv4"
        if "family" in options:
            if options["family"] == "inet6":
                family = "ipv6"

        if not ipset_type.startswith("hash:"):
            raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_IPSET,
                                "ipset type '%s' not usable" % ipset_type)
        flags = ipset_type[5:].split(",")
        items = entry.split(",")

        if len(flags) != len(items) or len(flags) < 1:
            raise FirewallError(
                "entry '%s' does not match ipset type '%s'" % \
                (entry, ipset_type))

        for i in range(len(flags)):
            flag = flags[i]
            item = items[i]

            if flag == "ip":
                if "-" in item and family == "ipv4":
                    # IP ranges only with plain IPs, no masks
                    if i > 1:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s'[%d]" % \
                            (item, entry, i))
                    splits = item.split("-")
                    if len(splits) != 2:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address range '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
                    for _split in splits:
                        if (family == "ipv4" and not checkIP(_split)) or \
                           (family == "ipv6" and not checkIP6(_split)):
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                                (_split, entry, ipset_type, family))
                    # IPs with mask only allowed in the first
                    # position of the type
                    if family == "ipv4":
                        if item == "":
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                                (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
                        if i == 0:
                            ip_check = checkIPnMask
                            ip_check = checkIP
                        ip_check = checkIP6
                    if not ip_check(item):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
            elif flag == "net":
                if "-" in item:
                    # IP ranges only with plain IPs, no masks
                    splits = item.split("-")
                    if len(splits) != 2:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address range '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
                    # First part can only be a plain IP
                    if (family == "ipv4" and not checkIP(splits[0])) or \
                       (family == "ipv6" and not checkIP6(splits[0])):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (splits[0], entry, ipset_type, family))
                    # Second part can also have a mask
                    if (family == "ipv4" and not checkIPnMask(splits[1])) or \
                       (family == "ipv6" and not checkIP6nMask(splits[1])):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (splits[1], entry, ipset_type, family))
                    # IPs with mask allowed in all positions, but no /0
                    if item.endswith("/0"):
                        if not (family == "ipv6" and i == 0 and
                                ipset_type == "hash:net,iface"):
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                                (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
                    if (family == "ipv4" and not checkIPnMask(item)) or \
                       (family == "ipv6" and not checkIP6nMask(item)):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
            elif flag == "mac":
                # ipset does not allow to add 00:00:00:00:00:00
                if not check_mac(item) or item == "00:00:00:00:00:00":
                    raise FirewallError(
                        "invalid mac address '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
            elif flag == "port":
                if ":" in item:
                    splits = item.split(":")
                    if len(splits) != 2:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid port '%s'" % (item))
                    if splits[0] == "icmp":
                        if family != "ipv4":
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid protocol for family '%s' in '%s'" % \
                                (family, entry))
                        if not check_icmp_name(splits[1]) and not \
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid icmp type '%s' in '%s'" % \
                                (splits[1], entry))
                    elif splits[0] in [ "icmpv6", "ipv6-icmp" ]:
                        if family != "ipv6":
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid protocol for family '%s' in '%s'" % \
                                (family, entry))
                        if not check_icmpv6_name(splits[1]) and not \
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid icmpv6 type '%s' in '%s'" % \
                                (splits[1], entry))
                    elif splits[0] not in [ "tcp", "sctp", "udp", "udplite" ] \
                       and not checkProtocol(splits[0]):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid protocol '%s' in '%s'" % (splits[0],
                    elif not check_port(splits[1]):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid port '%s'in '%s'" % (splits[1], entry))
                    if not check_port(item):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid port '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
            elif flag == "mark":
                if item.startswith("0x"):
                        int_val = int(item, 16)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid mark '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
                        int_val = int(item)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid mark '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
                if int_val < 0 or int_val > 4294967295:
                    raise FirewallError(
                        "invalid mark '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
            elif flag == "iface":
                if not checkInterface(item) or len(item) > 15:
                    raise FirewallError(
                        "invalid interface '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_IPSET,
                                    "ipset type '%s' not usable" % ipset_type)
Exemplo n.º 10
def check_protocol(protocol):
    if not functions.checkProtocol(protocol):
        raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PROTOCOL, protocol)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def check_entry(entry, options, ipset_type):
        family = "ipv4"
        if "family" in options:
            if options["family"] == "inet6":
                family = "ipv6"

        if not ipset_type.startswith("hash:"):
            raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_IPSET,
                                "ipset type '%s' not usable" % ipset_type)
        flags = ipset_type[5:].split(",")
        items = entry.split(",")

        if len(flags) != len(items) or len(flags) < 1:
            raise FirewallError(
                "entry '%s' does not match ipset type '%s'" % \
                (entry, ipset_type))

        for i in range(len(flags)):
            flag = flags[i]
            item = items[i]

            if flag == "ip":
                if "-" in item and family == "ipv4":
                    # IP ranges only with plain IPs, no masks
                    if i > 1:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s'[%d]" % \
                            (item, entry, i))
                    splits = item.split("-")
                    if len(splits) != 2:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address range '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
                    for _split in splits:
                        if (family == "ipv4" and not checkIP(_split)) or \
                           (family == "ipv6" and not checkIP6(_split)):
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                                (_split, entry, ipset_type, family))
                    # IPs with mask only allowed in the first
                    # position of the type
                    if family == "ipv4":
                        if item == "":
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                                (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
                        if i == 0:
                            ip_check = checkIPnMask
                            ip_check = checkIP
                        ip_check = checkIP6
                    if not ip_check(item):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
            elif flag == "net":
                if "-" in item:
                    # IP ranges only with plain IPs, no masks
                    splits = item.split("-")
                    if len(splits) != 2:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address range '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
                    # First part can only be a plain IP
                    if (family == "ipv4" and not checkIP(splits[0])) or \
                       (family == "ipv6" and not checkIP6(splits[0])):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (splits[0], entry, ipset_type, family))
                    # Second part can also have a mask
                    if (family == "ipv4" and not checkIPnMask(splits[1])) or \
                       (family == "ipv6" and not checkIP6nMask(splits[1])):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (splits[1], entry, ipset_type, family))
                    # IPs with mask allowed in all positions, but no /0
                    if item.endswith("/0"):
                        if not (family == "ipv6" and i == 0 and
                                ipset_type == "hash:net,iface"):
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                                (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
                    if (family == "ipv4" and not checkIPnMask(item)) or \
                       (family == "ipv6" and not checkIP6nMask(item)):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid address '%s' in '%s' for %s (%s)" % \
                            (item, entry, ipset_type, family))
            elif flag == "mac":
                # ipset does not allow to add 00:00:00:00:00:00
                if not check_mac(item) or item == "00:00:00:00:00:00":
                    raise FirewallError(
                        "invalid mac address '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
            elif flag == "port":
                if ":" in item:
                    splits = item.split(":")
                    if len(splits) != 2:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid port '%s'" % (item))
                    if splits[0] == "icmp":
                        if family != "ipv4":
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid protocol for family '%s' in '%s'" % \
                                (family, entry))
                        if not check_icmp_name(splits[1]) and not \
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid icmp type '%s' in '%s'" % \
                                (splits[1], entry))
                    elif splits[0] in [ "icmpv6", "ipv6-icmp" ]:
                        if family != "ipv6":
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid protocol for family '%s' in '%s'" % \
                                (family, entry))
                        if not check_icmpv6_name(splits[1]) and not \
                            raise FirewallError(
                                "invalid icmpv6 type '%s' in '%s'" % \
                                (splits[1], entry))
                    elif splits[0] not in [ "tcp", "sctp", "udp", "udplite" ] \
                       and not checkProtocol(splits[0]):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid protocol '%s' in '%s'" % (splits[0],
                    elif not check_port(splits[1]):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid port '%s'in '%s'" % (splits[1], entry))
                    if not check_port(item):
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid port '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
            elif flag == "mark":
                if item.startswith("0x"):
                        int_val = int(item, 16)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid mark '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
                        int_val = int(item)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise FirewallError(
                            "invalid mark '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
                if int_val < 0 or int_val > 4294967295:
                    raise FirewallError(
                        "invalid mark '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
            elif flag == "iface":
                if not checkInterface(item) or len(item) > 15:
                    raise FirewallError(
                        "invalid interface '%s' in '%s'" % (item, entry))
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_IPSET,
                                    "ipset type '%s' not usable" % ipset_type)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def check(self):
        if self.family is not None and self.family not in [ "ipv4", "ipv6" ]:
            raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_FAMILY, self.family)
        if self.family is None:
            if (self.source is not None and self.source.addr is not None) or \
               self.destination is not None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.MISSING_FAMILY)
            if type(self.element) == Rich_ForwardPort:
                raise FirewallError(errors.MISSING_FAMILY)

        if self.element is None:
            if self.action is None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "no element, no action")
            if self.source is None and self.destination is None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "no element, no source, no destination")

        if type(self.element) not in [ Rich_IcmpBlock,
                                       Rich_Masquerade ]:
            if self.log is None and self.audit is None and \
                    self.action is None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "no action, no log, no audit")

        # source
        if self.source is not None:
            if self.source.addr is not None:
                if self.family is None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_FAMILY)
                if self.source.mac is not None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "address and mac")
                if self.source.ipset is not None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "address and ipset")
                if not functions.check_address(self.family, self.source.addr):
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ADDR, str(self.source.addr))

            elif self.source.mac is not None:
                if self.source.ipset is not None:
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "mac and ipset")
                if not functions.check_mac(self.source.mac):
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_MAC, str(self.source.mac))

            elif self.source.ipset is not None:
                if not check_ipset_name(self.source.ipset):
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_IPSET, str(self.source.ipset))

                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "invalid source")

        # destination
        if self.destination is not None:
            if self.family is None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_FAMILY)
            if self.destination.addr is not None and self.destination.ipset is not None
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "address and ipset")
            if self.destination.ipset is None:
                if self.destination.addr is None or not functions.check_address(self.family,
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ADDR, str(self.destination.addr))
                if not check_ipset_name(self.destination.ipset):
                    raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_IPSET, str(self.destination.ipset))

        # service
        if type(self.element) == Rich_Service:
            # service availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_SERVICE, str(self.element.name))

        # port
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Port:
            if not functions.check_port(self.element.port):
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PORT, self.element.port)
            if self.element.protocol not in [ "tcp", "udp", "sctp", "dccp" ]:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PROTOCOL, self.element.protocol)

        # protocol
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Protocol:
            if not functions.checkProtocol(self.element.value):
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PROTOCOL, self.element.value)

        # masquerade
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_Masquerade:
            if self.action is not None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "masquerade and action")
            if self.source is not None and self.source.mac is not None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "masquerade and mac source")

        # icmp-block
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_IcmpBlock:
            # icmp type availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ICMPTYPE, str(self.element.name))
            if self.action:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "icmp-block and action")

        # icmp-type
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_IcmpType:
            # icmp type availability needs to be checked in Firewall, here is no
            # knowledge about this, therefore only simple check
            if self.element.name is None or len(self.element.name) < 1:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ICMPTYPE, str(self.element.name))

        # forward-port
        elif type(self.element) == Rich_ForwardPort:
            if not functions.check_port(self.element.port):
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PORT, self.element.port)
            if self.element.protocol not in [ "tcp", "udp", "sctp", "dccp" ]:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PROTOCOL, self.element.protocol)
            if self.element.to_port == "" and self.element.to_address == "":
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PORT, self.element.to_port)
            if self.element.to_port != "" and \
                    not functions.check_port(self.element.to_port):
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_PORT, self.element.to_port)
            if self.element.to_address != "" and \
                    not functions.check_single_address(self.family,
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_ADDR, self.element.to_address)
            if self.family is None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_FAMILY)
            if self.action is not None:
                raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_RULE, "forward-port and action")
Exemplo n.º 13
def check_protocol(protocol):
    if not checkProtocol(protocol):
        raise FirewallError(INVALID_PROTOCOL, protocol)