Exemplo n.º 1
def getElementsInstance(dataDir=None, bindingEnergies=None, xcomFile=None):
    if dataDir is None:
        dataDir = DataDir.FISX_DATA_DIR
        from PyMca5.PyMcaDataDir import PYMCA_DATA_DIR as pymcaDataDir
        from PyMca5 import getDataFile
        _logger.info("Using fisx shell constants and ratios")
        pymcaDataDir = None
    if bindingEnergies is None:
        if pymcaDataDir is None:
            bindingEnergies = os.path.join(dataDir, "BindingEnergies.dat")
            bindingEnergies = getDataFile("BindingEnergies.dat")
    if xcomFile is None:
        if pymcaDataDir is None:
            xcomFile = os.path.join(dataDir, "XCOM_CrossSections.dat")
            xcomFile = getDataFile("XCOM_CrossSections.dat")
    t0 = time.time()
    instance = FisxElements(dataDir, bindingEnergies, xcomFile)
    _logger.debug("Shell constants")

    # the files should be taken from PyMca to make sure the same data are used
    for key in ["K", "L", "M"]:
        fname = instance.getShellConstantsFile(key)
        if sys.version > '3.0':
            # we have to make sure we have got a string
            if hasattr(fname, "decode"):
                fname = fname.decode("latin-1")
        _logger.debug("Before %s", fname)
        if pymcaDataDir is not None:
            fname = getDataFile(key + "ShellConstants.dat")
            fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname),
                                 key + "ShellConstants.dat")
        instance.setShellConstantsFile(key, fname)
        _logger.debug("After %s", instance.getShellConstantsFile(key))
    _logger.debug("Radiative transitions")

    for key in ["K", "L", "M"]:
        fname = instance.getShellRadiativeTransitionsFile(key)
        if sys.version > '3.0':
            # we have to make sure we have got a string ...
            if hasattr(fname, "decode"):
                fname = fname.decode("latin-1")
        _logger.debug("Before %s", fname)
        if pymcaDataDir is not None:
            fname = getDataFile(key + "ShellRates.dat")
            fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname),
                                 key + "ShellRates.dat")
        instance.setShellRadiativeTransitionsFile(key, fname)
        _logger.debug("After %s ",

    _logger.debug("Reading Elapsed = %s", time.time() - t0)
    return instance
Exemplo n.º 2
def getElementsInstance(dataDir=None, bindingEnergies=None, xcomFile=None):
    if dataDir is None:
        dataDir = DataDir.FISX_DATA_DIR
        from PyMca5.PyMcaDataDir import PYMCA_DATA_DIR as pymcaDataDir
        from PyMca5 import getDataFile
        _logger.info("Using fisx shell constants and ratios")
        pymcaDataDir = None
    if bindingEnergies is None:
        if pymcaDataDir is None:
            bindingEnergies = os.path.join(dataDir, "BindingEnergies.dat")
            bindingEnergies = getDataFile("BindingEnergies.dat")
    if xcomFile is None:
        if pymcaDataDir is None:
            xcomFile = os.path.join(dataDir, "XCOM_CrossSections.dat")
            xcomFile = getDataFile("XCOM_CrossSections.dat")
    t0 = time.time()
    instance = FisxElements(dataDir, bindingEnergies, xcomFile)
    _logger.debug("Shell constants")

    # the files should be taken from PyMca to make sure the same data are used
    for key in ["K", "L", "M"]:
        fname = instance.getShellConstantsFile(key)
        if sys.version > '3.0':
            # we have to make sure we have got a string
            if hasattr(fname, "decode"):
                fname = fname.decode("latin-1")
        _logger.debug("Before %s", fname)
        if pymcaDataDir is not None:
            fname = getDataFile(key + "ShellConstants.dat")
            fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname),
                                 key + "ShellConstants.dat")
        instance.setShellConstantsFile(key, fname)
        _logger.debug("After %s", instance.getShellConstantsFile(key))
    _logger.debug("Radiative transitions")

    for key in ["K", "L", "M"]:
        fname = instance.getShellRadiativeTransitionsFile(key)
        if sys.version > '3.0':
            # we have to make sure we have got a string ...
            if hasattr(fname, "decode"):
                fname = fname.decode("latin-1")
        _logger.debug("Before %s", fname)
        if pymcaDataDir is not None:
            fname = getDataFile(key + "ShellRates.dat")
            fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname), key + "ShellRates.dat")
        instance.setShellRadiativeTransitionsFile(key, fname)
        _logger.debug("After %s ", instance.getShellRadiativeTransitionsFile(key))

    _logger.debug("Reading Elapsed = %s", time.time() - t0)
    return instance
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testDetectorResults(self):
        from fisx import Elements
        from fisx import Detector

        elementsInstance = Elements()
        # Make a detector from a formula
        detectorName = "NaI"
        detectorDensity = 4.0
        detectorThickness = 0.00350
        detectorInstance = Detector(detectorName,

        # Check the composition is returned as string and not bytes under
        # Python 3
        composition = detectorInstance.getComposition(elementsInstance)
        if sys.version_info >= (3, ):
            for key in composition:
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(key, str),
                                "Expected string, received %s" % type(key))

        # check the returned keys are correct
        self.assertTrue(len(list(composition.keys())) == 2,
                        "Incorrect number of keys returned")
        for key in ["Na", "I"]:
            self.assertTrue(key in composition,
                            "key %s not found" % key)

        thickness = detectorInstance.getThickness()
        self.assertTrue(abs( thickness - detectorThickness) < 1.0e-7,
                       "Wrong detector thickness!")

        density = detectorInstance.getDensity()
        self.assertTrue(abs(density - detectorDensity) < 1.0e-7,
                       "Wrong detector density!")

        # check the return of the getEscape method
        escape = detectorInstance.getEscape(100.0, elementsInstance)
        if sys.version_info >= (3, ):
            for key in escape:
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(key, str),
                                "Expected string, received %s" % type(key))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testDetectorResults(self):
        from fisx import Elements
        from fisx import Detector

        elementsInstance = Elements()

        # Make a detector from a formula
        detectorName = "NaI"
        detectorDensity = 4.0
        detectorThickness = 0.00350
        detectorInstance = Detector(detectorName, detectorDensity,

        # Check the composition is returned as string and not bytes under
        # Python 3
        composition = detectorInstance.getComposition(elementsInstance)
        if sys.version_info >= (3, ):
            for key in composition:
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(key, str),
                                "Expected string, received %s" % type(key))

        # check the returned keys are correct
            len(list(composition.keys())) == 2,
            "Incorrect number of keys returned")
        for key in ["Na", "I"]:
            self.assertTrue(key in composition, "key %s not found" % key)

        thickness = detectorInstance.getThickness()
            abs(thickness - detectorThickness) < 1.0e-7,
            "Wrong detector thickness!")

        density = detectorInstance.getDensity()
            abs(density - detectorDensity) < 1.0e-7, "Wrong detector density!")

        # check the return of the getEscape method
        escape = detectorInstance.getEscape(100.0, elementsInstance)
        if sys.version_info >= (3, ):
            for key in escape:
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(key, str),
                                "Expected string, received %s" % type(key))
Exemplo n.º 5
def getElementsInstance(dataDir=None, bindingEnergies=None, xcomFile=None):
    if dataDir is None:
        dataDir = DataDir.DATA_DIR
    if bindingEnergies is None:
        bindingEnergies = os.path.join(dataDir, "BindingEnergies.dat")
    if xcomFile is None:
        xcomFile = os.path.join(dataDir, "XCOM_CrossSections.dat")
    if DEBUG:
        t0 = time.time()
    instance = FisxElements(dataDir, bindingEnergies, xcomFile)
    if DEBUG:
        print("Shell constants")
    for key in ["K", "L", "M"]:
        fname = instance.getShellConstantsFile(key)
        if sys.version > '3.0':
            # we have to make sure we have got a string
            if hasattr(fname, "decode"):
                fname = fname.decode("latin-1")
        if DEBUG:
            print("Before %s" % fname) 
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname), key + "ShellConstants.dat")
        instance.setShellConstantsFile(key, fname)
        if DEBUG:
            print("After %s" % instance.getShellConstantsFile(key))
    if DEBUG:
        print("Radiative transitions")

    for key in ["K", "L", "M"]:
        fname = instance.getShellRadiativeTransitionsFile(key)
        if sys.version > '3.0':
            # we have to make sure we have got a string ...
            if hasattr(fname, "decode"):
                fname = fname.decode("latin-1")
        if DEBUG:
            print("Before %s" % fname) 
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname), key + "ShellRates.dat")
        instance.setShellRadiativeTransitionsFile(key, fname)
        if DEBUG:
            print("After %s " % instance.getShellRadiativeTransitionsFile(key))
    if DEBUG:
        print("Reading Elapsed = ", time.time() - t0)
    return instance
Exemplo n.º 6
    def testXRFResults(self):
        from fisx import Elements
        from fisx import Material
        from fisx import Detector
        from fisx import XRF

        elementsInstance = Elements()
        # After the slow initialization (to be made once), the rest is fairly fast.
        xrf = XRF()
            16.0)  # set incident beam as a single photon energy of 16 keV
        xrf.setBeamFilters([["Al1", 2.72, 0.11, 1.0]])  # Incident beam filters
        # Steel composition of Schoonjans et al, 2012 used to generate table I
        steel = {
            "C": 0.0445,
            "N": 0.04,
            "Si": 0.5093,
            "P": 0.02,
            "S": 0.0175,
            "V": 0.05,
            "Cr": 18.37,
            "Mn": 1.619,
            64.314,  # calculated by subtracting the sum of all other elements
            "Co": 0.109,
            "Ni": 12.35,
            "Cu": 0.175,
            "As": 0.010670,
            "Mo": 2.26,
            "W": 0.11,
            "Pb": 0.001
        SRM_1155 = Material("SRM_1155", 1.0, 1.0)
        xrf.setSample([["SRM_1155", 1.0,
                        1.0]])  # Sample, density and thickness
        xrf.setGeometry(45., 45.)  # Incident and fluorescent beam angles
        detector = Detector("Si1", 2.33,
                            0.035)  # Detector Material, density, thickness
        detector.setActiveArea(0.50)  # Area and distance in consistent units
        detector.setDistance(2.1)  # expected cm2 and cm.
        Air = Material("Air", 0.0012048, 1.0)
            ["C1", "N1", "O1", "Ar1", "Kr1"],
            [0.0012048, 0.75527, 0.23178, 0.012827, 3.2e-06])
        xrf.setAttenuators([["Air", 0.0012048, 5.0, 1.0],
                            ["Be1", 1.848, 0.002, 1.0]])  # Attenuators
        fluo = xrf.getMultilayerFluorescence(["Cr K", "Fe K", "Ni K"],
            "\nElement   Peak          Energy       Rate      Secondary  Tertiary"
        for key in fluo:
            for layer in fluo[key]:
                peakList = list(fluo[key][layer].keys())
                for peak in peakList:
                    # energy of the peak
                    energy = fluo[key][layer][peak]["energy"]
                    # expected measured rate
                    rate = fluo[key][layer][peak]["rate"]
                    # primary photons (no attenuation and no detector considered)
                    primary = fluo[key][layer][peak]["primary"]
                    # secondary photons (no attenuation and no detector considered)
                    secondary = fluo[key][layer][peak]["secondary"]
                    # tertiary photons (no attenuation and no detector considered)
                    tertiary = fluo[key][layer][peak].get("tertiary", 0.0)
                    # correction due to secondary excitation
                    enhancement2 = (primary + secondary) / primary
                    enhancement3 = (primary + secondary + tertiary) / primary
                    print("%s   %s    %.4f     %.3g     %.5g    %.5g" % \
                                       (key, peak + (13 - len(peak)) * " ", energy,
                                       rate, enhancement2, enhancement3))
                    # compare against expected values from Schoonjans et al.
                    testXMI = True
                    if (key == "Cr K") and peak.startswith("KL3"):
                        second = 1.626
                        third = 1.671
                    elif (key == "Cr K") and peak.startswith("KM3"):
                        second = 1.646
                        third = 1.694
                    elif (key == "Fe K") and peak.startswith("KL3"):
                        second = 1.063
                        third = 1.064
                    elif (key == "Fe K") and peak.startswith("KL3"):
                        second = 1.065
                        third = 1.066
                        testXMI = False
                    if testXMI:
                        discrepancy = 100 * (abs(second - enhancement2) /
                        self.assertTrue(discrepancy < 1.5,
                            "%s %s secondary discrepancy = %.1f %%" % \
                            (key, peak, discrepancy))
                        discrepancy = 100 * (abs(third - enhancement3) / third)
                        self.assertTrue(discrepancy < 1.5,
                            "%s %s tertiary discrepancy = %.1f %%" % \
                            (key, peak, discrepancy))
Exemplo n.º 7
    for i, element_attrs in enumerate(ptable):

        _draw_box(ax, element_attrs, facecolor=colors[i])

    ax.set_xlim(0, 19)
    ax.set_ylim(8, 0)

    if figname is not None:


# fisx instantiation is needed before continuing
elementsInstance = Elements()

class XFluo:

    def __init__(self, element, tube_keV, weight_list='equal', std=0.01, min_prom=0.001):
        '''Create an annotated x-ray fluorescence spectrum object.

            element (str): Chemical symbol e.g 'Fe'
            tube_keV (float or list of floats): X-ray tube energies in keV.
               For a poly chromatic X-ray tube multiple energies can be provided.
            weight_list (list of numbers): X-ray energy weights.
                Corresponding to energy_list
            std (number): Peak width used for plotting
            min_prom (number): Minimal peak prominance.
Exemplo n.º 8
    def testXRFResults(self):
        from fisx import Elements
        from fisx import Material
        from fisx import Detector
        from fisx import XRF

        elementsInstance = Elements()
        # After the slow initialization (to be made once), the rest is fairly fast.
        xrf = XRF()
        xrf.setBeam(16.0) # set incident beam as a single photon energy of 16 keV
        xrf.setBeamFilters([["Al1", 2.72, 0.11, 1.0]]) # Incident beam filters
        # Steel composition of Schoonjans et al, 2012 used to generate table I
        steel = {"C":  0.0445,
                 "N":  0.04,
                 "Si": 0.5093,
                 "P":  0.02,
                 "S":  0.0175,
                 "V":  0.05,
                 "Mn": 1.619,
                 "Fe":64.314, # calculated by subtracting the sum of all other elements
                 "Co": 0.109,
                 "Cu": 0.175,
                 "As": 0.010670,
                 "Mo": 2.26,
                 "W":  0.11,
                 "Pb": 0.001}
        SRM_1155 = Material("SRM_1155", 1.0, 1.0)
        xrf.setSample([["SRM_1155", 1.0, 1.0]]) # Sample, density and thickness
        xrf.setGeometry(45., 45.)               # Incident and fluorescent beam angles
        detector = Detector("Si1", 2.33, 0.035) # Detector Material, density, thickness
        detector.setActiveArea(0.50)            # Area and distance in consistent units
        detector.setDistance(2.1)               # expected cm2 and cm.
        Air = Material("Air", 0.0012048, 1.0)
        Air.setCompositionFromLists(["C1", "N1", "O1", "Ar1", "Kr1"],
                                    [0.0012048, 0.75527, 0.23178, 0.012827, 3.2e-06])
        xrf.setAttenuators([["Air", 0.0012048, 5.0, 1.0],
                            ["Be1", 1.848, 0.002, 1.0]]) # Attenuators
        fluo = xrf.getMultilayerFluorescence(["Cr K", "Fe K", "Ni K"],
        print("\nElement   Peak          Energy       Rate      Secondary  Tertiary")
        for key in fluo:
            for layer in fluo[key]:
                peakList = list(fluo[key][layer].keys())
                for peak in peakList:
                    # energy of the peak
                    energy = fluo[key][layer][peak]["energy"]
                    # expected measured rate
                    rate = fluo[key][layer][peak]["rate"]
                    # primary photons (no attenuation and no detector considered)
                    primary = fluo[key][layer][peak]["primary"]
                    # secondary photons (no attenuation and no detector considered)
                    secondary = fluo[key][layer][peak]["secondary"]
                    # tertiary photons (no attenuation and no detector considered)
                    tertiary = fluo[key][layer][peak].get("tertiary", 0.0)
                    # correction due to secondary excitation
                    enhancement2 = (primary + secondary) / primary
                    enhancement3 = (primary + secondary + tertiary) / primary
                    print("%s   %s    %.4f     %.3g     %.5g    %.5g" % \
                                       (key, peak + (13 - len(peak)) * " ", energy,
                                       rate, enhancement2, enhancement3))
                    # compare against expected values from Schoonjans et al.
                    testXMI = True
                    if (key == "Cr K") and peak.startswith("KL3"):
                        second = 1.626
                        third = 1.671
                    elif (key == "Cr K") and peak.startswith("KM3"):
                        second = 1.646
                        third = 1.694
                    elif (key == "Fe K") and peak.startswith("KL3"):
                        second = 1.063
                        third = 1.064
                    elif (key == "Fe K") and peak.startswith("KL3"):
                        second = 1.065
                        third = 1.066
                        testXMI = False
                    if testXMI:
                        discrepancy = 100 * (abs(second-enhancement2)/second)
                        self.assertTrue(discrepancy < 1.5,
                            "%s %s secondary discrepancy = %.1f %%" % \
                            (key, peak, discrepancy))
                        discrepancy = 100 * (abs(third-enhancement3)/third)
                        self.assertTrue(discrepancy < 1.5,
                            "%s %s tertiary discrepancy = %.1f %%" % \
                            (key, peak, discrepancy))
Exemplo n.º 9
def getElementsInstance():
    elementsInstance = Elements()
    return elementsInstance